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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50877313 No.50877313 [Reply] [Original]

I quit my job to work web3. I'm a "director of vibes" for an NFT project. Basically that means I just smoke weed and watch anime/play vidya all day with a discord server of rich people who simp over me because I sound like a 9 year old. They like hearing me scream in amongus and gladly give me ETH and NFTs as presents all the time.

I get approached by multiple projects asking me if I want to work for them now. After spending my entire life struggling to find jobs, getting turned down left and right, the tables are turned and I'm rejecting offers every other day. Whenever someone wants to buy me out, I show my boss and he casually drops me like $50k worth of ETH to keep me on board because he doesn't have time to babysit a Discord and knows if I leave then people will get bored. I'm hard to replace because people know who I am and it'd be bad PR if I left. And in the end he's so rich he doesn't really care.

Another project has me "on retainer" in case their director of vibes is out, which never happens, but it's a passive 2ETH a month for literally just being online all the time.

For the first time ever, I've broken 6 figure hell as of last month, and all I had to do was watch spongebob high. Work is a scam. Now I just need to figure out how much the IRS wants to rape me for next year when they see I have 0 cost basis on everything and became a millionaire from thin air.

>> No.50877349

>grown man
>watches anime, plays 'vidya' (kys), and smokes weed
>codemonkey loser
Even if you had 700 billion I wouldn't want to be you

>> No.50877370

Congrats anon! I started a tg group called themillyclub to meet like minded people on my 7 figure journey and would be great if you could join

>> No.50877398

What project?

>> No.50877456

Good on you for making money. Hopefully the people giving you money aren't causing themselves harm from it.

Other than that, enjoy it, invest it, and pay taxes so you never have to worry about being hunted down by the taxman.

>> No.50877512

Crypto is only taxable when you cash out, getting and holding is not taxable.
Look for some place that cashes out outside the usa and do not pay taxes to the irs cult.

>> No.50877530

>director of vibes
Fucking bullshit

>> No.50877780

Talented DOVs are worth their weight in gold during a vibecession fr fr

>> No.50877806
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That's cool, I wouldn't want to be (you) either from the sounds of it. Different people have different aspirations and drives for life and that's cool. I genuinely do enjoy crypto and know enough from my exposure to it that I can legitimately teach classes on it. So it's not like I'm not constantly staying mentally stimulated and acquiring new skills, it's just not something I'm pressured into for the sake of running a rat wheel.

If you're in the NFT scene you probably know it, but it's not a blue chip or anything. Telling you what it is would obviously dox me though I'm sure if someone from the project came in they'd know who I am and laugh.

Nah, people have this perception of NFTs being a big scam because they don't understand most of the big players aren't even in it for profit. Most of them are already rich as fuck and just looking for crypto friends, and willing to pay lots of money to join exclusive clubs. They made it already, NFTs are like country clubs. So don't feel bad if you ever get into NFTs successfully flip, chances are you're not dumping on poor peeps but just scraping a little frosting from the side of their massive wedding cakes.

Someday people will come to realize this and I'm sure positions like mine will be more difficult to get into but until then it's easy money. I've already made enough to live off for like 10 years if I'm not stupid with it (more if ETH goes back to $4k) so honestly I don't care.

It's a real position (in crypto).

No, this is only if you're trading. I earn an income from crypto. It's taxable the moment it hits my wallet, at the fair market value. It's fucking ridiculous, and it means if you earn $4k in ETH as income, but it drops to $3k the next week, you still owe taxes on the $4k valuation because that's how much it was worth when you got it.

>> No.50877849

if you work you are a wagie
wagie = inferior to us NEETS
you are a normie
a disgusting sex-haver probably
NPC fuck. You can't even think. Try the redpill

>> No.50877958
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I mean sure, if streaming Dark Souls high is work then I guess I'm a wagie?

>> No.50877987

yep, disgusting wagie NPC. kike lover

>> No.50878677

sounds like you got a pretty nice gig honestly im jealous but everyone cant be as lucky as you

>> No.50878764

Yeah I know it's mostly luck, but I will say there are tons of jobs in web3 that pay way more than wagie jobs and have more freedom/less labor involved. Most of the time you make your own hours.

>> No.50878871

Who buys NFTs? How does anyone make money?

Any idea how much web3 developers can make?

>> No.50878896

based iong

>> No.50878921

where can you find those web3 jobs? I want to break free from being a wagie

>> No.50878996

>Nft firm
>Not bullshit

>> No.50878999

Join project discords and follow twitter accounts. I wish there was an easier way to explain other than "learn your shit and be helpful/friendly" cause that's pretty much all there is. You make connections with the right people and they want to throw money your way.

There are different groups of people who buy NFTs. Some buy for quick flips, some buy for clout, some buy for token gated clubs, some buy just because they're rich and bored as all fuck.

Web3 devs are in high demand and make a lot. There's not really a standard wage because it depends entirely on the scope of the project you're working on and who's employing you. If you make something yourself you obviously get a large cut. So many of these projects make millions of dollars on their launch date and have almost no accountability for what they do with those funds so hire people to do work for them lol.

>> No.50880475

brokie detected

>> No.50880500

What sort of modern mongrel wants this kind of life? Please let there be nuclear fire, please.

>> No.50880544

OP here, I am on my phone.

Its a great life and I will go ahead and tell you the NFT project https://opensea.io/collection/flappybirds

These have helped me break out of six figure hell

>> No.50880598
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>> No.50880617

I'm confused, are you a guy of a girl?

