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50979266 No.50979266 [Reply] [Original]

I technically want a gf
But at the same time I don’t want to spend time with a dumb girl, that will drag me through all her bullshit with me, wants me to care about her dumb friends, parents. Wants me to waste all of existing freetime etc. given that the current dating market place is fucked up and she could leave you at an instant

I was raised as a meek nice guy with neglecting parents, I spend all my life in crippling gut wrenching soledom and loneliness. Was with my problems alone at my rock bottom, and realized no one gives a fuck about you. How do people go into relationships and delude themselves that anything they do isn’t transactional

What kind of mental illness do I possess?

>> No.50979298

You want pussy not a girlfriend

>> No.50979338

Solution to every single problem you just listed.
Start working out.
And remember, lifting consistently is better than having a rare good workout

>> No.50979352

retard, just find a good one. some of them are fun to hang out with.

>> No.50979362

>I want a girlfriend but don't want to sped time with a dumb girl

Thats EXACTLY how I feel. I don't want to put up with her bullshit emotions, worry about her getting bored and cheating on me or having male emotional friends, feeling obligated to keep her entertained at all times, spending loads of money on her, dating her for 3 years and then she leaves wasting all that time on someone. Its a fucking terrible dating world out there right now and let me tell you a secret. Married people are fucking more miserable than single people.

>> No.50979365

sounds like you just want a prostitute

>> No.50979377
File: 26 KB, 680x670, DEC7F788-B1B7-4F93-BAC9-30065F457B88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i technically I want a gf

Autism detected.

>> No.50979406

>some of them are fun to hang out with

Yea sometimes fun to hang out with but not a relationship that will last the next 60 fucking years of your miserable life. Fuck that. Im not taking marching orders form a devil roastie under the threat of financial ruin. Fuck being a married cuck. No fucking way. The second you put the ring on her finger its fucking over, she owns your ass like a dog and you get treated as such. 100% of married couples have or regularly fantasize about killing their partner lol

>> No.50979416

>What kind of mental illness do I possess?
narcissism or schizoid personality disorder. they are effectively the same disorder, as they are caused by the same types of trauma but they solve the porblem in different ways.

>> No.50979426

I think about wanting a gf, then I remember women just want to shit test you 24/7. Fail enough of those tests (amount various between women) and she will hop on some other guys dick. I cba with that.

>> No.50979464

This. But I will say that OP is absolutely correct. Two things happen when you get a gf. You lose all free time and you are happy to work non stop. When I was a NEET I really wanted a gf. Now that I've got one who I love, it has changed my whole outlook on life.

Since I love her, I want to provide and do everything in my power to make her life happy. This comes at a cost of my own life. I spend more time working since her happiness and our future children's happiness gives me a reason to wake up in the morning. Providing for her and children. It's woven into our biology. Men are designed to give and women are designed to take. Such is life. Sociopaths are people who will go through life alone because they do not care for another. Don't be a sociopath. Love someone. It will bring you great joy.

>> No.50979643

some people did try to love women anon. Had long time girlfriend, 2, wanted the house and the kids. She was an unhappy bitch and pretty much destroyed my life by taking everything. I just wanted to provide for her like a good little cuck. But it wasn't enough. Fuckem. Call me a sociopath if you want to. Being alone has made me into a multimillionaire, and I have the strongest relationship with my Creator than I ever dreamed of having. If you think cucking for a woman is a good life then you have a lot to learn. Enjoy waking up when you are 50 and realizing that all your time was wasted on an ungrateful cunt and retard tranny internet raised kids who are waiting for you to die so they can get an inheritance

>> No.50979653

>some of them are fun to hang out with
stop the bs lmao, the only reason men hang out with women is sex
wtf are you even going to talk about with women? astrology? traveling? tiktok? what the fuck dude women are boring as fuck, are you even living on this earth?
going out with your boys is always going to be more fun and interesting
if she didn't have an uterus between her legs you wouldn't even look their way
the woman's only commodity is her pussy

>> No.50979657

It's not the provider aspect that bothers me, it's the fact that this comes off so beta. Like you're mind-controlled by pussy now. Where are your balls? It just sounds so flat, and beta. sorry for being rude don't know any other way to phrase it. it's humiliating.

>> No.50979703

I've had three (3) girlfriends and three (3) cheated on me. I'm not getting emotionally invested in another one and I'm not going to spend extra time working for one who'll eventually rug me anyway.

>> No.50979719

Well said anon. You are wise. Every couple I see the strong woman is leading the balless boyfriend around on a leash. He can't even speak unless spoken too because he knows she can just swipe right and find another beta simp. Fuck that shit bros

>> No.50979802

>What kind of mental illness do I possess?
the one that let's you think that your boring story would be remotely relevant on the /biz/ - Business & Finance of 4channel.org.

>> No.50979817

ironically, this mindset is what keeps them around longer. it's like the groucho marx joke, they don't want to be part of any club that would have them as a member.

