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50629146 No.50629146 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren’t millennials buying houses?

>> No.50629154

If i had 400k its going into link, not a house.

>> No.50629160

Many are. Why are you a faggot?

>> No.50629162

AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH half a million $ for a fucking box. Burgerland is so fucked.

>> No.50629165

I’ve been trying to sell my home. But it’s only boomers, Indians and Chinese coming to look at it

>> No.50629172

You get 13 Acres of land though? The house is shit but still. Doesnt seem that bad considering the land

>> No.50629175
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>> No.50629289

You couldn't pay me to live in New England.

>> No.50629301

i think they misspelled Hebrew

>> No.50629309

13 Acres is more land than you will ever own in your life

>> No.50629337

Really? i thought New England was one of the best places in the US? im not American

>> No.50629349

Are you not white?

>> No.50629366

Rofl. Thats my guess.

>> No.50629394

The property is 13 acres and is on a lake, of course its expensive.

>> No.50629478

any prole seeing this who doesn't immediately KNOW, dont deserve to be rich. I'll guarantee you this is a very pleasant spot indeed. And free of ghetto dwellers, where most of you troglodytes appear to belong.

>> No.50629608

so you've chosen the cardboard box option.

>> No.50629672

>13 acre lot
>5 hectare
A hectare of farmland in my country is like 50k so the land alone would be worth 250k euros.

>> No.50629829

No one besides rich people can afford it.

>> No.50629837

Because we don't care about anything anymore. We live in the moment, most of us are not mentally good.

>> No.50629843

Why do you faggots act like owning stuff is a big deal? Why are you also making assumptions about that anons wealth?
I wish you would get raped by a pack of niggers and get your throat slashed.

>> No.50629854

Junkies and kike and shit bag whites.
Welcome to Jew England.
Barely anyone is white in New England.
Stop it Americans, you guys aren't white.

>> No.50629866

I'm happier when I'm not around Americans, you guys are negative fucking energy drainers to be around.

>> No.50629992
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This looks like a haven for Americans. The only state id move to if i ever went to America which wouldnt happen but still.

>> No.50630026

I have been trying to. I have been saving for 11 years but prices have gone up as much as I have saved in that time, and my wages haven't gone up that much. Little hesitant to buy right now in case there is a housing market collapse. I live in a very expensive area and it's around 150k for a one bedroom flat/condo. Mortgage rules have loosened up a little in the UK allegedly to remove the 4.5x salary cap so I might be able to buy soon. But I still have to pay thousands in fees to solicitors and surveyors, then thousands every year to property management companies to sweep hallways and keep the lift working. It sucks.

>> No.50630068
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>UK allegedly to remove the 4.5x salary cap
This isnt that good mate. That means you will be able to leverage more which is risky. 150k for a flat doesnt seem that bad for the UK - if you say its a expensive area. You should look up north... Some decent priced houses. If you care to move to where you can afford more

>> No.50630179

>thousands every year to property management companies to sweep hallways and keep the lift working
you dont wanna be having that shit hanging around your neck - you are young(ish), get something old, with stairs. And no fucking management fee scams.
Thats half price m8, becuase its literally half of that house you are buying:
>50% share with Home ReachPart Buy - Part Rent
maybe something for above tho, better than buying and paying Jew management fees.

>> No.50630195
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Housing in America is too exp-

>> No.50630228

white people in general have too many student loans, drug addictions, and other bullshit to buy houses anymore. I also noticed that a lot of real estate is instead being bought by hard working chinese/indian immigrants

>> No.50630233

>hard working chinese
hard working money launderers, maybe.

>> No.50630337

How do you come to such a low iq conclusion

>> No.50630362

I keep looking at foreclosures and shitty homes,

So far I have looked at 20, people keep trying to tell me about financing because they think I don't know.

No bitch I want to make a database of shit homes so I know what the market is.

>> No.50630381

The seethe is palpable

>> No.50630389

New England isn't a state, it's the region northeast of Pennsylvania, sometimes including Pennsylvania. Oddly enough one of the worst places to try to stay isolated in America, it's closer to Europe than anywhere else on the continent.

>> No.50630392 [DELETED] 
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I'm a bored hacker. If you want the password to someones Snapchat account, like you think your partner is cheating on you, or curious about something else, I don't mind trying it out

Ask me on Kik Messenger at PenrodP ooch

>> No.50630400

Mate, I have a 50% deposit, being able to borrow 5 or 5.5x my salary is not going to make a huge difference to me on a 90k mortgage. The repayments would be half my monthly pay. The problem with the UK is that people are locked in the private rental sector paying 900 a month on a property that costs 450 to mortgage. I don't want to move far away 'cause this area has decent jobs. The only way my situation could improve is by moving to a bigger city (not London) with similar prices.
Pretty much all flats have service charges. Ex council flats have more reasonable service charges but the council can bill you for capital improvements any time they want. You have no say over who carries out the work of how much it costs. New roof? that's 5k please.

>> No.50630418

>t. jeet is angry that reality exists.

Everyone in America moved to America because they are instinctually bears. It's why we were a global power until we invited a world full of bulls in to shit on our quiet bear investments and pull us screaming into the blind leading the blind insanity of Keynesian central bank fueled bull markets.

Bear markets are cozy because they have saftey and fear priced in.

Bull markets are chaotic because they do not price anything in and become a sickening over-positive loop of death.

Its ironic really. The bear begits the bull and the bull begits the bear

>> No.50630421

>Europe than anywhere else on the continent.
Sounds ideal

>> No.50630495


Yeah man, it sucks to have the best lower & higher education, a moderate climate, 4 seasons, access to the ocean, a predominantly Catholic population, rural areas but overall vicinity to big cities, a drought-proof preponderance of large reservoirs, the highest wages, evidence of a colonial history that you see every day, quaint forested neighborhoods on gentle hills, and a cost of living that forces all the blacks and hispanics into assisted living in a few pockets of the big cities, leaving the rest of the region crime- and litter-free.

