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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50744988 No.50744988 [Reply] [Original]

Dispelling the jewish curry fudders for my anons.
LUNC will be impossible to kill after the burn. If people start dumping, then total supply will go down and we can slurp. If it pumps, even slightly, then supply will reduce, fomo cycle with more volume, more burn, less supply repeated ad infinum. 1$ eoy is not only feasible, it is inevitable

>> No.50745003
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Based 1$eoy

>> No.50745015
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What's a sui stack, bros?

>> No.50745046
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got 20 mil, buying more with my neetbucks

>> No.50745081
File: 2.63 MB, 640x640, 3610E60C-ED27-4897-A682-975AD72D5BE4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you retarded faggot redd1t refugees that try to desperately blend in to BiZ by shoving your head in the sand screaming pajeet doesn’t cloak you at all, literally stick out like a fucking sore thumb and holy shit the embarrassment literal laughing stocks of the entire crypto space, wasn’t there suppose to be a massive burn to send this thing to a dollar a couple days ago? Like come on man god tier cringe. It’s like when your 36 year old aunt walks up to you talking about how she invested 50 bucks into shiba on robinhood at the Tippity fucking top.

>> No.50745125

checked. lucky 88!
10 million is sui, fren.

>> No.50745135

Jannies seethe

>> No.50745140


Go eat your curry prajeet

>> No.50745157

My foreskin disagrees and told me $1 EOY.

>> No.50745158

Fucking cringe, upload a hand right fucking now

>> No.50745722

How's the weather in Tel Aviv, Esther?

>> No.50746905

What is make it

>> No.50746924

Digits at 11:11
Make a wish anon

>> No.50746933

Original LUNChad since the depeg reporting. The original stacks were:

5m sui
10m make it

>> No.50747503
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>> No.50748936
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>> No.50750348

checking your digits
wagmi frens!

>> No.50750646

remember BOG coin from 0,06 to 12$

>> No.50750855

retards you deserve to lose all your neet buxx

>> No.50750871

go fuck your momma and sis pajeet dirty ass scum

>> No.50750893

>Brown poo ID
>Pajeet fudder
Every single time!

>> No.50751366
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Enough of your tricks.

>> No.50751378
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Dubs off the chart again.

>> No.50751427

dev said "burn" will have no effect and will take several years baggies are fucked


>> No.50751448
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>> No.50751456
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Dev said TRILLIONS of coins would be burned over the next couple of years. Lol! Wonder what that will do to the price faggot?

>> No.50751658

oh noes! it will take me 3 years to become a multimillionaire! how terrible!

>> No.50751776

What happened to yourt $1 EOY then faggots?

>> No.50751840

>there are poor retards that just learned about a token transaction tax for the first time and think this is novel and exciting and groundbreaking

>> No.50751878


>> No.50752080
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It's getting easier to see the pattern now.

>> No.50752179

but he didnt say that. he said the burn would have no effect. how much do you get paid to shill? Ill join if you need help

>> No.50752362
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I'll even timestamp it for you moronic shill


>> No.50752407
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As utility increases etc (and there are 30 projects being onboarded see pic related), the number of coins will reduce rapidly. Burn tx tax can also be varied after a vote, so tweaked as necessary and I think then removed when circulating supply reaches sensible levels. Burn tax + all the other stuff happening on chain is going to drive price to the moon.

>> No.50752448

Why the fuck would CZ burn this just to help you? Delusional

>> No.50752450
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Lol wrong picture. Burn tax per tx is only part of the equation. I agree in isolation it is not that effective, but you would have to ignore the entire ecosystem which is pants on head retarded. It will push the burn into overdrive.

>> No.50752474

>CZ burns 95% of his coins
>Remaining coins now 100+x more valuable.
He makes far more money whilst being the good guy enhancing his reputation by saving redditors from roping.

>> No.50752484

Who the fuck talking about CZ here?
Read your script again and fud correctly, kike

>> No.50753081

based George Harrison poster, are these projects pre or post crash?

>> No.50753384
File: 157 KB, 1920x766, FZYef3FXoAAX_Ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauce is here. Prolly copies from discord, but appears to be post-crash. Loads and loads of stuff going on in the background right now.

>> No.50753412


>> No.50753421

LMFAO you NEED CZ for the burns or it's not gonna happen. You'd be better off with memecoin #287 with safemoon tokenomics

>> No.50754035

Hahahaha! And still they try. Again CZ or not trillions of coins should be burned over the next two years


>> No.50755128

LOL learn to read nigger. What is your obsession with CZ anyway to include in your fud posts when nobody talk about him? he didn't love you? Aww..

