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File: 29 KB, 1200x630, quant-network-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50761864 No.50761864 [Reply] [Original]

Watch this...

>> No.50762106


>> No.50762164

Can I make it with 50?

>> No.50762166

are you the insider? what are we watching sir?

>> No.50762244
File: 104 KB, 1000x1500, 601409f579355a8cc4885421_GILBERT PORTRAIT 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep an eye out

>> No.50762457
File: 101 KB, 1066x1392, 744B0ADB-B99F-4167-A0FF-0DE65C75BFFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, i have MATIC

>> No.50762849

2500x last cycle

if you're only getting into this now you've missed the boat by 4 years.

>> No.50762887

Wrong, QNT isn't going away.

>> No.50763552

Dumb faggot. I've been holding it since $2 and I'm still holding It. Took massive profits and got a huge stack for the long run come at me nigger lover

>> No.50764100


>P-please buy my bags

>> No.50764918

How long are we watching for?

>> No.50764975


Quant does not have a network dumbass. Its an ERC 20 token running off the ETH network.

You dont even know the coin your holding.

>> No.50765645
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Stay gay
Watch me get more rich

>> No.50765810

The ROI of Quant is not good. I will get more rich with my XRP bags than your tiny quant holding.

>> No.50765830
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That's why Quant OG's like Luke, Ghost, Dread and AJ now also in Cheqd.

>DID/SSI hype cycle next bull
>Evernym co-founded Cheqd
>Avast acquired Evernym along with Securekey
>Avast has 435 million active users
>Avast going all in on DID/SSI
>Cheqd only identity blockchain with payment rails

Where else would you rather be right now than a token founded by Evernym (now Avast), at 5m MC. With an explosion of interest in the Metaverse Standards Forum, W3C, TrustoverIP, the DID/SSI hype cycle is just around the corner. Join the telegram and play spot the Quant OG's in the 'Cheqd Council'. Quant chads will know what this means, with the FA bombs ready to drop in the new council once they've finished accumulating and it'll be like buying QNT at 20c. Quant has another 10-50x left. Cheqd has at least 100-500x.

>> No.50766523

>tfw missed the boat on QNT
I'll buy next market crash, hopefully at $50 or below

>> No.50766689

ATOM vs QNT, which is better in long run?
I traded 2/3 of my QNT bag for ATOM for staking.

>> No.50766710

>t. bought link instead in 2019

>> No.50767995
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What's a make it stack of Quant, ticker: QNT?

>> No.50768217

I'll only have a stack of 200 will I make it bros......

>> No.50769248

>10% circulating supply

>> No.50769639

134 make it
13.4 Sui

>> No.50769668
File: 10 KB, 843x66, quant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching. Dropped in ~$3000 at the bottom, already doubled.

>> No.50769880

>134 make it
>13.4 Sui
Why those numbers?

>> No.50769959

i guess thats 0,1 or so % of the available supply

>> No.50770290

Correct. but its 0.001%

>> No.50770364

this buying is blackrock/institution related i guess? Would make sense to me. Never felt more quamfy in my life holding an asset

>> No.50770538

13.4 is 1/1millionth of total supply
134 is 1/1 hundred thousandth of total supply.
Don't think anyone could accurately say right now,being a Saturday it's anyone's guess

>> No.50770540
File: 34 KB, 666x268, IMG_20220806_094659_149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here
I see some anons were watchin.
I told you. I don't understand why some people just refuse to listen. But it's cool. I woke up to a lot more money than yesterday. Thanks fellas.
It's gonna keep pumping jfyi
I'm literally telling you too much as it is
>Blackrock is buying

>> No.50770623

Get at least 200
Anything more than that and you'll start getting real comfy

>> No.50771778

No, sui is 5k

>> No.50771787

See you at 10K QNT in 2030 faggot

>> No.50772173

You're absolutely retarded. This thing can easily hit 10k. Look at the supply and how applicable the tech is

>> No.50772200

Probably sooner than that. Give it till 2025

>> No.50772211

QNT Mami detected! HAHAHAHAHA
Fuck off back to Twatter you ugly smelly daughter of a camel dropping shill

>> No.50772327

tf is xdc.. that shit did a 500x from bottom to top

>> No.50772358

No one is ever able to explain what QNT actually does. Ppl only ever talk about the price… what real world value does QNT have? It just seems to have a low circ supply which makes it easy to pump.

>> No.50772451

>No one is ever able to explain what QNT actually does
read the seq articles retard. but he's now 100% focused on avax

>> No.50772697

There are plenty of good explanations, you're just not reading them.

>> No.50773236

^ this, it took me almost 4 years to spam my peers with quant so that they buy some, and ALL of these retards didnt even read ONE fvcking medium i gave them (the Seq writeup is the complete walkthrough, not knowing what quant does after that is intellectual lazyness, or blatant ignorance) It needs a bit of brain though to grasp the whole scope of it... few.

>> No.50773847

very good point.

>> No.50774284
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Holding Quant and knowing what it is unironically requires over a 120 IQ.
God, I love money

>> No.50775473

>I've been holding it since $2 and I'm still holding It.

Holy shit what kind of retard 1) waits for a 10x before buying and then 2) doesn't sell at a further 200x


>> No.50776612

You have no idea where this going and I hope you die because you're an absolute fucking retard

>> No.50776662
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>> No.50776791

if you cant even explain what it is in a sentence then its probably not needed unironically

>> No.50776802

It's an interoperability solution for businesses and banks.

>> No.50776872

thank you, that sounds useful

>> No.50777048

It's okay.
Quant are partnered with Nexi who oversee over 200 banks across the EU aswell as MIT.
They're currently working on the Latin American digital dollar which goes live in 2023.

They're also onboard the British digital pound foundation.
It's a great company and an amazing hold.

