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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 223 KB, 1222x918, hesssburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50865575 No.50865575 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50865584


>> No.50865595

God I’d love to live it norther Europe but fuck your food looks awful.

>> No.50865609

That is the saddest cheeseburger I have ever fucking seen.

>> No.50865644

Americans would starve off of that tiny piece of shit. Unless you already ate the rest of the food that comes with the meal?

>> No.50865656

Let the Burgers handle the burgers.

>> No.50865668

The fuck? That looks like Dairy Queen.

>> No.50865715

this really shouldn't be more than 5€

>> No.50865745

Why would you want to live there? When you account income tax, insurance and retirement fund payments, VAT and other costs, your effective tax rate is in the high 60s
T: finnfag who moved to South America

>> No.50865776


















>> No.50865859

Where's the rest of it?

>> No.50865901

shut up you starving thirdie

>> No.50865941

sexy woman, greasy food. people fighting webm. We are discovering the fundamentals of marketing.

>> No.50866052

Why would you move from one of the most peaceful places to the most violent region on earth? Asking as a monkey

>> No.50866054

Greasy Vomit

>> No.50866116
File: 111 KB, 578x724, 1631144920863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We must spread the gospel of burger, even to the heathen Finns.

>> No.50866130
File: 28 KB, 479x479, yuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


more like ewwwwwland!

>> No.50866170

>finn that moved to South America
yooooo, what country fren?
t. Pole that moved to Paraguay

>> No.50866210

i'm an educated poorfag living in canada, which has free but bad (by 1st world standards) healthcare, where our work life balance is similar to america but our wages are lower and our taxes are higher. would i be better off in northern europe?

>> No.50866325
File: 61 KB, 678x452, images (88).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I lol at the state of the rest of the world who drone on about how much better their country is etc.

I am so fucking comfy in Australia it is ridiculous. Huge land mass, small population, best beaches in the world, best food in the world because we literally have every culture here. I would know I have travelled to burgerland and most of Europe etc and our food absolutely shits on everywhere else.

Surrounded by fucking ocean with a huge zone protected from international roaches trying to get our fish so we have the best seafood in the world.

I live 5 mins from the beach and can just stroll down to get fresh tuna or lobster whenever I want or go and get any delicious meal for $10-15 AUD ($6-11 USD).

Meanwhile burgers are fighting it out for a Wendy's burger and/or having to tip the sperg who's making it just to keep their shitstain of an economy going.

>> No.50866392
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That's 5.20€ though, why do you lie on the internet?

>> No.50866411



>> No.50866454

Finnish people have been neutered and will be extinct in 50 years thanks to female empowerment, progressivism combined with EU ESL authoritarian propaganda and regulations. They are farmed like cattle for tax income for the state.
I moved cos I no longer believe it's a nation worth fighting for and I will only live for my self, my family and my community of close friends.

>> No.50866468

Don't you guys have shitty internet?

>> No.50866494

You need a marketable skill that can be used in remote work environment, you ngmi other wise.
If you mean working menial jobs, you will be worse off since Finns prefer finnish speaking employees. This is why all slave jobs like taxi, food delivery, cleaning etc is done by immigrants. There is much higher barrier for entry for non native speakers in Finland and Sweden aswell as far as I know.
Do not leave Canada for Northern European countries fren

>> No.50866510
File: 229 KB, 600x629, 62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are burgers good for you?

>> No.50866521

heroku frogbot threads bro

>> No.50866637

The most appetizing thing there is the cookie and even though it's just a picture, I'd eat it before touching the rest of that slop.

>> No.50866655

Per keel would be proud

>> No.50866664
File: 607 KB, 1624x1080, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a $5 meal in Greece

>> No.50866692

Why no bugs?

>> No.50866731

It's because Putin.

>> No.50866894

Bot post

>> No.50867103

Too bad your women are whores

>> No.50867111

that bun looks like a pumice stone

>> No.50867239

LMAO Australia is little more than a Chinese client state. Just wait until they take Taiwan and then start knocking on your door.

>> No.50867448
File: 58 KB, 556x556, 1657026475004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The unadulterated absolute sheer cope in your post.

The US has its head so far up its own ass that it has convinced itself it is better than the rest of the world.

This works fine for me because the longer you're trained that way the less chance there is you'll come here. Please continue to enjoy the luxuries of whatever fly over state you live in where the closest you'll get to enjoying a summer vacation at the beach is staring between your legs into the toilet bowl shitting out the chipotle you had the night before in your routine miserable life.

>> No.50867490

You LITERALLY live on a prison island.

>> No.50867507

environment wise i assume you'd feel at home, but you'll need to learn the language, or just remain in the status of "that canadian expat"

>> No.50867529
File: 259 KB, 599x604, 6DE1A527-750B-4A5E-A41E-9BA9104D1889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a family of five, right?

>> No.50867545
File: 604 KB, 933x636, Screenshot 2022-08-11 201151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't your government just confine you within a few km of your homes and send cops door-to-door to enforce this for a couple years?
Or are we memory-holing this now too? This is the opposite of comfy anon.

