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50774217 No.50774217 [Reply] [Original]

A roastie told me (You)'re 40 and alone, I'm 38 and prefer 19 year olds. How can I profit from this?

>> No.50774232
File: 664 KB, 582x720, 1659494183942354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're 40

>> No.50774233

larp thread

>> No.50774236

nahh not larping bro, she literally called me out

>> No.50774249

yeah anon, 38 doesn't feel or seem like 40 to me, just needing some non-demoralization I guess

>> No.50774433
File: 61 KB, 720x835, 291332290_1474060793051254_5869159956799366015_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how when they're 19 they were all on with 30-50yr old guys. But when they're that age they want their generation to date their own age. LOL.
You're caring what a woman thinks anon. They don't exist. Just programmed responses. You're better than this.

>> No.50774445

Women are literally retarded I swear.

>> No.50774470

Haha yeah I dunno, I guess for a first time meeting it caught me off guard. But I should let it go in one ear and out the other. Based response, Based pic. Thanks mang.

>> No.50774488

So you ran home to tell your little internet friends what the big bad mean girl said to you?

>> No.50774498

>they were all on with 30-50yr old guys
That's the excuse they give when you're too poor m8

>> No.50774506

Ya pretty much, kek. Is that so bad?

>> No.50774522

Also, thank you for being a fren. Those don't exist irl anymore.

>> No.50774525

Yeah sounds really beta

>> No.50774539

No it's based, he's just a seething zoomer

>> No.50774585

I give myself 5 beta moments a year, this one just happens to fall on my birthday lol. By 5, I mean fucking 20.

>> No.50774588

I'm all for dating younger chicks, I just saw it as cringe that he made a thread for this. This is a r9k or soc type of thread

>> No.50774614

It is, but biz bros resonate more with me. I mean the pathetic among us are only pathetic until we make it

>> No.50774643

I don’t even understand the sentence construction. What is the context? Who is 40? Who is the roastie?

>> No.50774672

She was saying to me that "you're 40 and alone" I just turned 38 on Thursday

>> No.50774685

The roasted is a friend of a friend and somehow I started talking about my preference for 19 year Olds lol. We were all drinking tho.

>> No.50774700

>when they're 19 they were all on with 30-50yr old guys.
sorry but this is zoomer incel cope and barely ever happens irl

>> No.50774778
File: 38 KB, 558x395, 1658188560882372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 44 and I would kill for some 38 yo biological pussy rn

>> No.50774827

i'm 33 years old and my most ardent wish is for a 19 year old blonde with DD tits and tan lines to bounce up and down on my cock for several hours a week

>> No.50774842

she probably just said that because she was butthurt over what you were saying. Everyone knows 99% of old women aren't fucking 19 year olds.

>> No.50774847

Vicious cycle
>20 something guy likes 20 something roastie
>roastie dates 35 year olds
>roastie is pump and dumped
>roastie gets old and has no value, thinks single guys her age are lonely betas who will date her
>guy is fwb with 20 something, has no interest in aged out roastie
she did it to herself

>> No.50774850

Stop talking like that

>> No.50774866

When you're 40 years old, yes it is

>> No.50774876
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nah you can get high end escorts/sugar babies to fuck who are 19 when you're 40

but normal, wifeable girls?

>> No.50774882

i don't think you can profit from this other than posting this on 4chin and collecting (you)s

>> No.50774885

Is she hot?

>> No.50774903


>> No.50774919

yeah she was pretty jacked and had a nice face

>> No.50774927


>> No.50774954

how about 25 year olds?

>> No.50774979

Maybe it really is over for me and I just don't want to hear that

>> No.50774980

11 year olds are better

>> No.50774992


too old to wife imo
by 25, even normal girls have been fucked by over a dozen men.

But I think it's possible, just still not common. How often do you see a 25 year old girl with a 40+ year old man irl?

