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50823333 No.50823333 [Reply] [Original]

We're all going to make it

>> No.50823360

I bought SIGA at 8 dollars when it was shilled, never expected to make it off of stocks

>> No.50823686

Siga fudders tongue my anus and then use tpoxx.

>> No.50823786

you lucky bastards
how high is this thing gonna go?
and uh checked

>> No.50823875

I think $30. I've just got a feeling. I bought at $17

>> No.50823909

Good for you for recognizing an opportunity. I didn't get in until 11.

>> No.50823911

120-140 is safe range based on my fundamental analysis. 700+ if you are a gambling man.

>> No.50823936
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Monkeypops is a Russian Psyop made by Putin to 9/11 our LGBTs

>> No.50823964

Bought SIGA last year when the Philadelphia vials dropped. Been bag holding this shit.

>> No.50824704

Elaborate? There is no hype at all and the infection curve appears to be starting to taper off. I made a modest profit but i'm really not sure this has moon potential without speculation a la GME.

>> No.50826797
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Today's vaxx EUA means TPOXX EUA is coming. UK is running out of vaxx within weeks. Murica lost many shots. Folks will need pills until more shots are available. Very bullish on the bathhouse stimmy.

>> No.50826898
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But why isn't it moving though?

>> No.50826951
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There are 3 realities we could be in. The dream, the team of retards, or the fizzle. 1. The dream scenario. Treatment cure for global airborne pandemic that they let fester and blamed on fags and Aug summer travel super spreader. Low testing availability and testing restrictions of to dudes who fuck each others butthole has nerfed current case counts. While this shit isn't as "deadly" according to media, take a look at the photo lol. Ppl will scramble to get TPOXX and exhaust existing stockpiles if they get it. Look at the Antwerp study on SSRN, this shit spreads asymptomatically with some not showing symptoms ever. look at the UK hospital study showing its in the fucking air. Look at the cases building steam even tho only fags could get tested until everyone else 3rd week of july. I think we are roughly in the Jan.30 2020 scenario. Deaths are just now starting to be "attributed" to it. This shit is baking rn. Testing capacity in US is getting ramped up with regional hopsital systems getting their own in-house tests....ie March 15 2020 of covid. March 18 there were 9k US covid cases... yday 8.9k cases of domestic fagpox. my conservative dream baseline is 15mil fagpox average $620/treatmen = $9.3bn topline within year and half. Mkt cap at $1.34bn. 6.9x from here...6.9x not account fwd multiples, $7bn biden pandemic fund slice capture, foreign govn'ts creating and maintaining perma contracts for stockpiles. If mgmt aren't faggots stock should be at least $20bn cao, ie $334 stock price

>> No.50827069
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White house is not pursuing a deal with TPOX. Instead they're going forward with Bavarian Nordic.

Bavarian Nordic is going to pump like crazy this week.

>> No.50827127

I'd assume most of Europe and the common wealth are going to want to have stockpiles.

>> No.50827202

I have a buy order waiting for it to drop that hard.

>> No.50827213
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>> No.50827262

>siga holders do not even pay attention to white house official press releases


You deserve to hold this to 5

>> No.50827311

You are the dumbest gorilla nigger on the planet.

If you believe that meeting anything but bullish for SIGA, you are actually a fucking retard.

>> No.50827329

What about the other 2 scenarios fag?

>> No.50827343
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>If you believe that meeting anything but bullish for SIGA, you are actually a fucking retard.

How many times did they mention SIGA?

Thats what the share price is going to.


>> No.50827406

actual brainlet post

>> No.50827458

absolutely mental

>> No.50827467

The vaccines don't work and everyone already knows it.
TPOXX reduces symptoms like a miracle according to those who have had it. TPOXX will sell like crazy while this virus runs wild.
You are retarded. Buy now or cry later.

>> No.50827477

How many times was Siga mentioned? How many times was Tpoxx mentioned?

Multiply them together. That's siga price this Friday

>> No.50827489

> this shit spreads asymptomatically with some not showing symptoms ever. look at the UK hospital study showing its in the fucking air
except they said the same bullshit about the last hoax and it was pure fiction

>> No.50827493

why system always thinks my posts are spam? just text no links

>> No.50827592

srsly can't post anything long that one line. been happening for days. this is my phone but also happens on laptop and other boards

>> No.50827600

They trotted out the tired "safe and effective" phrase ALREADY right there in that video you posted. They discussed whether or not the vaccines are working and the answer was basically "we don't have any idea."
Your brain is actually negative in size.
You don't have to stick with this retarded line of reasoning and miss out. You can change your mind. Nobody will even know.

