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50944488 No.50944488 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone going through therapy right now, taking medication ?
Did your life get better?

>> No.50944523

The only thing I have taken that has worked for mood is gabapentin which just makes you feel positive about everything for a while.

>> No.50944572

shrooms you absolute niggers
get better forever or go schizo and melt your brain
it's the only way

>> No.50944579
File: 84 KB, 697x898, 2F83E7EB-2ED6-4E22-A0AC-6A24FF73EFBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might go into therapy. I’m currently withdrawing off of multiple drugs and the worst part is the existential dread.

>> No.50944600

i did therapy, therapist was great but it didn't help me at all, actually it made me feel much worse cause i had to go in there and talk about my problems which we could not fix. At the end of the day it really came down to, do i take medication or not, and i didn't want to, so i never got completely better. It's ok though, i have my up days and my down days, you learn to live with it.

>> No.50944603

sanity is pushing me in the schizo direction. Might need to give it a try

>> No.50944664

Ok so I went to therapy since I couldn't control my anger so I started taking some SSRI and a medication for Bipolar Disorder and I'm doing a lot better... But what >>50944572 said is true, shrooms is an amazing way to treat mental problems and you are willing to face your own demons and start changing bad habits. It's amazing, I'm starting to get rid of the pills slowly but I'll keep taking shrooms every chance I have (max 1 time per week tho).

>> No.50944665

I'm not a psych but you're probably depressed because your life isn't fulfilling everything your body/mind needs. Besides that depression can also just be the natural response to trauma and physical exhaustion. Maybe try to stop searching for the answer and try eliminating the suspects

sucks you're just scrambling your neurons hoping they end up better

>> No.50944711

Depends what you got. I've tried a few things. On Lexapro at the moment and it's helped with shitty thoughts / anxiety for the most part.

>> No.50944721

Therapy works, medicine doesn't. Just do things, get over your fears and mistakes.

>> No.50944735

>Anyone going through therapy right now, taking medication ?
I went through therapy, no medication. I also told family who were draining to deal with that they should fuck off, that probably helped too.
>Did your life get better?
Nice doubles.

>> No.50944776

never went to therapy but pregabalin helped me out for a while

>> No.50944788

>sucks you're just scrambling your neurons hoping they end up better
Wow if your ID ended in 666 I would immediately think you're a demoralization satanic bot.
And no, shrooms is a gift that God left us on earth and should be treated respectfully.

Have you tried them anon?

>> No.50944798

Sure, why not.

>Should I take kike poison
Not if you know what's good for you.

>> No.50944801

Antidepressants will fuck you up. I've tried them all. Unless you don't mind being a emotionless zombie for the rest of your life. I've got a prescription for amphetamines 2 years ago and feel great. I got my motivation back, started working out and meditating

>> No.50944846
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If you've already done the obvious things like getting your diet and exercise dialed in, getting sunlight, etc - and your problem now is that some negative emotion pattern keeps cycling through your system and you don't know how to stop it, then I would recommend therapy.
I spent my early 30s making inner experience work the primary focus of my life. The method I used was basically EMDR therapy but without the eye movements. Best decision of my life. The personality that developed out of that process is a permanent source of joy in my life and in the lives of those around me. The benefits are too many to list.
I've read a ton of self-help and psychology books but the two that gave me the biggest bang for my buck were:
Getting Past Your Past by Francine Shapiro (doesn't talk about the eye movements, intended for average joes)
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy-Third Edition (*does* include the eye movements and is intended for clinicians).

Those are very practical books. Once I understood the process and I did it a few times I became hungry to identify any unprocessed event in my life which was still triggering negative emotion because I now had the tools to fully resolve them.

>> No.50944907

Did you do this work solo or with a therapist?

>> No.50944992

I worked solo. Some people may need a therapist, especially if your trauma is very severe to the point where you may re-traumatize yourself and not be able to get out of the re-experiencing of the trauma. Like if a therapist is there and you start re-living the time you were raped then the therapist can help bring you back out of it, e.g. by having the two of you play catch with a pillow so you stay connected to the present.

>> No.50945003

Has anyone tried schema therapy? I suffer mostly from emotional disregulation and depression/lethargy. I can't focus, I can't do even the simplest things besides rotting away in bed and it has been like this for years. I've been hospitalised numerous times and have taken lexapro, but I'm still at the same place, feeling even more disconnected to the world. I'm 30 now and very close to unironically ending it for fear of worse to come as I age without progression. I've never had any actual therapy that wasn't just asking how my week was. We're now looking for a long term clinical stay with actual therapy but I'm scared it won't work and I'll feel even worse having tried it. The loneliness hurts, even with friends or family when I occasionally see them. I don't feel there, I feel like life is passing by and I can only watch. I have no proactive gene in me and I'm wasting my time every day.
Sometimes I think about doing shrooms but the information is so conflicting. I've never been so scared of the world and my lack of progress, I really want to end it before I become even more of a loser

>> No.50945039

My life got better taking SSRIs but I don’t want to take that shit anymore. Now on testosterone but it’s a setback thus far. Not sure when or if I’ll be back to I don’t give a fuck no anxiety chad mode again.