>> No.50774995

[X] Doubt

>> No.50774996

Also take testosterone so you remain youthfull and you dont age like shit

>> No.50775013

I just like virgin women

Sex and a relationship is all about pleasure, It feels better if youre the first, like wearing non-second hand clothes or something exclusive

Even 15 year olds seem disgusting to me

>> No.50775014

Yeah not often unless you count celebrities, but either your two statements conflict or you're really saying its over

>> No.50775029

To be honest youre gonna have to invest on your self image

Its not money but research that will make you have a great image, unless you count hair transplants and surgery

>> No.50775034

At 38, its probably over and I'm just fucking coping. I don't look my exact age but who cares when father fucking time is in control

>> No.50775051

for sure, I said "19" but I'd be happy with mid 20's really. I'm just not sure whats realistic and whats not at 35+

>> No.50775053

Stop being a fag you can always do something

Take testosterone, even fucking making it makes you instantly more attractive to females

>> No.50775067

Its about good habits my nigger, you take care of yourself

>> No.50775069

>too old to wife imo
>by 25, even normal girls have been fucked by over a dozen men.
yup. i knew a girl who took it up the butt when she was in high school. by 24 she was a total cum dump. she lied about her body count to me at first but eventually i got the truth out of her.

>> No.50775078

ya you can always do something, but I just feel that at some point possibilities fade

>> No.50775088

>Funny how when they're 19 they were all on with 30-50yr old guys.
In what kind of shirhole are you living
This literaly only applies to prostitutes and only because old fucks have money

>> No.50775098

When your 55 maybe, dont be a defeatist

Take Elon wearing a suit, dude looks 40

>> No.50775116

what about the swimsuit pic we've been memeing to death? kek

>> No.50775138
File: 168 KB, 837x1217, women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I kind of am saying it's over
Realistically, you're not gonna get a 18 year old virgin sweetheart that you can marry.

You'll have to settle for used pussy.
and idk about you, but I'm not gonna marry used pussy

Sucks that we won't get to experience a wholesome life with a loyal wife and kids, but this is the world we live in.
I'll just try and cope by going full degen with young prostitutes once I make it

>> No.50775164

but thats the thing, right? 20+ is usually used up as fuck and under 20 is usually off limits unless rich

>> No.50775222

yeah its pretty much over. I had a 25 year old that was into me a couple years back but I blew it. I was 35 at the time, but 38 feels like pushing it

>> No.50775237

I'm gonna marry used pussy, its that or nothing desu

>> No.50775285

You need to be out clubbing and partying for young pussy. Spinning your wheels on 4chan for (you)s is not helping it just makes you look like a fag.

>> No.50775314

ya ya true, clubbing is tiring as fuck tho. I'm hoping lunc/luna moons so I can just bring the pussy to me.

Clubbing is mostly a lone wolf thing for me these days anyway, friend group all kinda went separate ways.

>> No.50775317

>19 they were all on with 30-50yr old guys
checked but this is cope. they might date 25 or 28 year olds max.

>> No.50776123

Not really about realism but just about like reality. In reality 19 year olds with daddy issues can easily make a mistake by getting legally plowed by you. I don't see what's unrealistic about that, happens all the time.

>> No.50776139

Can't profit from something that didn't happen dickhead

>> No.50776150


>> No.50776151

I know a 50 years old corrections officer that just had a baby with a 24 year old
Never listen to roasties

>> No.50776162

If you are 40 and still care about what normies think then youre ngmi

>> No.50776186

Haha 40

>> No.50776269

Why would you post that webm? Fuck you

>> No.50776525
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don't be mad at me bro
that's the state of modern women

>> No.50776881

kek that nerd in the background

>> No.50776910
File: 244 KB, 830x474, 1657248004238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millennial women really are the biggest joke in existence.

When I was 19 I preferred 18 year olds, I can't see how current 19 year olds would be different.

>> No.50776944

You should get a 28yo gf and then laugh in that chick's face.

>> No.50776959

She's not even hot.

>> No.50776967

I think his problem is that normalfags care very much what he thinks.

>> No.50777010

Gonna no fap and work towards that

>> No.50777032

Kek, I think this roastie in particular is annoyed that I stated a preference for something that she isn't.

Not sure why it matters though, she's taken

>> No.50777077

pretty nice pepe choice for a female poster

>> No.50777109

>When I was 19 I preferred 18 year olds
and now?