You dunce.

>> No.50630528

I used to be mildly annoyed when these threads popped up.
Now I'm not. Because OP is pointing attention towards how utterly ridiculous housing prices are and how we are becoming destitute.

>> No.50630553

>ridiculous housing prices are
You get 14 aches of land in New England... im struggerling to see how this is ridiculous?

>> No.50630577

i live in bucks county and there's 0 chance i'd ever live in niggerdelphia. it's cheap because it's 1) overrun with niggers and 2) cramped as hell with on-street parking.

>> No.50630675
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>You want to buy a house
>$400k for a box in the middle of nowhere
>Nice lakeviews I guess
But you get 14 acres of land!?

Are we here to buy a house, or the land? We're here for the houses...
You could buy it for the land, but then you'd have to get a custom built house, an added expense...
This is a result of clown world, plain and simple

>> No.50630703

>But it's only boomers, Indians and Chinks
I wonder if OP lives in my area.
It's true.
I don't see many Millenial whites in the leasing offices of the apartment's I've been looking at. It's mostly Indians and Asians.

>> No.50630727

Soulless exterior and surroundings, holy shit. Is this the average home in the UK?

>> No.50630754
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Millenials should just stop eating avocado toast and subscribing to so many subscription services. They literally caused this mess

>> No.50630861

Salaries small but this is very exaggarated picture. I got my house for 45k, 1 bedroom + huge living room. big yard.

>> No.50630872

whites fell for the "college is a meme" meme. chinks and indians didn't.

t. lives near college educated chink/pajeet mecca of the east coast (princeton nj.)

>> No.50630887

Another Demoralization thread

Don't know why these get posted so frequently on 4chan right now but its really suspicious

>> No.50630926
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basedlennials are too stupid to think ahead and save money, they think everyone else owes them something and they deserve to have their childish consumerist cravings satisfied

>> No.50630969 [DELETED] 
File: 853 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210922-045944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't millennials having children?

>> No.50631005

Nonwhites are supported by the system. They are given high paying jobs by corporations and the government itself through subsidies (using White peoples' money) Meanwhile colleges and college towns like princeton will import more nonwhites.

>> No.50631040

It is. People seething have probably never lived there.

>> No.50631052

ok klaus

>> No.50631073

>Nonwhites are supported by the system
That's true of blacks and Hispanics. Importing Chinks and Indians is massively profitable for America for the same reason that importing Chink and Indian products is; all of the expensive, hard work (raising and educating a child) has already been done at a much lower cost than would be possible in the US, which now gets to enjoy only the benefits (tax income from the immigrant working and consooming)

>> No.50631077

Land is better than houses. A house costs like 100k to construct brand new from kit.

>> No.50631078
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i have one of the whitest names and skin complexions you'll ever see and i had no trouble getting a job in corporate finance/accounting.

>> No.50631125

When you buy a house you pay for the land its sat on not the house. You cant go oh look at the price of that house "clown world" while ignoring it has 14 acres of land... If the OP posted the house on it own with what you can see in the pic fiar enough but its not

>> No.50631127

It's 13 acres of lakefront land with agricultural zoning so you can do whatever you want with it. That shitbox was put there to collect mail while someone sat on the land as it appreciated in value over a long period of time probably. Whoever buys the land will probably tear it down and put a custom built house on the lot.

>> No.50631132
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I make 6 figures and am in the top 10% of earners for my age
I save 60% of my post tax income
I have savings in the top 10% for my age
>tfw still can't afford a house and knuckle dragging mongs blame me for my moral failing

stop smoking crack anon

>> No.50631141

Yes. Id even say thats good. If your in a city. You pretty much 90% living in a terraced house (row home) which was most likley built in the 1900s

>> No.50631176

>A house costs like 100k to construct brand new from kit.
No, try 300k. And there are additional expenses including demolition, plumbing, utilities, taxes, and the time it takes to actually build the thing.
If you plan on building a house with OP's listing, then it would run upwards of ~750k total expenses.

>> No.50631186

Maybe if you spent less money on houses you'd have more friends to have fun with and avocado toast to eat, loser.

>> No.50631196

more NEET delusions. go talk to a modular home builder. $100/square foot minimum, likely closer to $200/hour if you include site improvements/prep.

>> No.50631207

Yeah 14 acres of land and what are you gonna do with it dummy? Are you a farmer?
Are we buying land in this thread, or houses? Get real.

>> No.50631244

You could build 14 homes on that land all sat on 1 acre plot and make $1M easy if you got permission. God if you dont get the difference between buying property with a 14 acre lot to buying a house with a tiny garden you dumb asf

>> No.50631284

>You could build 14 homes
The title of this thread is "Why arent millenials buying houses?"
So you're assuming the average millenial has the capital to just build 14 homes. Got it. Yep, you live in reality.

>> No.50631456

This is why biz is a joke it's full of delusional retards that think a house costs $100k to build
>You could build 14 homes
Oh wow! What a great deal! Who is gonna pay for it?

>> No.50631529

I could sit here all day. And show you 100s of afforable houses. But all you would do is say meh
>shit area
>democrate shithole
See this is the thing you dont really care about home ownership, everyone knows you can get cheap houses... But what you really want is the nice big, nice state houses to be cheap. Which is never going to happen

>> No.50631538

400k for 13 acres is a terrible price in the US given that the national average is ~$4500/acre.
395900 - 13.1 * 4500 = 336950 for a 546 sq ft trailer home
336950 / 546 = ~617.12/sqft
The average national cost per sq ft to build a house is $113/sq ft.