>> No.50827615
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Load up on puts then.
Sell your shares.
Hell go short!

With that kind of analysis you can't lose.

I'll spoonfeed you, you fucking ESL subhuman 3rd world barely functional moron:
They're stretching the vaccines to try to get to 4 million doses now, and using a delivery method that hasn't been used before to achieve it.
They're taking delivery of 25 million vaccines later.

What does this tell you about the extent of the spread of the disease? What does that tell you about the CDC's level of desperation? Why would they need 25 million more vaccine doses if the disease was going to be controlled by the existing 1 (now four) million doses? What does this tell you about their expectations for the future? What does that tell you about how many people are going to remain vaccinated now?

Again, you're the dumbest fucking faggot on this board. Even if you make money by reversing your position based on this post, you're going to lose it all eventually because you're too dumb to trade for yourself. Know that fact and remember this post before you kill yourself after you lose it all.

>> No.50827666

will post in small pieces to get it through: both vaccines are so ineffective and outright dangerous I think it wouldn't take long for the public to avoid them and thus antivirals become the only course of action...

>> No.50827707

fuck cant even finish my though because system thinks it's spam

>> No.50827779

use mpox instead

>> No.50827825

for those who say covid vaxes are dangerous and ineffective and ppl still lined up for them, the mpox vaxes are far far worse

>> No.50827842

thanks anon that works. finally I will say that people will tolerate a respiratory illness but they won't tolerate permanent facial scarring, so a solution will be required

>> No.50827853

BAVARIAN NORDIC 50 by the end of the week.

SIGA to 7 by Friday

>> No.50827887

this man is a fag and bought Bavarian stocks last friday

>> No.50827977

2. Team of Retards. PT $12 terminal. system thinks im spam...

>> No.50828073

2.cont... Mgmt fkd up since approval imo. Mpox FDA label fail. Spec dividend b4 new cks, why? No vision/urg to strike while hot. Biggest surp order they can think of is 500k? No tamiflu strat. Lazy trial timelines. Shilling competing vax and MSM = retards need axe.

>> No.50828184

$MRNA ripped 15 to 550 off "fiction" during "last hoax" . You have a choice to continue your net wealth mediocrity - and be proven "right" 5y from now. Or do you want to make a couple hundred k, and be right about hoax and be right about normy fags?

Current mpox narrative is "no asymptomatic spreading / no airborne transmission?" CDC changed airborne note September 2020. 9 fucking months after the outbreak lol. Following this rhyming historical pandemic timeline is good for $SIGA.

>> No.50828296

yeah so people are already burned out from last hoax and won't be so willing to trust the hecking experts. the last one was only real because people made it so with their fanaticism. they won't this time, everybody thinks it's a fag disease and all facts indicate that this is correct. without the mass hysteria you have no "pandemic", this goes for the rona as well as gaypox.

i have some SIGA because there are enough degenerate fags to make it rise, but i don't think it will go that much further. it could, for sure, it could. Normies have taught me they'll believe anything so i can't predict anything comfortably anymore.

>> No.50828744

Just be honest, you're trying to push the price down to buy in.

>> No.50829114

mostly agreed. Where we differ is that I believe govnt will change narrative sometime in September (not a big deal to "Oh fuck gotta lock-down, the kids have it, airborne, deaths, etc"). Normies will care more about this than Covid. They will happily join the freak-out bc they are vapid. Scars on their face > lives of others. Then we vote in by mail. Then data shows smallpox fax no worky twerky. TPOXX it is.

>> No.50829551

Basically this. There was some timeline from a "pandemic wargame" the usual suspects were involved in. According to it, in January 2023 it will come out that mpox was engineered to be vax resistant. When that happens, SIGA hits the moon.

>> No.50829779

covid19 =/= 100% event201 on timeline or #'s. Caution 100% belief to NTI paper. I agree w/u most part. I do not believe using 1989 smallpox virus in animals will be effective against against post-19 gaypox strain which "mutated" 50x last 2y.