>> No.50867570
File: 1.27 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20220812_111353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ahhhhh I'm so imprisoned someone help meeeeee

Saaaaave me Candace Owens from this hell on eaaaarth asrghhhhhhhh

>> No.50867591

>oi cunt, you got your outdoors permit?
>crikey he's 6km from home, send that bio-terrorist to the prison camp!

>> No.50867621


yes I can't move more than 2km from my home without tripping the government's lasers that monitor my movements on a daily basis hahahahahahaha

How far down your throat is Alex Jones' cock for you to come out with that dribble hahahaha

Please tell me what you're doing this weekend in your absolute shit hole of a country. Show me and everyone else here your little copy paste housing suburb and which Applebee's you plan to eat it you degenerate

>> No.50867629


>> No.50867642

You do not own a firearm.

>> No.50867700
File: 1.47 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20220812_112354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Ahhhhhhhh someone help me I don't own a fire arm to protect myself so I can continue to eat at Wendy's and live a miserable existence.

Which bar am I going to have drinks at tonight and this weekend. Decisions, decisions, decisions.

>> No.50867748

This guy is really posting images from some tourist brochure and thinks it's doing something other than make him look completely insane.

>> No.50867837
File: 72 KB, 650x430, images (95).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have been to every single image I have posted.

Most are within 10 mins to an hour of where I live.

As if I'm posting actual photos on my phone to this basket weaving Alex jones' rim jobbing forum.

Accept that your existence is relegated to some opioid street shitting flyover state and understand that you will never be happy

>> No.50867894

That looks absolutely soulless and shit tier finnbrah

>> No.50867900


>> No.50867972

Flyover states aren't the street shitting states desu. That's like Cali, Philly and sadly NYC, etc.

>> No.50868477


>> No.50868780

>I took the vaxx and 7 boosters.

>> No.50868851

>As if I'm posting actual photos on my phone to this basket weaving Alex jones' rim jobbing forum.
why not? There's no exif data

>> No.50869326

it's just high inflation. Inflation is high in canada as well and what you get for your money is always awful.

>> No.50869988

Australians are literally cattle and the women are whores.

>> No.50870223

My girlfriend was finnish. Beautiful girl. Visited her in Hämeenlinna. Finland is clean and nice compared to central europe. And SA has much more brown people. Even if Finnland is going to shit as well.
Finnlands landscape is beautiful. Water and Rivers everywhere.

>> No.50870337
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>> No.50870460

just going to bump the thread because of this comment

>> No.50870891

please show up in the nearby government mandated Covid camp, Bruce

>> No.50870899

That's why they needed to have your Covid tracking app on your mobile.

>> No.50870912

Just buy 12x cheeseburger idiot

>> No.50870973

Neekeri neekeri neekeri neekeri neekeri
Those cheeseburgers cost like 2.50eur each
Also that meal isn't really 12eur, it's expensive but not that expensive. That cheeseburger meal is 6.40 in this expensive shithole

>> No.50871538

This is the only selling point of Finland to me. I miss the nature. However, it's not enough

>> No.50871546

The foodies is very good omg le food
I can't make this fricking food everywhere in the world the fricking food is so foodie here and only here because some arab wiped his ass with his bare hands before making my pita


>> No.50871554

disgusting trash

>> No.50871599

anything that attracts goy senses is good bait

>> No.50871609

12 euro for a piece of charred meat, some bread, and some potatoes?
you got robbed son

>> No.50872476

Lol no its not, i was in a fast food place recently. 1 shitty burger was 9e. I made a thread about it too kek

>> No.50872536

You will never own a home m8, simple as

>> No.50872545

But but at least you have free healthcare, r-right?

>> No.50872550

Because he's an ABC reddit tourist

>> No.50872573

Your country sucks, and your own politicians openly kill you with mandates. Do the aboriginals a favor and kys. The world hates you.

>> No.50872602
File: 125 KB, 824x990, 1656609492413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50872616

>delicious meal includes 2L Oak + frozen pizza

>> No.50872634

The cheese is beneath the meat patty. I hope you got a refund for this scam.

>> No.50873329

>here's my 12 euros
>in exchange I want to shit bricks

>> No.50873340

Is that a meal for ants? My 2.5y old son eats more

>> No.50873345

le reddit gold post

>> No.50873541
File: 378 KB, 683x540, 1648736714795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to move to paraguay bros

>> No.50873568


And that's why all you americunts are fat.

>> No.50873612

The meat looks like shoe leather.

>> No.50873621

>1eur cheese burger is 2,5eur

>> No.50874125


>> No.50874200
File: 117 KB, 970x617, hesekoira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laulappa hesekoiralle

>> No.50875336

one of the few goyslops that tastes like absolute shit
I have no idea how finnoids can unironically consume this

t. estonian

>> No.50875399
File: 271 KB, 1379x1016, boner_burgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posts shittiest garbage chain burger in Finland

Go to Boneless and get a proper burger

>> No.50876668

europe is fucking shit. the meals are fucking tiny and they cost a ton, due to the european politicians taxing the fuck out of tasty goyslop grub. I WANT MY CHEAP FUCKING GOYSLOP GODDAMNIT GIVE IT TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!