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50616364 No.50616364 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren’t people more financially responsible, YOU BORROWED IT, PAY IT OFF.

>> No.50616403

fuck you pay me

>> No.50616456

Shut up boomer
Idgaf about student loans, cancel em all
T. Parents paid for college

>> No.50616471

I literally told them "you didn't even know me, why would you give me that money" and I ended the convo with a heart LOL

>> No.50616479

Why wait till last minute?

>> No.50616489

i wont, ever :D

>> No.50616539

if i was american i would study on my own. there are plenty of resources online - you can watch entire mit courses on youtube. there is absolutely no reason to go into debt for a degree.

>> No.50616546

So uhhh, if any students want to pay their debt but not to the bank, i'll take the repayments. At lower interest too.

>> No.50616633

>we've designed rules to limit your social mobility and delay your financial independence.
>why don't you just accept that the children of the rich deserve *even more* of a head start?

>> No.50616902
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Maybe the government (in the US, almost all student loans are held by the federal government) shouldn't give out giant loans to 18 year olds who do not have jobs or collateral, without any regard to what degree the students are actually getting.

>> No.50616949

This. Loaning money should not be risk free investment.

>> No.50617837

how did the jews profit of these loans if the government is the one loaning the money?

>> No.50618123

The government loans the money, but then pays (((private))) companies to manage the loans.

>> No.50618186

Oh...now I see it. These Jews really are smart, aren't they?

>> No.50618222

I didn't get this

>> No.50618236

Also, the reckless loaning being done by the federal government has allowed colleges to recklessly increase their spending on stupid shit as way. That is the real reason college prices keep increasing.

>> No.50618253
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>paid entire $7500 loan I thought would be accruing interest at the end of August
>Biden about to push it back again until after the elections are over
I have the money to pay off my entire degree, but it's a missed opportunity to invest it whenever the gov does these shenanigans to appeal to dumbasses who are in over their head.

>> No.50618282

not my risk
not my problem

>> No.50618287

Student loans keep social security afloat. That's why there will never ever be significant forgiveness.

>> No.50618299

No because previous borrowers inflated the cost of everything to the point that no one can afford anything with cash. People being forced into what is effectively a ponzi at 18 isn’t their fault. Banks and governments should take the L on this one, if they have a problem with it they should be liquidated because I said so

>> No.50618310

fucking lol

>> No.50618322

How does that work? Can we see the government’s portfolio somehow or is it all just bonds

>> No.50618325

Why shouldn't younger generations get their turn on the government gravy train? Canceling student loans would be a drop in the bucket compared to all the free shit boomers have given themselves with taxpayer dollars, in addition to college being dirt cheap and not a requirement for every entry level job when they were college-aged.

>> No.50618338

this is either bait or you are retardmaxxing
no one is going to fucking hire you in this country without a degree to show for it, that, if even
>inb4 just get certificates!!!
yea, i don’t want to live on 50k for the rest of my life

>> No.50618734

>no one is going to fucking hire you
yes, they will. how else are they going to pump their numbers?
jews are the ones in charge of academia. money government loans out to students goes straight to them.

>> No.50618824
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My absolute favorite thing about rallies isn't the money I make, it's seeing the seethe from guys like Mannarino and the perma-bobos on /biz/ and plebbit.
>perma-bobos can't understand the markets are forward looking
>perma-bobos can't understand that all economic news and forecasts are AGGRESIVELY priced in the NANOSECOND they come out
>perma-bobos can't understand that bear markets have rallies
>perma-bobos can't understand that markets often over-buy and over-sell, leading to correctional ups and downs all the time
And my personal favorite:
>perma-bobos honestly think they're smarter than the whales, hedge funds, insiders, and the black box AIs that drive the market

All they have to do is slurp the rallies, DCA, diversify into uncorellated assets, and rebalance with the trend like the rest of us to make marginal, long-term gains. But instead they leverage and trade on margin, only to get BTFO by (lmao) "black swan" events like pumps after the fed announces rate hikes, again and again, while crying about
>muh clown markets

I laugh at bobos. You are a unique intersection of hubris, naiveté, and paranoid delusion.