But we could be in 3rd scenario "Fizzle" scenario. In which case personal PT is $17 terminal.

>> No.50829879
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3. "The Fizzle" - mgmt could be competent and rightfully sandbag last call. ex-Smallpoxx pre1940s... all chunky double-helix orthopox viral "endemics" naturally fizzle out. Vaxx rollout + EUA tpoxx could nuke this to top at 80k cases globally and no lockdown/vote by mail/vaxx passports. Other countries should build stockpile tho so some fwd revenue orders sticky or grow... puts SIGA $18 terminal value, but this would nuke back to at least $8 ST. Why do i think this is different? See chart

>> No.50830173
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>> No.50830194
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Today's reporting of new cases is done. Right on track, SIGA Sisters.

>> No.50830245
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EZPZ, lemon squeezy.

>> No.50831966

Shut up Shkreli

>> No.50832234

lol. he's smarter, better looking, and worth more than I am. but thank you for the compliment. Did you not see my 6 prev posts on this thread bullish SIGA fagboy?

>> No.50832257

Good shit. Thanks bruv. What you language you using to model? python libraries?

>> No.50832431
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Nothing is stopping us from Getting approved soon. Our CEO is the best
>based ceo
>company with no debt
>share buybacks
>worldwide orders
>massive dod contracts
What more could a company have.. we have the real moonshot of a lifetime here bois

>> No.50832557

Blah blah blah.. obv you gonna get it because you post on 4chan. All gays get it

>> No.50832575
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>> No.50832593
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cope and seethe
7$ by friday

>> No.50832833

>two more weeks

>> No.50832939
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>It took them 30 minutes to say that they'll be cutting by 80% to stretch out the supply
This isn't even news. I hate the government so fucking much.

>> No.50833010

I'm expecting at least $50 in a few months, maybe $100+.

>> No.50833290


>> No.50833311
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All sodomites will have a flaming butthole.

>> No.50833419 [DELETED] 

The pox was created in a lab and unleashed in the US. By and for the Chinese.

>> No.50833445 [DELETED] 

As retaliation for the "lab leak" in Wuhan.

>> No.50833751


good analysis anon, same vision as me. If qe resumes and money printers go to turbo mode, we may even make 4 figures.

>> No.50834111

September should be $100 plus with eua announcement

>> No.50834153
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I try to keep me expectations as pessimistic as possible in order to reduce the likelihood of being disappointed.

>> No.50834294
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why is bavarian nordic dumping with all this news about their vaccine being used?

>> No.50834299
File: 142 KB, 1834x868, BAVA_2022-08-10_09-52-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is Bavarian Nordic, Jynneos vaxx maker.
You'd expect it to go straight up, but no.
It hit the historical max last Thursday and has been dumping hard since.

>> No.50834360

Bro the dam stock is otc... no retail pumpers on robinhood pumping it.. and theres already a massive stockpile. Not huge investments coming in worldwide for it

>> No.50834445

It's traded on OMX Copenhagen normally.
You need to buy OTC if you are American and your broker does not give you access to Euro markets.
But you are right that BAVA is something that is out of range of most US retail.

>> No.50834525

I got bv3 from german exchanges

>> No.50834698

It's not a retail thing. Bavarian is dumping because people are speculating that the mpox outbreak will be mild at best, and because the number of vaccine doses have been increased by a factor of 4 due to a new type of vaccine-stretching administration methods.

If you were risk averse, you would think "oh that means Bavarian will sell 4x less vax doses and the outbreak will be over soon! that's bad!" and you would sell this as the peak.

If you believe in the mpox bull case, you would suggest that the outbreak is accelerating and is being under-reported, and that the limited supply of vax, and Bavarian's inability to increase production capacity for a number of months, will mean that this thing will get out of control to a degree, which is bullish for all vax and therapeutics companies.

>> No.50834758

>Bro the dam stock is otc

You can buy it in Germany with the Trade Republic App which is like Robbin Hood for young people who like to gamble.
After the dump i saled with 90% profit and I look for another low entry.
On the other hand you cant vux SIGA in Trade Republic, had to buy it with my DKB Bankaccount.

I think BN will continue to correct the last run and then will build up again. As long as they keep ordering the vaccine and the mpox cases keep pumping.

