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50931316 No.50931316 [Reply] [Original]

If you’re a woman, you have no excuse to be poor or complain about money. Start an OnlyFans and you’ll be a millionaire

>> No.50931326

only the top few make that much
it is free money though

>> No.50931365

Your integrity and image is worth far more than 12 horny dudes you went to high school and a couple of jealous college friends with finally getting to see your pussy for 9.99 a month.

>> No.50931378

Mine is but their's isn't, that's why they're useless whores

>> No.50931438

men lose all integrity when they start wagecucking
who cares

>> No.50931461

You could always do gay porn OP

>> No.50931481

>Just have no job and be poor.
Sounds about right for biz.

>> No.50931504

>men lose all integrity when they start wagecucking
can confirm. my pride died after only 2-3 years of necessary manual labour wagecuck humiliating dirty underpaid jobs.

the person I was at 20 would be ashamed to look at my 33 self... it would probably motivate my younger self to do better tho...

my pride died and I will never get it back. my will to live is non existent. nothing is worse than doing shit jobs and barely getting any reward. add a couple failed relatioships/cheating exes/divorce rape and you are cooked for life.

>> No.50931613
File: 45 KB, 500x571, ezgif-5-dee1d3389f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a good portion of the high earning foids on twitch or onlyfans are laundering money for their drug dealing boyfriends so they can reinvest the money elsewhere.

I feel like they swap high quantities of drugs, or even exchange piles of dirty cash, for high paypig donations on the girl's onlyfans.

>> No.50931640

Ugly or fat women have it worst than normal men

>> No.50931697

I know a fat ugly girl with strabismus (eyes not looking in the same direction) and she is literally never single
oh yeah, she's also stupid as fuck and regularly cheats
her only redeemable trait is knowing how to cook
There's no way women have it harder, you'll also get employed in various jobs just for being a woman, if anything, your chances of getting hired get higher when you're ugly if you're applying for a female dominated field (because HR roasties don't want no competition)

>> No.50932169

Are you dumb? Men love fat women. There are songs, statues, paintings, signs, fetishes, you name it dedicated to fat women. And ugly women? You know how ugly women got here right? Someone spread those ugly genes. Ugly people find each other and lots of men will date ugly women for many reasons.

>> No.50932498

man loses all integrity when he starts putting money into nfts games, although there are certain cases where the shit is something really unusual or is simply a copy of the fifa card game like champ

so, at this point we can't complain any more

>> No.50932974

>dress up in constumes
>do fetish stuff
>get 1000 subs

>> No.50933141

>I know a fat ugly girl with strabismus (eyes not looking in the same direction) and she is literally never single
kek this. women have ultimate control over the sexual market thx to modern society and feminism.

this is not going to end well

>> No.50933163
File: 284 KB, 1250x2048, 1660645211583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re a man, you have no excuse to be a virgin or complain about being socially awkward. Just be an alpha male and get lots of pussy and then get a corporate job and climb that corporate ladder and you’ll be a millionaire

>> No.50933641

Can confirm.
>date socially awkward mousey nerd girl
>she’s nice enough, but not my type; wanted to give her a fair shake even though she’s a rebound
>she works in an office somewhere doing something-or-other for $12/hr
>loses her job one day because she overslept
>chick is lazy as hell with retarded spending habits
>she’s debating being a substitute teacher
>tell her, “Nah just start an OF”
>break up with her, buy a house in the next town over and forget about it
>8 months later…
>”Dude did you hear mousey femanon has an OF?”
>Bitch has 1.2K subs at $10/mo…

This was a year ago. I think she just went to some convention out in Vegas and is making like $20K a month now just kissing girls and shoving objects in her pussy with stupid outfits on.

>> No.50933796

retard, women just need a webcam, a dildo and some makeup

>> No.50933945


>> No.50934081
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Bitch has 1.2K subs at $10/mo…
>This was a year ago. I think she just went to some convention out in Vegas and is making like $20K a month now just kissing girls and shoving objects in her pussy with stupid outfits on.
>mfw I gotta break my back, body and mind just to barely make 1600 a month
I cant live like this anymore. Help

>> No.50934082

Rude? I pushed her over the edge and now she’s independently wealthy lol. She wasn’t going to do anything with her life otherwise. She literally started it the SAME WEEK I told her she should—she owes me a couple private videos kek

>> No.50934097

>women need to whore themselves
Found the kike

>> No.50934119

Bro I’m 3 serious, multi-month long nervous breakdowns deep in 10 years doing some shit I can’t even wrap my head around anymore. I’ve been coasting for the last 6 months but I will inevitably be fired in an embarrassing fashion very soon and lose literally everything I’ve built to this point lol. Trust me, even though I’m ok financially right now, I’ll be right back down there with you real soon after losing my ass and my family walks out on me lmao

>> No.50934146
File: 816 KB, 1850x1350, 1653923594495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do onlyfans
>Don't even have to post nudes
>make millions
>invest half into ETH and MATIC
>make millions again

Mofos have it so easy godamn boys

>> No.50934168

That's a million times harder than doing sex with yourself in your bedroom on camera

>> No.50934189

Common Tate W

>> No.50934624

>Bro I’m 3 serious, multi-month long nervous breakdowns deep in 10 years doing some shit I can’t even wrap my head around anymore.
I know my dude. I got gutted by my ex after I had workplace injuries.
Im on a multi year skid, completly losing the ground from under.

>> No.50934733

Well, not every woman wants to do onlyfans. It's degrading and what will you do after there is no more onlyfans and new trend comes?

>> No.50934755

i cant, i dont have a fanbase at all. and even if i did, the internet is forever and i dont want to curse myself forever

>> No.50935474

She looks painfully british

>> No.50935548

You can’t search for people on onlyfans so it’s not like you’d be able to track down those people anyways

>> No.50935627
File: 274 KB, 600x572, c36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a harsh reality for men

wagecucking strips you of all dignity and your soul dies

at least disgusting onlyfans whores are given positive attention and thousands for merely existing and having tits/ ass/ feet