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File: 74 KB, 1200x801, vitalik buterin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50904242 No.50904242 [Reply] [Original]

It really does seem like Gavin Wood did all the technical heavy lifting. Since he left in 2016 what has Ethereum managed to achieve?
Polkadot is just an inferior Avalanche but it has the right idea concerning scaling instead of this L2 nonsense.
Vitalik seems more like a theories and idea guy and not someone who can produce real world, practical systems.

>> No.50904246

what colour is your bugatti bro?

>> No.50904251

reddit is that way >>>>>>>

>> No.50904279

emotional responses? you wouldn't resort to these if you had a logical argument...

>> No.50904358

Where's your blockchain bro?

>> No.50904381

>you're not a world expert therefore you can't criticize or have an opinion!!!

>> No.50904382

I used to think that way OP. But now I realize that AVAX FTM ONE are all useless insecure l1 chains. Ethereum+Skale/Matic does EVERYTHING. Literally the infrastructure for the next 100 years. So, you know.

>> No.50904403

Do I believe that he created Ethereum the way the media portrays him? No. That's besides the point though. Ethereum as a blockchain cannot scale and the merge does not fix that problem. From my research I have found that the best way to scale Ethereum is by using it inside Internet Computer canister contracts because the internet computer is able to run at the speed of the internet and has subnets/sharding for infinite scalability already employed.

>> No.50904404

what colour is your blockchain?

>> No.50904408

where are the trustles rollups?
you do realise MATIC is centralised garbage that runs backwards

>> No.50904469

where is your bugatti?

>> No.50904996

>It really does seem like Gavin Wood did all the technical heavy lifting
Charles Hoskinson is the true founder of efferiums

>> No.50905031

The lead geth developer vented earlier this year about that, tl;dr Vitalik just makes up shit in his mind and tells engineers to build it, even if it's retarded and/or unfeasable. Effereum is a mess according to him.


>> No.50905138

>someone who apparently forgot what a disaster eth was in general back then
>bad solidity code meant to be airtight standards cost users what would be BILLIONS today, written by gavin
>multiple epic failures. the times the hackers didn't easy steal everything, he screws up and locks billions in unrecoverable contracts
>since he left eth it actually has improved tremendously
Why am I so salty? Because I was around back then. I missed the ICO because at the time and before that the people seemed retarded(true). Vitalik was pretty cringy, but he was also just a teenager and he has evolved massively.
So the ICO is whatever, because they were retarded. But when it did come out it was such a goddamn shitshow it's hard even explain. 2015, ok it was brand new whatever.
But 2016 was such a goddamn disaster due to Gavin, people designing Solidity back then(I was shocked when I came back and it was still here, even then they wanted to replace it with Vyper or some early concept similar because it was so bad), also due to the fucking DAO retards. And the absurdity at the time of that hard fork...
Anyway eventually I noticed that once they cleared away all those retards from the original squad shit actually ended up a lot better and things are pretty good now.
I wish I had known they'd all go away rather than keep dragging the ship down. I'd have a lot more money now but whatever. I don't think I was 'wrong' at the time about how bad it was, it was really that bad...I just needed to keep checking back more frequently.
Lesson learned to identify projects with potential but being kept down by bad founders: Monitor it for changing of the guard.

>> No.50905194

Also it's like yeah, he is an academic comp sci phd who understands how computation and data structures work, and can write a technical paper like the yellow paper. Congrats.
But his application of that knowledge...into what should be his 'own' product...jesus.
>lets give everyone a contract to use as a wallet but use tx.origin because someone who understands the most fundamental way the system works doesn't see how that might be just a bit bad

>> No.50905213

wasn't gavin wood a literal pedo?

>> No.50905235

No I will not buy shitvax

>> No.50905474
File: 206 KB, 737x390, vitalik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vitalik is unironically a smoothbrain. It's more of a cosmic accident that he's not reviewing vidya games and documenting his transition, more than anything. Pedophilia, the midwit trash he links on his bio, etc.

>> No.50905496

ignore the greentext, was unintentional

>> No.50905502

All the good devs are.

>> No.50905513

No crypto is the ‘infirior’ avalanche. Avalanche is absolute dog shit and can scale and has a double spend problem this is a unsubtle AVAX shill thread and I want op to go lay in the road with his immediate family

>> No.50905533

Eth’s sister networks Icp will have all zkroll ups you can shake a stick at- so will matic though

>> No.50905549

>muh gayvin wood
He’s a bigger charlatan than pedolik could ever dream to be kek, he needs to kiss pedoliks feet 24/7 365/12 for giving him the connections needed to be in the space otherwise he would be just one of the many nobodies who can code.

>> No.50905564

yeah I'm new so I don't know any of this shit
just surprised how little Vitalik actually did (excluding from coming up with the idea and the whitepaper) compared to the common perception

>> No.50905593

Kek this, gavin is just a peak midwit with megalomanic tendencies who thinks he knows shit but can’t even put them to use even if his life depended on it effectively nullifying anything he might think he knows

>> No.50905648

>vitalik hate thread #874306

>> No.50907441

>Before we look at the context of Vitalik’s remarks, we need to remember that the earliest ideas behind Vitalik’s original proposal for Ethereum in December 2013 came about as a result of his visit to Israel in October 2013:

“Let us first begin with the very earliest version of what would eventually become Ethereum, back when it was not even called Ethereum. When I was visiting Israel in October 2013, I spent quite a bit of time with the Mastercoin team, and even suggested a few features for them. After spending a couple of times thinking about what they were doing, I sent the team a proposal to make their protocol more generalized and support more types of contracts without adding an equally large and complex set of features.”

>> No.50907931

Kek do you at least get paid by the EF for the cock sucking?

>> No.50907959

based vulcan senpai detected. do you also like star wars and funkpops?