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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50708874 No.50708874 [Reply] [Original]

You guys keep saying that the crash is coming, the mega inflation or whateverthefuck is coming for months now.
When? Why isn't it happening?

>> No.50709193

The government keeps printing money to try and delay the inevitable.

>> No.50709256

chud fud. buy signal.

>> No.50709261

literally wait two consecutive sets of 7 days

>> No.50709301

Probably going to crash right after the democrats lose. They want to push the blame as they always do. Hopefully most realize this game, but It seems people almost have forgotten the lockdowns and the rest already.

90% of people are quite literally retarded.

>> No.50709410

i honestly dont care about any crash because ill be accumulating matic whether there's a crash or not, since polygon is currently doing the biggest moves in the market, and this is nothing but the beginning

>> No.50709503

2 weeks ago you said two weeks.
Nothing's coming. We either crab or it's the running of the bulls once more.

>> No.50709543

t. retard

>> No.50709568

when you least expect it

>> No.50710474

Two more weeks, Negro

>> No.50710583

>Meanwhile in Sri Lanka
>Meanwhile in Kazakhstan
>Meanwhile in El Salvador
>Meanwhile in the UK
>Meanwhile in Russia
>Meanwhile in China

Honestly, I'm not sure how it will turn out for relevant western countries but I'm keeping an eye on Europe when winter rolls around.

>> No.50710793

>Elections are real

>> No.50711131

>Meanwhile in the UK
uhh what? nothing has changed here. everythings the same price as always

>> No.50711159


>> No.50711307

So you're telling me everything about Bojo and the pajeet was nothing but FUD?
How do I profit from this?

>> No.50711317

politics is economic hot potatoe you mong faggots how do you not understand this

>> No.50713084


>> No.50713094


>> No.50713107


>> No.50713119

do you think the dems will accept their defeat more gracefully or will they go kicking and screaming like trumpyboy?
and don’t post pictures of sanders voters, i’m talking about the party leaders themselves.

>> No.50713139

>Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
>In 1918 there was a worldwide pandemic
>1920 started one of the greatest economic booms in human history
>In 2020-2021 there was a worldwide pandemic
Current year is 2000+22

>> No.50714614

>When? Why isn't it happening?