>> No.50618831

They loaned us money they printed, backed by nothing, debased at the whim of the fed through more printing. Fuck you Kikes, I debt maxxed for school, will never pay back those loans, and I will proudly do it again.

>> No.50618843

>They don't know about SLABS
Shylock WILL get his pound of flesh.

>> No.50618878

you took the risk of not attending college or paying off your loans. sorry, chud. fortune favors the bold.

>> No.50618966

I have $150k in student loan debt from getting my MBA. Started school 6 months before Covid so I haven’t had to pay a cent back since getting the loans. It’s been 3 years now, pretty much a free education so far.

>> No.50619050

>it's a rich person's fault i took out a $200,000 loan to go to a party school for my worthless english degree

>> No.50619166
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Boomers should get btfo on this issue. Boomers turned every single thing into a scam- from education to work to even having kids- in order that their 70yo asses could squeeze a few more dollars into their pensions at your expense. I want to see them start to get btfo and them realize and seethe that society is no longer "the boomer show" and the world will soon move on without them. For cancerous psychopathic narcissists the idea of people being tired of their shit is the worst punishment of all, second to being consigned to an old folks home to be never seen or heard.

>> No.50619215

Beats living on 30k which is non-certified jobs kek.

That knowledge isn't given for free, American universities are pure trash and teach nothing- they expect you to already know the course before you take it or else you just fucking fail. Especially STEM, there's always this perverse attitude from math types where they don't explain their work (while demanding students do exactly that) and then being confused why people struggle. Why make things cloudy when you could make them clear? Because if math was properly taught in America then most of the basis of stem scarcity would fall apart overnight.

But that's okay for me I guess. Since if you get a degree in the right stem and get the right certs you can be pulling 130k starting.

>> No.50619245

>boomers quite literally sucking the blood of the young to live
Now we just need it to be proven that the blood of children make you live longer and for boomers to start advocating their grandkids fork over a little of that red gold so grandpa boomie can feel young enough to make another trip to Thailand for his ladyboy fetish.

>> No.50619279
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kek, basado student in fuckyounomics

>> No.50619288

eat shit.

>> No.50619291
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MBA’s not worth it unless you go to an M7 and are looking for a 2 year break full of networking and international vacations before you join a private equity sweatshop.
>the most important thing in business school is being invited on the class ski trip

>> No.50619310

The funny thing is that it's mostly a blue state/purple state problem. University is cheap in Florida because of restrictions on public university administrative growth, so it never grew out of control. It's funny to think that 18% of people under 40 have debts, but they're mostly concentrated among the 50% who went to school in states like California and Massachusetts to the point where it's more like 30% of students in those states getting raped by debt despite progressive pushes to make it cheaper.

There are many tricks to avoid debt but once again a lot of it is the fault of boomers. Parents receive (in 2022) 4050 dollars a year for their underage kid being in college in tax credits, plus 2500 in more tax credits. 26,000 over 4 years can go some ways to keeping debt down, but you hear so many stories of "my parents wouldn't pay but forced me to go". People are so uneducated they never even know those tax credits existed but I bet every boomer in the last 25 years has taken them while their kid got raped by debt lmao.

>> No.50619318

ICP fixes this

>> No.50619349
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uhhh sweetie, the jews ARE the government

>> No.50619350
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Did you go to wharton or something?

>> No.50619352

shut up, debtcuck

>> No.50619369

I have a 7 fig net worth, but lmao I will keep dragging my feet on the 50k student loan I still have and this senile old fuck is going to help pay for it hahaha

>> No.50619514

Or just do an online MBA for sub-$15k while working for a company with tuition assistance.
Easiest 40% increase in salary I've ever received and it was on someone else's dime.

>> No.50619542

i bought another $1k worth of $champ and $5k worth of bnb today. financial responsibility is just not a concept for me and others. paying off debt is not a concept either.

>> No.50619561
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And then everybody clapped

>> No.50619725

For real. I didn’t take out student loans, I didn’t even finish college and I still make 150k+ Not subsidizing other people’s retarded financial decisions going into debt to make peanuts.
>Anon, I was a kid and the system is set up against me
“I’m retarded” is not a reason for my earnings to fix your miss.
>Anon, we need to forgive the loans or else a generation will be impoverished
If you really believed that, you’d be advocating for the government to stop securing the loans, but you’re not, you still want to borrow money you just want other people to clean up after you
>Anon, without those programs, many low income people won’t be able to go do 4 years out of state.
Good. It’s a waste of money. Community college is practically free and nobody said you can’t work a job while in school.

