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50695684 No.50695684 [Reply] [Original]

how do i date a roastie before i stare down the abyss of domesticity? what's the right strat here without getting all my money liquidated at once
>30 above average looking asian, so 3-4/10 with debuff in this meta
>did the hook up thing for maybe 6mo in college. not completely socially retarded but far from chad level
>dated only normal people. LTR 3-4y on avg
>semi made it can budget $500 a day indefinitely without eating into my stack
>social media retard. have an instagram account with just college friends
>NEETish now while trying to make it. having done some sports as a teen but now a complete slob

i can go back and date career minded people in my circle but after turning 30 I hit a mini crisis and decided maybe I need to try my hand at tasting some roasties and thots.
i'm willing to invest some money into this endeavor. not much needed to change my appearance besides stop drinking and lifting more so not much can be done on that front.
but considered like throwing money in say building a social following in some inane category to improve roastie-valued social values. or maybe even pay some pickup scammers for lessons? though i already have the PDF torrented

what would you do anon if you have gone down this route?

>> No.50695734

It is mathematically certain that things will only get worse for you anon so if you think about it isnt the proper and efficient play here to do an hero to spare yourself the unavoidable future (and current) pain and suffering?

>> No.50695751

already tried and still here with you retards. next

>> No.50695752

That ship has sailed long ago buddy. Its time to start a family with an ugly woman but you can trust

>> No.50695798

ok how much money do i need before this inevitability. being a practical degen here