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File: 81 KB, 1016x1082, nekonium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5081575 No.5081575 [Reply] [Original]

Just added to CoinMarketCap today.
Finally on exchange, albeit a crappy one.

Seems comfy tho. Tiny marketcap!

Japanese Ethereum could be efficient and samurai-like.

>> No.5081581

Solves the kittyproblem

>> No.5081618

>Total supply: unlimited
>Premine: 12,448,421 NUKO
Just nope. Compare it to Ellaism:
>280 mil total supply over 100 years
>no premine

>> No.5081627

this is very good crypto
imagine if they make a pokemon version of cryptokitties for nekonium

>> No.5081659

This project was launched for presentation of implementation example of Ethereum copy coin and learning Ethereum function. We hope that you can learn Ethereum and crypto currency system through sending and receiving and mining of Nekonium. Please be aware that it is not a general speculative currency. The development system and service of this coin is not enough. It will be difficult to gain speculative benefits.

You're buying a fucking science project that's a literal copy of ethereum.

>> No.5081689

Did the Japs really make a crypto called NUKO? The madmen.

>> No.5081703


Will easily break 10k satoshis

>> No.5081714

that science project will nuke them to top 10 market cap

>> No.5081738

You are aware that this is a japanese testnet for ethereum right?

if you belive that japan can into crypto tech you are badly mistaken. the infrasturcture needs an overhaul badly but the eco of japan is not agile enough to adapt and hasnt been since the early 90 for modern tech.

>> No.5081766

well the japanese made monappy.jp which is like 10x better than steemit shit so, yea they can into crypto

>> No.5081781

this is monaether

>> No.5081805

steem is a complete infrastucture on its own chain

monappy is a website with mona intergration

can you make out the difference?

>> No.5081809

Ellaism has no reason to exist. nekonium will probably have memey/flavour reasons at least like doge had.

>> No.5081813

haha that's what you think IDIOT, the japaneese are actually far superior at technology as they have very HIGH IQs. they invented the best sword in existance, the katena blade. baka fucking idoot

Nuko will be 15k satoshi by monday

>> No.5081838

i would like to offer you exclusivly 100 eth on the ethereum testnet for only 1 btc

good deal right?

>> No.5081858


>> No.5081861
File: 622 KB, 1000x2800, monappy_IEr2ck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will it be on Zaif?

>> No.5081906


>> No.5081914

Total supply is a moderate 17,966,306 NUKO
No need to spread FUD

>> No.5081921

this shit does not have website as well. njout bag hold retards

>> No.5081947

It does, it's just down today. Been a busy day I guess.

>> No.5081980

Up 150% today, stay poor

>> No.5081999


>> No.5082003

got the same reaction when I shilled monacoin
lol dumbassess will stay poor

>> No.5082028

so that site is only for nukocoin?


is there a universal site you guys recommend for like, btc, eth, ltc etc etc?
btw i am bumping so nukoshills plz respond ty

>> No.5082057


>> No.5082073

Just goto coinmarketcap and click markets next to a coin you wanna buy, I like high volume markets

>> No.5082079

Binance for example is a good chinksite for the big ones.

btw you should still look into nuko if youre going for high risk/very high reward. Most of the Coins that are in the top 200 feel like school projects against Nuko which is still top 500. They also update their github everyday.

>> No.5082088

but it's literally just a comfycoin and has fanart of it already made.

>> No.5082112
File: 39 KB, 640x619, BAKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sh...shutup BAKA

>> No.5082177

monacoin is literally a litecoin/vertcoin clone and look where it is now.

the fanart for nekonium was not already made, albeit there's only like 3 right now. There's still a lot of possibility for other content creators to hop on.

>> No.5082180
File: 352 KB, 1600x900, 1513311906231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong with fan art?

>> No.5082198

Brainlet here. How do I get Nekonium. Macfag too, so can't mine apparently.

>> No.5082202

Fuck you punk. Why didn't you tell us before it hit the exchange ?

>> No.5082223

Mining is for nerds, just buy them on stocks.exchange

>> No.5082240

buy at the only exchange that has it listed so far (adds to it's value, will go up when it gets listed elsewhere)


>> No.5082265

There was a thread earlier where an anon showed me how to mine it. Now I'm laying in bed while my PC nuzzles cute nukos out of their hiding place. I'll probably buy some tomorrow. Cute can't fail.

>> No.5082335


>> No.5082389

I'm kinda surprised that the first furfag coin would be made in Japan

>> No.5082390

Comfy af right now bought at 1270 Sats just riding the wave now.

