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50769674 No.50769674 [Reply] [Original]

Does anon tip their Chipotle drivers?

>> No.50769681

I don't order poison

>> No.50769685

based driver

>> No.50769688

hi there, we got in contact with your previous employer, Chipotle. we have decided you are not even fit for a position with amazon. thanks for getting in contact

>> No.50769691

wagie hate thread?

>> No.50769713

I used to, but haven't ordered delivery in like almost a year.

The drivers are always scumbags that will fuck you over wether you tip or not, and can't follow basic instructions because they are always high or just dont gaf.

Unironically can wait until robots start doing these jobs so Jamal can go work his shift at Amazon and steal packages until he gets replaced by another robot.

>> No.50769746

this, niggers will eat your food, some of them are surprisingly clever enough to tamper with your food even when sealed. I'm pretty sure i got h pylori from ordering takeaway
h pylori is a 3rd world country problem

>> No.50769754

Based as fuck driver. People too lazy to cook for themselves and instead have someone else do it for them AND have another person drive it straight to their door are scum of the earth.

>> No.50769768

No, because I do not have Chipotle drivers

>> No.50769779

Typical black worker

>> No.50769795

chipolte is salty garbage. i cook my own shit. fuck that cult.

>> No.50769810

sorry you're 2 poor to afford delivery anon. stop seething so hard because you're a failure in life
>inb4 anon claims the opposite and he's also fucking lots of females in his claim
nobody cares you're a seething poorfag too poor to order a pizza once a year. seethe poorboy

>> No.50769829

It's not about wealth, it's about pride. Cook for yourself or get a woman to do it for you, you simpleton. Ordering take-out every day is fucking embarrassing.

>> No.50769858

If this happened to me, Uber would just refund me the money and I'd re-order.

Still never going to tip. lmao

>> No.50769867

I agree with this, but if you can't cook, it's
still better than other options imo

>> No.50769873

you make alot of assumptions aobut how people order take out. every day? nigga you're seething someone is ordering it at all. hurr anyone that orders delivery is scum of the earth. now suddenly you're all oh no its just embarassing. you weak ass bitch you talk shit than back down once called out. fuck you pussy you poor ass looks at the ground when he talks faggot.

>> No.50769885

cooking your own food is good for ones self in multiple ways, good home cooked food is therapy and medicine, chipotle and peperoni pizzas with a liter of soda unenrich your gut, brain, and bones

>> No.50769904

Dox him anon

>> No.50769917

I love cooking but im still gonna order on occasion and someone telling me im scum of the earth because I ordered a pizza this week is gonna get shit talked you pathetic shit. you're just being a dumb underage and/or mentally underage troll for dee lulz outside of /b/ and look like a bitch made faggot in the process.
imagine being such an autistic sperg that someone ordering pizza once a year makes them scum of the year to you. btw considering you're a nothing a nobody a never was going nowhere in life nothing its interesting you think your opinions on delivery ordering people means anything. im just killing time til my food gets here and I can scarf on some pizza and shitpost faggots like you

>> No.50769924

Amazon doesn't care. They'll the sheboon for a quota and just pay them min wage.

>> No.50769928

i hate chipotle the steak cubes are too chewy and there is like 3 options for toppings

basically any other burrito joint is superior

>> No.50769939

you heard it first folks.
rich people dining, having personalchefs is embarassing.
dont go to dinners, you get your food cooked and served to you ! you god damn embarrasment !

Cope seeth and dialate rentoid wagefuck

>> No.50770141

they're lucky if I don't bobby trap their entire store with nerve gas

>> No.50770152

I throw live grenades in to open windows of passing by cars

>> No.50770183

Kek he thinks that ordering take out from Chipotle is equivalent to having a personal chef

>> No.50770300

I used to order take out but then I realized that cooking for myself is 2-3x cheaper and waaay healthier as I can fine tune my own recipe with fresh quality ingredients.

>> No.50770328

One time I ordered Colombian food w my bro and we didn’t tip. He came to deliver and just muttered ‘very generous guys’ then handed us our food. Bro and I just looked at each other and laughed our asses off. It was tasty despite the guys salt. This blogpost sounds is sponsored by raid shadow legends

>> No.50770382

nigger shit

>> No.50770386

The apps tell you how much you’ll be paid for the delivery and they can choose to do it or not. It’s hard to feel bad for the guy when he could’ve just not delivered your food.

>> No.50770392
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Mykul Myas was shocked at the driver's actions.

>> No.50770667

>be not a complete lazy fuck
>be consistently quick and perform minimum politeness while smiling
>eventually the algorithm exclusively starts sending me to deliver food from sit down restaurants to rich people in hilltop mansions
>pretend to be le tofu racer boi on twisty mountain roads all day
>get paid $250/day for 6-10 deliveries at most
>rich widows and former basketball players pressing 20's and 100's into my hand for bringing their fancy lunches intact
Delivery work is literally venture capital funded welfare that anyone with a shitbox and gas money qualifies for and you can make bank by not being a dumb nigger kek

>> No.50770679

my local chipotle stopped being good like 5 years ago. now it's overpriced flavorless goyslop, not sure what they changed.

>> No.50770760

This. I hadn't ordered delivery in years. But my current employer gave us a weekly Doordash stipend (until the recession hit). I used it for about a month and that shit was SO frustrating, even for free food.

