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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50935064 No.50935064 [Reply] [Original]

Put 2k into this a couple of hours ago what should I expected?

>> No.50935073


>> No.50935076
File: 13 KB, 256x256, Fat gipsy dancing in a rain of money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

complete ruin.

>> No.50935238

devs are just moving tens of thousands around as trap traction.

>what should I expected
a rug


>> No.50935267

Fuck off retard

Have fun OP, will be a wild ride, brace for oooo

>> No.50935315


while watching the buys roll in during this pump, a good majority has been old holders adding or returning. With few new holders.

classic PnD watch out newfags

>> No.50935325 [DELETED] 


There are brown stinky indian pajeets posting on this 4chan website and they are making threads to get you to buy there BNB dog scamcoin.

Yes you see anyone can do this. But there is a particular stinky group of BNB scamming shitskin niggerhand never fucking a white girl pajeets who are as a team making scamming threads about scammy ass bnb shit dogcoin. They are the niggerish of niggers with their black hair and brown skin and they shit in the streets and go to highly populated New Delhi and sit in their rented office spaces shitting out bnb dogcoin scam coin after bnb dogcoin scam coin. They also make other bnb shitcoin scams. They then spam our beloved forum with their nigger black nigger pajeet never fucking a white women mustache red dot on forhead niggerhands.

You have been warned!!!








>> No.50935355

Why can't /biz/ stop seething about dog with a bat?

>> No.50935357
File: 20 KB, 707x540, 298878880_156440783655626_7249867774306018428_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check out this emotional bitch

I made 18k off it last pump. look at that year old wallet and tell me I'm wrong. You're either a desperate try-hard or a shill proving my point.

>> No.50935374

It's going to be difficult but extremely rewarding. First, there's always a prepump- one that excites people into believing dog coins are back. Next a slight dump, most new people will sell here. Following this you will see hateful fud threads of no coiners that missed out and want it back to prepump prices. They never will buy in, because they feel cheated out from themselves because they refused to believe - they will dedicate their lives to start fud threads. The actual pump will rip past ATH, there will be huge dumps and it will be up to you to sell here or not. Cycle repeats until 50B prophecy. Tell me this, it's 6000x from here until 50B, would you paper hand before this? I wasn't able to hold shib, and I'm not missing the next promising opportunity

>> No.50935385

absolutely BASED

>> No.50935394
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Bliss, inner peace, a visceral understanding of the order of the universe, untold riches, 2 more inches in height and dick girth.

>> No.50935468


>> No.50935507 [DELETED] 

what the fuck this address owned over 15 trillion he bought for like $5 and he held it going to 5million or more, then all the way down to 100k LMFAO AND THEN HE SOLD HAHAHAHAHAHA
it has to be some basket weaving chink who didn't have internet connection

>> No.50935528

From this point on I’m not even going to bother reply to your threads. I’m just going to report them as spam. It’s not because I’m salty or from another scam BSC token. It’s because I’m beyond sick and tired of seeing this piece of shit trash being shilled here everyday.

>> No.50935558
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>Put 2k into this a couple of hours ago what should I expected?
Unironically 6 figures USD if you can endure the psychological torture ahead and also somehow manage to not sell too early or too late

>> No.50936108

You have to time it perfectly, because every other holder wants to sell as well, it's all a game of who dumps first

>> No.50936386

>i will inform the moderator of this subreddit because your mention of this coin I don't understand is harassment! This community is should be a space
Do you get called plebbitor cancer every day, or just every other day?

>> No.50936418

I think your canine with bat coin is WORTHLESS GARBAGE and you're a very silly fellow.

>> No.50936466
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>> No.50936508
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>> No.50936510 [DELETED] 

Reality is the d0b0nigger's worst enemy

>> No.50936519

I'm really looking forward to your newfriends complaining about yet another missed moon trip.

>> No.50936806

how does $2 sound by EOM?

>> No.50937784

idk i pulled out my initial and now i’m just playing with fake money so hopefully it just does something retarded from

>> No.50937833

looks like a good chart to buy desu

>> No.50938141

Unironically these are the charts to buy. Great rip-and-runners. Floor's a certainty, massive upside, minimal downside, cooorrrr...

>> No.50938311

Paid 9000€ for my 100B throughout Oct-January
Down like 85%

>> No.50938318

50b eoy wagmi

>> No.50938323
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Daily reminder QOM is coming for you dog fucker scum

>> No.50938388
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>> No.50939073

no nut november is going to be wild

>> No.50939198


>> No.50939724

Told you idiots.

Made it clear to you fags the pump wouldn't last and here you are watching as it's plummeting back to sub-$3m market cap.


>> No.50940373
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Never selling. 50B prophecy 2022!

>> No.50940402

you get bat you pay for

>> No.50940480

Please be fucking true. I bought some when it was down, still kind of down, but I could see it being the new Shib. I can also see Dogbat going past ATH again, which would be a nice fucking gain - even from Where it is now.

>> No.50940497

Already pumped.

>> No.50942387

How do you rug a renounced contract? D0b0 doesn't have "Devs" either.
This board is seriously mentally ill.