>> No.5082420
File: 374 KB, 740x640, 1493867928837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 2 days ago I got to buy at 400 sats

>> No.5082575

Kinda feel bad for that guy who fomoed at 3k sats because I told him to buy it at that price though...

>> No.5082602

3k short term doesn't seem bad to me. This project is brand new.

>> No.5082613

yeah, he coulda bought doubled it now lmao.

>> No.5082617

How did you even know it existed?

>> No.5082634

I posted threads about it, they were empty :( got put on coinmarketcap I saw.

>> No.5082635

desu I would be suprised, if we dont hit 10k sats in a week. Since there is like 3 jap coins and most of the crypto volume is from asia.

>> No.5082655
File: 124 KB, 919x828, 1510642080304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Payouts are geting longer for me now, seems there's more miners

>> No.5082715

can i mine with my simple CPU?

>> No.5082732

yup to you

>> No.5082756


>> No.5082818
File: 2.52 MB, 1920x1080, 1503119867199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here my miner, Ethminer. I use the NEKO cpu miner bat of course :)

>> No.5082871

lemme see that lewd content

>> No.5082892

what GPU?

>> No.5082912
File: 3.14 MB, 1920x1080, 1490333228008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MSI 390, has top tier memory buy runs hot due to high power consumption

>> No.5082994
File: 222 KB, 563x794, 3e1883fe2c6184edd483e4573be6bfaa75715ec3e628f7f7fe4e673bd68187c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold up

you are interested in this absolute shitcoin only because it's japanese? jesus chirst you guys will be poor forever

>> No.5083005



>> No.5083034

dude, if people create kawaii desu apps all over that shit then both nipponese and weeb gaijins will flood into it. even normies might fall for the charm of this little fellow.

dogecoin will be a footnote in history. nekonium will be the "lol just trying out this blockchain thing for fun lol" that just happened to turn into one of the most ebin flavour-no-substance fests of all time.

>> No.5083175

why cant the japs make something without autistic cat meme branding

>> No.5083197

Cute, just bought $5.

>> No.5083203

why would they when that's what sells.

>> No.5083228
File: 125 KB, 1134x1600, CzybVxpUUAA0eWN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the Japanese do their thing. Let them do what makes them happy, and they will make the world a better place.

>> No.5083262
File: 80 KB, 400x400, squeak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their logo reminded me of Squeak Smalltalk.


>> No.5083289

Toxoplasma gondii

>> No.5083294


thx friends

>> No.5083358
File: 421 KB, 1920x1280, DAGRKprUAAAkM8z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic, but not a bad one.
猫耳 time
is now


>> No.5083443

Wait, the web wallet can only have 1 address? I can't see generate new address button anywhere.

>> No.5083462
File: 3 KB, 421x70, 1506048510807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked up myself some more NUKO, accumilating anything under 1500 sats

>> No.5083612

Nice just mined 5

>> No.5083697
File: 106 KB, 1080x1349, 12677254_961447730559411_1575390700_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only faucet that worked for me was:


It gave me 0.1 NUKO.

>> No.5083720

nice just bought 100k

>> No.5083756

You're the same idiots that went and bought potcoin yesterday. Lol.

>> No.5083768

I'm just going to mine it for giggles.

>> No.5083785

I too am mining nekonium. This coin is a cute.

>> No.5083870
File: 677 KB, 960x1440, kasyou-rosiel-and-yamabuki-ryo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5083965
File: 27 KB, 600x418, 1482770626223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Total supply: unlimited
>Total Supply: 17,970,364 NUKO on CMC
So which one is correct?

>> No.5084009

stocksexchange is fucking shit
holy fuck

>> No.5084105

The total supply is unlimited, but the current supply is 17 million. Its just like Ethereum.

>> No.5084206

Ethereum is capped at 100 MM.
They don't plan on making more.

>> No.5084371

I've got an MSI 390 as well but I'm sitting solid at 27 mh/s with ethminer. What's your secret?

>> No.5084891

Its unlimited supply.

>> No.5084978

Alright packed my bags already, not sure where the price will go but not looking to buy anymore. Bought all I wanted.

>> No.5085196
File: 193 KB, 1222x1467, IMG_1351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 hours
My computer fucking sucks

>> No.5085234

Just noticed you could use proxies to take advantage of the faucet to get more free NUKO

>> No.5085264

D-don't take advantage of the trusting Japanese you barbarian.

>> No.5085316

kindly commit seppuku or behave more honorably

>> No.5085388

pretty sure other people are doing it too

>> No.5085600
File: 454 KB, 700x714, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my wallet and miner set up. Time to get comfy

>> No.5085781

How do you set up the miner? the site is a blank page and I've yet to fully explore the links at the bottom. going to download Ethminer in the meantime

>> No.5085808

Also, pool or solo?