>order food from a place literally 5 minutes away
>watch the driver's GPS drive 10 minutes in the wrong direction
>watch them spend 5 minutes in my apartment complex despite stating I'm in the back left corner
>don't get a doorbel ring or a knock despite telling them to hand the food to me
>had to tip BEFORE the delivery was made
>see some obese NIGGER walking back to his car
>food is ofc cold
>wasted 30 minutes necoming emraged watching the GPS
>food was TRIPLE the price due to all the fees and tip
>goyslop taste like shit

There is no such thing as a free lunch. I was honestly relieved when they cut the Doordash stipend.

>> No.50770789

i never trusted delivery; still dont

get some pissed off moron to bring me my food for little amount of compensation and i wonder why the service is shit? forget about it

>> No.50770795

>see some obese NIGGER walking back to his car
the only people dumb enough to do delivery apps in the year 2022 are minorities and white trash. if you price in wear and tear and fuel on your personal vehicle, you're making like minimum wage -- but niggers and white trash are too dumb to do basic math. i do curbside pickup for my groceries because i hate interacting with minorities inside the store. there's always a huge lineup of delivery app drivers ahead of me for curbside, and they're always niggers or white trash.

>> No.50770801
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>Mykul Myas

>> No.50770804

oh yean and the final straw for delivery app was paying $40 for a papa john's medium pizza after food + tax + delivery fee + modest tip, not that i ever used delivery apps that frequently to begin with.

>> No.50770805
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I dont order food delivery anymore. Its a complete scam. A 15 dollar order becomes 36 dollars after taxes fees delivery charges and tip. Its fucking stupid.

>> No.50770834

I almost always pick up my food now unless it's something annoying to carry back like a pizza. Fewer fees and I don't have to tip. It can take me an hour or two depending on where I'm picking up since there aren't many good restaurants in my immediate area but I like a good walk before digging in anyway. I would probably eat out a lot more if mandatory tipping wasn't a thing though. In Japan you can get cheap, high-quality, delicious food anywhere and you pay the price on the menu. In the US, the floor for "decent" food is like $20/person and the entitled, overpaid waiters and delivery people still expect a 20% tip somehow. Even things like grocery delivery try to fleece you for tips AFTER slapping a delivery fee on your order. I end up giving them a few dollars just so they don't fuck with my orders, but it's a total racket.

>> No.50770844

>eat goyslop
>write this shit out and complain
>free food also btfo wagey
Find the flaw

>> No.50770994

I felt a lot better about tipping as a concept before social media showed me how demanding and greedy these low IQ parasites are about it. They don't deserve it.

>> No.50772019

lmaoing at amerimutts who cant even order food without having to pay 20% niggertax or else said monkey will just eat it on your behalf

>> No.50772043

nonexistent in my country
imagine happing to tip anyone for goods and service you already paid for

amerimutts truly will own nothing and still be happy
they will eat ze bugs and we will rule over the mutts

>> No.50772108

What a crafty nigger, likely got a full refund and the other nigger got fired.

>> No.50772385
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>Ordering food
Learns to cook, faggots. That delivery shit isn't food. Takeout will shrink your balls (xenoestrogens) and make you fat.

>> No.50772392


>> No.50772460

I've learned that it really depends on the store.
The food is meant to be all the same but they always have to have a surplus.
This means some meat and ingredients will be older and if sales are lower they will get the shittier ingredients.
Try this anywhere.
Go to a stores grand opening then go back a few month to a year later
There will be a significant change in quality but if you do it sooner then you might not notice it.

>> No.50772472
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No. Not my fault their boss/web app takes the profit. if they werent retarded theyd start there own delivery business and keep 100% of the profit or switch to a app that is atleast fair. Just because they jump on the bandwagon of a shit job doesnt mean its my fault when i dont wanna pay 200% for some fucking microplastic chicken.

>> No.50772473

>he ate the food himself then blamed the driver to get some free food and compensation

>> No.50772545

>He thinks i dont have a personal chef.
seethe poorchud

>> No.50772695

Crawl away, black man...

>> No.50772729

forced begging

>> No.50772744

>do this
>get fired
>can't pay rent or food
>"WTF capitalism has failed us?!?"

>> No.50772814

If you want your food delivered then you better tip.
When the covid pandemic started I did doordash and if someone didn't tip I either ate their food or threw it away.
Nope, never got in trouble and even if I did there's a million other delivery apps to work for.
If you can't afford to tip then you can't afford delivery.

>> No.50772830
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based, who still eats that goyslop? the one near me closed down for giving people hepatitis

>> No.50772917

what I find most amusing about this is the neo-hieroglyphic use of emojis on paper

>> No.50772953

>neo-hieroglyphic use of emojis
Society has collapsed

>> No.50772981

Depends on your car, how much you make per hour, and where you live. That being said I agree that most drivers are browns. Every nice restaurant I go to always tells me I'm the nicest person who doordashes (ie everyone else are obnoxious browns with low self control)

>> No.50772994

>Based as fuck driver
He's going to work for pennies to the dollar for a billionaire without being able to take bathroom breaks, are you using based in /pol/speak terms or twitttertard terms?

>> No.50773025

lmao kek you're right the dumb nigger doesn't know to spell his own name

>> No.50773686

>zero food stains on the note "left in the bowl"
fake and gay

>> No.50773697

Oh I am actually retarded, nevermind and good day