>> No.50619765

I make $150k and don’t have a degree
>you must work 80hrs a week I’m the trades
No. I have a desk job at a tech company. Just work hard. I’m not even that smart.

>> No.50619775

>Why shouldn't younger generations get their turn on the government gravy train?
Because, as you pointed out, the eternal boomies already have given themselves all the free shit possible. Now we are beyond broke and the demographic and societal situation is an impossible conundrum.
Boomers represent a quarter of the population in the US, and it's just a matter of few years before they all go to retirement. The pension/SS budget will literally implode. And that's on top of already almost a quarter of the in age of working population not working (niggers/single mothers on gibs, demoralized millenials, doomer-zoomers, hobos,...) and a third of the active population larping as workers but not producing anything (jews, fake jobs in zombie companies, shitload of gubment employees,...).
All this on top of the younger generations hitting the marketplace later in life, often with a completely useless degree, especially for the women.

Basically this entire country is fucking worthless and full of leeches, the leeches from the top (jews) enabling the leeches on the bottom (niggers) to justify their own existence. Meanwhile what's left of the low wage jobs and the middle class are breaking their back trying to pay for everything and everyone.

>> No.50619792
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>> No.50619807
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Shut up, boomer bitch. I'm paying your social security. Give me that money back or shut your dumbass up
/thread, I win

>> No.50619834

Are you mad that an “uneducated” guy like me makes more than you in STEM, and has no student debt? I can see why you would be.

>> No.50619987

i make six figures in FP&A. all i can say is that i hope you're saving every penny you make, because the good times in codeniggerdom are coming to an end.

>> No.50620001

Not what I was getting at anon. But then, I wouldn't expect you to be able to parse an argument couched over two sentences. I hear an education is prohibitively expensive over there.

>> No.50620101

Luckily I’m not a code monkey anymore, and haven’t been for years. Sitting for my series 7 this year too, on the off chance I want to go work for one of my customers if tech hits the fan.

>> No.50620146

good stuff anon, best wishes.

>> No.50620261

Private companies (jews) loan the money and the tax payer (the goyim) are on the hook

>> No.50620366

What job are you working at that an MBA gets you a 40% salary increase? I’m already a masters level educates through the CPA.

I’ve thought about it and there next to no reason to go an get an MBA.

>> No.50620408

Yeah any retard who actually owes a student loan deserves to have to pay it

>> No.50620446

That's how it used to work (the Federal Government started guaranteeing student loans made by banks in cases of default way back in 1965) but in the 1990s the feds started providing the money directly. And after Obama took over more than 90% of the student loan market. They ztill need to pay a third party to manage these loans for some (((reason))) though.

>> No.50622519
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>be me
>take out a fuck load of private loans back int he day to get a lib arts degree and not have to work while in uni
>5 years later graduate and can't find fuck all for a job after partying and having a blast lel
>loans go into default, getting constant calls and letters demanding I pay
>dad says not to worry about it and makes token payments to the bottom feeder company that bought the delinquent loan
>finally have a great paying job
>dad dies
>few months later, get a desperate phone call from whoever bought the loan next, begging for me to start making payments
>check my credit reports and scores and the loans aren't on there since I haven't paid a single penny on them in over 7 years
>tell them they are harassing me and if they call me back, I'll call the cops

that was like 6 years ago and I haven't heard shit from them since and have a credit score of 800. thanks for playing!

>> No.50622563

I play sounds of multiple babies crying on my smart tv while begging for loan forgiveness and saying my baby momma walked out on so I couldn’t finish my sports management degree with an Ebonics accent. The truth is I was unable to finish my degree due to chronic masturbation. I have since received treatment and have returned but am no longer eligible for subsidized loans.

>> No.50622588

is this bullish

>> No.50622599

what job?

>> No.50622613

Only in the US can the government bail out corporations and not people lol