>> No.50880784

Does it matter?

>> No.50880855
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very based OP if not a larp.

I smoke a ton of weed, how do i apply?

>> No.50880880
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broo i used to be the guy that kept the discord acctive when i still discorded. where do i sign up to be a director of vibes?

>> No.50880914

>I can legitimately teach classes on it.
Wow, everyone is really proud of you. We're totally not laughing at your retarded job title and duties and the fact that no matter how rich you are, your life will always be shit enough to have to post here. I would tell you to go tell your real friends, but, well, let's face it: you're a
director of "vibes".

>> No.50880921


If you guys are truly interested, just buy one of our NFTs first https://opensea.io/collection/flappybirds

>> No.50880986
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why would i buy this absolute worthless thing?

>> No.50881001

Learn the basics of crypto (most of /biz/ ironically doesn't have this down). If your holdings are all on a CEX and you've never used a dApp, multiple chains, configured an ENS, or just in general transact on EVM chains firsthand then you should get those down.

Then it's a matter of joining projects that genuinely interest you and chatting. Pretty much everyone in crypto smokes weed so that's an instant connecting point if you need something in common. But you're going to need to make a Discord and a Twitter. I didn't have a Twitter before doing this stuff, I only use it for crypto and that's actually preferred for most of the people you'll be interacting with. Get friendly with devs/staff when you see them on, follow influencers on Twitter to keep up with the latest drama, and don't be an asshat. If you are fun enough to talk to (and you should be if you're genuinely shitposting and have a good sense of humor) then you're good to go. Bonus points if you just hang out in voice chat or something. These project leads need fun people in their server to keep engagement up, they'll pay for you to be there if you can do that. A dead discord is a dead project and so many of these autists are too scared to initiate conversation.

>> No.50881041

hey, i have been studying solidity since late 2020 and i have become heckin good at it. i'm in the process of getting a bachelor degree, (this is a career change), but i have already worked for a bunch of small projects for which "the dev" couldn't figure shit out and needed help, or wrote custom contracts, etc...
I realize i'm the only good solitdity dev getting exploited because i get like 200 $ a day there and there and i'm better than most idiots i come across.
Any tip on where to start looking for legit offers? i feel like it's time for me to officialize things and get a real job and stop working with retards scammers
I was told to go to crypto meetings with my portofolio, but fuck taking a plane and shieeet. Also what are the liabilities for writing smart contracts if i start doxxing myself

>> No.50881100

search on linkedIN

>> No.50881119

>16 unique owners
>No volume for 4 straight months
>Only 0.17ETH total volume
>Only 300 of 1k minted

Did you actually invest in this or is this your project? Actually impressive that the Twitter for the project is still somewhat active and that anyone would fucking post it lol. If it's your project, there are better ways to shill, but honestly it's not a project anyone would take seriously so you're better off trying again instead of trying to beat the dead horse.

Cool story bro.

Yea you're getting fucking scammed dude. Good solidity devs are in high demand, Most of these NFT projects are just fucking copy+pasting code and have 0 development after launch because the team is busy trying to learn solidity after the fact lol.

Try Gitcoin, do some grants, earn a reputation and I'm pretty sure someone will give you an offer if your work is good enough.

Don't do this unless you wanna get taken advantage of by a web2 company hiring for web3 with a shoestring budget lol.

>> No.50881177
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Just hoping with your 1 million in zero expense income you could pump the project a little thats all :(

>> No.50881313

>Don't do this unless you wanna get taken advantage of by a web2 company hiring for web3 with a shoestring budget lol.
and you think pajeets in scamcords will pay him more than a regular company?

>> No.50881347

What are you looking into that this is your perception of project discords?

>> No.50881415

as 99.9% of cryptocurrencies are projects that wont go anywhere or straight up scams. the same is true for NFTS. and the stupid discords that go with it.

BTC+XMR and maybe ETH and all the rest is worthless scams and you should know that ETH started with a 71pct premine so technically... SCAM

>> No.50881511

DoV is a marketing position where you chill in disc and telegram and twatter to keep baggies from freaking out about red dildos and generically keep things positive. It's not a lot different from a PR goon or community manager. Basically you distract the babies with shiny things and lolipops to keep them from noticing the dick in their ass

>> No.50881570
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Curious, have you ever actually used the blockchain for anything other than buying drugs? Feel free to check the Gitcoin link I posted above for legitimate projects paying pretty good money for good devs. Pretty much all of them will have Discord servers for you to visit if you'd like to investigate more.

>> No.50881671

>ETH started with a 71pct premine

1. Genesis ETH is unspendable, this number is effectively 0% for all practical purposes

2. Currently this is actually about 59% because of the issuance since then, and it will continue decreasing

3. BTC started the same. Functionally there's no difference between Satoshi mining 1.1m BTC before the public even knows wtf it is and when difficulty is so piss easy you could mine on a toaster with good results. At this point in BTC's life Satoshi's genesis stack accounted for more than 70% of all BTC and it's still spendable to this day if the wallet were to make any moves.

Note I'm not an ETH maxi nor do I particularly hate BTC but I thought I'd shed some light on the points you're making in case you genuinely wanted to learn. Here's an article detailing Bitcoin's history; you'll find a lot of the opposition BTC maxis have in regards to ETH existed at some point with BTC as well. Most people just weren't into the tech at that early stage to realize that:


>> No.50881805

Send some of those people you turned down my way on TG, I can take on some of that, seriously