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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 132 KB, 1196x900, cutie bbby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50962462 No.50962462 [Reply] [Original]

>Why BBBY?
It's a heavily shorted microcap brick and mortar store expected to go bankrupt by hedgefunds. With a float of 69.5 million shares and constant share buy backs. Recently Ryan Cohen, also chairman of Gamestop, appointed two of his people to the board of directors and looks to have a clear vision to revive the company. Mr Cohen owns 10% of the total stock and also bought deep OTM calls at a strike of $80 with a January 2023 expiration.

>Investors Overview Page

>SEC filings

>Reported short interest

>96.99% of float is held by institutions

>Idiosyncratic risk

>Transfer agent
American Stock Transfer & Trust Company

>Short selling fees and availability

Last thread: >>50960018

>> No.50962514
File: 22 KB, 405x417, g0y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are retarded

>> No.50962517
File: 56 KB, 566x800, pine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in bros, not selling before 100
I am a baggy
A new generation of baggies is born

>> No.50962522
File: 207 KB, 327x316, 1659492841035377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you jump into a short squeeze later than everybody else and are reddit's AND Cohen's exit

>> No.50962523
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>> No.50962537

also, cya tomorrow :*

>> No.50962542

the baggies are already retarded but even more retarded are the baggies buying the dip

>> No.50962558

Thanks for the dip hedgies, buying more

>> No.50962565
File: 451 KB, 1212x1332, msm on bbby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retards still trying to peddle the Ryan sold angle
Fucking kek, if it didn't work last thread why did you think it would work in this one.
He filed for the right to sell, he hasn't sold anything. He still has 80$ calls in January.
Punch sand Pajeets

>> No.50962569

Did Cohen really sell? After hours shows the stock is plummeting. I might sell first thing when it opens

>> No.50962573

Yeah, I'm starting to think I definitely fucked up by not selling at 30 yesterday. I'll just wait for it to go high enough for me to at least make a tiny profit

>> No.50962578

Will BBBY baggies hold their bags for two years like the GME baggies have?

>> No.50962580

We'll talk eow :)
remember trip

>> No.50962581

No, but he might once it moons.

>> No.50962583

>b-but ryan cohen didnt sell y-yet
his intention to sell torpedoes anyone who bought in over the last few days. he's always pretending to be musk and now he has fully embraced the role.

>> No.50962591
File: 39 KB, 656x679, apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it went down aftermarket and pumped the next day
>it will make the exact same thing tomorrow my drawn lines confirm it

>> No.50962592

You do not file unless you plan to sell

>> No.50962594

Yeah I sold first thing when I heard the news. You should too, better to recover some of it rather than to lose even more. It's unironically over /biz

>> No.50962595


>> No.50962596

this is your brain on copium

>> No.50962603

I did 8x100 to 27. Then 24x100.
Literally can't go tits up.
Seriously thank you fudders everytime you faggots come out of the woodwork the shit moons.

What's the next pick you're going to tell me I'm a retard for buying you guys are good at this.

>> No.50962611

I admit, it is
but we'll see what happends

>> No.50962618

Hasn't sold yet but he has to within the next 90 days. A lot of people seem to think it's for tomorrow.

>> No.50962628

He did not sell you absolute fucking retards. He filed so he has permission to sell in the next 90 days.

It must hurt to be this stupid

>> No.50962634

No, as previously stated 300 times in the last thread "He has to file a schedule 13D 90 days before selling if he owns a certain percentage of the company."
He hasn't sold anything, it's just /biz/ being market illiterate retards. Again.

>> No.50962635

based baggie. wish you the best and a nice evening frendo.
Kind regards,

>> No.50962637

noooo ser benchod chobani do NOT redeem ser the moass is in just 2 more weeks ser

>> No.50962642

bbbys financials are absolute dogshit. they will have to raise equity after the next quarter of losses and cohen clearly wants to get out before that happens.

>> No.50962660

but he filed a form 144
>The party filing Form 144 must have a bona fide intention to sell the securities within a reasonable time frame after filling.

>> No.50962661

I don't care about fundamentals of a business who's target demographic is dying before our eyes. Green line go up.

>> No.50962664

You too buddy
If you profitted: Gratz on the gains

>> No.50962681

So he thinks it will squeeze with a reasonable time frame? Sounds bullish to me.

>> No.50962697

$10 by end of day tomorrow

>> No.50962698

exactly. this was a bet that was going very much so against him. he happens to buy a bunch of options, lets his retard army hear about it and then happens to find a great price to exit while profiting. great move on his part.

>> No.50962718

Guess I'll just sit here watching my money fade away in after market while I can't do anything because I'm not jewish. Great system you guys got here.

>> No.50962729
File: 15 KB, 400x400, cohenpp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didnt think we were all going to make it, did you?

>> No.50962730

He didnt exit though, again you are braindead, fuck.

>> No.50962741

i am financially ruined

>> No.50962744

Kek the absolute state of fudders, they don't know about IDs before posting.

>> No.50962747

fuckkk bros this AH action is gonna make me rope
should i just exit at 19 and take the L? got in at 23 but i'm worried its gonna crater hard at open

>> No.50962751

Only if you sold ^^

>> No.50962752

>within 90 days
Includes all days from today to 90 days out.
Didn't exit yet, but will within see above

>> No.50962762

I honestly think this is gonna pump tomorrow and Friday but I don't think it'll get to GME levels. There's still a ton of short interest and RC did not sell.

>> No.50962766

Oh I didn’t even notice KEK. i feel better about holding then

>> No.50962783

I remember all of you bagholders roasting the thread I made yesterday about buying puts. LMAO thanks for the money. Enjoy holding reddit bags

>> No.50962788

Cool, so it’s a nothing burger, obviously he was always going to sell, I don’t understand, did you think he would keep the shares forever for sentimental reasons?

