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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50870173 No.50870173 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready for the pajeet century?

>> No.50870187

I'd take pajeets over chinks any day. At least they're human.

>> No.50870192

I just prefer them because they actually have accounting standards.

>> No.50870220

We all make jokes and shit but I'm happy pajeets are relatively on our side. At least, they aren't on China's side and that's what's most important.

>> No.50870227

Worst thing jeets do is stink up the Walmart and scam some boomers over the phone. Chinks will seriously fuck up the entire planet left unchecked.

>> No.50870255

why do indians have so many kids

>> No.50870272

They need separate trains for women to stop men from gangraping them they're monkey people.

>> No.50870286
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this wfh shit is going to give every office job to a street shitter eventually. fine, don't listen to me I'm old and almost retired. Fuck you zoomies and street shitters.

>> No.50870292
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>> No.50870356

hopefully it will put females back in their place

>> No.50870397

They will try and they will realize what a terrible idea that is within 6 months. Every company I've ever worked for as a software dev has tried shipping something or other over to pooland, only to pay American devs more money to untangle their curry-scented spaghetti code and start from scratch within that amount of time. You have to understand that companies like Microsuck literally pick these poos off the street and give them a 6-month crash course in programming. They are not nearly as competent as devs with a formal Western education. There will always be some greenhorn Chad junior executive who comes into power at a company because his daddy who paid for his 2.5 GPA at Harvard knows someone. So Chad comes in and tries this shit because it saves money on paper. But it literally never works out and they would have realistically saved more money by hiring competent developers to begin with.