That listing is a scam.

>> No.50631560

hidden gems don't exist. homes are "cheap" in my flyover hometown because jobs pay fuck all. in general you're going to see homes priced at 3-5x average gross annual earnings for the region. the only way to game the system is to have a high paying 100% remote job. that is not an option for most people, and if it was then you would see a massive runup in prices similar to what's happening in areas like montana and florida right now.

>> No.50631750

the US is importing crazy rich asians instead of mexican migrants so now the white population is being squeezed from the top and bottom

>> No.50631796

neither millenials nor zoomers are the problems. you boomers are the plague. good thing you don't have much time left. tick tock, arthritis is closer than you imagine. can't wait for 50% off most houses in a year

>> No.50631799

>I could sit here all day. And show you 100s of afforable houses.
And I could sit here all day and show you 100's of "affordable" cars. It doesnt mean that they are safe to drive in or run correctly at all.
>everyone knows you can get cheap houses
What planet are you living on?

>> No.50631833
File: 7 KB, 236x270, images (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever heard of the concept of diversification to minimise risks, faggot. Index stocks. VTI is a good place to start. DeFi middleware. ImmuneFi partner's Spool Fi. Alts. Majority BTC and ETH.

>> No.50631879

Small houses built from kit (1 or 2 bedroom lofted) cost about 60k in materials, and probably another 40k for essential contractor work (foundation, electric, plumbing). https://avrame.com/series/duo

>> No.50631922
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If you are unable to save 20k for a deposit. Your fucking useless quite frankly

>> No.50631926

You're doing something wrong if you can't afford a house at that income, probably not saving what you say you are. I make a 5th of what you do and just bought a house. If I had your income, I'd be able to pay it off 2 years earlier. Cut the fat out of your life, stop eating out every night.

>> No.50631950
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>> No.50631976

>If you're unable to save 20k for deposit
How cucked can you be to defend the current financial system? Grow a pair anon

>> No.50631986


>> No.50632008

>stomach living around niggers for a few years then leave for a better area vs building no equity paying a kike

these are your choices

>> No.50632030

mmmm yuropooria cope

>> No.50632096

>muh equity
>a few years

do you understand how an amortization schedule works? the payments for the first several years will be almost entirely interest. your only hope of gaining equity (past your down payment) in the first "few years" will be appreciation, and a crapshack in a nigger shithole like buffalo won't be appreciating in the slightest.

>> No.50632183

Every millennial I know who bought a house, did so 3-5 years ago and feel incredibly lucky to have dodged this market and everyone else is either living with their parents are seething as a rentoid because they are paying more than they'd be paying for a mortgage if they had saved up and bought earlier.

>> No.50632185

Id bet my money. You go out every weekend. Spend 100$ on trainers then get to your 30s... Why cant i afford a house.. Why was i such a snob about where the house was when all i really cared about was owning bricks and mortar... Why did i not think to buy a cheap home, improve it then sell for a profit then upgrade to something nicer... But i wanted my first home to be my dream home...But i wanted a penthouse apartment in NY for $100k... Why does the market not crash

>> No.50632231
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We're full

>> No.50632282

underestimating how much rent cost vs mortgage and home appreciation and overestimating how slow equity builds

>> No.50632452

nigger i'm an accountant, i run through amortization schedules in my sleep. you're 100% wrong.

>> No.50632509
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the two bedroom house im looking to buy is almost HALF A MILLION

it was bought for £120k back in 2009

LMAO JUST........

>> No.50632541

Because I can't get a job that pays more than $16/hr, I thought no one wanted to work.

>> No.50632563

Get a government subsidized low income loan.

>> No.50632614

look at the average rent payment vs mortgage payment. take the difference. then estimate what kind of return you can get with that in this market.

do you live with your parents?

>> No.50632622
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> Ever heard of the concept of diversification to minimise risks, faggot. Index stocks. VTI is a good place to start. DeFi middleware. ImmuneFi partner's Spool Fi. Alts. Majority BTC and ETH.

>> No.50632634

They pay ice cream scoopers 18-22 dollars an hour where I'm at.

>> No.50632665

You have to pay for insurances, maintance, easte agent fees. There really isnt much money profit wise renting properties. As a income per month

>> No.50632685
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>30k per acre...

Suck my dick.

>> No.50632699

im talking about where you live yourself, not renting out.

>> No.50632709

>literally west philadelphia

>> No.50632724

what are you trying to argue, and how does this relate to your claim that a 35% nigger shithole like buffalo, new york is an exception to that rule that houses generally cost 3-5x the prevailing wage?

>> No.50632748

>brokered by Sotheby's -- You know they always sell good stuff!

>> No.50632814

im just trying to say homeowner ship is a worthwhile investment, even if you have to live around niggers for sometime. i dont care about the previous parts of that chain.

>> No.50632907

WTF? I have a degree and would do bad things for that kind of wage

>> No.50633002

Help to Buy value is always extremely high. I know there is always a new property surcharge but I might only be able to buy 30% of a freehold and then end up fucked in 5 years paying rent and a mortgage.

>> No.50633028

they fuck under 40s with ever expanding house prices, and just as we can afford to buy their properties they jack up the interest rates too. the perfect scam.

>> No.50633607

It’s not the deposit it’s the monthly payment. You pay the deposit on a 400k place and then the monthly payment is what like 2.5- 3k? Most people don’t make that much to easily afford alone in this generation of no women worth marrying so you’re single income

>> No.50633656

Link is a zero risk investment and has 100% guaranteed upside higher than anything you listed. faggot

>> No.50635766

>have to pay money to tear down house and build a new one
>another 300k on top of that
It's just not worth it. If it was an empty lot maybe, but it's repugnant that people are selling shitty uncared for homes for tons of money. Literally just take care of your home.