>> No.50962792

at a minimum this is going to make people even more anti-semitic.

>> No.50962805

Sold earlier today, sad little baggies hope you guys aren;'t still holding.

>> No.50962808

how many more buzzwords can you throw in?

>> No.50962810
File: 2.54 MB, 448x448, 653D813F-838E-4617-8663-9339A9926198.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ is being retarded again
>Phaal Team 6 is shitting up the threads with dumb shit and blatantly lying about filings
Oh yeah, we’re close

>> No.50962815

Within 90 days. It's soon. It could even be tomorrow kek.

>> No.50962829

Baggie mentality, friend if it doesnt improve by 1pm tomorrow just sell the loss. And next time dont buy in after its already big news, buy in early, there were people talking about this on /biz/ when it was still like a 8 dollar stock all over the place.

>> No.50962863

How many reddit bags did you pick up? $100? $1000? Enjoy being ruined

>> No.50962865
File: 481 KB, 2540x574, Screen Shot 2022-08-17 at 5.19.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok morons, I downloaded the Form 144 from Cohen. Let me explain to you why Cohen cannot sell his call options at this price level: BECAUSE NO ONE WILL BUY THEM

11,257 calls @ 60$ strike Jan 2023
5,000 calls @ 80$ strike Jan 2023
444 calls @ 75$ strike Jan 2023

No one will buy these call options from Cohen until the stock price begins to approach 60$ and people believe the stock could actually finish in the money by expiration. We are not close to that

"Form 144 must be filed with the SEC by an affiliate as a notice of the proposed sale of securities when the amount to be sold under Rule 144 during any three-month period exceeds 5,000 shares or units or has an aggregate sales price in excess of $50,000."

By regulation, Cohen has to file a Form 144 even if he wants to sell as little as 5,000 shares or just 50k$ worth of stock - that is fucking chump change.

>> No.50962870

So he thinks it's going to squeeze tomorrow? Bullish.

>> No.50962877

2100$ for me

>> No.50962886

I’m still up 80 grand, enjoy your peanuts

>> No.50962895

Bro Bed Bath and Beyond was a great store for bedding supplies. You should try buying nice pillows and sheeds and stuff its very nice and you use the stuff every day its worth it. BBB was like the only decent brick and mortar store you could go to and buy higher end bedding stuff in a lot of places. Buying sheets and pillows online not knowing what they feel like is stupid, theres still a solid place for BBB in the market. I genuinely hope they are able to pull out of this decline thanks to the stock pump

>> No.50962899

>he didn’t buy at $5

>> No.50962907

100 shares at 24.8

>> No.50962913

So what's his real endgame?

>> No.50962916

He did not buy those ridiculous strike calls with the intention of selling. He bought them knowing that reddit retards like you would pile into the stock to pump his share price so he could dump his bags on you
The calls were a small price of doing business. You got rugged

>> No.50962921

You are retarded if you think delusional redditors won't gobble them up

>> No.50962929

What kind of question is that, fucking reread what anon typed. He's going to sell when it hits those price points or sometime after

>> No.50962932

Kek, get fucked no BBBY having fudcucks

>> No.50962933

I will be following this with interest. Some of you will cash out and profit, others will wait too long or FOMO in too late and sell at a losse. A bunch of you will become BBBY cultists waiting for the sqouze for years like the GME cultists

>> No.50962944

its climbing a bit, bros....over $19 now....are we gonna make it?

>> No.50962972

Are we slurping tomorrow?

>> No.50962978

>muh shorts
>muh squeeze
It's a shitty stock that Ryan Cohen is bagging, no wonder it shot up lol
I sincerely hope it crashes without recovery

>> No.50962980

Squeeze is possibly tomorrow.

>> No.50962987
File: 52 KB, 750x738, kinocinema.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lower after market, the better.
People got baited by fud, now everyone is like "omg omg omg, I got fudded, sold at too low, omg omg omg look at that discount!! gotta buy before it moons"

If the ppl shitting on the baggies are smart, they buy tomorrow at open/premarket ^^

This goes up tomorrow, who knows if it stays up. But tomorrow, this goes up

>> No.50962988

They're so blatant about it too. Kek

>> No.50962998
File: 3.16 MB, 424x498, anime-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine, there are redditors out there who sold and have your money in their pocket while you are here holding $27 bags

>> No.50963000

I'm going to run right up to the pattern day trader limit and waltz into the weekend with 4 digit profit minimum. To celebrate, I'll put asiago on top of my homemade red lobster biscuits and then I'll dip them in nacho cheese.

>> No.50963013

It's in two weeks

>> No.50963014

This. Bought expensive ass pillows online and they suck ass. Way too big and firm. They hurt my neck and get too hot when I sleep. Legitimately need to go to BBBY and get some new memory foam pillows for my king sized bed.

>> No.50963015

Well reddit if cohen sold I am officially a nazi.

>> No.50963020


>> No.50963044

acquire cheapies

>> No.50963052

I am very glad I sold all my BBBY today. It is over before we knew it, although it has been fun riding up from $5 to $25 with you.

If you start feeling bad for bag holders, just remember trading is not a team sport and someone has to lose for you to win.

>> No.50963065

he owns 10% so he has to file that paperwork

>> No.50963083

please do faggot

>> No.50963092

You do realize that Ryan Cohen is an ACTIVIST investor, yes? His whole shtick is that he fights for the common man against wall street. If he actually rugs everyone here, his reputation is toast.