>> No.50979886

>>What kind of mental illness do I possess?
that there is what you call Clear Perception of Reality Syndrome
watch more television and hang out with normies it should become manageable in a few months

>> No.50979891
File: 2.51 MB, 1447x2047, 0087f44d3b2f602c4503a9829ec93bfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 73.6%: Percent of adults aged 20 and over with overweight, including obesity(2017-2018)
Post-covid that number has to be 75%+ MINIMUM. I ain't dating no fat bitch, I'm /fit/ and have standards.
3/4 women in America are lardasses, absolutely INSANE.

>> No.50979921

Forgot the link

>> No.50979927

Are you prone to explosive outbursts of anger?

>> No.50980025

>Are you prone to explosive outbursts of anger?
Someone read Freud

>> No.50980057 [DELETED] 

Andrew Tate's $50000 Hustlers university got LEAKED.

https://d1scord.gg/8V2UdnmP (replace 1 with "i" to avoid spam)

Learn how to copywrite, make money, ecommerce, crypto, code, trade all for FREE LEAKED NOW GOOOO ffast

>> No.50980192

People like you disgust me Anon. you are like parasites. After 5-10 years you will be ashamed to have been a part of it.

>> No.50980267


>What kind of mental illness do I possess?

Autism, which is basically just sociopathy where you're lazy too. Once you nut in them raw a half dozen times your priorities shift and those idle activities aren't so agonizing. You'll also develop some self-worth; you grow to realize that nobody cares, but you are perfectly capable of getting shit done on your own thrust.

>> No.50980622

I wasted years of my life on a girl who just decided she wanted some new dick one day. We lived together so it was even worse. I wound up leaving that night woefully under-prepared to move my entire life away from someone I just blew over half a decade on. The worst part is even if you do things right as much as you can women are so fickle and stupid it only takes one person or passing idea for them to completely throw you under the bus with no communication leading up to it. I feel really bad for people who go on for 10-20 years or more with kids and a marriage only to get rugged and fucked via alimony for the rest of their lives because of a woman moment. Just try to get laid once in a while and don't worry about a gf anon, the "happy relationship" is a hard gamble and the system is rigged against you.

>> No.50981073

Adding to this, during one of these relationships my female friend I'd had for a couple of years decided to have a woman moment and kept trying to fuck me despite her being in a 6 year relationship, then forgot about it after a couple of months. I didn't fuck her but her loving boyfriend has no idea she was so willing to cheat, and probably has since.

>> No.50981294

I don't even want pussy anymore either, I'd rather have a wank. Lusting after pussy is nothing more than programming designed to make you procreate and keep the human race going.
So ignore the programming and what are you left with? Someone who sees you as a source of money and protection and that's it. When she's nice to you, it's just her instincts to hook you in until BAM she's pregnant. Now you mean even less.
I refuse to play this fucking game, no pun intended.

>> No.50981346

>do everything in my power to make her life happy. This comes at a cost of my own life.
Life on cuck mode. One thing I've noticed about women is it doesn't even matter if the man is driven into the ground. "But baby, this job might pay well but it'll kill me from stress" - they literally don't hear what you're saying.
If you die, they'll find another man to replace you. You're getting used and you don't even care you cuck.

>> No.50981637

Daily reminder that putting a woman under a man’s arm is the fastest way to assure his destruction.

>Insult a man in front of his dog, he won’t care. Insult a man in front of his friends, he’ll insult you back. Insult a man in front of a woman, he’ll try to kill you. Putting a woman under a man’s arm amplifies the risks for his demise by a thousandfold.

>> No.50981686

this. she does not respect you at all, you are just the beta provider and she will ride an alpha dick the first occasion she gets

>> No.50981694

Women are whores and have no remorse for how their actions effects others

>> No.50981753

fear and obsessing on what ifs that you aren't even having. Why worry twice when you can just worry once IF annoying scenarios happen after you have a GF.

>> No.50981947

Bro the information is good as fuck in certain areas. Worth $49 easy. That being said I wouldn't tell any of my friends or family about it. The crypto/FBA is fucking shit. Unironically you can beat the crypto discord buying and holding. The FBA has no information worth a shit. Ive been in FBA for six years and I could run a better program. The real money is in copywriting and freelancing there. The copywriting professor has a massive cock, and has real experience writing copy. Why would anyone be ashamed for spending $49 on information/community based around making money? I would spend that much just to browse /biz/ every month. There are retards out there with $400/month car payments and they dont feel shame.

>> No.50981968

Its called hookers.
Man this new generation is fucking retarded.

>> No.50982042

Ive had 2 female friends want to cheat on their boyfriend with me over the past couple of years. I wonder if it was because they were feeling some sort of way about me, or their boyfriend. One of them even told me that he was "temporary." I of course declined because I dont want to get involved with someone with such low integrity.

>> No.50982044

Get a cat.

>> No.50982137

Cats are for homosexuals

>> No.50982350

edge this out until you become a wizard and from that point on you lived and experienced enough in celibate to even squash out your last 'technically want a gf' will.