>> No.50636326

>Spend 100$ on trainers then get to your 30s
What are you talking about cuck? Sounds like you're projecting your personal failures. Even real estate agents are admitting the market is a complete clown shitshow

>> No.50638464

Linkies have been sucking hard on red dildos over a year now. I find it difficult to believe that same brainlets like you would bag LINK and LUNA, Adolph Hitler would have done a lot of good killing you curry niggas.
Move on to promising alts ETH, MATIC, KOLNET and LEVER
Now suck my mancunts and be grateful desu

>> No.50638870

Who the fuck is this chick?

>> No.50639493

No idea about us realestate but shit seems super cheap in some areas.
That pic small house but i like them 13 acres

>> No.50639828

Can you idiots who've never been through the process even once just shut your damn mouths. Everything is easy in hypothetical fantasy land.

>> No.50639850

Seeing a lot of these now
>$395k, price cut $5000
Naw I think I'll just build a shed for $50k and live i n that

>> No.50639871
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This land would cost 100k max in a flyover state or rural OK, rural TX, or anywhere in Arkansas. And 80k max in the south east. If you pay more than 125 grand for a house then you're ngmi.

>> No.50640116

>implying that house is too expensive
Not if someone is willing to pay that for it.
>13 acres
If it's good, usable land and not all mountainside or landfill then that seems like a somewhat reasonable price. Learn to fix the house up yourself, your not a man unless you have at least a tenuous grasp of the trades and if it's too small then you have too much shit and if you have a family then you should've thought about a house before dicking down a bimbo that let you impregnate her before having a suitable house.

>> No.50640138

Millennial here - I make $200k (principal software dev) working remotely in a low-income part of the country and still live paycheck to paycheck

>> No.50640164

>still live paycheck to paycheck
How? You massively in debt? Severe addictions?

>> No.50640234

what do you spend money on

>> No.50640297

t. Boomer still stuck in 1980's

>> No.50640331

You are either incredibly frugal or simply lying about your income

t. accountant anon

>> No.50640406

fuckin millenials. have there ever been a worse generation? all they do is ask for more more more and spend the excess on avocado toast and craft beers.

>> No.50640503

What if you want to do something other than stare at dirt all day though?

>> No.50640547

It's NH though. You'll be paying like $10k in property taxes a year.

>> No.50640572
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post nose. you're either one of those "my fellow whites" or dead mouse brown

>> No.50640634

It's actually pretty easy
>spend at least $100 - $200 a day on doordash. I order whatever I'm craving
>probably spend $25 - $50 a day on booze
>buy tons of books, but never read them
>get massages 3-5x a week
>I like to go for drives a lot into the woods so there's a lot for gas. I also buy tons of outdoors shit
>Easily spend $150-$200 a month on streaming subscriptions - Netflix, Hulu, HBO, etc.
>Send nice presents to all family members on their birthdays
>Paying off student debt in minimum payments cause I'm lazy
>Actually really enjoy avocado toast
>Spend probably $300 a month on registered agent, web hosting, domains for side businesses I haven't bothered getting off the ground yet
>Spend a lot on groceries
>Rent is $1,200 a month
>Go shooting at least 2x a week - ammo is expensive as hell
That's about it

>> No.50640721

This, gf and I got bought our house 6 months before Covid hit, now we're both working from home in a place 3 times the size of the tiny house we were renting. I've got friends trying to buy now and holy shit, it seems like a nightmare.

>> No.50640744

kek only women and kikes get this upset, you're probably both

>> No.50640753

I'm 30 and make 37k a year and bought a house 4 years ago. Y'all really afraid of a mortgage huh?

>> No.50640775

>brings nothing but kvetching and negative energy to the thread
>complains about other people's negative energy
lmao you really can't make this up. i'm now actually guessing F2M tranny

>> No.50640829

I'll post again in a few years after building my first house.

>> No.50640978

The real answer is millennial women. There is plenty of affordable housing for a man and a reasonable woman or just a man and a rotating harem. The problem is millennial women are raised on romantic comedies, Friends, and Disney movies where they think they need a huge yard, multi-car garage, walkable neighborhoods, and most importantly they NEED to be near their family and the “GURLZ.” In short, they have delusional expectations of what they deserve given what they have to offer. And most guys are pussies, so they crash themselves to try to win the favor of these chicks. Go shop for a property without women in mind and look what you find. You’re closer to paradise than you think, you just have the unfortunate task of convincing some cunt to go with you without her guilt tripping the fuck out of you such that even you start to feel miserable despite a beach being 4 blocks away. I bought my place when I was single and lived at home way longer than I needed because every time I got into the market to buy a place, the girl I was dating wanted to throw in her input and in every case they would ultimatum me about breaking up if I bought it. Eventually you stop giving a fuck and it becomes real obvious how absolutely life destroying these women are if you let them get away with it. It’s millennial women that are the big problem though.

>> No.50641018

i don't want your shit house
i want to live in a real house that isn't retarded

>> No.50641101

They aren't getting married.
Housing costs are a non-issue if you have double income.

>> No.50641130

What if that's the game? There actually is no recession, it's just an excuse to keep people out of the housing market with higher rates

>> No.50641167

Have you considered, like, not doing those things for a year?

