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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50966655 No.50966655 [Reply] [Original]

It's literally over

>> No.50966736

The kikes are scared
Kill the kikes

>> No.50966754

wow it's really going to zero....

>> No.50966803

Yeah this seems like a huge blindspot for how the merge was planned. While miners had their issues, validators is literally survival of the richest. The biggest wallets will be entities like Coinbase which will 100% enforce any sanctions requests at the protocol level. You will end up with a system where any of the CEX validators refuse to validate any suspect transactions leading to unilateral censorship that can't be appealed. It will likely be worse than the conventional financial system due to the immutability and open nature of blockchain. I haven't seen a good answer as to how this will survive in a more adversarial environment.

>> No.50967182
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>> No.50967228

This is why I'm selling into [redacted] before the final integration from Goerli to mainnet. I also think that at some point next month TEF will delay the entire thing simply to make things interesting.

>> No.50967349

There are some major developments on MEV boost and PBS separation that could prevent this. .I don't know the technicals behind this . Anyone with deeper knowledge into these can highlight them

>> No.50967645
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>> No.50967677
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personally moving some of my ETH to Kaspa

>jew founders with work cited in the Ethereum whitepaper
>PoW with the fastest finality in existence
>no VCs, no premine
>rust rewrite just started to make it even faster
>smart contract support

>> No.50967734

bollocks. ETH 10k next year. bye.

>> No.50967761

it's not just that the rich have control, it's that the rich are practically US-based companies entirely controlled by the US authorities (in a routine basis just like Tornado Cash recently).

and that's before going to the fact that if V and other rich holders are known entities: they can also be controlled.

>> No.50967786

Sorry, but I just can't take anyone who has "Bitcoiner" in their twitter bio seriously.

>> No.50967868

it’s all shit
it’s complicated bandaids over something that is fundamentally flawed (PoS)

>> No.50967900

he literally holds 25% eth you snowflake communist, and whines about btc maxis as much as your Borg leaders do

>> No.50968135

the point is that "bitcoiner" is a meme soi term, but you didn't get this from the getgo because you're a retarded flaming faggot

>> No.50969556

Of course it’ll be worse than tradfi, that’s how you know it’ll happen. Just like internet, social media, email etc. vs traditional alternatives where it was more difficult to open every letter for spying and manually censor everything printed.

>> No.50969570


BNB smart chain

>> No.50970188

Ive been in crypto since 2017-18 and idont understand a single word talked in those tweets wtf???
Am i the retarded one??
Sometimes i wonder if this complexity os what prevents crypto from going mainstream

>> No.50970198

I understood this tho, thank you
Since cexs have the biggest stake, they decide what happens... (?)

>> No.50970212

excuse me but I am a bi-sexual ETH holder (Han/Jabba/Wookie) Federation Commander / Rebellion General

>> No.50970253

Centralized scam chain that's not even worth the shitcoins printed on it. Will be forgotten about in a couple years

>> No.50970460

> i somehow believe @coinbase will find a way to make sure it doesn't validate a block with T0rnado TXs
idgaf what some twitter fag "believes", fact is that coinbase will have to miss attestations if they refuse to build on top of finalized blocks, bleeding their customers money away in order to be a good boy. everyone who is about to lose money because they left their staking obligations to coinbase deserves what is coming to them. the ethereum network integrity will be unaffected.

>> No.50970504
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what did hideaki mean by this

>> No.50970510

imaging believe that

>> No.50970614

fucking jannies keep redacting and cashing in on any worthwhile breadcrumb in this godforsaken place

>> No.50971359

I’m I retarded here, if it’s going to become as centralised as you all claim wouldn’t that be safer for big players to invest with because they can control it ?
I don’t like it but if it means the line goes up who even cares. Not like we even care about privacy issues and wallet claiming anymore it’s just about making money

>> No.50971376




>> No.50971383

This is literally a good thing. The big boys wont come in unless its regulated 10k eoy

>> No.50971400


>> No.50971426

That'll be the death of ETH tho

>> No.50971441

Its literally the trade off we have to accept if we want crypto to be adopted. The state wants its pound of flesh.

>> No.50971448

permissionless (with permissions)

>> No.50971542

the only solution is to kill every last jewish communist on the planet

>> No.50971596
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>> No.50971619
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>This is literally a good thing.

