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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50811840 No.50811840 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I wanted to get a virtual pass for Smartcon 22, but they are sold out (HOW?)

Any anon got one and is planning to stream to /biz/? We could organize it beforehand and have a comfy viewing session with a chat for frens. I hope it won’t be like the previous years, the streams where really bad and we had last minute request all over the place.

I have a feeling, that this year might be our moment - finally.

>inb4 Bulgarian fud
I’m waiting patiently since 2017 and I will neither be demoralized nor sell. Fuck you cunts. You won’t get my OG stack.

>> No.50811876

Seriously, how can a VIRTUAL pass be sold out?

>> No.50811892

hello, Chainlink Labs employee!

>> No.50811902

> I have a feeling, that this year might be our moment - finally
Kek. Yeah, the year sir gay speeds up his scam and starts to double his weekly 500k dumps.

>> No.50811914

Why not just all meet at someone’s house and watch it together?

>> No.50811928

I welcome our Bulgarian friends itt.

>> No.50812091

They want people to be there in person. I applied for discount ticket and just said I bought in 2017 and made memes and they gave me access.

>> No.50812151

It will be the same like with Consensus, everyone on /biz/ will expect someone else to livestream the talks and the event somehow but there will be NO stream of any kind. Nothing, just a bunch of full on panic WHERE IS THE STREAM?!??!??!?!! threads in the catalog with no answer.

/biz/ won't know SHIT about what's happening or what's being told. Radio silence, only crumbs from twitter and the official Chainlink profile once they release the content. Screencap this post.

>> No.50812173

I'll sell you my log-in for 25 LINK.

>> No.50812182

Most of the real linkers already got a virtual pass.

>> No.50812244

>Virtual Pass
>This pass is for individuals who want online access to a limited collection of talks and panels after the conference.

>> No.50813561

let's meet at your house post address

>> No.50813590

The online stream is not synchronous, it will be played after the conference itself has finished. They don’t want /biz/ screaming nigger in the live chat, which is reasonable.
But that strikes me as something you would do if you had huge news, and you wanted to release it in a very controlled environment, to the “people that matter” first.

>> No.50813677

someone there must livestream for us faggots here
we need an hero who doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.50813690
File: 687 KB, 747x1047, cursed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys, I wanted to get a virtual pass for Smartcon 22, but they are sold out (HOW?)
Anon you had 2 fucking months to nab one. Why did you procrastinate? WHY?

>> No.50813701

sooo you gonna stream it for the biz bros?

>> No.50813763
File: 15 KB, 255x255, 1464831763658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gopros on your chest+back and phone camera gimbles in both hands
good luck, anon

>> No.50813773

>but they are sold out (HOW?)
>Seriously, how can a VIRTUAL pass be sold out?

>what are bandwidth limitations

>> No.50813934

We are the LINK marines, and we are /pol/. We DESPISE niggers, kikes, faggots, spics, chinks, gooks, troons, and most of all jannies. Fortune and great wealth will come to you, but only if you post "niggers, jews...BAD NEWS!" in this thread.

$1488 EOY

>> No.50814897
File: 167 KB, 818x1157, 1655444130046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bulgarian fudd is hitting all coins, at all times. Im honestly not surprised vinu is hitting it's lowest points right now, the fucking bulgarian fudders are at it again. For me it's the best chance to buy tho, because it's time for cheapies, when my bags do a x6 in Q4 2022 i will be golden my dudes

>> No.50814905

if he does this i will eat my shoes, save this