>> No.50641220

>I order whatever I'm craving
Wasteful, just cook dinner.
>$25 - $50 a day on booze
Wasteful, alcoholic
>buy tons of books, but never read them
Finish a book before you read, wasteful
>get massages 3-5x a week
>Easily spend $150-$200 a month on streaming subscriptions - Netflix, Hulu, HBO, etc.
Share with family/friends, literally TORRENT EVERYTHING and pay for a cheap VPN if you're scared
>Send nice presents to all family members on their birthdays
>Paying off student debt in minimum payments cause I'm lazy
?????????? Stop buying excess food and booze
>Spend probably $300 a month on registered agent, web hosting, domains for side businesses I haven't bothered getting off the ground yet
>Spend a lot on groceries
>Rent is $1,200 a month
Buy a house??????????
>Go shooting at least 2x a week - ammo is expensive as hell
You're fucking retarded

>> No.50641430

Kolnet will see to it that faggot influencers will stop shilling their bags to gullible newbies and will be accountable for their services while monetizing same

>> No.50641495

13 acres isn't bad at all

>> No.50641572

13.1 acres you could walk out your front door and dump a mag

Just saying the price probably has the land factored in

>> No.50641647

the term flyover has never been a perk lol
>hurr durr just live somewhere shitty so you never have to update your beliefs to include factual information

this is how you actually NGMI

>> No.50641696

Millennial here as well - I make $250k working remotely in a high-income part of the country and I live below my means so I am accumulating more than I spend every month. I don't understand how your situation could be so different unless you did the dumb and brought kids into this fucked world.

>> No.50641709

>Just saying the price probably has the land factored in
the price has an unsustainable real estate bubble factored in, ftfy

>> No.50642096

>predominantly Catholic
so progressive and antagonistic to the people that built the country in the first place?

>> No.50642126

haha yeah bro just go into massive debt bro hahahaha
totally not going to be a demographic winter soon hahahahahaha

>> No.50642148

>edgy take
many such cases

>> No.50642444

soibaby rage

>> No.50642778
File: 11 KB, 200x195, thumb_smug-texas-pepe-knows-he-was-a-sovereign-nation-b4-26099930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man up and plant some fucking trees. Your land is a canvas.
>le update beliefs
>le rebbit spacing
I'll bet you really love the "hustle and bustle of the big city" don't you. Maybe when you're old enough to actually own property you'll see the value in living somewhere that isn't overrun with jews and shitlibs. Sad.

>> No.50642993

getting trips on this post is literally the only thing you've done with your life, kys swiftly for us all

>> No.50643087

It appears to be 13.1 acres of almost-lakefront property (theres one lot directly between it and the lake, I think). If Hebron had more than 500 people in it then that would be in crazy high demand.

>> No.50643109

FALSE! I'm a young millionaire playboy

>> No.50643244

I can buy 14 acres and a 1,500 sqft house for 50k less than that here. How retarded.

>> No.50643312
File: 898 KB, 640x768, girl_anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a young millionaire playboy

>> No.50643352

how is posting sóylennial women supposed to counter my statement?

>> No.50643370

>t. klaus schwab

>> No.50643427

well that's a man, and the insinuation was that it's (You), because you're not actually a millionaire playboy, you're a man larping as a woman larping as a millionaire playboy on an underwater basket weaving forum. that is all

>> No.50643513
File: 25 KB, 480x439, 1655393101831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't complain about people's attitudes
You're a retard

>> No.50643548

>pointing out hypocrisy and retardation is retarded
anon you have to go back

>> No.50643593

What was links price 5 years ago can you let us know ty bro

>> No.50643603

I unironically believe this

>> No.50643828

I have lived in this backwater town for 16 years.

In 16 years I have never once witnessed a new home being built. Renovations that tear them down to timbers? Seen that. New business locations? Had a couple go up since I've been here. Pod-like apartment buildings owned by massive corporations based in different states? yep, got one under construction right now.

no homes, though. Businesses and high density pod housing generates more tax dollars. Fuck you, Ned.

>> No.50643904

400k is not expensive at all. That's less than $2k per month.

>> No.50643944

>still can't afford a house
How much money do you have saved?

>> No.50643961

>arthritis is closer than you imagine

>> No.50645172

I'm non-white and poor. when I'm at the bus stop I only see white people riding by in Ferraris/Benz's/bentleys

>> No.50645923

>13.1 acres in New Hampshire
Surprised it's not even more.

>> No.50646238

Explain smth to a europoor. Unless you fags are a bunch of larpers, you consistently make 6 figures. What stops you from living frugally and save 70% of that for a couple of years for good downpayment and get a mortgage?
Housing prices here in France (near Paris in particular) are just as bad, but we don't bag 6 figures, at least, it's not as common.
You fags still have it good and you still whine. Maybe boomers were right about spoilt millennials.

>> No.50646366

this. it's intended as a 'cabin' for rich whites

>> No.50646701

>Save money
Have you seen the rate of inflation? The moment you stick money in the bank you're loosing it.

Did you miss the last two years where many jobs were forcibly closed down by the fed?

Buckle down and work hard is an option when the society you live in isn't actively trying to impoverish you. It's not in current circumstances.

The proper solution is squatting, criminality, and terrorizing boomers.

>> No.50646756

>If only I hadn't bought those $100 shoes and $8 avocado toasts, a $400,000 starter home would be easily within my grasp.

>> No.50646788

Besides the fact that we are priced out, we're also not retarded boomers raised on leaded paintchips that would buy the absolute top.

>> No.50646836

ngl, that looks comfy

>> No.50646841
File: 116 KB, 840x560, fin9y0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millenials need to stop voting democrats amd feeling bad for poor people.

>> No.50646887

>The proper solution is squatting, criminality, and terrorizing boomers.
True and not even based, literally just a perfectly rational response.