>> No.50971641

All the fat seems to have clogged up not only his arteries but also his neurons. What a cancerous retard

>> No.50971794

How, exactly?

>> No.50971886


Wouldn't ETH just fork at that point? Why couldn't validators continue an uncensored chain, while the gov owned ones run their gov chain? Sure, the uncensored chain might not be listed on cexs like coinbase, but if the government is attacking crypto this hard then most fiat on/off ramps are probably fucked already.

We already see with canada where they're trying to enforce capital controls, restricting most people from only being able to buy 30k CAD a year in crypto, which doesn't adjust for inflation. The SEC in the US could try to enforce a similar rule to literally ban every crypto for non-millionaire accredited investors.

We are talking about the "then they fight you phase," the next step is that we either win or lose. So if the government tries to take over crypto like this, the only option is to pull the rip cord, divest from the fiat economy, and go full peer to peer.

>> No.50971991

>Why couldn't validators continue an uncensored chain?
Kike stables and WEF oracles

>> No.50972029


That's my point, fuck stables and any other centralized coins. And use oracles that aren't censored. Chainlink is not the only oracle.

>> No.50972365

use a Bank then

>> No.50972384

Use a Bank if you want centralization.

>> No.50972415

Use an old bank if you want to remain in centralization.

>> No.50972579

Thats were you are wrong kiddo

>> No.50972611
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>> No.50972677 [DELETED] 
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Going from PoW to PoS is like someone gave you a car and you rip out the engine (=PoW) and floorboards to power the car with your feet instead.

>> No.50972683

that's why bitcoin is a superior tech, ethereum looks like a shitty app done by indians

>> No.50972703
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>> No.50972712

>Rich people can't buy electricity but they can buy ethereum

>> No.50972757

>seems like a huge blindspot for how the merge was planned.
was it though? was it a blindspot? or is this exactly how it was planned?

>> No.50972760



>and vitalik belongs in gitmo

>> No.50972867

it will have no value because it won't work as intended. decentralization isn't a meme it's the entire point, without it all you have is a ponzi scam with no real utility. what would anyone even be investing in then? they'd just be investing for control so they can kill it, and they can just as easily manipulate the price down so they can buy more cheaper. and it wont be an investment to make price go up because they'll know they've killed the whole point of why it even had value in the first place. no free lunch bro

>> No.50973025

>he doesnt know a large pp will drill his way to this anon butthole

>> No.50973073

>The big boys wont come in unless its regulated 10k eoy
literally the opposite. regulated yes, but without censorship at the protocol level

>> No.50973101

the same way you dont shut down the internet because bad actors use it. OFAC will bend the knee. they can still go after those who transact with the forbidden wallets

>> No.50973104

Over half the Eth is locked up in centralized exchanges and they're switching to PoS.
They can't nuke half their network in fact goybase will likely nuke them like they tried in 2017 with Bitcoin.

>> No.50973110
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Lmfao at this spaghetti code

>> No.50973157

stablecoins will follow the eth community and will go fuck themselves if they dont. eth > defi

>> No.50973244

same way you don't shut down a US bank because the US government isn't against all its customers yeah?

>> No.50973298

Stablecoins regulated by government will follow autistic pedos... After the last project got banned and devs got arrested..

Yeah I don't think so.

>> No.50973369

they've blocked addresses since forever

>> No.50973443


>> No.50973742
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> /biz/ still in surveillance blockchains in 22'
>vb has long since sold his soul to klaus
>u.s began imprisoning people for speech
>google deleting information from the internet
>/biz/ asleep on xmr like the nft/gaming boom
many such cases

>> No.50974025

Current eth devs are calling for major stakers to get their customer's coins cut for following federal government, this is suicide eth is in a lose lose

>> No.50974140

you can go trade securities in wall street
we are busy destroying central banking
only greedy kikes can trade short term gains for freedom

>> No.50974169
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>we are busy destroying central banking

>> No.50974238

>unified global settlements layer
>tokenization and composability
>programmable at the base layer
>cost efficient financial actions
There's plenty of reasons to use blockchain tech other than muh zero regulations muh censorship-resistant muh wild west

>> No.50974419

i'm not a mETH head obviously

>> No.50974443

it's all useless garbage if you are a goy slave under surveillance forced to use shitcoins like usd or ethereum

>> No.50974738


>> No.50974975

Their children first.

