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50950426 No.50950426 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best play if I only have $1000 in crypto?

>> No.50950431

get a job

>> No.50950446


Put it all on the Australian Mining Token (ticker AUSMTV2), you should get an ez 40x in the short-medium term. Then you put the money on a safer, larger cap things like Effereum after the merge. NFA tho lmao

>> No.50950482

Just buy ETH or BTC, hold and get more money

>> No.50950491


>> No.50950594
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>> No.50950618

Take it out, get high end lip fillers, start sucking dick for $2 a go.

>> No.50950778

obviously a shitcoin or something schizo

>> No.50950807


>> No.50950893

Buy dollar store kneepads and sell them for $2.

>> No.50950928

All in LUNC and pray

>> No.50950968

Go to a casino. Put it all on Red. Now you have $2000. After that put it all on LINK. Wait until staking and stake it all. After 5 years you can keep restaking or sell it all for approximately 25 million dollars. In the meantime while you wait, just play Halo 3z

>> No.50950994

>What is the best play if I only have $1000 in crypto?
Unironically Dog with bat. You can buy a couple of sui stacks with that.

>> No.50951093


>> No.50951436
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Find smaller cap projects. You’ll have a larger amount of coins to stake and if it pumps, your returns will be higher than anticipated. Hasn’t failed me yet. I go deep and HODL staking projects that generally have a MC of $250M or less. Eyeing a few up now but have to do some more DD. I’ve personally also stayed away from ETH projects as I lost too much with gas by transferring to different wallets to stake.
Right now if you can yield farm or stake on lowmcaps like Demeter/XOR it's the best strategy, because it assures you that in the next 3 months your gains will double at least, as the apy is... generous. Really generous. You can even earn some more money by playing their nft game (deo arena), so that's a plus
So, yeah, i would do that, better to invest in a real project than to lose money on the bsc casino.

>> No.50951467

This. Avoid RLC at all cost. Don't even look into it. Seriously. Don't.

>> No.50951479

>get a job

>> No.50951498

Kek Pajeets are so desperate to shill their shittest of shitcoins, muh digital diarrhea. Yes OP, buy $1000 worth of RLC if you want to provide exit liquidity for Rakesh and his family.

>> No.50951523

You're doing the God's work, fren
They must be warned

>> No.50951530

Diversify into networks and projects that are actually worth a damn. BTC, ETH and MATIC are my recommendations. Might be tempted to gamble on shitcoins, don't.

>> No.50951901

Going into DeFi projects with potentials will be a good idea, such that you earn while holding for the long term

>> No.50951964

What's the hell about the project?

>> No.50951980

These are good bags anon, and diversification is paramount.
Adding some privacy tokens like SCRT, Zcash will be a good decision, since the inevitable crypto regulation will cause a mass adoption of privacy tokens.

>> No.50952787

This scam coin?
Don't try it, no future, it will rug like LUNA

>> No.50952913

They seem solid and theyre only around $60. Could get you some decent profits during your MickyD lunch break..

>> No.50952942

No way I'm telling you ifykyk

>> No.50952984

EVMOS will be a good one to ape, you can buy now and hold till the next bull run
10x is inevitable

>> No.50953510

Don't ask. Don't look it up.
Just walk away.

>> No.50953692

Any suggestions on a good DeFi project?

>> No.50953705


>> No.50954531

Staking SCRT in sienna swap offers not just good rewards, but also keep my transactions anonymous.

>> No.50954572

dump it all into some get rich quick shitcoin that's the next revolution and then become sobered when it all flushes and work honestly for the rest of your life

>> No.50954641

Thread closed

>> No.50954809

What's the staking reward there?

>> No.50954830
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>> No.50955081

That's hilarious hahahaha

>> No.50955094


>> No.50955352

It's currently 7% APY, BUT I'm not concern about the reward, but my safety and privacy, also to prevent selling cheap, because I'm sure a 10x is very possible from here

>> No.50955408

27% rather, not 7%

>> No.50958617

Evmos is a good one with massive rewards

>> No.50959407

LPing on Cosmos
Option A: buy 20k GLTO tokens and put 10K in the pool with equivalent Juno and forget about it. Don't touch the other 10k. It can possibly be very rewarding if the platform takes off .
Option B: go to osmosis frontier and buy Odin protocol or Geo (secondary token of Odin). Stake it in the respective pools. For Odin pool #777 and 1300% APR. For GEO 2100% APR. But geo LP is full of solanapakis so i avoided that.

>> No.50959664
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40% ETH
15% DOT
15% GALA

>> No.50959740
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>stopped visiting /biz/ frequently
>started making money on trades instead of losing

How does this work?

>> No.50959831

Never seen anyone shill SCRT before only Monero, which should I pick?