>> No.50755171

>redditards buying the life savings of other redditards
>thinking anyone will buy a stablecoin not pegged to anything but an (((active and supportive community)))

>> No.50755226

Not an argument. You aren't getting enough burns for it to matter without him and why the fuck would he waste his money doing so? This project is fucking dead. He'll burn BNB because it's his coin. He won't do the same for some random project. This project is straight up dead. Simple as. Without the burns money will not be made because its market cap is too big. This doesn't even have memecoin potential either as it's not a memecoin to begin with.
>50min video
No. Summarize why I should believe the 99% burns are coming.

>> No.50755234

>thinking any of this matters in crypto

>> No.50755260

>LUNC is dead
Long live LUNC

>> No.50755390
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How's the weather in Tel Aviv homo?

>> No.50755507

suicide stack has always been 1/10 of a make it stack, newfag.

just sold all my baggies because of you

>> No.50755623
File: 7 KB, 200x200, 20314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's LUNA2. The best LUNA cryptocurrency. I even ask for an airdrop and the devs are so friendly and willing to oblige.

One time I asked Mr.Taekwon Do for a $20 price for all LUNA2 but they drop the price to two. I said , 'Wow, that's 2 dollars! sounds like Tuna for me ! That nice Mr. Taekwon Do laughed and said, "From now on I'm going to call you 2una baggies!"

Now in the LUNC generals all the anons greet me with "hey it's that 2una baggies!" and I always post broken english FUD and we all have a sensible chuckle. I go to these generals to fud at least 3 times a day for dunk on LUNChads and harvest the memes. 1-2 times for the LUNA2 Telegram FUD plan updates and proposal progress and maybe once at night to do FUDs posting under the same ID when I'm in a rush to my designated street but need a good laugh.

I even give my own LUNA2 to Mr.Taekwon Do wallet, it's fabulous! What a great crypto.

>> No.50755655

>muh token burn
There's literally no confirmation on this nor is there confirmation on how many tokens will be burned. It has a fucking circulating supply of like 9 trillion or some crazy figure.
Enjoy holding the bags lunclads kek

>> No.50755720

Based and checked

>> No.50755764

Interlinked, my ninja

>> No.50755884

>enjoy wasting your lunch money, suckered! Ahahahahaha

>> No.50755928

Literally this. These bagholders are worse than the GME shizos

>> No.50755987

>Throwing the word "schizo" around to fud or discredit someone.
You know, I think I see your tactics in /pol/ and it reminds us of something

>> No.50756000

>They didn't buy LUNC
Ngmi, must be skill issue

>> No.50756060

I don't understand if there is a burn then wouldn't most people lose money who bought after the crash?

>> No.50756385

The tax is always two weeks away.

>> No.50756394


I finally made it into a historic screencap, no scratch that I was in one for La Palma general but that was moreso comfy posting.

>> No.50756486

I see they have supervisors FUDing now. How does it feel to wake up, shave, put on your camos, and sit in a brief and pour through our shitposts levi?

>> No.50756565


the gaslighting from them is absolutely pathetic.


>> No.50756613

>the gaslighting from them is absolutely pathetic.
From your fudding? Yes.
Nice try, corporal

>> No.50756620

shit... if you put it this way it actually makes me hope he doesnt

>> No.50759465

Keep coping, retard. It has no use case. It's dead. It's not memeable so no clown market gains. Market cap too big. It LITERALLY needs burns to have actual life changing gains but you retards think 99% burns will happen "just because". Bunch of fucking idiots

>> No.50759502

If LUNC is dead, why does it make you seethe?

>> No.50761640

I will sell at $0.88

>> No.50762207

Checked just bought 10 mill

>> No.50762391
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>> No.50762566

Why aren’t people letting LUNC just die already
it’s literally just a rug pull. Get over it and move on

Besides, all the good projects went over to Polygon so who the fuck cares anymore

>> No.50763312

Did you use the ketchup?

>> No.50763462
File: 70 KB, 493x345, 1641132699977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>swapped my LUNC for ZHAO after waiting for a move that never really came
>never looked back
>worry free of rug 2.0 electric boogalo or conspiracy theories

>> No.50763468

I hate niqqers so much

>> No.50763618

Blessed doubles. Wagmi. My ID has spoken!

>> No.50763678

Shut up and stop calling my phone with marketing scams.

>> No.50764909

>your 36 year old aunt
>36 years old
nigger *i* am 36. the fuck are you talking about plebbit refugees if you're barely out of the womb yourself? you probably discovered this website well past the mainstream phase

>> No.50764953

Speak of the jew and it will show itself
>Keep coping, retard. It has no use case. It's dead.
like you and your momma then, retard kike
>It's not memeable so no clown market gains. Market cap too big.
cry more. your tears sustain me.