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50692039 No.50692039 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50692051

no retard it's extremely painful

>> No.50692057

No, it's thought to be one of the most miserable actually

>> No.50692073

Ever get the wind knocked out of you? That feeling of your lungs failing to take in any air and your entire physical system going into disorienting panic mode? Imagine that, but a thousand times worse, because now your lungs are full of water and your body is violently trying to get the water out even though there's only more water around you.

>> No.50692088

wouldn't you pass out pretty fast?

>> No.50692163

Nope, it triggers your survival reflex so your full of adrenaline and convulsions. If you want to die by suffocation you want a Niteogen tank and garbage bag to make an exit bag. The nitrogen wont trigger any reflexes as you suffocate so it's a more pleasant way to go. Best way to die in the cheap is hyperthermia. It plays out pretty much like I. The Little Match Girl. Tour cold ar first but then you lose the feeling then start dreaming as you drift off to the other side. All that being said. Dont kill yourself.

>> No.50692191

You know how they say your life flashes before your eyes moments before the lights go out, or how time slows down in a car crash for just an instance? It is because in that instance you are free of the constraints that befell mortal eyes, anon. To die in a slow manner would inevitably make you suffer through this moment for what feels as though is forever.

You could say that we are all already dead due to the way we exist and experience reality, anon. We are just incapable to know or experience when that moment actually happens due to the way we perceive our reality.

You ever think about what it means to live among them as they do?

>> No.50692192

but i'm tired of how difficult everything is. what about death by hanging?

>> No.50692197

among who? i don't think so

>> No.50692204

Go fight in Ukraine and blatantly blogpost here to entertain us.

>> No.50692228

Eventually, but it will take a minute or two before oxygen deprivation kicks in and those minutes will be agonizing beyond anything you've ever felt and will probably make you want to live more than ever.

>> No.50692232

One of the worst apart from burning to death

>> No.50692272

The gods, spirits, angels, devils, djinn, or what have yous, anon.
They who exist beyond time and space.
This place is bound by rules you know.

>> No.50692358

if you're gonna an hero take a politician with you

>> No.50692382

DON'T do that method
literally this, if they kill myu loved ones due to vax i'm minecrafting myself WITH RADIUS

>> No.50692387
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>> No.50692410

You have to die a warriors death to get into valhalla

>> No.50693030

Ive almost drowned and its pretty horrifying not peaceful at all.

>> No.50693057

You literally will involuntarily hold your breath until you die since it's so painful to get water in your lungs your mind refuses to do it again.

>> No.50693064
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>> No.50693184

Bros I don’t want to die

>> No.50693237


Cutter: Take a minute to consider your achievement. I once told you about a sailor who drowned.

Robert Angier: Yes, he said it was like going home.

Cutter: I lied. He said it was agony.

>> No.50693477

Don't jump from a bridge. Water becomes hard like concrete from distance

>> No.50693599

no only hypothermia is peaceful

>> No.50693610

jesus OP you suck at this too

>> No.50693644

it's so painful that in some religions like islam, people who drown are considered martyrs and get to heaven for free

>> No.50694192

Tell me why a glowie would encourage somebody murder-suiciding politicians

>> No.50694304

>i'm tired of how difficult everything is
KEK let me guess you're 18 and mom is telling you to get a job

>> No.50694310

automated spambot thread.
never read, just see thumbnail

>> No.50694420

OP's a big guy