>> No.50647664

Buy to rent? That sounds scammy as frick, who wants to buy an uncertain property where rent can be increased any time or you could be just evicted because the landlord had one of thousand reason like rentals in Estonia._

>> No.50647722
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there are many people who would like to live here, but I still don't understand it, I want to live in the metaverse and use vinu as a tv

>> No.50647744

So it's my fault for being born in the wrong year and by the time I could enter workfield and start saving for the real estate the prices are going up 400% and more._

>> No.50647751

>index stocks
>getting outperformed by a fucking gamestore stock
lol, lmao

>> No.50647770

imagine, just imagine, living in a deanobox in fucking sunderland and paying money to do so

>> No.50648180
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>> No.50648486

>I bought a house
I love when people say this and took out a loan from their bank or credit. Nigga you didn't buy a house, the bank did.

>> No.50648931

Because houses are priced in other houses, not wages

>> No.50648988

The most biz deranged bullshit ever

>> No.50649031

Because they should be doing group buys. There are rural properties in Portugal in the 750k range that could house 10 families in comfort.

>> No.50649062

You thought that other reply was real? Low, low IQ

>> No.50649171

well its because the make really bad financial decisions instead of investing in coin like matic that keeps pumping even through this bear market when everything else was going down

>> No.50649278


Serious question, why does everyone leave?

The amount of NY and Boston trash where I live is overwhelming, all 95 iq meat heads

>> No.50649485

And you would've had it even easier had you not been white.

>> No.50649523

Lmao sell it to em, let them eat the loss.

>> No.50649528

This is 13 acres on a beautiful lake in NH. It's a fucking steal at that price.

>> No.50649939

there are no jobs there

>> No.50649953

remote work dumbass

>> No.50650032

because this never ending meat carnival (You) call (You)r life was designed by (You) in a past life to inflict maximum trauma on every rung of your hierarchy of needs until you turn back into dust, re-emerge out of some other whore's rotting cunt, and do this whole song and dance all over again ad infinitum

>> No.50650277

not an option for most people, retard. i say this as someone who works remotely.

>> No.50650293

Actually going to buy this shit when my bags of matic and eth pump. sleepy hollow here I come baby

>> No.50650350

>it's the region northeast of Pennsylvania, sometimes including Pennsylvania
You're thinking of the northeast. New England is the stuff east of New York.

>> No.50650361

>rotting cunt
soul audit confurms anon gay. you will return to the womb anon, why do people call out for mommy in their last moments

>> No.50650378

I'll upvote this, the remote market is a lot more competitive overall

>> No.50650379

why not??? they have money.

>> No.50650927

>short sale
>investor special
>HOA fees are only 5k a year
>price is firm!

>> No.50650959

What the fuck is wrong with you? The listing is overpriced for land, and that box is a joke.
It will cost you another $400k just to tear down the house and build another
bizlets are fucking retarded

>> No.50651777

6 figures is less than 10% of the population you monkey

>> No.50651797

Americans are fucking retarded, the only smart people in the continent are immigrants and immigrant descendants.

>> No.50651808

Are people on /biz/ lying about their salaries?

>> No.50651840

No it isn’t especially with the taxes/fees added in. I just googled mortgage calculator and got closer to 2500

>> No.50651875

So everyone not a native, got it.

>> No.50651922

The Rich autists in that 10% would congregate here but so would autist larpers wanting to not be outdone

>> No.50652025
File: 18 KB, 608x555, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>save 70%

i make $95k a year. i dont really give a shit so pic related is a screenshot from my BIG AUTISTIC BUDGET SPREADSHEET™. i live in an unironic nigger shithole town so my rent is cheap. if i wanted a nicer apartment it would be closer to $1700 a month. the only way you're saving 70% of your income is if you live with mommy and daddy.

>> No.50652057

Why is your rent so high, do you not have flatmates? I pay the same thing, but in downtown boston.

>> No.50652066

>be bizraeli, have trad wife with 9 sons, 25 acres, 4000 sq foot house, single income over $250k, max out multiple retirement funds every year, eat steak everyday, $700k in crypto, 100 oz of gold, 1000 oz of silver

they never lie here, its all real

>> No.50652088

tl;dr $93k a year yields about $11k/year in retirement savings + $4.6k employer match and $25.8k/year in cash savings/investments. i just ignore my retirement savings because i can't touch it until i'm almost dead. $25.8k/year savings/investments divided by $93k gross pay = 28% gross savings rate.

>> No.50652097

>internet 70$/month
>cellphone 53$/month
I feel like you are being scammed. It's 4 times lower in EU.
also >>50652057

>> No.50652106

a 600sqft house runs 60000 at 100/square foot, add to that 40k for contractors for the foundation, plumbing, and electric, and you get a 100k house.

>> No.50652109

I was looking for 3 bedroom apts so I can live with my wife. They’re 5000 in rent. And 900k to buy. ( Miami) Not to mention absurd hoa fees.
Just 2 years ago these same places was 350k.
My wife and I would be needing to make 100k each to afford this.

But my last job paid 50k and I have had no luck finding a job for the past 6 months

>> No.50652110

because i have absolutely no interest in living with strangers as an adult male. sharing walls with these degenerate nigger retards is bad enough.

>> No.50652130

>I feel like you are being scammed.

you have no idea how expensive life is in america. $70/month internet is the result of me calling and threatening to quit until they gave me a promotion. it's normally like $100/month.

cellphone is the cheapest plan i could have, it's actually a poverty ass 2 GB/month data plan that i was grandfathered into (don't care about data cap since i rarely use my phone.) if i bought a new cell phone plan today it would be $80-90/month after taxes.

