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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50784125 No.50784125 [Reply] [Original]

>you linkies shat up the board for 2 years therefore we shat up the board for 3 years
Why are trannies like this?

>> No.50784137

Just like you're shitting up the board right now?

>> No.50784150

I’m just asking a question you over sensitive he-she

>> No.50784177

The least you could do is ask how to profit from this, also people that sit around thinking about trans or gay people all the time are often fighting some inner battle to repress that shit in themselves. Any healthy person isn't sitting around thinking LGBT fags this early in morning all the time. Basically you're either a he-she or a fag in denial. If you're not already watching trans porn on the low I'd be suprised.

>> No.50784223

Holy fucking seethe. Ywnbaw

>> No.50784258

And you'll never be a man if you don't say it directly to your enemies face.

>> No.50784266

What are you trying to say OP?

>> No.50784276
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>fighting some inner battle to repress that shit in themselves
project harder please

>> No.50784280
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>> No.50784281

I can’t I’ll get banned
I’m saying trannies shitting up the bird is nonsense and you are all mentally ill

>> No.50784292

Oh, and I’m never selling

>> No.50784293

We better get the biz one in that group or these gonna be some serious problems!

>> No.50784303

Why do you think heavily sexually repressed people end up becomming the most degenerate? I get that what I'm saying is outside of the hivemind so you guys aren't gonna read of this anyway.

>> No.50784319

*so you guys aren't gonna really think about any of this anyway.

>> No.50784393

>Why do you think heavily sexually repressed people end up becomming the most degenerate?
Outright insane rambling. You live in your own made-up world, shitskinned freak. kek

>> No.50784396

>Why do you think heavily sexually repressed people end up becomming the most degenerate?
Nice straw man you mentally ill patient

>> No.50784411

Is what I'm saying really that crazy though?

>> No.50784439

Crazy? Idk. Retard? Yes. Trannie? Absolutely

>> No.50784447

I don't think it could get any more self-delusional than it is already. It's literally inverted ass-backwards. It's clearly just a knee-jerk reactionary cope because you've been forced to witness leftoid public behavior due to your use of this website.

>> No.50784491

You're still figuring out how to form sentences but I'm the retarded one.
Or maybe this website has really warped your world view that you think seething about trans people on the business board this early in the morning is completely normal behavior.

>> No.50784507

Seething at trannies is normal and should be normal.

>> No.50784534

I wish it was normal so you guys can keep all the trans shit on /lgbt/ where it belongs, complaining about them on the business board makes you just as bad as those faggots.

>> No.50784545

Then go back to lgbt. Why are you here?

>> No.50784552

You need to go back, you're the one that made this thread with them on your mind this early in the morning. I'm here to talk about money you dumb cuck.

>> No.50784566
