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50691374 No.50691374 [Reply] [Original]

The girl that comes in and takes your blood pressure and stuff.

I was doing my routine yearly eye exam and this cute girl came in. I was a 27 year old virgin so naturally I was not thinking much of it. She was doing the eye exam and was really responsive to everything I said, I thought she was just being polite. Then she was doing that test where you cover one eye and she holds a card up with a number in your periphery and you have to read it without moving your eyes towards it. We were sitting across from each other making eye contact and she couldn’t help herself from cracking a smile, then she started giggling. I could tell something was up.

Then when I got home I found her on Facebook and added her. We started messaging and she just came over and I fucked her, she just left. Not a LARP, I don’t feel real right now.

>> No.50691406

nice larp. didnt read

>> No.50691649

Benis in bagina ⋮DDDDDDDDDD

>> No.50691681

Wow, you're saying you did an activity that the majority of humans in human history have done numerous times? Unreal.

>> No.50691687

if not larp good for you anon, you figured it out
if larp, good for you anon you figured it out

>> No.50691695

WAGMI dude, your story gives me hope. Need to go get some new glasses wish me luck.

>> No.50691703

Follow up tomorrow with a date retard, don't be a sperg and try asking her questions

>> No.50691707

good now do it again

>> No.50691720

Bravo, you did one of the most common things in the world

>> No.50691723

Post convos them

>> No.50691726

Attaboy, anon. This life is fleeting. Enjoy it where you can.

>> No.50691740

Post some pics of her

>> No.50691756

this is a beautiful story OP
now do whatever you gotta do to resist falling in love

>> No.50691806

Based sex haver.

>> No.50691834

Any girl who fucks within the first month is a slut. Move on from her. Nothing good will come from it. Go find a good woman to be your wife.

>> No.50691905

>tfw 28 year old kissless, dateless virgin, never had a gf or even seen a vagina irl.
How did you do it OP?
It can't be that easy.

>> No.50691910


good on you anon. i miss tons of signals that i only realize in hindsight, just like in my stonks.

>> No.50692001

something that may have occured litterally a trillion times in the history of mankind

>> No.50692011

How did her brapper smell

>> No.50692085


Another larp on /biz/


>> No.50692121

you introduced le peepee into ze cheechee.
Good job. You are a winner like no one has ever seeb upon this good earth.

>> No.50692161

>I have every venereal disease, How did thjis happen?

>> No.50692174

>tfw my first gf was a Russian girl that worked at an optometrist and she got me free glasses
Bros? Is this a secret wisdom?

>> No.50692502

Do it again tomorrow
Sex with girls is fun

>> No.50692592
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Sex with boys is even better!

>> No.50692605

ngl i met a troon at the grocer the other day and popped an instant boner when he smiled at me

>> No.50692618
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lol four eyes

>> No.50692628

sorry anon but you're going to hell

>> No.50692643
File: 98 KB, 550x385, 1593489673538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting nigger, get that shit out of here. Trannies and jannies are not real women and will never be. Even I'm not that degenerate and I fap to traps.

>> No.50692659
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>he gave up wizard powers at the final stretch

>> No.50692668

>not a larp
Yeah okay bud, 27 yr old virgin pulls a rando that easily lmfao the only believable part is that you’re a virgin

>> No.50692677

How were you able to find a complete stranger on Facebook?

>> No.50692712

you have no ground to stand on. at least i interacted with a real person.

>> No.50692716

If its so easy then why I am I a virgin at 27?

>> No.50692720

Her name is Virginia

>> No.50692734

no amount of shitcoins can replace this feeling.
you made it

>> No.50692745

>a-at least I ogled a man in a dress!
Yikes sweaty!

>> No.50692804

I never leave my house normally, all I do is lift and browse computer while working from home

She told me her first name when she called me into the office and I knew where she worked so I easily found her

>> No.50692849

again, you sit on your ass and crank out loads to traps. idk what compels you to act like you're somehow not degenerate.

>> No.50692896

Congrats anon now you have a memory to wank over for the next 5 years

>> No.50692897


>> No.50692901
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>you sit on your ass and crank out loads to traps
Yes, I am a degenerate. However jerking off to insane men that think they are women is subhuman. Troons and troon enablers deserve the rope.

>> No.50692906

What's her race and approximate weight? Do you see yourself possibly marrying and having children wiith her?

>> No.50692928
File: 20 KB, 229x314, VirginiaVirginsComic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50692952

because you are a colossal failure of a human being. literally 7 billion people alive because they HAD SEX.

>> No.50692972

Idk, maybe you're ugly or cringe

>> No.50693752

Most of them are gross tho. How do they have sex?
Nah I'm tall and jacked.

>> No.50693756

not bad anon, not bad.

>> No.50693802

Bloody shagger

>> No.50693853

>setting your boundaries on the tenuous distinction between traps and trannies
i have no lad and i must wew

>> No.50693896

Did you fuck her raw and coomed inside her? It doesn't count otherwise.

>> No.50693902

Kill your self FAGGOT. The other day I saw a non passing mtf tranny waiting to cross the street. I rolled down the window up my car and yelled “KILL YOURSELF TRANNY” at the top of my lungs

Never let evil rest (and feel good about itself). Demonize every faggot and tranny you see . This is God’s work

>> No.50694002

seethe, cope, and dilate sweaty :)

>> No.50694160

traps are men who successfully look and act feminine but do not think of themselves as female and do not try to make others think of them as female. this is gay and based.
trannies are men who attempt to look and act feminine and think of themselves as female and attempt to control others' perception of them as female and not male. this is weird and unbased

>> No.50694261

Yeah you're right. It's so awesome being with a woman who doesn't like to fuck and is bad at it. Truly great!

I love working my fucking ass off all day and laying for everything and having some stuck up dumb bitch that can't fuck properly. Truly the higher path!