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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 62 KB, 600x800, Manager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50944887 No.50944887 [Reply] [Original]

Im working a job in industry as a wage slave over vacation. Overall nice people, get to grift, smoke and listen to music. No one usually bats an eye. Job is unbearable without these things. However today some sort of "manager" came in and instantly shit on me for listening to music and that i should wear protective ear coverings aka foam dildos you stick in your ears. Nigga looked exactly like image attached. Bald, fat and wearing a mask despite no one else wearing one. He also reminded me of the stereotypical carricature of the jew. The fucking rage i felt was immense.
Not only am i not the only one listening to fucking music in there, but those fucking ear coverings achieve the same effect as earphones. Not wanting to call him a faggot in front of everyone i just said ok and waited till he fucked off. Continued listen to music after that.
Now why do these fucking Untermensch exist. Had a similiar experience with a conducter once that wanted to throw me out of the train for not wearing a mask. Ignored him twice and by the third time dude was so seething red he wanted to call the cops.

How can a human be so unlikeable and gay. I realize these people have been given some sort of meaningless authority. They happily use said "authority" to look down on people who they perceive to be beneath them.

There is no act against them which is wrong. Id happily put them to the sword if given the chance

>> No.50944904

didnt read. stop waging

>> No.50944940

nice blog

>> No.50944946

no one cares, incel

>> No.50944982

have sex

>> No.50944999

You VILL read the story and you VILL seethe aswell

>> No.50945000

Do you even enjoy being here

>> No.50945006

boy that sure is a lot of text that I'm not gonig to read.

>> No.50945009

>No one usually bats an eye
"bat an eyeLASH" you illiterate faggot

>> No.50945012

nigga I just assumed this was a troll post

>> No.50945021


>> No.50945030

Just another excuse to rant about masks, how about you try wearing one you fucking idiot and do bare minimum to stop the spread of Covid

>> No.50945051

You’ve been marked, anon. Either take his dick up your ass and like it or quit. I had a new female director like that, constantly calling me to her office like it was important. Then when I’d show up, she’d make me sit there while she texted and surfed on the net. She wanted the big d, but I’m married with kids and don’t want to mess them up why having an affair. So I quit. Lmao. I think they had to pay for my contract nullification or something.

>> No.50945139

If you hate authority what are you doing in 4chan you braindead hypocrite rightoid 4chan parasite? All the sudden you dont like authority? Is that why you jerk off to capitalism amd fascism? This shithole site doesnt just lick the boot it straight up deepthroats it if there is a powerful authority figure whether institution or individual, these parasites here will suck that cock

>> No.50945202

is this a bot? ^

>> No.50945268

>that i should wear protective ear coverings
Because he knows your dumb ass will get them an OSHA violation and you will be a forever net negative contribution to the company.

>> No.50945316

at least half these posts look like bots

>> No.50945373

Its a greek jew he said it
The mistake is that you think the right likes authority. We like the right people

>> No.50945408

Sounds like every progressive hipster in boston. They love masks and rules that show how progressive they are

>> No.50945476

I'm with you dude. I can't relate to people who follow or enforcehe rules simply because they exist. These "people" can't think outside the pice of paper they were given that tells them exactly what to do in any given situation. Literally the same brains as Chinese communists and the only way to deal with them is execution because they are incapable of complex thought

>> No.50945623

Zoomer mentality is ridiculous. If you have music playing in airpods, you’re less aware of what’s going on around you in manufacturing roles, which is dangerous, or you’re less aware of people around you in customer service roles, which is bad customer service. That’s why these places make it a policy to forbid them. Your manager’s job is to enforce company policy, not make up his own rules for everything.

You got mad because your boss told you to do something that went right over your smoothbrain head? Many such cases.

>> No.50945731

if you're in an environment that requires earplugs you really should wear them. hearing loss is gay as hell.

t. worked in a LOUD AS FUCK factory for a few years

>> No.50945775
File: 2.85 MB, 370x377, F6F70099-CB3B-467F-B5AB-C0295368D239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50945776

Millennial mentality is retarded and the reason you're mostly losers.
>Follow da rules no matter what they are. Do not discern between what is dumb and what isn't because rules are rules!

>> No.50945788
File: 463 KB, 750x968, 85A270DD-AACF-41AA-8F21-40D4F4F33A59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice

>> No.50945809

yeah, see, this is why we hire 80 yearolds instead of you, zoom zoom.

>> No.50945810

Based and genocide 95%+ population pulled

>> No.50945820

Anon... I start as a manager tomorrow at a big company (similar to Accenture in size and scope)

Do you hate me?

>> No.50945831
File: 640 KB, 1280x701, 8210D1B5-F574-41BD-BF1D-6563716409BE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why there are bogs in minecraft

>> No.50945850

No I hate it I just want to go outside and make friends

>> No.50945866

Its either a bot or some autist with a lot of free time. Have seen several posts over the last few months with similar layout and overall agressive tone.

>> No.50945886

False, my productivity is up when I listen to music.
now gtfo faggot

>> No.50945898

ahh yes, the generation that has their soul crushed after a whole life of working for zog day in day out

>> No.50945963

I'm gen x, and I gotta say milenials and zoomers are just as equally pathetic. Milenials are the better of the two because they're older at least. You zoomers are so fucking lost, unlike any other generation I've witnessed before.

>> No.50946029

Why do you say that? I think zoomers are less buck broken than the rest of you on average. Y'all just give into every authority with little to no resistance. You may not like the authority, but you still give into it

>> No.50946068

Not if you let employees do their job (within safety limits). But if your a microdick micromanager Kys

>> No.50946182

Just get ear muffs.

>> No.50946196

stop waging and go all in on bbby, you won’t have to deal with faggot management again

>> No.50946208

You can even get ear defenders with Bluetooth headphones in them now.

>> No.50946474

What actually happened is some limp dick middlemanagement fag decided to make his presence known by going after a poorer, limper dick fag and apparently can spot them as he went after OP.

>> No.50946584

Yes? At least when the content isn't dogshit like this thread.

>> No.50946677

Just let people do their jobs and don’t make wage slaving any more difficult or tedious than it already is. Just because you got a title doesn’t mean you’re hot shit, you’re just as disposable as the peons. Do that and they’ll fucking love you just from these few simple tricks corporate doesn’t want you to know.
t. was a manager

>> No.50948036

These manager types are defeated by the world. All the cool shit people have careers doing and money others make and they are stuck telling niggers to take their earbuds out, making schedules, and other meaningless shit. They have no real skill so they will slave in that role until retirement. You should feel sympathy for them.