>> No.5086117

I want to know aswell, interested.

>> No.5086219
File: 73 KB, 500x435, 422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any whitepaper for this? I don't want to mine stuff just because it looks cute

>> No.5086245

Dont think there is. This is more of a "wait and see if anything crazy happens" sort of coin.

>> No.5086420

can I get a guide for retards on how to mine this shit?

>> No.5086480


just use the command for which videocard you own and replace the wallet id (I just realized I was mining for him oops)

>> No.5086492

I used this for wallet:

really simple setup.

>> No.5086523

yeah I got the wallet, but setting up the mining is the part at which I'm really retarded

>> No.5086551

Would it be better to spend $ 100 on this or start mining it with a 970 GTX?
I have Linux.

>> No.5086580

I have a gtx 970
Only mined 4 after 14 hours

>> No.5086600

1) Download: https://github.com/ethereum-mining/ethminer/releases
2) Open command prompt
3) Go to folder directory, I unzipped mine on the desktop
4) Copy command to run miner
Intel/AMD - ethminer -G -F http://nuko.oldbeyond.com:8888/walletidgoeshere
NVIDIA - ethminer -U -F http://nuko.oldbeyond.com:8888/walleitdgoeshere
4)press enter to run, press ctrl + c to end (incase you made an error)

>> No.5086645

I think I may throw 0.05 ETH at it.

>> No.5086705


>supply unlimited

>> No.5086760

thank you very much based anon, you're the best

>> No.5086866

Hey, another Ethereum. Theres going to be more ethereum killers than Bitcoin killers before long.

>> No.5086879

Ohh and i only have one question, does it run on the Ethereum network?

>> No.5086963
File: 23 KB, 437x387, 78197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thread is still up? ok
don't you realize that mining something that's currently most profitable for you makes more sense (since you can trade this shit)?

>> No.5087147

Thanks to OP.
This shit isn't profitable to mine anymore

>> No.5087174
File: 38 KB, 645x729, 1506099476321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is an investment
>what is future profitabillity

>> No.5087437

Thank you!!
Question: Does it just show up directly in your wallet? And how long would it take to actually show up? I don't see any increased balance in mine even though I started a bit ago

>> No.5087858

i'm assuming so, I just started too.

>> No.5088008


>rhymes with meconium

>> No.5088021

Man, my equipment must be too shoddy. Been mining for 30mins and no increase seen. Sadlife

>> No.5088097

It's getting mined the hell out of right now
Someone must've done a coordinated shill for this

>> No.5088979

I'm new to mining, what is some popular mining software I can use for this and which one is the best or preferred?
Is there any difference in efficiency between mining software or it just depends on hardware?

tl;dr mining guide pls

>> No.5089051

>Japanese crypto
>Japanese imageboard

it's shilling itself.

>> No.5089056
File: 6 KB, 280x180, 4c87fda456ed5d16eb1284df9190c33a331c395d0e679d855c6b110e645532e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh are you legitimately retarded? some coins are a better purchase but a worse mine, this is just a question of current profitabilty
here's the dumbspeak version: mine what is profitable to mine, sell it, buy what's less profitable to mine

>> No.5089077

I'm a noob to mining but from my understand the better GPU you have, the faster the hash speed.

>> No.5089104

>We hope that you can learn Ethereum and crypto currency system through sending and receiving and mining of Nekonium. Please be aware that it is not a general speculative currency. The development system and service of this coin is not enough. It will be difficult to gain speculative benefits.

Then why the fuck did they apply to have it listed on an exchange? Just in case people wanted to buy it? Seems scammy as fuck

>> No.5089188

Japs are conformist. If the whole country gets into NUKO...

>> No.5089194

PnD or legit?

>> No.5089209

honest question: what makes you want to mine this coin?

>> No.5089245

ALWAYS assume it’s a PnD until proven otherwise. That means you could miss early gains but it’s better than dropping $1k and hodling forever.

>> No.5089292

Honest answer: curious, for fun and it has a cute logo.

>> No.5089439

That's true.
>no whitepaper
>no official site
>no presentable social media
>listed on a shady exchange

This is literally the Japanese Espers

>> No.5089526

That's a lotta catbux

>> No.5089544
File: 251 KB, 1447x2048, IMG_20170927_083700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys its literally just an ethereum clone that the dev made so he could practice and learn about decentralized apps and smart contracts

Its a fucking homemade study project and you absolute pajeets have already pumped it to a million dollar market cap

You are seriously retarded if you buy this

>> No.5089548

No bully faucet-kun y-you meanie!

>> No.5089549


I just bought 10k worth. my moon bags are ready.