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50758865 No.50758865 [Reply] [Original]

>binged after work on Thursday while it was evening outside and it was all guilt free
>go walking in evening while listening to Moldbug on podcast but give up on walk after around 20 minutes because it's
>lie in bed for an hour before gym
>sleep, woken up by my alarm, sleep more, wake up at 1 am feeling so fat
>browse internet, listen to Twitter space, sleep at 4 am
>woken up by alarm
>start working
>feel stressed out because I have lots of stuff to ask some other people and even though I know exactly what I want to ask I can't just email them all the questions so I have to set up a meeting one day then another one later, pretending I know what's going on
>feel patronised by my manager and I think she's figuring out I do nothing after work or on weekends
>finish work
>one of my favourite Twitter racists is talking on a Twitter space so go for a walk
>currently on a walk
>will binge guilt free when I get home and then go to gym really late, like last Friday

I'm feeling like a particularly ugly beta freak today. I haven't even talked with confidence irl for a long time. I don't even have the balls to speak loudly. My loserness was established in school and cemented in university and by failing countless job interviews after university.

I don't know what I'll do on the weekend, apart from gym and fast food on Saturday evening. Being an ugly aimless male in his 30s is pathetic.

Everything is so easy for normies. It's all so easy and automatic. They get rewarded for existing.

>> No.50759678

Hmm. How to help you here?
I should have written down how I turned from someone like you into the current me…
I guess you basically have to find yourself. Your true self. I found out who I really am and where my place is and the confidence came. Drawing strength from it. You think you are a loser because you try to press yourself into the life globohomo has prepared for you. Cucked little wage cuck. Soulless and empty.
I spent my free time once like you now no day has enough hours so I can do all the things that make me happy. Another thing is a rigit and disciplined day. Right now work is pulling you. Without you would just collapse and get fater on the couch. It needs to be the other way around. You lead work not work you. You need to build momentum. E.g i get up really early get a coffee and walk in the rising sun through nature. Then I work out then I shower then I have breakfast then I start the work that I love. Re losing weight; only one way: will. And it’s easy once you decided you gonna do it. Right now you can’t let go of the idea of comfort food but it’s not that bad and you can do occasional cheat days. Btw for losing weight no gym needed. Focus on losing weight via diet then get muscle via gym. Unless you enjoy gym for other reasons. Re women; focus on women who like you not the mountain of globohomo roastie trash. Be patient and work on yourself so you become a good partner. Right one will come then. Re social anxiety; corpo shit is propably not for you. You don’t love it you so don’t feel good about yourself so you struggle. Keep searching keep working on yourself. It will come. I found my calling at 38-40. Before that just painful struggle.
So basically; will and truth seeking. You need to become an engine that pulls not a potato sack that is pulled.

>> No.50760283

London Frog, the gayest poojeet on 4chan that keeps posting the same shit for the 5 years and never improves.

>> No.50760933

Try hot yoga every day it will change your life

>> No.50761512

Why can't you just email the questions?

>> No.50763625

>Being an ugly aimless male in his 30s is pathetic.

Travel to thailand and fuck shemales, you ugly poojeet