>> No.50652165

>600sqft house
my man, are you on welfare or are you actually a fucking retard? there is not a single contractor or modular home builder in the entire country, notwithstanding scam artist "tiny home" builders, that would waste their time even talking to someone who wants to build a 600 sq foot home. they would literally hang up on you. and those "tiny homes," they don't qualify for traditional financing so you'd better be paying cash.

>> No.50652200

Fucking hell, alright, ameribro, I take my words back

>> No.50652212

I doubt contractors would just turn you down if you offer them cash for an easy job pouring a foundation or installing some wires. The house itself you would just assemble from kit. Granted, you would need about 80-120k in savings before you could get started. It could be done after selling a traditional house.

>> No.50652224

Oh i forgot
>in a high trust, white only community
>6 vacations a year
>vacation house

>> No.50652228

Do you not have friends?

>> No.50652237
File: 157 KB, 1317x1025, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this doesn't include the $5-10/month of bullshit fees they tack on, or the taxes.

>> No.50652277

I dunno about him, I am in America and pay 250 a year for mobile and $60 per month for internet (split between myself and my flatmates it comes out to $20 a person).

>> No.50652297

>jobs all have a 50k ceiling, all of them, university degree or not, experience or not
>40k after taxes
>cost of living is 35k minimum
>houses have been appreciating 50k a year
>savings is max 5k a year if you skip vacations and don't own a car or eat out
>start with 0 savings because baby boomer parents think you can still buy a house on a part time summer job's wages

Game is rigged. It's all a carrot on a stick. and even if you get the down payment saved up, you can't afford the maintenance and property tax.

>> No.50652298

how old are you and what do you do for a living?

>> No.50652319

23, PhD student, 40k a year. My brother (27) makes 120k a year as an engineer, and he has flatmates as well though.

>> No.50652329
File: 437 KB, 1242x750, 4D337C28-7C5F-4A8B-B31B-7F8ECCA30D44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nigger lives there!

>> No.50652351

>he actually pays his student loans
what a loser. i'm just not paying them is all. govt can't do shit. banks can't do shit.

>> No.50652366

you're still young, i don't expect you to understand this, but most people past their mid 20s have no interest in dealing with 'flatmate' bullshit when they're conducting professional business all day, whether that business occurs inside their home (i work from home) or outside their home. like i said, dealing with the degenerates who share walls with me is bad enough.

>> No.50652386

i haven't paid a dime since the student loan pause, that calculation is just a placeholder.

>> No.50652395

I’m in California and the cheapest internet here is $40/month, but you can also get free internet for being low income. They also give out free phones and service plans for low income thanks to Obama. If you’re low income, you also get free food and subsidized power. Many low income families also get free federal housing, or state housing, depending on the situation. Cost of living is basically $0 for anyone making less than $30k/year here.

>> No.50652399

I would be willing into my thirties, it is nice to live in a family-analogous living situation. The benefits of good flat mates is excellent. Anyways, by the time I'm older, I'd hope to be splitting expenses with a girlfriend/wife.

>> No.50652442

>I would be willing into my thirties,
>I'd hope to be splitting expenses with a girlfriend/wife.

if you're looking for a gf you'd better get rid of those roommates ASAP, that's all i can say lmao. few things gets a pussy drier than being a 27 year old man and still having to plan sex around your 3 housemates not hearing you two fuck.

>> No.50652472

Eh, all the chicks I've been with like being noisy and letting anyone around hear. It's actually a bit embarrassing to myself.

>> No.50652490
File: 80 KB, 620x622, 4c94b110bae2b204e2b35349d3d1f14c3135e21adeb2edcef26ce386ca35bd5f_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50652681

But I do live there.

>> No.50652716

>Ever heard of the concept of holding these bags for me bro lol??? they're getting heavy
nice job retard

>> No.50652754

>You go out every weekend. Spend 100$ on trainers then get to your 30s..
Jesse what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.50652765


>> No.50652829

holy shit the absolute cope
take your mental gymnastics somewhere else you spastic fuck

>> No.50653097

t. works 40hs a week and lives paycheck to paycheck keeping up with the Joneses

>> No.50653699

Female jews?!
time to INVEST

>> No.50654100

Same beat to death topics every week /biz/ is dead. Sad.

>> No.50654666

Fucking wild to see a picture of a house I've driven past on 4chan.
I bet the property has like 4k taxes too since it's in the Plymouth school district and that shit rapes taxes. Fucking state and towns won't let anyone build new houses so these prices will probably stay higher than elsewhere even as the market crashes.

>> No.50655285

13 Acres is more land than most yuropoors entire countries

>> No.50655956

I can't find a 1bd for less than $2000 a month plus tip (fees and utilities)

>> No.50656129
File: 3.46 MB, 2000x1123, Duckham-sandwich-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of new england is pure trash, but the waspy spots are heaven on earth.

>> No.50656147

This kek

>> No.50656189

13.1 acres. Jesus. Imagine mowing that beast every month.

>> No.50656207


It is. You're literally replying to small children. New England has the lowest population of blacks. Therefore their crime is extremely low and it's safe to live.

Look at San Fran. THeir black population is at like 5.6% and over 47% of violent crimes are from the black population. It doesn't take that many blacks to have your city or state turn into a hell hole.

>> No.50656212

I did, in 2016. Sold it last year for 3x profit. Sorry you missed your chance KEK

>> No.50656217

By the time my income matures enough that I can easily buy one, I probably won't want one anymore.

