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50696301 No.50696301 [Reply] [Original]

Which feels worse, selling too early at A or selling too late at B?

>> No.50696322

>stuck in the playing at all delusional loop

>> No.50696323

a for sure, b is fine provided you didnt buy the top

>> No.50696326

A makes you feel bad when it keeps going up. B makes you feel relief when you see it continuing to go down. Simple as

>> No.50696335

Obviously selling too early feels way worse as you will look back with regret over the next weeks/months and there is a risk to fomo in and buy the top, if you wait to sell til B there is no time of regret as your sale immediately gets more and more valuable

>> No.50696336

Sure you potentially missed out on substantial profit, but ultimately you walked out with a net gain.
B is getting btfo by buying the top and salvaging whatever you have left.

>> No.50696383

I think it is implied you bought at t0.

>> No.50696392
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C, nothing comes close to this pain

>> No.50696394

I'm an A man

>> No.50696421

if you bought at t0 and price keeps stable as t approaches infinity


>during A-B timeframe, selling at A feels bad obviously
but after B timeframe, selling at A feels good

whereas with B, selling feels good as price is down after always

so selling at A feels worse, but only for small period of time

>> No.50696474

Assuming you made money, B feels worse to me. A is a nice quick profit which is more repeatable. With B, you felt the highs when it was at the top and now know how much you missed your chance to sell.

>> No.50696510

I sold 5 unisocks at $5k years ago
the decision haunts me forever. I could've made it. every morning I put on my socks and weep.

>> No.50696519

i'd say a. you locked in profit before the top, lots of buyers nice and safe. b is just oh fuck and hoping someone will buy.

>> No.50696819

A feels good at first then worse later
B feels bad at first then better later

>> No.50696848
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>> No.50696903

Technically it's better to sell at A as you haven't paid the opportunity cost. Plus inflation is eating away at your profit so you are losing x% in real purchasing power depending on how long the x axis is.

But nah A definitely feels worse tho

>> No.50697422

if he sold at A he'll probably end up buying back at B

>> No.50698284
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getting out a little early before a crash is a good self insurance practice.

>> No.50698319

Buying too late

>> No.50699007

Not buying at all despite my gut telling me to buy. Like Squidgrow. When will there be the next Squidgrow?

>> No.50699127

>He didn't buy BabySquidGrow...
Well anon luckily for you it's at perfect 100k sloorping level, you're welcome.

>> No.50699161

no it's not, 150k

>> No.50699177

Fuck me, how did I miss this one? It's pretty much a written law that any major token will get a decently successful Baby version.
Got tg or ca for me anon?

>> No.50699208


>> No.50699263
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Babysquidchads WAGMI
>Pic rel

>> No.50699318

ty anon

>> No.50699383

The only GMI anon in this thread

>> No.50699440

Never selling is the absolute life shattering worse.
Hodl is a horrendous meme.

>> No.50699455
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>> No.50699760

it's always B

you could've used that money for another trade in the meanwhile

>> No.50702142

b is worse

in case a you can still buy back in and sell again - if you missed the timing on b you're just in the hole

>> No.50702184

With A you're validated for predicting price will go up and you got out at a price you set for yourself. With B you're capitulating that you missed the top.

>> No.50702284

Anyone who says A is literally retarded.

>> No.50702356

As someone who has done both. Let me tell you. B is absolutely soul crushing. I bought a few shares of GME during its initial hype. I could have sold at the top and made $1500 on a $300 bet. But I got greedy and fell for the hype. When all was said and done I only made out with a $100 profit, so I still made money but I could barely get out of bed for three days I was so distraught.
Recently I swung trade SNX and made a good 30% profit. I thought the price would drop after I sold and was quite wrong. I'm bummed out, but I can still look at myself in the mirror.
The one exception to this is if you sold too early and it turns out you could have made life-changing fuck you money. I've never been in that situation and I hope I never am.

>> No.50703906

>Curve is symmetric rather than resembling thhe merchant >>50698284 posted.

>> No.50705398
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How can people say B is worse? Im always happy with B knowing I still got out before it went below my buy in. Its not about what you couldve made, its about what you avoided losing.

>> No.50706393

Lel sold 5bil shib as soon as it touch 1b mc