>> No.50777286

I was buying QNT pretty heavily until CCIP was announced, which one do you anons think wins?

>> No.50777521

Quant. It's not what you know it's who you know and if you look into who's on board with quant then nepotism will always prevail in business.

>> No.50777744

So this CCIP thing basically means that if something in QNT network fucks up that costs corporations and its customers a shit ton of money the compensation has to be paid out by the entity that created the insurance program and not QNT?

>> No.50778009

wow qnt niggers really are deluded. next level cope. i guess you'd have to be low IQ to still hold this shitcoin after gilbert pumped gateways on your asses last year and then showed up and told you to stop asking about them.

>> No.50778037

>British digital pound foundation.
i bet most qnt bagholders dont even realize this isnt a real government group. its an independent group of nobodies.
>latin america
LACchain is the biggest nothingburger on the planet.

for all of these great partnerships, you qnt niggers sure don't have any data to show for it.

>> No.50778113

What about Oracle? New LinkedIn post just dropped

>> No.50778118

You know your obvious fudding isn't going to get you a better entry point right ?

>> No.50778831

it is but my friends are to retarded to get it. I use the "isnt it wonderful that you can call your friends on Verizon when you are on t-mobile? CISCO makes this work. Quant is this but for nextgen networks and for legacy" ... still ... few

>> No.50778851

CCIP cant be compared to overledger, its a solution for a different more tight usecase/niches (defi and stuff). It produces way to much overhead + it adds third party risk

>> No.50779337

>but for nextgen networks
You mean crypto, Why won't people use better solutions, CCIP, Stargate (LayerZero) which is working right now.
Why Quant.

Why cross chain at all, did you not read vitaliks post on why cross chain is never going to work.
It might work with centralized chains but not in a world where security is massively different from chain to chain.

What's left, "legacy"
Explain what part of legacy QNT is supposed to help with? Do it, explain to me what only value your dogshit vaporware scam has.
And once you do list those 2 use cases that might work, explain how much QNT that will use up in demand.

Face it, it's just hype and there is nothing fundamental about this project.
SEQ is a retard and avax is a VC scam.

>> No.50780532
File: 361 KB, 850x478, 1659616336112507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God. Another great day to be a QNT holder.
Fuck niggers and trannies. It's that simple

>> No.50780588

>"make love to African-American transsexuals"
I also hold QNT but am not sure that I want to be associated with such debauchery.

>> No.50782433

QNTs on a nice little move.
Glad i bought, Little sad I didn't buy in earlier or more though.

>> No.50782472

A QNT thread that doesn't die out after ten replies? I know people only talk about it when it's pumping but maybe biz isn't as chock-full of irredeemable tards as I thought. Blindingly obvious that Quant Is NWOcoin. Enjoy ze bugs, fudtards.

>> No.50782665
File: 110 KB, 1080x898, Screenshot_20210621-131258__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw i didn't listen to my intuiton when it told me to go all in QNT at 50$.

>> No.50782763

What marketcap do we expect this to reach by 2026 anons ? Sticking this to my portfolio along with ICP, Link and ROse

>> No.50782897

I think it will be minimum 4 figures by then. If we get some of the news we expect and LACChain works as planned 5 figures isn't off the table. And 5 figures would still only have us at 140b MC, a full 40b less than the speculative XRP bubble from 2018. Serious utility is coming for QNT, QRC20, enterprise NFTs, CBDCs, Banks, Oracle, Blackrock, Microsoft. We can only guess but at this point anyone who has been paying attention should own at least 100 QNT.

>> No.50782908

Thank you anon!!! I'll aim to get 200 before 2024!
Gilbert's connections are mindblowing!

>> No.50783856

Surprising isn't it
This is what happens when you listen to trannies instead of smart people
Gonna be top 10 easily. Might be top 10 in the next few months also
You will make it

>> No.50784045

QNT is beautiful

>> No.50784434 [DELETED] 

Yeah. It has hit a record high and who knows what is still gonna happen?
Even the fact that this is happening while the crypto world is dip in lows is another issue. But notwithstanding, My portfolio with keep increasing especially where Syscon is concerned, the bulls will return pretty soon.

>> No.50784449

QNT bagholder bingo check
>Gilbert has connections!
>It's not designed for retail!
>What do you mean stats on usage? Here's an article from three years ago where QNT was mentioned once
>"What tokens do YOU hold?"
>"Why dont you just sell/leave?"
>le british pound foundation, need I say more?
>latin american coming in TWO MORE WEEKS
>who cares about the community gateways we were promised while gilbert dumped on us, were not built for retail!

You ever notice how QNT bagholders have a list of things they say over and over again, yet they can never produce actual stats or evidence of usage?

>> No.50784556
File: 145 KB, 1773x1773, 5345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so you guys know, this same faggot jumps in every single QNT thread and spergs out every time. I don't even hold QNT but it's honestly weird how he's in every single thread like this and you can tell it is him by the way he types. Bizarre how committed he is to throwing a tantrum like this.

>> No.50784571
File: 233 KB, 600x528, d8e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't buy QNT before the pump

>> No.50784579

He really does,what he just posted is a slightly more refined version of the drivel he just spouted to me in the other thread

>> No.50784588

>vitaliks post on why cross chain is never going to work.

>> No.50784689

Not everyone "bagholder", many actually bought at $40-50.

>> No.50784708

literally just google "vitalik cross chain"
but here you go lazy fuck https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/1479501366192132099?s=20&t=wyUYqgACUvpYebVoSbMZrA

>> No.50785199

>Gonna be top 10 easily.
bagholders say this for every coin

>> No.50785345

Cumrocket will be top 10.

>> No.50785455
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Weak fud from linkcels and delusional xrp bag holders as usual in qnt threads