Yeah the dude is rich, and he would get even richer by rugging everyone. But he would lose his reputation, which is something he cannot buy back with any sum of money. maybe you unscrupulous niggers don't care about reputation, but this dude obviously does. he already has fuck you levels of money, what's another $180M when has 2.7B.

>> No.50963095

>he didn't buy before 20
I'm cozy as fuck right now

>> No.50963102
File: 996 KB, 1294x1534, called it eurofutures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He bought them knowing that reddit retards like you would pile into the stock to pump his share price so he could dump his bags on you
Not if they actually believe this FUD. If the FUD is true - those call options are worthless and no one will buy them. The "cost of doing business" argument you've made doesn't hold water because it would immediately ruin his reputation and his following that he's built. Not only would this negatively affect BBBY - it would hit GME and Chewy as well - his other companies

>So what's his real endgame?
If I'm Cohen and I'm a savvy trader, I'm buying the dip right now, and tomorrow I'm tweeting a screenshot of my position proving that I haven't sold a damn thing - I actually INCREASED it. BBBY moons on the news. If I'm going to save the company, I need to sell stock at as high a price possible to raise the most money. 20$ / share is not enough

Don't listen to me though, I'm just a guy who called the top in crypto and called the recession 9 months in advance almost to the fucking day

>> No.50963103

Should have kept a fifth as play money. How much did you make?

>> No.50963112

you do realize he's jewish, yes?

>> No.50963114

>a jew would never do such a thing to me

>> No.50963126
File: 165 KB, 1496x361, buy high sell low.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 10 shares to add to my 10 amc & 10 gme. Just in case the schizos are right kek, i can afford to lose .5% of my folio

>> No.50963130
File: 75 KB, 1186x548, 5C0D9FC0-821F-45FB-AD41-D640BD71E64D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Market Makers have to provide liquidity and he will be able to sell his 60/80 calls.
I bought 35 Jan 60/80 bull call spreads for 0.35 each and they were trading for 1.60 today; 2.20 yesterday

>> No.50963133

This is always of concern.

>> No.50963138

you think a jew would miss out on profits like this >>50963102 anon explains? what benefit does he have rugging everyone when this shit could hit $40 in a matter of minutes lmao

>> No.50963141

8k on shares and itm calls, about 1000 shares of gamma.

Still have 100 shares and two $70 1/2023

>> No.50963148
File: 3 KB, 125x118, 1660263994575525s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, but /biz/ is filled with retards that will never make any actual money. Your post displays too much nuance and isn't easily compressible for these drooling troglodytes.
I guarantee they're going to strawman you, like the disingenuous fucks that they are.

>> No.50963157

oooooooooooooooooooo we climbing steadily bros
get ready for it to fucking rip tomorrow
$40 EOD easily

>> No.50963160

>what's another 180m to someone with 2.7b
I'm still holding, but a jew would sell out his own mother before losing a nickel so this isn't a good analogy.

>> No.50963169

You fuckers got had by a fake article. It isn't even real LOL.
Wow. Okay guys, I guess it's time to just come here to absolutely shitpost, and no actually taking anything seriously. It's time for Twits and Reddit for that.
Sad, but sobering truth.

>> No.50963172

Reminder that places like /biz/ are extremely susceptible to manipulation because it's all anonymous. Cryptards shill this place nonstop and it's obvious they're doing it for BBBY.
he stands to lose more in opportunity cost if he sells now. This shit could easily hit $40 by EOW.

>> No.50963174
File: 187 KB, 828x1792, D4DB5A74-A3AE-4889-A273-30AE841662E9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50963179

>I bought 35 Jan 60/80 bull call spreads for 0.35 each and they were trading for 1.60 today; 2.20 yesterday
And if the FUD is true, those are worthless overnight, there will be no buyers. MM's can only provide liquidity if there are people on the other side of the trade - they are under no obligation to purchase thousands of worthless options

>> No.50963183

BBBY? More like AMC2 LMAO

>> No.50963192

This. I was actually thinking earlier that he should just do an elon style tweet. Reddit will explode and start taking out loans to buy in

>> No.50963198
File: 182 KB, 828x1792, FDB21CB7-6A92-4959-AC71-8CE61DE13391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50963242

the media overplayed their hand this time, its over for them. have fun with the damage control faggots lol

>> No.50963245
File: 431 KB, 875x645, 2201FCA2-3F3B-4417-9378-3257B6C54C73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing of value was lost

>> No.50963251


“ Volume limitation. The amount of securities that can be sold in any three-month period for listed companies is limited to the greater of (i) one percent of the shares or other units of that class outstanding, or (ii) the average weekly trading volume during the four calendar weeks preceding the filing of a Form 144, or if no such notice is required, the date of receipt of the order to execute the transaction. The amount of securities that can be sold in any three-month period for companies with over-the-counter, or OTC, securities is limited to one percent of the shares or other units of that class outstanding. See "Rule 144(e) – Volume Limitations." Rule 144 also has an alternative volume limit of up to 10% of the tranche (or class) outstanding for debt securities”

>> No.50963314
File: 192 KB, 1545x869, C26C959F-9484-430F-93C4-997542AE34D7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen, I am officially a baggie.

>> No.50963333

we all can tell you are a BBBY baggie from the sweatstains

>> No.50963339

I don't have to imagine.

>> No.50963347

>we all can tell you are a BBBY baggie from the sweatstains
uh checked

>> No.50963354

Thanks, just sold

>> No.50963362

Just sold $70k of ETH, putting it all in BBBY tomorrow. Keep pushing it down hedgies I want a good price

>> No.50963373

Baggie bros...I say we merge with GME...two group of investors turned baggies by Ryan Chohen redeeming...

