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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50610875 No.50610875 [Reply] [Original]

so why is this board so disgustingly misogynistic?

just because the hot girls who bullied you in highschool are living more vibrant and fulfilled lives in addition to outperforming you in the markets doesn't mean you need to develop low iq in-group biases to cope. grow up baka

before some of you snowflakes tell me "to go back", this is my space as much as yours and there's nothing you can do about it lol

>> No.50610914

As far as I'm aware women are masters of buy high sell low because it's ingrained in them to follow trends instead of being aware of the trends

>> No.50610916

ok-tier bait
women are less prone to taking risks so they won't perform as good as the better men. they will probably outperform the losers and gamblers by a wide margin, yes.

>> No.50610917

women were even allowed to invest until the 60's and even then they waited around until the internet became tard proof to give it a go

the token woman "investor" cathie woods is down shitcoin levels of loss

>> No.50610965

shit bait 0/8 I wasn't bullied by the hot popular girls they chased me around

>> No.50611010

but if the best performing men are making very risky investments then they get there by luck, correct?

meanwhile women invest smart and win with skill

>> No.50611064

>ohno my portfolio dropped 2%, I'm lossing money what do I do???

>> No.50611142


Women are whores.

>> No.50611173

Depends on the person.

It's usually extremely easy to tell if someone is bad with money. Look at what they spend it on.

>> No.50611184

No they arent, you cant into statistics retard.

>> No.50611200

agreed anon. women are just smarter than men, that’s why they live longer too

>> No.50611236

they are inherently more valuable because of evolution

a woman can sell her body for resources, your body is worthless

>> No.50611265


>> No.50611278

Mensisters...it's fucking over

>> No.50611391
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A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

>> No.50611569

Yet they still relied on men for thousands of years because they couldn't organize a functioning society or protect themselves from the dangers of the wilderness. When we one day revert back due to collapse, we will see this again

>> No.50611584



>> No.50611590

I just thought that someone who writes like OP might base his idea on some bullshit research that I could rip on,calm down

>> No.50611612

I never read posts like these just simply laugh at the time wasted for a mere attention of strangers they will never meet.

>> No.50611649

because women were oppressed, they literally werent allowed to help

regardless men relied on women for essentially all childcare and housework, which society would be nothing without

>> No.50611712

Here is your (you). YWNBAW

>> No.50611776

im cisgenderd male, retard

I just dont have maldeveloped prefrontal cortex (the cause of bigotry and in-group biases)

>> No.50611834

Wasted 1776 get. Get your shit together. It's all fucked up and retarded.

>> No.50611858

They are certainly good at investing in sperm. They get it from you then they have a lifetime of leeching money from the host. They are parafuckingsites.

>> No.50611920
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We aren't you fell for the meme
They are just bad with women and are edgy larpers

>> No.50611944

Dont talk about evolution you stupid nigger you have no clue what you are talking about. Infanticide was mostly done against girls because boys are more valuble to have. Reproduction is only one side of evolution, in fact humans have a tendency to spawn more males in times of conflict to outcompete other groups. Groups with less males are actually evolutionary inferior and considered less fertile. If reproduction was the only value humans had we wouldnt have a tedency to reveer our old and infertile. fucking brainlet lmao.

>> No.50611985

yeah,its coombrain ideology to think like OP

>> No.50612092

It's not luck if the risk is calculated. What you call a very risky investment might be a sure one for someone else.

>> No.50612353

women have a much bigger gender ingroup bias than men do. Male ingroup bias has to do with who the men view as part of the tribe/family. Women are selfish and only loyal to themselves.

>> No.50612407

gender is a spook you either have a vagina to shit babies out of or a dick to coom with. assigning it more value than that is some variety of cope or marketing

>> No.50612484

Except that you need to be aware of the subtleties of these kinds of things in order to get by in this world

>> No.50612690

that was a cultural value, brought to you by the same culture that thought a guy fed 5000 with one fish or similar fairytales

no they don't, males babies are slightly more likely than females. hence males are less valuable by basic demand and supply

you need to stop being so emotional

>> No.50612739

yes it is. being aware of probabilities doesnt make them disappear

if it's sure then it's not a risk.

>> No.50612759

All that nothing typed with reddit spacing. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.50612797

>spacing text to improve its readability is bad because group I don't like does it!!!

lmfao at you tribal idiots

>> No.50612835

It does nothing to improve readability. It's just so your inane rambling takes up more space. Paragraph breaks are for paragraphs you mindless drone.

>> No.50612889

of course it does. stop being disingenuous

>> No.50612949

It literally does not. It's words either way, you just fucking read them. What you need everything to be double spaced like in school, buddy?

>> No.50612971
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I love how every single green id in this thread has a based take

>> No.50613014

because I just assume people on the internet are stupid (this board especially).

you get more engagement with spacing because more people read it. that's just how it is

>> No.50613086

It's because you stand out as a faggot more, not that more people are reading it. I'd get more "engagement" if I attached a picture of my asshole to every post, doesn't mean I should. Let's not even go into how you're groveling for (you)'s like a literal redditor by admission.

>> No.50613233

the simplest answer is that more people are reading it. only on somewhere full of social outcasts that insist on doing things differently to reddit (because it lives rent free in their heads) would it stand out

why do you think redditors do it? because they get more engagement. and I believe this site has a similar iq userbase to reddit

also lol at comparing text spacing to showing your asshole. your sophistry is transparent

>> No.50613480

Classic plebbit retard. It's simply baffling how plebbitors love to discuss axiomatic facts just so they can get a few minutes of attention. Americans and plebbitors, especially combined are the only reason of why the Western societies are on the fringes of collapse.

