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50630294 No.50630294 [Reply] [Original]

>2020 + 2
>mfw I am still unvaxxed

>> No.50630308

literally me asf MOOD

>> No.50630319
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>> No.50630318

Lucky. You are clearly a shut in then, haha. Most of the anti vax tards I knew died from COVID.

>> No.50630330

I had covid recently and now I cant even think. Its like insane brain fog -20iq points debuff.

>> No.50630338

low-tier b8

>> No.50630340

Wrong board faggot

>> No.50630347

Should've got VAXXED, Chud. Biden says if you get the jab you won't get COVID, end of discussion.

>> No.50630443

it's amazing people still bother to lie about this lmao

>> No.50630455

impossible for him to go -20iq points though

>> No.50630458
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>> No.50630511

me too, I beat the original strain so I'm super immune to all future strains. My argument against science terrorists is that they need a control group to properly test their scientific method and I voluntarily choose to be part of the control group. Check mate science terrorists

>> No.50630524

im a non neet anti vax chud and i died from covid
my last words were "i wish i got vaccinated"

>> No.50630536
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Imagine having a weak enough will that you allowed your government or employer to force you to participate in a medical experiment.

>> No.50630547

The only good thing about covid was that it allowed employers to identify and purge all their tinfoilhat employees

>> No.50630573
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>> No.50630614

I was triple vaxxed, and got it last month and it was a nothingburger apart from my throat burning for 2 days.

I thought it had mutated so much that the vaccines do nothing anyway and it's weak anyway.

But some neutral doctors I respect still say it helps so I might be wrong on that.

>> No.50630739

Maybe for you but there are people with higher iq than you despite your coping in denial posts

>> No.50630837

I haven't taken it yet, but one of my great friends from overseas got really sick from it and can't believe I'm not taking it. Fortunately once I got covid (oMICROpeNis) it didn't phase me at all, and now I will never take it. I think I might have the coof again right now actually, feeling pretty weak

>> No.50630918

>I was triple vaxxed
you will die of heart attack in two more weeks

>> No.50631028

hahahah virtually nobody under 50 died, even unvaxxed

>> No.50631123

bitch, I specifically enjoyed being vaxxed with the Astra Zeneca vaccine at first, because I enjoyed triggering all the morons with the "you're gonna die meme".

you're all stupid fucks who fell for a conspiracy theory because your pathetic little lives can't handle occam's razor and everything must be a conspiracy to you.

let alone most of the FUD is just the vaccine companies themselves defaming each other (e.g. Astra Zeneca was killed by Germans with other financial interests while it was probably the best one).