>> No.50963382
File: 1.68 MB, 1800x2887, 20220531_124031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I'm so glad I got absolutely wrecked during the pandemic and learned how to sniff bullshit. I called that top today and my erection has been at full mast for hours. Hope all you guys that got out or bought puts stay green.

>> No.50963390

ygmi king

>> No.50963397

>fudposters popping up all over this thread like a fucking virus
So fucking bullish

>> No.50963422

>bought in at 24
hold me

>> No.50963430

stfu bottom bitch queer

>> No.50963442

You're gonna be fine this is going to $300

>> No.50963450

I would never diamond hands meme stocks worth 0

Those redditors posting 2 million positions and holding deserve whats coming

>> No.50963453


>> No.50963463

300 total capitalization

Cut your losses idiot

>> No.50963478

lmao suck dick queer

>> No.50963516
File: 113 KB, 1024x900, 1635267844822m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bbbys financials are absolute dogshit
And this is why we are going to 31 tomorrow lol

>> No.50963557

whoa sersiously? Are you like an insider or something?

>> No.50963581

$40? oh easily bro, I'm thinking more like $80

>> No.50963582

The more you post the more my resolve is strengthened.

>> No.50963603
File: 41 KB, 798x644, B1528505-1D32-4EDB-846A-066483DECDD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are poorfags really posting screen caps bragging about making 1k profit?

>> No.50963606

you will hold ze bags

>> No.50963615

Nahh we will go to $35ish tomorrow.

>> No.50963645
File: 326 KB, 1080x1802, Screenshot_20220817_232747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek reddit baggies. The greatest wealth transfer in history - from redditors and reddit tourists on /biz/ into the pockets of benchod

>> No.50963661

Thanks buying more

>> No.50963669

Bruh. Who gives a fuck about anything else. BBBY hit RegSHO and has traded several times the shares outstanding in the last two days. No matter what methods are employed to avoid delivering this impossible obligation, they must be completed in 13 days. Even if this is kicking the can through netting, SFTs, swaps, more liquidity provision, etc. it will be INCREDIBLY CAPITAL INTENSIVE. There is no way anyone with a sizable short position in BBBY/GME/Basket can survive more than a few weeks. RegSho is nail in the coffin ala GME end 2020/early 2021. Only difference is short parties are stretched paper thin after over a year of suppressing GME (see recent SHF AUM decline). Who gives a fuck what RC does (he will sell in the thousands imo) since even if he sells the 7.something million shares he filed for in the 144, it is peanuts compared to the massive amount of obligations produced in the last two days. Everything else is noise - just sit back and enjoy the show.

>> No.50963674

bitch we've had big dips in GME it's nothing it will go back up

>> No.50963687

biz has some of the most financially illiterate fucktards i swear

>> No.50963697

This, buying 5k more at open. Sneed shills and ignore fud. Wagmi.

>> No.50963707
File: 392 KB, 1080x712, Screenshot_20220817_233315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didnt sell! He just filed to sell!

>> No.50963723

Oh yeah, that's the hopium I crave.

>> No.50963733

well of course he filed to sell because it’s going to squeeze within the month and he doesn’t want to miss it

>> No.50963734
File: 325 KB, 1080x813, Screenshot_20220817_233502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His towels are sweaty, hands week bags are heavy
Baggies everywhere spilling spaghetti

>> No.50963737

Post a single screenshot of your portfolio

>> No.50963747

someone explain to me why I shouldn't inhale this hopium through my mouth and nose at the same damn time

>> No.50963757
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>> No.50963759
File: 67 KB, 658x901, apu dunce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he fights for the common man against wall street.

>> No.50963775

I don't get why there's so much fud lol. He filed a form so he can sell within 90 days. Why sell when it's just crashed due to the news reports? He can easily pump it with a sly tweet or another action. Simple as fuck. If he was gonna go full kike, he would literally pump hopium and rug when things are going up. Dude would be missing out on FREE MONEY with a dumbass play like selling right now.

>> No.50963778

You should, but the shills ITT should be enough of a buy signal that it doesn't matter. It's obvious this is gonna moon.

>> No.50963788

Literally a reddit screenshot

>> No.50963790

It's a coordinated campaign by the shills hired by shorts. This is nothing new, has happened since January 2021. It's just more proof wagmi.

>> No.50963804

Get btfo you fucking retard
Oh, also...

>> No.50963805

That's literally his shtick. If he wants to heel turn, he'll lose all relevance. He's obviously built himself up as an activist and likes the attention. Don't think he'd throw that away for chump change (for him).
thanks anon.

>> No.50963813
File: 12 KB, 229x220, 68ACAE42-1CDF-47C7-BAFF-997A42656387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ser, that’s irrerevent because brain corn sold today. I’m dumping this not coherant ship at market open tomorrow

>> No.50963820
File: 629 KB, 1080x1884, Screenshot_20220817_234055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no no no baggiebros not like this

>> No.50963835
File: 405 KB, 958x946, 1651491749882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I knew I forgot something - my shill repellant pic.

Go poo in the loo benchod

>> No.50963854

Just went down to the ddslave mines and found this.


Literally the same shit we're going through right now, down to the AH dump. Holy fuck.

>> No.50963867

And what happened after that..?

>> No.50963875

Thanks I'm selling at opening.

>> No.50963887
File: 77 KB, 498x498, 441BFFF2-338B-40D1-A2AA-F14097364863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shills are trying to get recent buyers who FOMOd to sell. Anyone paying attention bought after RC did and have held while being down -60% for a few months. If you held, even after today’s dump, your shares are up now +60%. If you bought calls, you are up YUGE still. Only poorfags and 3rd worlders sold. This that worship at the Church of Cohen have been, and will continue to be rewarded.