>> No.50960366

This has been my favorite defi project so far with a juicy apy

>> No.50960403

Invest in LUNC at your own risk

>> No.50960430
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Have you ever seen anyone shilling Ethereum before?
Not at all
Same way, secret doesn't need any shilling because it's an embodiment of a privacy smart contract where other projects are building on, but monereo is just a coin and nothing more

>> No.50961682

KYS Klaus

>> No.50961710


>> No.50961768

500 into dogbat. Rest, who cares.

>> No.50961993

$Tsuka research and get rich

>> No.50962074
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Use dextools to look at good pairs to trade. Should be simple. Also $1000 is just not that much you should be starting with at least $5000 in order to see real gains.

>> No.50962161

Divide it by 10 now you have 10 trades of 100$ each

Use x20 leverage and trade mostly BTC/ETH/BNB

If you are good at trading you can end up with 5000$ in 1 month.

It worked for me, but I only had 400$ to start kek. Now I have a 10k poorfolio and continue trading with 1-2k for a living (thirdworlder here)

>> No.50962305

I'm not so good with leverage trading, I simply stick to spot trading with a long-term mindset. I will divide the money into ETH and SCRT. The upcoming merge and the mainnet upgrade will bring some positive price action to both projects next month.

>> No.50962377
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This is a well-diversified bag annon. Privacy gems are a must-have right now and it is good to see you got a solid one too.

>> No.50962423


>> No.50963061

Fuck working
I want to live like a nigger unironically. Richest people are NEETS (warren buffet) and/or trust fund kids (elon, bezos, etc.)
Working hard never gets people money. Sure you work for bills and capital, but never to embrace the cuckening

>> No.50963261

hey retard, it IS Luna
and the risk is minimal since it's just beer money

>> No.50965479

Invest in privacy projects. They would be the focus of the crypto space after regulations hit the market.

>> No.50966238

A good play would be to earn passive income bizfag. Have you explored the LP mining APYs on Ore Protocol?

>> No.50966529
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Be a wise anon. Buy a solid coin that has real life applications like Geeq, where they'll be able to provide better data management and is a lot better than the conventional approach.

>> No.50966827

MATIC, hold until 2025. /Thread

>> No.50966843

Only a long nose would say get a job

>> No.50966855

10x long on btc. Take profit at 25k.

>> No.50967068

Almost projects these days are vaporware

>> No.50967089

I thought biz gave up on GALA a long time ago? My picks are:

>> No.50967303

Buy nano, wait for moon, then buy quant and a bit of xrp.

>> No.50967371

I have my own make it stash for ETH. My eyes have been on platforms focusing on asset management as they serve a relevant purpose in the space.

>> No.50967623

You're right anon and I don't think Geeq is vaporware as I'm seeing, they received $25M funding from an investment group to boost their development. They're seeing huge potential in their multi-solution imo.
You got a decent choice.

>> No.50968166

Oh really anon

>> No.50970262

deep brain chain

>> No.50970313
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You should stick with the lower cap with working products like GEEQ I think it's POH consensus mechanism will boost the project

>> No.50970425

Probably you've not researched GEEQ tec and other hybrid blockchain projects with working products.

>> No.50970573

The projects that would be at the top of the table in the next bull market are the ones currently building now. That's the way I see it

>> No.50970592
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If a project is a low cap coin, I'd check their trading volume. Then I'd check the community. Before I finally check the use case

>> No.50970613

Don't fret anon. There would be a million more projects with working products. What is more important is community. Utility is overrated

>> No.50970660

OMNOM on Dogechain unironically. screencap this

>> No.50970822
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Even at that, Luna fail it's users. It's natural progress on this side plus their ecosystem support secure minting and transfers of NFTs.

>> No.50970839

You not getting it anon, I like that it provides a special technique for streamlining data administration.

>> No.50970842


>> No.50970956

Lowcaps are your best bet, dyor

>> No.50970959
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You must be a retard. That shit is dead but plebs never learn. Would rather slurp supercharger rewards. This is bear after all.

>> No.50970972

Based. Passive income is your best bet now. Binance and Freeway both have good yields. Think and choose.

>> No.50971027

So you just gotta hope the project has a trusted team of devs. Although, thinking about it, a project cannot secure funding it they're not beyond reproach

>> No.50971033

If everything works the way it's supposed to, we might have ourselves a new storage system that is Blockchain based

>> No.50971103

Privacy without passive income is shit. Market calls for that now. I said what I said.

>> No.50971109

You must be a retard. Those without utility will be wiped out in this dip. Busy taking advantage of fwt staking rewards. Not my job to educate you

>> No.50971116

Safe options, some web3 focused projects might be cool to throw to $$$ into. The web3 space is growing exponentially.

>> No.50971143

>eth after the merge
if you are not shorting that on 40x leverage the day before the merge you are a certified retard

>> No.50971160

You are right anon, the crypto privacy sector is currently getting some good number of adoption and it will keep growing as security becomes more priority to users.

