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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50847509 No.50847509 [Reply] [Original]

Two days Bros... getting real nervous. The dump of all dumps is rearing its ugly mug... and we're gonna be the ones to suffer from it. Tragic world we live in. I don't know about you... but I'm selling as soon as I see a good opening to. I suggest you all do the same. Good luck Bros.

>> No.50847527

stop posting this shit nobody cares about your calls anymore capo you're all cap fr fr

>> No.50847528

lmao imagine paying attention to twitter prophets, doubly so for those preaching bear porn

can't wait for this faggot to about-face his asinine opinions, or even better, continue to double down in the face of undeniable evidence to the contrary.

fuck him and fuck you

>> No.50847551

Sell now or your fucked, dude...

>> No.50847615

it's real, dude. sell now.

>> No.50847625

kek, why are you still "waiting for a good opening" then?

>> No.50847685

>bear market twitter heroes getting a shitload of engagement

i can smell the sidelined cope. 3ac ded, celcius ded, tesla sold 75% of their BTC... who's left to sell?

>> No.50847702

imagine actually looking at these twitter chuds.

>> No.50847744


>> No.50848932

You're going to kill yourself within 3 years for not buying at these prices you fucking newfaggot

>> No.50849578

you're going to kill yourself in 2 days when you don't sell you f-ing r-slur.........

>> No.50849684
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I am cautious of a possible dump because of a bear flag forming, but that capo dude is a complete clown who was so wrong one time he had to stop posting in a forum out of pure shame. If he is being a bear then that's bullish as fuck.

>> No.50850193

uh no he didn't uh he just left the forum because he was too good for it. I think this is a huge bull signal actually. be careful and sell.

>> No.50851927

You just know this faggot is the dorkiest, lamest motherfucker hiding behind his Vito Corleone pic kek. Cannot take these faggots seriously at all.

>> No.50851940

12 aug is a full moon

>> No.50852533

yeah. btc is gonna hit 25k then the worst dump you'll ever see in your life. and I ain't talkin bout ya mommas!

>> No.50852545

hes totally wrong its going 30+. he doesnt realize how much pent up energy was in the market