>> No.50834780

low float, but i guess thought is "constrained mfg capacity. while thoughleader and large market is diluting your product to 1/5th per vial of what ur fwd rev projects"

>> No.50834848

For everyone here. Pray for the earth

>> No.50834859

Im a massive siga bull. I dont really want to touch the vax stocks as everyone is so vaxx hesitant and the timeline says this is vax resistant

>> No.50834933
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yep. and this bitch is mutating like a mf already

>> No.50834983

it is not tapering off you fucking retard

>> No.50835007

Yea i heard it was past 50 mutations since 1970 but going wild in this outbreak with multiple variants popping up

>> No.50835105

What you also need to remember is that TPOXX is used to treat people who develop cowpox after being given ACAM2000.
And Uncle Sam has 200M ACAM2000 doses in storage.
In summary:
> (1) TPOXX for the unvaxxed
> (2) TPOXX for Jynneos breakthrough infections
> (3) TPOXX for ACAM2000-induced cowpox
There's also an interesting possibility of giving TPOXX+ACAM2000 combo: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6954297/
Apparently this eliminates adverse response to ACAM2000 at the price of making it less effective
(i.e. MPX infection is more symptomatic than after pure ACAM2000, but still not deadly).
The logical thing would be then to give a first round of TPOXX together with ACAM2000 vaxx and the second round after contracting MPX.
Oh and the company making ACAM2000 is $EBS.

> TL;DR (1) TPOXX, (2) more TPOXX, (3) even more TPOXX

>> No.50835698

Based af

>> No.50836858

>There's also an interesting possibility of giving TPOXX+ACAM2000 combo

Very interesting. Something like the KaliVir collaboration? Afaik, KaliVir VET uses a Vaccinia virus as the basis for what is basically gene editing (as my smooth brain understands).. Down side of their method was that patients would get sick from the vaccinia infection and thus could only withstand so much... afaik TPOXX will be used so they can keep the gene therapy pumping.
Anons don't seem to understand that the tpoxx play is bigger than just le pox, and so are all of these bs pandemics. They are being used to usher in transhumanism.
Anyone know how to get exposure to KaliVir? If they end up being able to cure cancer its going to be fucking crazy. They'll charge what ever they want and boomers will pay it.

>> No.50837141
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omfg pic rel. So TPOXX also works as a post exposure prophylactic, helps to Stop the Spread. Our biggest issue would be if it is deployed en masse and early. Thus the FDA move to make access difficult make sense, they need it to spread so that TPOXX becomes profitable.
This virus could be eliminated tomorrow if they started handing out TPOXX to homosexuals to take after an orgy, which could indeed be profitable in itself if it becomes common practice. But of course the most profitable out come is a global pandemic and thus letting it spread is the right move.
In fact I'm kind of glad my beloved /mog/ has been slid/pruned now, too much publicity and our beloved SIGA becomes a mere value stock, rather than a once in a lifetime 1000x.
Either way I really don't think we can lose.. Feel like I'll never sell my SIGA. What ever happens the world will need TPOXX, and lots of TPOXX.


>> No.50837207

What makes you think this will become a pandemic? It doesn't spread nowhere as easily as COVID and has been around for years and years without becoming a pandemic

>> No.50837295

Siga Technologies Inc. SIGA, +2.70% said Tuesday that the U.S. government is exercising the option to acquire $26 million of the company's intravenous gay pox treatment and fund a post-marketing study for the therapy.

>> No.50837383
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>What makes you think this will become a pandemic? It doesn't spread nowhere as easily as COVID and has been around for years and years without becoming a pandemic

The fact that news of it is being suppressed and so is access to drugs and vaccines which would prevent a pandemic.

>has been around for years and years without becoming a pandemic

Exactly, other out breaks have been max ~50 people. This time is very different.

>It doesn't spread nowhere as easily as COVID

We don't really know this yet. We do know its a different strain of the virus that previous, and that this outbreak is bigger than has ever happened prior in the west. I agree its very unlikely that it spreads with the speed that covid did, however if current growth rate continues then millions of cases is very likely.
See my pic rel. Yes some nations the growth rate is slowing, but in other nations (Burgerland) it's increasing exponentially.

>Global differences in national
responses contribute to
significantly variable outcomes

NTI explicitly says some countries will be fucked and some will be fine because of their action early in the pandemic. Germs and Bongs will be fine because they accepted biomedical tyranny. Burgers will be fucked because muh freedom (Horrible outcomes in red states will be blamed on their unwillingness to 'help the gays!').