>> No.50975012

the only reason anyone wants any of that is because it's decentralized. could do all that in a centralized way but it would be too insecure and so would only be used if absolutely necessary, which it isn't anymore, because decentralized solutions exist.

>muh zero regulations muh censorship-resistant muh wild west
it's just called decentralization. if you want a heavily regulated censored system its called a bank

without decentralization crypto is entirely pointless and of no value.

are you ever disgusted with yourself? the submissive posture you take with your abusers? pride yourself on being a good boy? disgusting

>> No.50975032


>> No.50975051

the kikes own eth. most of the premine and they also run ALL of the backend for (((web3))).

>> No.50975100


>> No.50975180

>CSI raised more than $60 million in one month of 2021 from large investors, such as UBS, Mastercard, and JPMorgan, and the company also raised $200 million last November.

>Today, MetaMask has 21 active monthly users. Company leaders said last week they intend to bring more users into the wallet with NFTs or non-fungible tokens.

>One industry observed noted that the employees who built and marketed the software took a reduction in pay so they could have a piece of the financial pie later. But that piece has been taken away by the questionable transaction.

"Hey fellow xirs and thems, Build my decentralized software so I can I can sell it to the banks and cut you out of the deal."

>> No.50975276

Chainlink solves this.
Their value proposition relies on definitive truth.

ETH could use a hybrid DON network with the ability to decide if yes or no a transaction was censored.
It could even use a form of fair sequencing using hidden operations only known to the node until the operations are saved in the blockchain.
In this case all the stakers who cheated the system would get slashed because they cannot prove they didn't cheat.

>> No.50975423

>the future of tech is just layers of complexity on top of each other without exceeding late 1990s functionality or usability
Wow very cool

>> No.50975444

>I know I'm a rat but I dont want to give up my sense of moral superiority

>> No.50976088
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>> No.50976092

The final result is likely to end up somewhere in the middle. There's no way blockchain tech will ever reach mainstream adoption while still being the lawless wild west.

I'd like to see some type of obfuscation/encryption of txs prior to blocks being accepted. Meaning that validators cannot spy on incoming txs until it's already immutable. There's several non-ETH chains already working on solutions. This would eliminate most forms of MEV and censorship concerns at the base layer.

However, centralized solutions and interfaces building on top of the decentralized base layer will still comply with regulations and sanctions according to their location. This is the compromise required to connect crypto to the real world and make it actually useful.

>> No.50976260

Cope post. It’s not the Wild West anymore, where one can create a token that doesn’t do anything and have people risk their hard earned money, or let the people with the know how skills to frontrun those without. You want your privacy? Make sure the contract you’re interacting with has a [REDACTED]. You want the big boys to start playing the game the right way, make sure [REDACTED] is in charge. A group of people have been crying wolf about this type of happening for a long time, but not in the sense that you would expect it. The merge is checkmate.

>> No.50976371

maybe sure, but these aren't easy people to compromise with, it's a situation of giving them an inch and they take a mile. so give them nothing and they'll take maybe a quarter mile at most seems the best strategy imo

>> No.50976436

but yeah, pointless and asinine centralized solutions can build on top of the blockchain for compliant institutional retards to interact with thats fine as long as they leave the rest of us the fuck alone.

>> No.50976586

>There's no way blockchain tech will ever reach mainstream adoption while still being the lawless wild west.
Really? Try the following: trustable stablecoin + reliable inflation-beating APY. Funny how there were things marketed as having these attributes and they then turned out not to have, no? Nevermind. I'm sure that's because such a thing is impossible, right?

>> No.50976615

Just come to Avalanche bros

>> No.50976680

>>There's no way blockchain tech will ever reach mainstream adoption while still being the lawless wild west.
>Really? Try the following: trustable stablecoin + reliable inflation-beating APY. Funny how there were things marketed as having these attributes and they then turned out not to have, no? Nevermind. I'm sure that's because such a thing is impossible, right?
Earning apy on $ is pointless. Even the neighborhood retard knows that $ is just a garbage denomination of something that has value. Inflation is too much, and that’s why that something with value keeps becoming more costly. But if there was a way for people to earn legitimate yield, on a non inflationary asset that secures a nearly infinite resource, that is better than getting yield on your paper, digital or not. And at the moment, there is only one of its kind.

>> No.50976903

(((regulators))) can just define a type of smart contract they want banned and leave it to their kikebase servants to carry out daily list updates. Many interesting thing are coming I feel like, including fork wars