>> No.50963892

shut up faggy

>> No.50963893
File: 327 KB, 1101x1398, E75CE55C-CFCF-4D59-AA29-9F7265B345C8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posted December 2020
Dunno, you tell me

>> No.50963896

>I don't get why there's so much fud lol
Because short sellers need the stock to crash immediately because they have to make payments on their positions daily. This leads them to resort to all sorts of FUD - news articles, shill campaigns, trying to get the SEC to launch an investigation - anything to crash the stock ASAP or they lose money

>> No.50963898
File: 23 KB, 250x250, 1639968406908.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes exactly. We are literally repeating the pattern. Look at 3/15 onwards this year. It is an accelerated repeat of 4/1/2020 onwards. We have been replaying the time between the week of December 22ish 2020 and Jan 13 2021. We should see big ups within the next 5 trading days.

>> No.50963917


>> No.50963920

are people actually retarded enough to believe the shit articles that news sites are putting out.
you know that theyre going to do anything to save their ass use your brain

>> No.50963942
File: 417 KB, 870x1866, Screenshot_20220817-165052_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedgies don't forget you are on the regsho list. Time to buy those shares.

>> No.50963955

It's time for /BBBY/ and /GME/ to merge

>> No.50963969
File: 508 KB, 1284x2778, 7A3C9EA8-9B8E-44A7-BB0C-A6C09E13E94B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can sell right now still another hour of after hours trading available.
I expect there to be one last pump tho

>> No.50964001

>those are worthless over night
That’s not how it works. Even if there’s a huge drop, volatility will still be high as fuck.
Given the amount of time value + IV there is zero chance these Jan 60/80C spreads trade for less than 0.35 tomorrow.
Screen cap and try to prove me wrong.

>> No.50964046
File: 61 KB, 600x800, 1660777172118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly had no idea that BBB was struggling like this. I thought it was a comfy store to get home knick knacks and towels/sheets

>> No.50964137
File: 461 KB, 498x498, 1657226122288.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back up to 20

>> No.50964189


yes they are. trading is keynes' beauty contest - it doesnt matter whether the story is "true" or not.

>> No.50964207

yes and the volatility means it can go back up fast
for example some anons sold 17 and 20 strike covered calls thinking they made out like bandits because of the high premiums and they got rekt when it ran up almost to 30
and like today in premarket it recovered fast almost to yesterday's peak

>> No.50964241

Well, Elon and Adam Aaron keeps dumping on their shareholders and yet you retail kept buying and holding.

>> No.50964272

Who else here sold at 25 lol.

>> No.50964274

Please no, them purist faggots are insufferable and hate money.

>> No.50964310
File: 129 KB, 650x650, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dumping everything into BBBY tomorrow. VALHALLA AWAITS!

>> No.50964327

Good point I hate pillow shopping online. Fools errand.

>> No.50964361

wait im retarded this is /bbby/ general. I meant to post this in the GME thread as GME is repeating. No matter, it is bullish on top of BBBY hitting regSHO as additional pressure on the basket (GME running soon) pushes BBBY up

>> No.50964388

So BBBY is going to open tomorrow... at the same price it opened at yesterday?

And why are you faggots crying again? lmao

>> No.50964423

***opened at today

>> No.50964443

but ryan cohen sodld, it's not the same thing unless there's another reason the price is going up. most interest in the stock comes from gme people.

>> No.50964459

he didn't sell, pajeet. go take your fud and shove it up your ass.

>> No.50964466

No one is crying who isn't paid to cry.

>> No.50964478

>filed on 8/16
>able to start selling immediately
>today is 8/17
>246MM volume today
how fast do you think the price will drop if paperwork is filed for shares unloaded today?

>> No.50964487

This board is honestly so shit, it makes WSB look like fucking savants.

>> No.50964492

why the fuck is he even able to start selling before the papers are public what the fuck is the point of the paper if not to warn investors?

>> No.50964550

>regulatory fee $.03
>for a fucking automated electronic transaction that literally nobody even looks at or pays labor to handle
what kind of kike shit is this?

>> No.50964579

Is that how it works? I figured form 144 needs to be approved before he can sell

>> No.50964600

what are the odds these kikes have friends and families with massive short positions and they pull this shit to insider trade/

>> No.50964628

3f on the form states that the 'Approximate Date of Sale' is "Beginning 8/16/22". That means he could have actually started offloading yesterday. I'm not sure how soon after selling he needs to file paperwork that would confirm actual selling.

>> No.50964646

No retard, the time of filing specifically states no selling. God people are fucking retarded.

>> No.50964659

I don't want to wake up tomorrow

>> No.50964688


>> No.50964748

lmao fucking dunked
he faxed the paperwork in to fuck you all over

>> No.50964763


>> No.50964769

Jesus Christ these threads have gone down hill. I remember two days ago when everyone was chill and there were no fuders whatsoever. I guess we’re really close now lol

>> No.50964804
File: 18 KB, 666x146, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey retards
hate hedge funds?
here's one hahahahah

>> No.50964819
File: 690 KB, 245x187, 165807606767368.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haha yeah bros, we're all gonna make it

>> No.50964843

Not with that attitude we are

>> No.50964875
File: 262 KB, 1077x846, markup_1862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He may have even sold already (pic related is example from investopedia). Either way he's going to be dumping sometime this month, and it'll dump hard. The only question is when. All else is baggie cope.

>> No.50964892

Any predictions for tomorrow? Think people will sell off? WSB seems to have the le diamond hands faggotry going on so I personally think it's still going to pump.

>> No.50964945

This makes sense. Was going to say seems weird the SEC would give retail a chance to front run insiders. So I’m guessing the filing has to be done within 20 days of sale like when significant shareholders buy/sell? And then there’s a 90 day period to actually sell from time of sale or time of filing, whichever is first?