>> No.50945053

I take ketamine and it does the same thing except faster and far less gay

>> No.50945070

what are your problems
im already shizo, what do?
using ssri atm, no effect at all, just feels sleepy.
my emotions still there, laughing everyday from tiktoks/ good posts

>> No.50945094

This video redpilled me about therapy

>> No.50945097

How much do you take per week?

>> No.50945107

I think I found the problem

>> No.50945109

Overdose on Benadryl. This will fix your life

>> No.50945142

u think wrong
havent been on more positive place in decades
i would say i changed since discovered normies point of view on life

>> No.50945182

Yes and yes. Don’t listen to these schizo fuckers. Mental illness doesn’t get better from taking walks, eating bone marrow, doing hallucinogens, reading Jordan Peterson, listening to some faggot’s podcast, or anything else the retards here suggest. How is it that if your liver or colon or skin can get fixed by a drug, but the brain? Nooo you gotta pray to Shiva and eat 20 cloves of garlic and hop on one foot to cure that.

>> No.50945198

why do anything though

>> No.50945276
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> antidepressants
They are useful if you have actual clinical depression, shit saved me from an-heroing
> therapy
22 year old college grads getting paid 60k a year who are probably on antidepressants themselves will never solve your problems. Freudian psychology is a huge mistake
> oh, you are sad and lonely? Let’s talk about that time you got rejected by a girl in middleschool, sure that’s related! That will be 300 dollars plus tip

>> No.50945319

Between 5g and 10g of psilocybe cubensis

>> No.50945550

>gets brain burned on tiktok
>normie point of view on life
You are a normie, faggot. Only a literal brain dead npc can consume that degenerate shit packed in doses to burn a dopamine system

>> No.50945570

Is that dried or powder? I took one gram of powder once and shit was kicking, then I took 5g of dried shrooms and barely felt anything

>> No.50945576

Meds are bad. Diet and exercise are all that matter. Verification not required.

>> No.50945627

whats the problem with being normie?
and i agree that i burned dopamine system, how do i ctrl+z it?
attention span became so shit, but its because of twitch and listening to music 24/7 aswell
are ADHD meds good in such situation?
or maybe smthng like dopamine detox,
not consuming anything?

>> No.50945688

I jerked off in front of my therapist one time. She saw me cum and stain my shorts.

>> No.50945712

I don’t know, ask the kikes who fucked you up

>> No.50945719
File: 463 KB, 750x968, 4EE61A2A-4F77-43A7-A932-765CDB578724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot and checked, go on

>> No.50945749

Meditation and LSD have helped me.

>> No.50945762

yea seems like i have to pay to pharmacompanies now to undo my neurons
and also there is no much difference in sitting there talking or sitting on tiktok talking
just more friendly and positive community
ive never seen more toxic place than 4chan

>> No.50946464

You sound like a pussy. Yes this place is full of shit, but you gotta learn to navigate through it to find the gems cause those are well worth it. I do agree though lately there’s a lot more shills and dumbfucks here than just a couple years back.

>> No.50946496

yesterday i found out that a girl i had a one night stand with a) lost some weight and got way hotter b) married some electrical engineer chud who makes more money then me and c) moved to the city i want to move to. i might literally rope.

>> No.50947970

>an emotionless zombie for rest of your life
But I already am

>> No.50948023

Max out your dopamine system so nothing distracts you. You'll have full control of focus then.

>> No.50948038

My dad just got hospitalized because he's suicidal. Somehow it all seems to stem from the loss of his identity of being a handyman as he gets older and becomes less physically able. I have no idea what to do.

>> No.50948049

if tinnitus is listed as a side effect dont take those fucking meds believe me

>> No.50948052

Try having sex with him

>> No.50948066

Yep. Went from suicide attempt and unproductive to more or less ok and somewhat productive. Still deal with depression sometimes though. I'd highly recommend it works if you let it.

>> No.50948132

Yes. Very bad depression half a decade ago, tried to kill self. Had a moment of sense and went to get help. The therapy worked (CBT) the medication (SSRI) didn't. Life slowly got better and I'm very happy now.

>> No.50948139

Yeah, schema therapy did wonders for me where CBT did nothing. My issue was that I was extremely disconnected from people and the world in general because I basically couldn't feel any emotions or even have opinions of my own due to a strange upbringing where I felt compelled to become some sort of superhuman angelic being and barely had any sense of self. I found that for problems that you can't reason your way out of (an excess of reason in my case), just jumping headfirst into wacky stuff that might seem silly may be the answer.

>> No.50948187

>Have you tried them anon?
ya they scramble your neurons by shutting down the information processing part of your brain which lets everything run haywire. Overrated not some miracle drug, half of shroom advocates literally seem like braindead NPCs

>> No.50948271

I see a counselor to help process emotion and it's helped me quite a bit. A lot of guys including me, have trouble letting go of anger and resentment, but being able to has made life much easier.