>> No.50837887
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see pic

>> No.50838278

>SIGA plummeting on no news the literal day after getting 26mil in new orders
Getting tired of this shit.

>> No.50838396
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might be this hit piece but meh. This is a long game desu, november/december really. I don't know why I stay up to watch market open (ausfag) when I know I'm not selling until 2023 at earliest if at all.
I just need to get a stack of something else to anxiety trade with.

>> No.50838698

Does anybody have the screenshot of the ass crater reddit post?

>> No.50838828
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> TPOXX, during its development, has been known to give rise to resistant viruses or escape mutants. Something that scientists fear can give rise to new monkeypop viruses that may be worse than the current ones, as has been happening with the SARS-CoV-2 virus of COVID-19.

That is very concerning. Got to sell before that happens.

>> No.50838944

>Selling the only company with niggerpox treatment and development experience

You're thinking with your wallet

>> No.50839439
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>> No.50839522

it's the classic "buy the rumor, sell the news" shit. speculation promoted the rise. Now everyone's taking profit.

>> No.50839553

The name of the virus is a banned word so just call it monkepox or monkeypozz or whatever

>> No.50839618
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There are people on reddit claiming they got monkeypoop after they got the vax, but it was not caused by the vax.. Once the increase vaccination are we going to see a surge in monkey poop cases?
Aint nobody want to live in a pile of monkey shit.

>> No.50839980


>> No.50840036

SIGA Technologies got funds from DARPA Project.
Checks out with the MSM narrative with the 5G Hydra Aliens in the jabs, and the actual death and mortality rate climbing.
Le Shkreli liquidated in 2 more weeks.

>> No.50840145
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Oh no! I'm only up 75% now instead of 81%! What will I ever do? It's over, bros!

>> No.50840163

SIGA bros

>> No.50841664
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Watch this to learn more about monkey poop


>> No.50841963
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>bought in again at 21.20
>now has fatty support orders at 22.40
I fucking love this stock
fr fr as the kids would say.

>> No.50842032

Yeah, I'm beginning to think I should start at least attempting to flip this shit, since it cycles up and down 10% at a time every fucking day apparently.

>> No.50842236

You should.
We're green again on a 8% swing.
Assuming you capture half of that, you could have increased your exposure by 4% to the growth we're about to see.

>> No.50842555

Anyone have some realistic price predictions for the end of the month? Will the EUA finally be announce, since it have been specifically state that that was the sole reason for the national emergency declaration in the first place? Or will the FDA let the fags suffer for another month or two before letting them get treatment?

>> No.50842590

Sorry for the spelling errors, I'm typing this in an awkward position.

>> No.50842635
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>I'm typing this in an awkward position.
Getting fucked in the ass, huh? That's bullish for SIGA.
My plan is to sell at $85. It might go higher but that's the sellpoint I set

>> No.50842677

Faggots literally can't stop having unprotected sodomy. I'm buying more even though the graph looks like it'll dump because SIGA transformed faggotry into an infinite money glitch.

>> No.50842876

I went long on TTOO because they have the pox testing kits.

>> No.50842969
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>Getting fucked in the ass, huh? That's bullish for SIGA.

>> No.50843299

Whats the point of testing when the pox can be visually identified?

>> No.50843368

Symptoms occur way after you can test positive, total quarantine time is like 4 weeks
Think about how smallpox destroyed entire populations
This is why the lag time on pox viruses is a wild, wild caveat to something like covid family viruses

>> No.50844192

QRD on TTOO over other testing kit producers

>> No.50844439

fucking anime posting faggotloser selling under 4 digits kek

>> No.50844689
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It's not going that high. Triple digits wouldn't surprise me though.

>> No.50844765

Highest I expect is $100, but I wouldn't sell right when it gets there. I'm gonna wait. Anything above $100 is just gravy.

>> No.50844789

Wish I was watching today. Could have made a couple bucks flipping a little bit.

>> No.50846201

Haha highest 100? Are you insane. Highest $2000 to $3000. Easily could capture this. Animals will need tpoxx to in shelters and in homes. Its proven safe in them and humans already. If we dont treat animals then this will keep spreading between us.

>> No.50846650

Um ok. Would love it to, but I'm not holding my breath.