>> No.50964946

its over bros...

>> No.50964961

Already paid for my investment plus 10%

I'm not short either so I don't have to worry about my bags going negative.

At this point for me it is literally gambling and I'm betting on retards.

>> No.50965021
File: 270 KB, 497x576, 130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a psyop back during gme and it is a psyop now, check the charts compare it to last years runner ups. it's the fucking same and it's ogre anybody still not out after this doing a 700% in a week should be taken to the infirmary.

>> No.50965067

I got sell orders ranging from 30 to 90 anon.

I could forget about this entire thing for a year and make an obscene profit if BBBY manages to stay above 10 bucks for a year.

I'm pretty convinced that all the articles about "MEME STOCK ALERT NO REASON STOCK GOES UP" is bullshit too.

The market is calling the short, someone will pay up one way or another. Keep in mind that loans during an inflationary period are a terrible idea.

>> No.50965120

What about wider macros like fed, interest rates, this being a bear market rally teetering on the edge of up or down. I hope it works out for you fren, but time will tell. I can't blame Cohen for selling if the big shemitah is right around the corner, so to speak.

>> No.50965134

How can this run even absorb 11m shares when it has (checks notes) traded only a billion shares in the last week.

Secondly, it’s not true, IMO. Shaking out whales that made enough to buy an Xbox.

>> No.50965141

never be disappointed in making money. Other than that, realize that you could always make x5 of what u currently made. BBBY up at 50-70 is only unrealistic right now because it hasn’t happened yet.
Same with GME at 400, Tesla at 1200, AMC at 55, Lucid at 50.

>> No.50965176

When insiders start selling that should normally cause one to pause. But please, continue to be retarded. It's very entertaining.

>> No.50965233

Sec.report is a not sec.gov
Do not click this fucking link.

>> No.50965253
File: 136 KB, 828x811, A556D7B1-5A68-43D9-8771-EE06717238AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger I was down over -60% on my BBBY 2 weeks ago. His shit is green as fuck now.

>> No.50965267
File: 99 KB, 828x508, 0959FD17-49B9-4B6F-9036-4C32DCC80E1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong attachment.

>> No.50965270

Prove insiders have sold.

And no. You know I can't prove a negative, don't ask. You made the claim.

>> No.50965277


>> No.50965282
File: 817 KB, 220x234, 1660783695294.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if this hits $300 tomorrow I will rest easy that I am not dumb enough to let myself become another baggie for some kike's Jewish tricks. I was only in this because RC was and now that he's on the way out the door is closing. The fact he faxed that shit instead of emailed it speaks volumes. By all means chase the dream lil baggies but understand there is Talmudic behavior afoot and with Jews you lose.

>> No.50965294

please stop making these reddit generals. We already have GME which is still on this fucking board.

Jannies please clean up this (((JEWISH))) nonsense.

>> No.50965310

its just a website that aggregates documents emailed/snailmailed to the SEC because those dont get automatically added to their database. you can download the most recent batch of emails and scroll through until you find cohen's form yourself https://www.sec.gov/corpfin/form-144-email

>> No.50965323

Did the squeeze squooze?

>> No.50965357

Sorry it's not another shitcoin you shitbathing Indian

>> No.50965373

>*checks notes*
Holy shit you seriously have to go back

>> No.50965372

This is it LFG

Aug 17 (Reuters) - Bed Bath & Beyond Inc BBBY:



>> No.50965396

>US economy in the shitter
>High income earners (100k+) are starting to shop at walmart per walmarts earning report
> BBBY historically overpriced
>Cohen drops all bags, bag holders continue to cope hoping he will shake some of his shekels out of his yamaka into their wallets

Its over faggots. go back and stop posting on this board

>> No.50965418

it's to publicly warn their jew friends dude. not you

>> No.50965435

You can tell this guy is having a sissy fit for not getting in early enough lol

>> No.50965455

bros, should i stay up all night to try and be there for pre market or get a good nights sleep for opening bell?

>> No.50965484

>Stock's value quadruples over a fortnight
Have fun holding the bag retards.

>> No.50965485

Get some sleep, I’m doing the same right now. *kisses goodnight*

>> No.50965499

Well overall I see good points for Both sides. Often found myself being too greedy and bag holding rather than. Taking a. Nice profit when I could have. That’s the nature of the stock game

However, one must question who this guy is so mad about others holding stock he supposedly doesn’t even care about

>> No.50965513

lmao Rajeev did you forget about IDs? Still not selling my bbby or gme

>> No.50965543
File: 131 KB, 828x760, 7E55AC75-3D53-4580-BAD7-1D22C514E2D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel regarded

>> No.50965690

kek baggies

>> No.50965716

Rain Choden as a fuckton of 80c. Selling before 150 is literally retarded.

>> No.50965740

>Cohen files to sell BBBY
>Does not do the same with GME.
What's your copium here, faggots that got in late and bought the top?
How much evidence do you need that GME is a once in a generation thing, and everything else is just a pnd?
I know for a fact none of you bought early enough to make serious money on this.

>> No.50965796

Please explain how this is comparable to GME and not just a pnd

>> No.50965834

He doesn't own more than 10% of GME so he doesn't have to file one. Retarded shill.

>> No.50965907

>bought $60, $70, $80 calls
>has potential to make even more BILLIONS
>Nah just going to trick redditors to make a small profit
/BIZ/ really is more retarded than WSB

>> No.50965915

The point is that any GME sale he makes has to be public, which hasn't happened. If anything he bought a shit of of cheap GME when it was around 110 pre split.
When a man literally known for holding stocks long term files to sell something, that means he's getting the fuck out.

