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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 75 KB, 495x553, 20220811_211512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50867582 No.50867582 [Reply] [Original]

>be 1900
>be farmer
>own 5 acres
>no taxes, no responsibility except getting food year in and year out
>buy an apple, $0.50
>plant seeds, unlimited apples
>buy male and female calf, $300
>let them eat grass and breed, unlimited beef
>be government
>property tax, income tax, sales tax, cooked food tax
>be me
>previously only responsibility was to self
>but a man called Sam now said I am in debt for being me
>so I paid

>> No.50867607

looks like some tent grown purple punch mids

>> No.50867644
File: 137 KB, 800x567, Boston Tea Party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck do we continue to enable our tyrannical government when they don't represent The People anymore? It's obvious they care more about sucking The Corporation's cock more than The People, yet we continue to enable them (both The Government and The Corporations) to literally buttfuck The People into poverty.

>> No.50867651

>be 2022
>be great great grandson of a free man
>rent a skybox, taxes on property to grow it in
>rent a sunbox to grow plants, taxes on income used to purchase it with
>no money, no land
>hear "people used to live on $100 a year you have it so good"
>meanwhile they arent mentioning how they had enough land to sustain themselves and no inherent debt (tax)
use weed as the gold rush it is to escape clown world poverty

>> No.50867659

>you can't see the heckin trichomes it must be mids ong no cap fr, unlike muh dank ass bomb ass purp skurp with hella glands and shit
why do you faggots key in so hard on blurry weed photos? it's embarassing

>> No.50867661

>be 1900
>buy an apple, $0.50
Apples were a lot less than .50
>The current national average price is $1.31 for Apples
>Between 1939 and 2022: Apples experienced an average inflation rate of 4.81% per year
I don't feel so good, apple bros

>> No.50867667

I adjusted for inflation sir

>> No.50867678

>Apples have more stability than The Dollar
Clown World

>> No.50867708

>buy an apple, $0.50
>plant seeds, unlimited apples

One popular way to stake a claim during the US' Westward expansion was to plant apple trees. The vast majority of apples planted have a terrible taste and only useful for alcoholic cider.

When a tree was found that made decent apples, you'd cut off a branch from it and basically clone the tree.

>> No.50867723

post yfw you snoke purp skurp in hand blown glass blown pieces

>> No.50867772

probably too strong for me, i prefer CBD strains with only like 4% THC. why is every weed grower obsessed with THC-maxxing their plant? its unnatural and the high is overly strong and annoying

>> No.50867932

>purple punch mids

Real purple punch has good genetics so its hard to fuck it up and make mids. Also you dumbass look at how frosty the leaves are those are not mids

>> No.50869093
File: 128 KB, 510x750, me and my half eagle after the collapse .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calves cost like $6 max in 1900.
5 dollars then was like 150 today. You could probably get one for a five dollar gold piece back then. Alternatively they could also be used to by a pair of ijun brides from the local Cheyenne chief. Extremely inaccurate post, op. Downvoted and reported for spam.

>> No.50869141

Yeah that's cute but I don't want to be 'represented' by your shit country. So how about you stop it with the taxes? Or did you actually mean "tax and represent everyone whether they want it or not"?

>> No.50869192

Better stay away from Copper Head Road.
I can so NO MORE...

>> No.50869223

Farmers existed in a 50 year debt spiral from the 1880s through the 1920s. Entire presidential campaigns were won and lost on the basis of inflationary currency and its impact on indebted farmers. Tariffs on the produce of said farmers was issue #2. The agricultural-industrial complex was bigger than the military-industrial complex at that time.

>> No.50869345

>be OP
>know nothing about nation building
>waste time daydreaming and shitposting
>end up being poor for life

>> No.50869381

well, yeah, except this awful inflationary currency you refer to is the free coinage of silver.
i only with that were the hot topic to debate regarding the currency today.

>> No.50869415

big numbers sell to retards and high yield maximizes profit/sq. ft. on concentrates.