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File: 5 KB, 900x500, ethereum-name-service-ens-logo-vector-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50765817 No.50765817 [Reply] [Original]

pajeets are still minting poopoo domains edition

>> No.50765840

I've got ETHmojis, I've got multiple 4 digits, I've got a dictionary 3 letter. My bags are full, my registrations are up to a decade, and my comfort levels are off the charts.

>> No.50765938
File: 130 KB, 323x431, 1647727093034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Splendid anon that sounds like a comfy collection

>> No.50766109

if you have a friend from a foreign culture/country might worth asking them for common names to register
or common words

>> No.50766752
File: 74 KB, 770x600, 1625291526118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daz3d.eth got sold today (2E), I looked into the seller and he basically just spammed that he owned their ENS under their twitter posts. It's an NFT-related company so I think they would've come for it anyway at some point and he probably could've sold it for more. Still interesting to see that it accelerated the sale I always thought it would just look like a desperate scam this way.

Good idea but all the major words/names are most likely already taken

>> No.50767262

my yearly renewal fees are over 40e and the highest offer i've ever gotten was 5e for a 4-letter common english word with 1bil google search results

i fucked up bros... stay away from 3-4 character domains

>> No.50767589
File: 24 KB, 366x366, 1648917811320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of weeb names to register
かわいい (kawaii) is taken. すごい (sugoi) isn't but it costs $600 which is probably why
I'm certain a name like that would sell eventually but I'm only a 15k poorfag so I don't think I can justify the purchase

>> No.50767710
File: 10 KB, 252x243, 1659292660006163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daz3d.eth got sold today (2E)
actually it was 3 ETH I just saw it again now
When are they running out anon? S-surely you will make it till EOY?
I had those ones and even some good russian ones in my sight too but as you said it's hard to justify $600/y expanses. On top of it I already have a few 3L ones so I won't be getting any more until I have reaked in some profit.

>> No.50767816

> the highest offer i've ever gotten was 5e for a 4-letter common english word with 1bil google search results
One of the main selling points of ens domains is that they make it easier for people to send to one's wallet because short/memorable one would be easier to remember, but how often do normies do peer to peer txs?
If I'm paying online, copying + pasting an address isn’t difficult, and most ecommerce platforms generate a new address for each transaction, so ENS names are completely useless for them.
In the event that I need to tell someone in real life to send to my wallet, an ENS domain made up of two random words is easy to remember and there’s millions of possible combos i.e. "CommonHare.eth"
The desire of some people to flex will give many names at least some value, though.

>> No.50767933
File: 81 KB, 1172x234, SET UP REGISTRAR HARD WALLET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice anon, currently gunning for a 3 letter dictionary myself. got 2 4-digits, a couple uncommon first names, a prepunk (top 5k), a bunch of 3-digit keycaps, and a yellow single emoji. If I can get this last piece of the puzzle I think it will be enough to make it.

anyone with a hardware wallet, you should absolutely do pic related. Max comfy knowing my best names are safe on my ledger but they still resolve to my metamask.

>> No.50768024

post your best ens name

>> No.50768225

sorry I only doxx my wallets on twitter

>> No.50768623
File: 75 KB, 667x1024, 1655175450796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this desu

>> No.50768840

How long do you guys recommend registering the domain for? I'm going for 3 years in case the bullrun takes some time but I'm not sure

>> No.50769068

i do one year at a time, when eth pumps ill probably add 2 years at once because the registration cost is measured in USD not eth.

>> No.50769116

My dear basterd in vishnu, just trust your own judgement. The only answer I can give you is unsatisfying, something along the lines of it depends on a multitude of factors like whether or not you can technically afford to extend after a year, what gas is looking like then, do you have a stable income, bullrun or bear market (ENS has done well during this bear market so far though but still), are your domains liquid already, etc. 3 Years should be more than enough imo, ENS hasn't really shown any corelation with the rest of the market so far, it literally started popping off when everything else was at its worst and if the main market goes into a bullrun ENS might have a golden bullrun (or major speculative bubble however you wanna call it).

>> No.50770646

Daily manifestation reply that elon fag musk will start shilling his deadbeat dog and get me to sell my ens

>> No.50770713

the best way to find good names? OS sucks to find anything