>> No.50965926

>blah blah blah
Shut the fuck up.

>> No.50965969

Funny thing is either way we having a laugh, only ones seething are the ones who wants people to sell

>> No.50965972

I don't know what all this talk is about the price plummeting; it's pretty much a straight line up. Sure it drops in pre and post market but that's obviously just investors who are shorting trying to save their asses from a liquidation. I will hold this until next friday, when options expire, and even then I will only sell enough to cover my principle

>> No.50966056

>Holy fuck you guys are stupid
>I can't believe how dumb you are
>4chan and /biz/ are full of nothing but retards and incels who are no longer culturally relevant
>Reddit is so much smarter and more relevant than you
>Ryan Cohen is a (((((JEW)))))
>You don't trust (((((JEWS))))) do you?

Booooo, get better material.

>> No.50966122
File: 93 KB, 800x450, 1654618324769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this retard thought Ryan was going to hold BBBY forever
His calls expire in January anyways. Any rally that takes BBBY above $30, which was the stock’s price level at the end of March, will result in outsized gains for Cohen on the back of the increase in these options intrinsic value.
If he sold now he'd lose money and rug investors. It literally makes no sense for him to sell "below" 30$.
We touched 28 today after an AH dip from last night of 18 and yesterdays peak of 27. It's not over faggot.

>> No.50966155

>How much evidence do you need that GME is a once in a generation thing, and everything else is just a pnd?
gme is just the pnd of your choice. your bags are as heavy as ours right now

>> No.50966265

My gme cost avg is pretty low and I'm green on my investment, are you on yours?
It's absolutely over. GME has several key factors that BBBY doesn't have. Also the money printer has turned off so retail fomo is nowhere near what it was.
And even if it was in the same economy, there's no DFV hyping the stock, there's no core investment thesis either.
>le fundamentals don't matter!!!
They do. GME actually has fundamentals, all the other shit doesn't.

>> No.50966320
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>> No.50966408
File: 86 KB, 1182x417, UmSweetie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New Paradigm
you arent fooling any one.

>> No.50966521

took 20k in margin to buy BBBY. wish me luck

>> No.50966553


>> No.50966581

Good luck.

>> No.50966596

Dropping $80k on shares in the morning, everyone ITT who doesn't think this is going to $200 at least is delusional

>> No.50966629

He’s a kike. Wouldn’t be surprised if he dumped on the goyim. But to be fair, he has a bunch of calls and one thing about kikes, they love money. I doubt he would dump before hitting his calls.

>> No.50966676
File: 679 KB, 1520x1025, dtcc error.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retail fomo is nowhere near what it was.
Lol what the fuck? That's not true at all
>GME actually has fundamentals, all the other shit doesn't.
You mean like the "failing" NFT marketplace? How about you post the profits it made today? See how easy it is to shill against it?
>but it's in beta!
And if it doesn't have a successful launch after full release you're going to baghold until the float gets locked by DRS, which could take years, or the company starts liquidating shares to keep afloat making it impossible. GME "needs" to start raking in profits, the reliance on a NFT store is interesting at best, but is not a guaranteed success.
Also doesn't help when your own posters actively discourage the one thing that puts pressure on the shorts in your own thread (ie. DRSing is a reddit spyop, don't 100% DRS, CS sell limit fud, CS uses 32 bit software, CS is only to be used for shares you never plan on selling ect.)
DTCC also purposefully missfiled the split dividend, leaving you with an entire list of brokers that rugpulled shareholders, with the event already being memoryholed on the biggest date you thought was going to cause moass.
What thesis do you actually have for an actual short squeeze play? I see only one, involving two key things that must happen: a successful marketplace launch and locking the float. If your NFTs aren't getting in revenue then it's pretty much over.

>> No.50966859

>the event already being memoryholed on the biggest date you thought was going to cause moass.
when did tesla start going up after doing their split... hmm... looks like 3 months and not instantly

>> No.50966914

It'll hit $400 sometime midday Friday, then settle around 100

>> No.50967010
File: 958 KB, 1058x1203, tesla to gme chart update.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tesla also went up in price massively before their split, meanwhile GMEs went down. Its already been one month and the price has only increased by 7$ presplit, 2$ post.
I don't doubt the price will increase
>100% utilization rate times four for cost to borrow-
Is definitely going to create price movement. But it is not a catalyst for a short squeeze, the longer this plays out the better for hedge funds, especially if GME doesn't start earning profits.
>but muh LONG squeeze
Most people won't stick around for GME if its fundamentals don't start making the company actual money, this isn't really debatable, they will have to use the value of your shares to stay afloat.
Which leads me back to my point, what's the thesis for an actual short squeeze if gamestop still isn't profitable?

>> No.50967034

Got pic from Ben huh?

>> No.50967050

gamestop is building a metaverse that will become dominant, have you seen facebooks garbage?
source: i hope it happens

>> No.50967101

Me too. I have 1000 shares in GME but I'm not going to fantasize about the impossible.
If by first quarter of next year, gamestop is STILL not profitable, I'm sorry but it's unironically over.

>> No.50967167

were starting from the beginning

>> No.50967265

I can't believe I let the benchod basterd chobani dump his bags on me AGAIN!!!

>> No.50967272
File: 158 KB, 960x483, 54urqs7ddci91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kek hedgies

>> No.50967301

And they will face no consequences for this.

>> No.50967331

Kek at that journo throwing his reputation away for hedgies. Must have gotten a fat check.

>> No.50967482

What does MM mean on wallstreetbets?

>> No.50967484

market maker like citadel

>> No.50967497

thanks anon.

>> No.50967531

Is it over BBBY bros?

>> No.50967552

would've been great to see this post a month ago. It just went up 400%, why the fuck would I buy it?

