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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50864440 No.50864440 [Reply] [Original]

>take out huge mortgage on luxury home
>take out loans on multiple new cars
>buy luxury items with revolving credit
>pay for lavish vacations, overpriced entertainment and gourmet dinning out by charging it to credit cards
>slight bump in inflation occurs
Its all so tiring.

>> No.50864563

How long do you think boomer parasites such as yourself will be able to spam "you poor cause you dumb subhuman" before we round them up and euthanize them?

Bare in mind that by definition the vast majority of living creatures are poor or in debt and it is only a very very very tiny minirity of exclusively humans beings who are rich (i say human beings because it isnt just other humans who hunt financiers down but all of nature and all living beings assaulted by you also hunt you down) so by definition who are many and you are few. What makes you think you can take this fight? I never understood the arrogance of capitalists and other financier parasites. Like you are useless lmao why you act so tough

>> No.50864592
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we are NOT in a recession

>> No.50864639

They will pay people like me to get rid of people like you. Such as it has always been, anon.

>> No.50864646
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>pawn shops

>> No.50864701

And you always fail lmaoo it is always your heads on spikes

>> No.50864729
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It is, in fact, that bad.

>> No.50864821

Seems like capitalists have stayed winning. So your impotent attitude is pathetic.

>> No.50864857

How do pawn shops work? I am not poor so I haven't been to any in my life.

>> No.50864929

>have money
>decide to make a business of it by lending money to people at a price
>nerds get mad at you because they are have-nots

>> No.50865012

Yeah, I had the same reaction.
The pawn shop owner in the story seems like an okay dude, he doesn't profit in downturns since people only sell.
Most of the merchandise he buys ends up having been stolen.
If he wanted to help he should contact food banks and churches to volunteer at his shop when those in need come.


>> No.50865037


500% loans. i.,e, i give you $500 today and you come back in a week and give me $750. alternatively, here's my phone that's worth $400 on eBay - I'm going to give you $100 cash today and if you don't give me the $100 plus another $100 cash when you come back in 5 days I'm gonna keep your $400 phone.

>> No.50865038

it's a place where a guy will buy your stuff at a lower than market price and then sell it at a mark up. kind of like if ebay were a shop

>> No.50865416

Communists won't stop at "boomer parasites". They will kill anyone that's not dirt poor, uneducated, and stupid. Ultimately, it's not fairness or equality that they want. They only seek destruction.

>> No.50865669

Why would communists go after poor people lmao schizo rightoid parasites make 0 fucking sense insane mental gymnastics all the time.

Also even if your point was true it is still up to you to prove communists would assault poor people more than what capitalists already are doing. As a matter of fact poverty is created and maintained by capitalism but i why am i even arguing with you i cant even understand how you breathe you are 100% braindead

>> No.50865718

Lol you're the kinda dude commies will round up first for being the naive useful idiot

>> No.50865779
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Not exactly. maximum lending rate an usury laws actually get applied to them more often than they get applied to payday loan shops (which are actually predatory and actively deceitful, and should be burned down until the owner skips town)

Pawning is the most primitive form of a personal loan. If you need a loan and have no credit, or anything big to put up as collateral, you can put up your stereo, or guitar, or your stamp collection as collateral worth an agreed upon amount. They give you the loan, and you come back with their money + interest at the agreed time, and you get your stuff back. You run off or fail to repay them, they now own your shit and will sell it to make their investment in you back. Most shops tend towards becoming places to buy odd used goods and will also just buy stuff off you if they like it (coins, jewelry, guns are all common).

This is where the stolen goods issue happens. This business model makes them goto places to convert stolen goods to cash. Police are there frequently, and stolen property must be forfeited to the cops, and the shop must eat the loss they payed for it, so its a gamble whenever a shop buys a brand new roto-tiller from a tweaker that's never worked a day in his life. Generally the nicer the neighborhood, and the shop, the less they want to fence hot goods, since it means more methheads and pillbillies congregating in their store.

>> No.50866348

You are an extremely sheltered terminally online basement dwelling incel who needs to quit 4chan and touch grass because your brain has basically rotted and there isnt much time left for you

>> No.50866396

Unfortunately most Americans are retarded about money and will always live paycheck to paycheck regardless of how much they make. It's embarrassing how bad it is.

>> No.50866475

Can't launch a revolution from behind your computer monitor. And how many millions of farmers and peasants did Stalin and Mao Zedong starve? You'll be one of them. :^)

>> No.50866495


>> No.50866502

wtf you can just open a shop and jew people in america?

>> No.50866858

>normies finally paying the toll while I’ve been suffering for a good 10 years
I don’t care.