>> No.50971178

Stop existing.

>> No.50971188


>> No.50971194

Ore protocol, though not really a defi project but I guess security in defi is a necessity now and Ore protocol offers multichain access and identity security which are essentially major security measures for your assets.

>> No.50971199

3x10 and youre set for life atleast in Sweden

>> No.50971248

Depends on where you are looking, Privacy is the next big thing undeniably. Dyor in that niche should be your strategy, there are couple of solid projects in there with good tokenomics, strong community and based team, I have my money on Railgun and Beam.

>> No.50971265

MATIC has been the most performing in this bearish market, the steady deployment of products and strategic partnership have been a major factor. I was personally fascinated about the partnership with disney and that of Ore protocol to provide cross chain wallets and NFT management.

>> No.50971281


>> No.50971296

What about asset management anon? Surely you agree it's needed in this dip. Supercharger staking rewards have been doing the trick.

>> No.50971312

Based. And that growth will continue. Fundamentals and passive income work hand in hand. Explains why those that have both keep getting more traction.

>> No.50972698

Not a DeFi project but you should probably look into ORE network. It's not hard to imagine that a time might come when most DeFi users will have to pass through it

>> No.50972732
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Kek, what then would you say about ORE/LP; almost double of the APY you're blindly attached to

>> No.50972764

All crypto investments are risky in a major way

>> No.50972845

Most especially protocols bridging web2 to web3 identities.

>> No.50973489

I have a few privacy solutions on my watch and Railgun has caught my attention for defi and smart contract integration.

>> No.50973508

you sound like someone who just got into "the space" 3 days ago

>> No.50973524
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remilio maker nifties

>> No.50973540

PIT(pitbull token) simple as. literal sleeping giant dog coin. has more use cases than shib, doge, etc. you wanna at least have a moonbag packed.

>> No.50973787
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Focus on projects bringing privacy into DeFi, although I have more confidence in privacy protocols built on L1 protocols.

>> No.50973788
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Prolly something to do with the unconscious. 4chan is so judaized that it poisons all who suffer any exposure. Sort of like food additive driven insulin resistance in reverse, but in your mind. Congrats, btw.

>> No.50973919
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I'd stake in potential tokens like Xpress while using their one-stop service. I'm liking their trading exchange and the payment gateway. Look for ways OP.

>> No.50974300

Kek, making non sense.

>> No.50974380

Being an illiterate is fucking difficult.

>> No.50974395

Many of them around lately

>> No.50974433
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>privacy into DeFi
Most likely going to be a big deal in the next wave of market. Investment in privacy coins at the moment makes a lot of sense

>> No.50975077


>> No.50975736

I think you're the one making nonsense here as you obviously don't understand the all in-one solution. This will lessen your stress when doing transactions daily.

>> No.50976068

With only $1k you need a high risk high reward play. Id go with either Tsuka or Spiral. Tsuka is rumored to be ryoshis new token and spiral is made by the floki dev.

>> No.50976472

Wtf tsika is

>> No.50976524

Unironically use it for offshore sports betting. You can get a cash bonus for using cryptocurrency. If your bets hit you can get big money. Make easy money line bets.

>> No.50977029

A smart play would be to invest in privacy projects since they play an important role in the crypto ecosystem.

>> No.50979507

Asset management and access to multichains are more important to Defi than web3.

>> No.50979573

Think more about investing in security protocols like ORE, leaving your assets' safety in the hands of devs is not longer advisable.

>> No.50979715

Privacy has always been a priority to the real users of crypto, the recent platform exploits has just put more attention on the importance of on-chain privacy and security on a large scale.

>> No.50979780

Not forgetting that the polygon ID and ORE ID are still the best identity management and security tools in the space. Both project kinda have few things in common.

>> No.50979977

I see just few projects are working on this connection and I can almost tell connecting our social media accounts to web3 will be the most utilized access to web3.

>> No.50980248

stacking good metaverse gem with a great utility like SAND, RIDE, and MANA.

>> No.50980552

Based privacy project my fist attraction is the ease of access feature. A non-gated protocol is perfect place for more people to experience transaction privacy freely.

>> No.50980658


>> No.50980692

MNMD before it blow up next week. Thank me later

>> No.50980729


>> No.50980833
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try out AI/Med-care sector, see which one fits your niche.

Pulsenetwork or AIWork might be the hottest shit on the block, who knows

>> No.50982172

I'll prefer to think of privacy from the aspect of utility and its effect on the security of the crypto sphere than thinking of it as an investment, which is my main reason of preferring non-gated privacy protocols.

>> No.50982900

all-in Chain link buy ampleforth as close to a dollar as possible as often as possible. Give the glory to God.

>> No.50982923

bonuses for using uni swap to do it

>> No.50983188

I'm more concerned about asset security in defi as it has become an issue lately with the incessant hacks. Any platform working to remedy this issue is a big yes for me.