>> No.50967557

How do I buy BBBY with crypto? I checked FTX but they don't have it

>> No.50967577

so whats the plan for market open? are we going back down?

>> No.50967602

lol, simply lol

>> No.50967612
File: 157 KB, 1658x554, wsb_sentiment_bbby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BBBY WSB sentiment is insane--at record high. Remember, WSB has like 12mil users now. When GME happened it only had less than 1 mil.

>> No.50967684

im trying to suspect that retail buys actually do nothing to the price. Looking at the massive volume is proof of this.

>> No.50967686

This just means we will moon within 90 days of his filing. He isn't dumb, he will dump only when it is profitable for him.

>> No.50967692


>> No.50967713

I’m sorry but are you people braindead? Is he supposed to just never ever file and never sell and he should be the one holding the bag? Are you retarded?

>> No.50967800

haha fap ID

>> No.50967835

damn i really am a coomer

>> No.50968009

Fresh bread

>> No.50968332

They were all hoping it would hit 80 and then he would graciously hold the door open for them.

>> No.50969456

After a giant drop we’ll probably be in the green. The question is whether the green holds. If it does, we’re headed to the moon.

>> No.50969474

Were at first sell off. This ship hasn’t even taken off yet.

>> No.50969490
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>> No.50969688

Don’t you get it? The squoze will squeeze, moonlanding incoming! 420.69! YOLO IN WITH YOUR LIFE SAVINGS

>> No.50972035

Market open soon

>> No.50972159

Looks really bad, man. This is going to drop below 15 today now that the move stalled out on that news.

>> No.50972878

Cup and handle forming, strap in boys this is going to launch so fucking hard

>> No.50973484

i solded, knowing my luck its going to surge

>> No.50973569


>> No.50973696

Its gonna hit 15 probably as this is the hard floor, and after that it'll go up a bit again.

The real gains start when wallstreeet starts covering their shorts on friday and monday.
Im planning on being in the trade again at that point.

I had to also pull out with gains just to make sure I didnt lose money on this dogshit stock.

With that said, literally nothing has changed.

Reason for drop in BBBY was this :
Fake news and fud about RC selling all of his shares which he didnt. He filed a 144, literally has nothing to do with selling out.

He hasnt sold a single share. A 144 says he has to exercise his sell within 90 days, which is well within our boundaries for a squeeze.

Furthermore, BBBY handed in an 8K today where they said that the deal they reached in march is literally still on. This is very bullish and means that even they are saying that nothing has changed.

RC has calls up towards 50 and 80 dollars a share. I dont think thats for no reason.
We will see a rebound here, question is when, and when a good time to get in is.

>> No.50976929

Two hours to go

>> No.50979471

Uh oh AH

>> No.50979599

Aftermarket is not real, and is the hedgie playground. watch this shoot back to 18 tomorrow

>> No.50979905
File: 16 KB, 650x650, 11C487D1-920D-4EE1-B8ED-BB09509EC4B8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh stinky

>> No.50979929
File: 18 KB, 554x554, 1659756827650862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek baggies

>> No.50979993

Are you gamestop idiots seriously still letting some kike pump and dump you like this?

>> No.50980125

Tbh I've been holding gme since January last year I just now realized this good thing I didn't join this retarted mess.

>> No.50980140

sorry a billionaire lied to all you baggies they should be lynched

>> No.50980167

Tbh this it's hella funny tho think about they fooled all of us newfag investors with that gme short squeeze they pinned all the blame on Robinhood and retards like me brought it and now this newfags fell for it. It's like never ending cycle ending.

>> No.50980196
File: 289 KB, 1404x1066, B42C6530-104A-435C-A53F-41FCFB6D94F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now That’s Gotta Hurt!!! how do u feel about this nonnies

>> No.50980206

he didnt lie, he literally told everyone what he was doing in the only way he legally could. And still these retards fell for it

>> No.50980221
File: 353 KB, 888x482, EnTt2dgXIAEIEWA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50980240

Kek look buddy I've been there the faster you accept the faster you can go back to making money my portfolio has been standing still and I even lost money to margin becouse of this shit. Look out for yourself Cohen gives 0 fucks.

>> No.50980326
File: 178 KB, 828x1031, 1658175640187483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got in at 4.81 then doubled down at 25 23 and 17. Lmao gotta love this shit. See you all tomorrow I still believe in RC

>> No.50980350

He literally dumped all his bbby. It's over buy puts.

>> No.50980510

At how much?

>> No.50980541

Imagime being Rain cone and people committing suicide over their losses thanks to your lies

>> No.50980569
File: 706 KB, 1170x1610, 69700A44-196A-4C25-A54C-FA4137395795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros this is the bomb we were waiting for! All in! Diamond hands! Tooooo the mooooon! MOON BABY MOON! BUILD BACK BETTER YOURSELF!

>> No.50980601

A jew like Cohen absolutely kiking the BBBY and GME retards is hilarious. I love their work as long as they leave people with a brain alone

>> No.50980745
File: 68 KB, 960x928, 41526311234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50980762

He sold between $18 and $29
He literally fleeced all the retards in this thread at the top lmfao

>> No.50980846

he sold for an average of 24 dollars, around 100k for 29

>> No.50980923

Holy shit they did it again celsius cancor cruebit was not enough

>> No.50982324

you can exit as as soon as you file so why would he signal he wants to sell days or months before the actual sale.

>> No.50983074

holy fuck you meme stock retards, blinded by your own ignorance

>> No.50983282

He can sell but he can't keep his profits because of some legal mumbo jumbo if he sells right now. He would need to wait another two months or all the gains go back to BBBY.

That said maybe he sold anyway so he at least broke even.