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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50864752 No.50864752 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I know I am seeing a lot of back-and-forth on this topic, but I really need to push back and raise some red flags here.

Having an on-site office presence is foundational to our ability to drive efficiencies in a corporate landscape. It is in our DNA. Sure, there is no 'one size fits all' or silver bullet and some are just boilerplate solutions, leveraged to the hilt and really only keeping us at a 30,000-foot-view of things. Being on-site, however, really allow us to get better granularity, find better directional-indicators, or loop back and dive deep into some critical issues on a go-forward basis.

I think if you all start spending more time in the office again, you'll find yourself trending toward the positive, but you'll have to keep an eye on the puck. Gut through it, reduce thrash, and let's stay in lock-step on this. Yes, we will synergize!

What's the root cause of the hatred of Corporate office spaces? I'll put my layman's hat on and guess that it comes from movies such as Office Space and Dilbert cartoons. But we all know that these are fictional spaces, and real office spaces allow us to touch base in a much more efficient manner.

I have to time-box this comment, as I have a hard-stop in a moment when I will have to jump onto a call. So, just one more point that I want to cover-off on: let's socialize the idea of having more office presence and loop back to see whether we're being more impactful. From a management standpoint, I think that we can get the traction to do it.

So, net/net, ignore the naysayers, sidebar the folks that are stuck in the weeds, and don't waste cycles or bandwidth on folks that don't align strongly with this mission. Try it out, and we'll have another touch point in a little while to see if we've moved the needle. Remember, our north star hasn't changed. We're still championing our core values remotely and we will only do it better in person.

If you need me, I will be online again in a bit.

>> No.50864865

I hate you and will use your entrails as a setpiece in my foyer. You make these posts and there's people who talk like this unironically where I work. I will wash myself in your lymph fluid and bathe in your fresh neck-essence for making this ostensibly low-quality post nobody asked for.
Proceed to jump in front of your commuter train next time you feel inclined to post this.

>> No.50864894


>> No.50864989
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wfh is gay. make it easier for the jews to outsource your role to India, stupid tranny faggots. Meanwhile, MSNBC: we not in recession. Jesus fucking Christ I'm moving to a cabin in Alaska to Chud in peace.

>> No.50865021

Anon, I appreciate the feedback. Your opinion is incredibly important and valuable to us. Your message definitely comes across as honest which is great since it's a key core value. However, I've been noticing an increasingly negative attitude from you lately which is a little contrary to our other core values around respect and dignity at work. I've decided to move our weekly one-to-one forward to tomorrow. We can talk more about it there.

Further to the remarks outlined below. I'd just like to remind people that I'm also a certified mental health first aider. So if you are having increasingly dark thoughts at work please by all means feel free to reach out to me privately and in confidence.

It's time we broke the stigma around mental health!

Unfortunately I have to jump on another call soon. But I should also remind people that our chosen charity for this month is the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Our company will match all contributions up to $1,000!

Lastly just a gentle reminder to others to take a look through our company handbook and refresh yourself on our core values. If you have any questions please let me know. My calendar is absolutely full this week but I don't mind making time to go over these again for anyone that needs a quick refresher.

>> No.50865022

Interesting how all these corp drones suck ESG diversity dick but fight WFH where, without cameras and microphones, race and gender literally does not exist.

>> No.50865242

*types "hot jap milf fuck" in the team slack channel*

>> No.50865509

Some company made me do all this bullshit, tests and trials and then fail me on the last hurdle over shit that could have been easily corrected which is part of a job in general. those petty cunts, I thought I was gonna get out of this fucking rut Im in and land an easy wfh job

I cant take this shit any more, the universe just doesnt want me to work too hard, or at all it seems

>> No.50865572
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>I have to time-box this comment, as I have a hard-stop in a moment when I will have to jump onto a call.
My fucking sides.
Literally every corpo manager ever.
The absolute lack of self-awareness is awe inspiring.

>> No.50865636
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Based and jargonpilled

>> No.50865739

You're just mad that you don't get to wfh.

>> No.50867217
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Literally my boomer manager who forces hybrid work on us. The moment I have enough experience I will fuck off to a fully remote job.

>> No.50867514

Oops looks like we're done a bit earlier than scheduled! I'll give you your 5 minutes back.

(wave to the camera to say goodbye, making sure my hand shows up in the camera so you can see it)

>> No.50867541
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I’m sorry can we put a pin in this? I have to drop for a sprint planning session, then a retrospective, then a backlog grooming session.

>> No.50867573

I think it’s good.

>> No.50867649

>refuses to elaborate
>moves on like nothing happened
This is how you establish dominance at work

>> No.50867675

Fuck you cock holster
>Captcha dx0vjh niggerfaggot

>> No.50867779

Hi Anon, so about your performance review, we've noticed no major technical issues over the last quarter, you're a dependable engineer your peers can always rely on, and we appreciate that you always take ownership over your tickets.
But I can't help but notice that you haven't contributed much in most meetings - there is some room for improvement in that area, and me and your peers would love to hear a bit more about your perspective!
If you take a look at our Performance Matrix and the expectations for the next level, you can see that we expect nothing less than a "Capable Communicator", so I think this should definitely be one of your areas of focus for the next quarter.
Abhinaj for example has been very proactive during sprint plannings in raising any issues/concerns or possible blockers, and he always posts the Song of the Day on Slack - he's getting a promotion this quarter.

>> No.50867823


its cool if I keep options trading from the office right?

>> No.50867829
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>> No.50867831


Pretty interesting point desu. Also removes barriers for transportation, proximity to the office, clothes, etc. Honestly work from home is pretty woke from that standpoint. If you had a whole remote team with nothing but voice and output to go off of it'd probably remove a lot of unconscious. As a white male, I now understand why wfh must be destroyed so I can retain my superiority in the workplace

>> No.50867933

>wfh is gay. make it easier for the jews to outsource your role to India

slave mentality

>> No.50867994

Stop using words when you don't know what they mean, you ubiquitous menagerie.