>> No.50613703

1 Tits or gtfo
2 buying a webcam isn't much of an investment whore.

>> No.50613871

You will be replaced by waifubots with Bloomberg terminal tier trading algorithms

>> No.50614483

Evolution is not about reproduction. Its about adaptability. Otherwise every specie would just evolve to become more fertile. But that is obviously not the case. Having more women in your tribe wont make you a better competitor or more adaptable. If your tribe is mostly women and some tribe with more men comes along and kills your few male members and take the women, then what? Not to mention humans rank pretty low when it comes to fertility which shows its not even an evolutionary strategy humans use. Humans invest in their young that grow very slowly by mammal standards. So your premise is faulty on multiple levels. So then you started back pedaling from saying males have zero value to saying women are slightly more valuable, which is only true in specific contexts, hence phenomenon like infanticide. Evolutionary value is anything that helps you adapt and outcompete, which is why sexual species > asexual species. Males are basically an evolutionary upgrade over all-female asexual species. You are a midwit with surface lvl understanding of evolution.

>> No.50614505


>> No.50614552

Source on this pasta?

>> No.50614557

what if I'm trans :3 they have any data on that?

>> No.50614601

the red pill about the sexes, is that women are generally more down to earth and calculated.

in practice that means men DO have the biggest winners but also the biggest LOSERS.

>> No.50614651

why not both you simpleton brainlet polack?

>> No.50614680

If you're talking about the average leverage degenerate then maybe,but if you're talking about an investor that is most certainly no.Women would probably buy something at their ATH just because "that's what everyone else is doing now" and then sell at the inevitable crash at a loss

>> No.50614739

that's a brainlet /pol/ack take. Women are generally more conservative in practice; what you perceive as "sheep" behavior: is mostly more down to earth and trusted behavior; they generally do not even TRY to take big risks (on average) against men.

What you perceive as "winner men" is just you falling victim to the survivorship bias; you have the delusion the Elon Musks and Bezoses and Buffets are common; most men are ABSOLUTE LOSERS because they took bigger and stupider risks.

>> No.50614743

Yeah think of all the well known successful female investors like…..Nancy Pelosi, and….uh………um…

>> No.50614749

A woman completely destroyed my life by accusing me of rape and injuring me by assaulting me repeatedly over the course of over a decade. She had even sexually assaulted me multiple times. She now has a degree from a prestigious university, a stable job with high income, and I have memory loss, brain damage, $10/hr. I'm going to need to vent about it somewhere.

>> No.50614781

thx ZErOhedgeCV

>> No.50614802

I have no idea what you're talking about.I'm all about making small wins by taking advantage of markets peaks and valleys and continually compounding them

>> No.50615062

This is true. Men are fucking stupid most of the time. The winners don't excuse how many grown men still live with their parents.

>> No.50615091
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>> No.50615092


but the term red pill is pretty cringe

>> No.50615105

I went to an all male highschool
Checkmate, OP

>> No.50615264

A literal Chimpanzee mashing buttons at random is statistically a better trader than 99% of all "professional" traders. You would imagine that figure falls a little for investing though.

>> No.50615317


it's because men are more likely to make short term investment decisions/trade than women.

>> No.50615484

please calm down, ma'am. smile.

>> No.50615528

The majority of women are cowards. so they lose less money, that's it. Feminist media loves to glorify women for just being mediocre so they'll find a way to shit on men in anyway they can.
The majority of men aren't losers, that would make no sense. In fact the majority of huge risk in life is taken on by young males with nothing to lose. Its only stupid to you because you are midwits but there is a reason men evolved to take such risks, because it works. As a young man, the pay off to taking such risks is so skewed to the upside its actually worth it in the long run. If you are a young man and not taking these skewed high reward risks, then you are the retard. Women don't have the same mentality because their worth is not judged by their output but the hole between their legs.
If you look at investor records of older married men, they are even more conservative with their capital than women. You all need to go back to stats 101.
>no argument

>> No.50615574

stop seething, we all know you're a man in the failure half

>> No.50615620

men are better than women. Thats why you keep trying to put us down

>> No.50615673

better is relative

sadly for you, western culture disagrees with you

>> No.50615738

all culture is man made. Western culture ever since greek times is quintessentially masculine.

>> No.50615739
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>implying men haven't sold their bodies for wages as a laborer or soldier for millennia
Yah yah Hillary Clinton women are the primary victims of war etc. etc.

>> No.50615851

trannies and roasties got exposed itt because they cant comphrened why men take risks. You will always live in the shadow of men you subhumans.

>> No.50616221

We win yet again fellow chuds.
Women, the nigger of sexes

>> No.50618646

The reason women invest better (they do) is because they realise markets are hard to beat and index. They are not better traders or stock pickers.

>> No.50620209

>drooling 90 IQ hick who blindly believes every photoshopped article screenshot on /pol/ and boomerbook

>> No.50620314
File: 528 KB, 1230x607, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> men seething against women
> congratulating each other for it
prime example of gays in the closet.

>> No.50620419

>oy vey men dont ally with each other like that! that is very gay. you cant side against the poor womens u toxic male or else you are gay
the vaginal jew strikes again

>> No.50620533

> I want the companionship of men
> I hate women

typical gay in the closet

>> No.50620823

>discord tranny qoutes
invite me to your server so i can laugh at your ugly tranny selfies. I know youve been raiding nonstop to demoralize bizraelis for months now.