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File: 30 KB, 612x408, you superior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50720130 No.50720130 [Reply] [Original]

Get a job or start a business.
Buy a house.
Marry a woman.
Have kids.
Invest your money.

Why won't you dumb kids just trust the plan?

>> No.50720150

I care for very little of those things. Stay mad, seething decrepit old geriatric cunt or muh traditional values incel

>> No.50720181
File: 64 KB, 1280x1106, Boymoder anime image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking jobs are fucking slavery. I'm being exploited for doing a job where I have to use my brain so much

>> No.50720211

You think your girlfriend is ugly? Date a supermodel. You think Bitcoin price is manipulated? Create your own shitcoin!

>> No.50720215

OK. Then don't complain or ask for handouts when you are poor and dying in the gutter.
It's voluntary. Nobody is forcing you to get a job. You're free to be a homeless bum if you please.

>> No.50720228

>Then don't complain or ask for handouts when you are poor and dying in the gutter.
Shut your dumb toothless mouth, you old fart.

>> No.50720262

Thats because you suck kid.
You fucking blow.
You're boring and have zero excitement in your sad life. All you do is sit on your fat ass on tiktok, bing bing wahoo child games, and watch porn.
When we were your age we could bench 315+, ride a bike, had more productivity in a year than you will in a decade. You have never been in a fight. You have never touched a woman nor even gained her interest for a second. You can't repair anything, can't cook worth shit, and despite spending a lifetime on tech, youre tech inept. You have no conversational skills and no life stories to tell. Your biggest challenge in life is walking to the microwave to cook a hotpocket coming paid by mommy and daddy.
You fucking blow zoomer/late millennial. You're a useless piece of human shit and we legitimately need a world war to kickstart humanity back from this horrific idiocracy tier whining childlike state.

>> No.50720315

>t. seething incel tranny boomer
you will never have sex and you will never be a woman and you will never be young again

>> No.50720318

Fuk u. I'm enslaved

>> No.50720363

I would rather live a good life and die at 30 than the pathetic existence your shitty retard generation lives. I can't even describe it, its like a void, a total absence of anything. How is it possible to be that boring???

>> No.50720379

How are you posting then?

>> No.50720399

>t. spends all his time eating Werthers, working 60+ hours a week, and watching National Geographic reality tv shows about pawning shit and catching fish

>> No.50720415

>wah wah i need to perform basic labor to exist
Comically pathetic.

>> No.50720443

Trolling isn’t funny anymore

>> No.50720444

You’re a below average height twink whose dopamine receptors are fried from hours of mindless scrolling and consumption. You have no capability of stimulation from nature or the outdoors so you constantly require greater and greater self indulgence and consumption. This forces you down a rabbit hole of even more dopamine scrolling and screen time. If you’re a burger I bet you haven’t even left the country let alone your own metropolitan state. Fucking malnourishment zoomer Ngmi.

>> No.50720470

>t. seething incel tranny boomer
you will never have sex and you will never be a woman and you will never be young again

>> No.50720495

"Trolling"? I'm giving you critical life advice, because apparently you are all failing rapidly and smoking fentinal or drinking yourselves to death.
I'm trying to save you dumb kids! Listen to my wisdom!

>> No.50720521

Unironically kill yourself please before you get beaten to death in a nursing home by some nigger

>> No.50720527
File: 84 KB, 220x220, 1628417713378.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all laugh about you behind your back at work.

>> No.50720545

Kek I’m 23 I’m literally in my prime u skinny below average height twink

>> No.50720559

You’re below average height, so you have no rights. Women will never be attracted to you they think you’re subhuman.

>> No.50720565

>t. seething incel
have sex, loser

>> No.50720576

Btw you fags are a prime reason why the voting age needs to be raised to 25 and capped at 55

>> No.50720614

God that is absolutely prime projection right there. I’m 6 feet tall

>> No.50720891

>Unironically kill yourself please
I'm not a Millennial. Only you guys do that kind of thing.

>> No.50720921

Yeah why would you over privileged boomer fucks ever have anything to be depressed over? You were handed everything on a silver platter your entire lives

>> No.50720925
File: 8 KB, 225x225, sopie08rnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're literally getting REKT with this process

>Invest your money.
That's the vibe, fag. I've made so much in LOX before the bear hit and I'm following up to infinity with a DCA

>> No.50720941

Play it cool, pleb. I guess you don't know how to do that

>> No.50721333

Shitty 5’9 burger larp here. Cope harder whilst I look down on you literally and physically from my 6’5 viewpoint

>> No.50721342

Your gender studies class isn't going to help you in life, son. Drop that nonsense curriculum and learn to weld.

>> No.50721607

I’ll learn to weld when wages keep up with inflation and I have a reason to contribute to society. That society has to not be filled with niggers and faggots, and not be controlled by kikes and feminists

>> No.50721901

I am 6’7. that’s all

>> No.50722178

I got a job but there was no house or wife that followed, so I quit the job and got an easier job that will never get me a house or wife,

>> No.50722394

>drop out of college
>work in web dev
>buy a house
>travel a little bit
>get gf pregnant
>gf buys a house
>retire off crypto ~$500k
>marry gf
>gf works making ~250k/yr
>watch my sons all day, go to the park/zoo/museum/etc
>manage my crypto and my wifes salary when my kids sleep also workout and learning 2nd language and study
A bit bored tbqhf, day to day life is mundane. Going to start traveling with my kids when they get a little bigger and see every city/monument/park I ever wanted to see.