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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50764784 No.50764784 [Reply] [Original]

>Not your keys not your cheese

>> No.50764795

What Stand more powerful than blackrock does Binance have on their side rn?

>> No.50764809

the theft begins

>> No.50764826

Kek. The haste to sell out to Jews is unseemly. At least pretend for a while.
Still, bullish. I think prices are low, personally, on some coins. Its figuring out which though.

>> No.50764863

I hate the anti-christ.

>> No.50764958

short sellers

>> No.50764962

The entire non-american market.

>> No.50766825

What does this have to do with not your keys meme

>> No.50766841

It's over

>> No.50766844

Europeen union and french gouv

>> No.50766853

lol, this is definitely a sell signal. if (((they))) are getting involved, it means (((they))) are confident in their total control of the market. which means us goyim aren't going to be making anything anymore

>> No.50766856

Do they not know about cold storage?

>> No.50766860

You niggers we had a better version of this thread going already.

>> No.50766864


>> No.50766885
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Can someone explain what makes blackrock evil

>> No.50766920

Was the pineapple loser wrong again?

>> No.50767163

Blackrock is a Jewish megazord made out of human misery

>> No.50767411

>"Here is your 3.25% (maximum) APY, Goyims"
>No guarantees against (((slashing))).
>Proceeds to pocket 12.75% and lock up your coins for an indefinite amount of time.
Blackrock has entered the chat.

>> No.50767488

If Blackrock trusts coonbase isn't that a good thing?

>> No.50767509
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>> No.50768669

>which means us goyim aren't going to be making anything anymore
Good, we can finally start using crypto how it was intended.

>> No.50768688

it was intended to keep the jews out, that was the number 1 priority retard

>> No.50768851

thats was my point you fucking retard!! we should stop making it about making money and start using it as an alternative to the (((financial system))). thats how you keep the jew out. this whole "trading crypto" is a jew psyop

>> No.50768928


>> No.50769310

Buy Coinbase stocks the Coinbase timetraveler meme is real and probably already is the most liquid BTC exchange. They just managed to alter bitcoin price timeline...