>> No.50656232

I made 100x in crypto
Not that jealous of your 3x, sweetie

>> No.50656243

Wow you bought a dollar of crypto and made 99, wooooow ohh WOOOOW OHHH GOOOOOD WOOOOOOOWWW IM GONNA CUUUUNMMM

>> No.50656282

what do you even eat here? bugs? I'm used to food stores in every corner and everything in walking distance

>> No.50656321

College *is* a meme
The entire scam is perpetuated so that an English degree is worth exponententially less than a Software Engineering degree and everyone agrees this makes sense, but both a SWE major and an ENGL major have to get the same 120 credits to graduate. We wouldn't have any of these fucking problems if the 'basic' credit bullshit didn't exist. Just let a nigga pay for his 36 credits of shakespeare and chaucer research courses and let stemmy pay for his 64 credits of transcendentals and javascript courses and the entire system rights itself- a cheaper degree and a worse paying job but at least he's not getting raped by debt.

>> No.50656344

It is actually more reasonable to assume anon is not a millionaire than to assume he is.

>> No.50657767
File: 28 KB, 966x344, FML.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking burgers still can see up to 2x on house prices, and don't even know it.
I hate globohomo so damn much

>> No.50658006

This is why you will never have 400k

>> No.50658528

Pretty sure this is on a lake or overlooking a lake thats why

>> No.50659041

per square meter is a worthless metric

>> No.50659090


>> No.50659530

I am a millenial, 34yo. I own two outright. My situation is not typical though. I think my peers are struggling due to the economy and demographics slowly deteriorating during our lifetimes.


Its not so bad. I have lived in the West, South and New England, I honestly prefer it here. If I could lower my CT property taxes and have better conceal carry reciprocity with neighboring states, it would be perfect.

>> No.50660550

Because I stayed with my parents and I get their house.

>> No.50660691

>13 acre lot
mouth breather

>> No.50660733


the dumb ones leave, that's why everyone you see are 95 iq meat heads. why would someone making like 600k in nyc or boston leave? it's attrition of the idiots. all the attractive, wealthy, and smart people are still IN boston or nyc. the rest go and try and blend in to the rest of the country. where my parents live in sc its like this. everyone is from nyc and fat. there's a reason they're in sc now

>> No.50660794


you need to make way more than 100k each to afford 5k a month in rent. i make 225k and spend 1.8k a month

>> No.50660811

Catholicism is not big here. The Irish and Italians who once practiced it don’t anymore because it’s a gay jewish religion and because the church molested the shit out of anything that moved until they were caught in the late 90’s. The rest if what you said is true though. New England is still based even though the leftists and jews compulsively try to destroy it.

>> No.50660934

Based on your last sentence I know you are a pure vile beastial jew

>> No.50661683

How’d you buy two out right or are they shitholes

>> No.50661817

I can buy a house for 300k.
Or I can buy a run down shithole that needs 150k for renovations for 80-150k.
Or I can buy near the 'refugee' city for 200k.

>> No.50663535
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I did not buy them outright. I bought my first house in 2010 at the age of 22 for 125k. Not a shithole, good neighborhood, modest 1400sqft house. I paid extra the whole time and payed it off early last year. I had to move 4 years ago for my job.

Ended up buying another house right before Covid. Shithole house. It was a forecloseure in a decent neighborhood, got it for 82k. I got serious about paying it down and am still remodeling it. Payed it off last month.

I am 34 ,married since the age of 19 and have never made more than 100k in a year. Wife's income has never been significant. I have been working since the age of 16 and have steadily increased my income to ~92k a year.

Luck and timing played a good part in my ability to accomplish this, but it is still not out of reach for other millenials, especially if they are willing to live modestly or have a higher salary.

Pic related is living room I just finished remodeling in my second house.

>> No.50664653

Who the fuck buys a house in cash retard? Get a downpayment then have a mortgage like every one else. Keep a good financial buffer and keep paying that mortgage off. I paid sub 1% rates for over 6 years because Euribors were negative. Same time retard rentoid zoomers and other crash happeners kept saying shit will go down. Now I've paid over 70% of my house in 10 years whilst rents have been going up, I still pay over 250€ less per month AND pay 300€ for myself in the apartment every month. Keep seething rentoid

>> No.50664736

That house is a bargain. If you know, you know.

>> No.50664768

>Stop it Americans, you guys aren't white
t. Mohammad Mohammadan from Londonistan

>> No.50664783

Look up any of those nice looking houses, guarantee they're in close proximity to a nigger ghetto

>> No.50664839

Hey Anon. Literally take 3 seconds out of your life to go to the LASREVER tg group and check it out. It’s had a crazy chart for the past week and sitting at 3m mc. People think it’s gonna be the next CULT or SAITAMA. You check it out you’re gonna be able to make your own judgment

>> No.50664868

>sleepy hollow
I'm spooked out.

>> No.50664874

>be poor
>saving up for a house
>basically 2 hrs from NYC
>Covid hits
>work from home NYC mass exodus buy everything

The only thing you can buy around here now is an overpriced literal shit box that isn’t even whole


>> No.50664879

>Buying in this market

>> No.50664905
File: 173 KB, 752x742, 1649134287677.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin piece of shit millennials i HATE them all!

>> No.50665141

Sorry to say, dub-dubs man, but while it's not YOUR fault, yes, being born at the wrong time does mean that buying a house and having the kind of life that people before you had will be harder than it should be.

>> No.50665216

How many brats you got?

>> No.50665596

Bros would I be retarded to buy a house now? When are prices dropping?

>> No.50665834

They are already dropping. Just buy something within your budget range, as cheap as possible.

>> No.50665873

It's alright but there are actual places in the US where you'll never ever have to see a minority or hear someone speak spanish while having low property taxes, gun rights, and lots of space

>> No.50665882

Low income as well though.

>> No.50666033

Shit's expensive yo.

>> No.50666252

It's almost entirely forest you don't worry about taking care of, except maybe clearing standing dead wood near the house.

>> No.50667368

Either you're retarded or disingenuous. Location is everything.