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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50605760 No.50605760 [Reply] [Original]

> Global inflation out of control
> Unavoidable global recession
> Crashing housing prices
> Looming food shortage
> Fed continuing to raise interest rates

Why are bull tards still so optimistic?

>> No.50605772

>Why are bull tards still so optimistic?
because they are retarded

>> No.50605788

me on the left (hanging off the air vent)

>> No.50605826
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idk but i bought gold stock 2 days ago

>> No.50605990

The market pumped the last time the world took a shit. This is probably an indicator you're right.

As someone who is fairly bullish, with ill of that being true none of this matters. Food shortages won't be solved with money, as there will be nothing to buy.

I'm stacking silver, food, ammo, soap etc.

>> No.50606012

>gold stocks

>> No.50606020
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>Why are bull tards still so optimistic?
they're in the state of mass psychosis from the desperation to make it

>> No.50606068

They're in denial because they don't want to get liquidated. There's literally no hopium left for me. It's obvious everything is going down the shitter.

>> No.50606151

>The market pumped the last time the world took a shit.
it was a fake pump caused by money printing, we're paying for it now with double digit inflation

>> No.50606169

>he thinks THIS time of all times it is finally over

Never bet on the end of the world kiddo, it's only happens once

>> No.50606245
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>> Global inflation out of control
>> Unavoidable global recession
>> Crashing housing prices
>> Looming food shortage
>> Fed continuing to raise interest rates
And why should i sell my Ethereum?
You gave no reason

>> No.50606334

You will sell them in 2yrs for a hot meal

>> No.50606499

this is why everyone thinks bobo is a retard. no sense of reality, obsessed with the media narrative, can't think for himself. pathetic. go ahead, panic sell the bottom, it's what you're being told to do isn't it?

>> No.50606520

just two more weeks and there'll be global famine, bro!! Any fucking day now

>> No.50606546

Everyone stacks ammo as if a civil war breaks out and its never happened. The real SHTF is if you get nuked and survive somehow.

>> No.50606549

>projecting this hard

>> No.50606554

>puts his money into electronic monopoly money
>in the middle of an energy crisis, on the verge of the direst economic happening since the great depression
>says others have no sense of reality
never change /biz/
>go ahead, panic sell the bottom
i've dumped my bags near the top at 3.8k, u mad?

>> No.50606570

>why are bull tards so optimistic

Because we're fucking giga chads, why are bears such pussies? eth is going to pump to the moon and so is matic. believe bitch

>> No.50606587

We reached the bottom already and we’re bouncing back. The time to buy was when we were telling you a month or so ago. You can still buy in.

>> No.50606751

1. The society is far from collapsing.
2. The money supply doubled in the last few years. Prices not coming down to reflect "actual value" even in bad times is literally the main feature of the system.

>> No.50606815
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This. Only the dead can know peace from this living hell

>> No.50607426

Because outside of inflation which is the only thing the banks are trying to fix none of the things you listed will hurt corporate profits.

>> No.50607480

cuz soon it will be time to buy

>> No.50607515

It already was

>> No.50607645

>Global inflation out of control
False. While there is some inflation its not out of control. Its right where it should be after all the covid money printing and handouts.
> Unavoidable global recession
False. There is no recession, not even a small one. Markets are only cooling a little after being over heated the past few years.
> Crashing housing prices
False. Housing prices are not crashing. They are correcting after over inflating the past few years. Prices coming down 20% after going up 200-300% the past few years is a slight dip if amything.
> Looming food shortage
False. The western world as always has more food than it can eat in its grocery stores. There is no pending food shortage either. Any indication otherwise is news media lies and/or smoothbrain conspiracy ramblings.
> Fed continuing to raise interest rates
True. As well they should. They were too low for too long. This caused the economy to overheat and contributed to inflation. Raising rates is the right thing to do now to reign in the overheated out of control evonomy.

>> No.50607690

So you are saying I'll finally be able to afford a house and move out of my parents at the age of 35?

>> No.50607788

>seething bobotranny cope thread
trannies and bobos have so much in common, for example their uncurable delusions

>> No.50608341

Thank you for correcting the record.

>> No.50608363

>Why are bull tards still so optimistic?
You answered this yourself with your first point. There's literally no point in holding fiat when you have runaway inflation.

>> No.50608540

it pumped because the flu was a nothingburger

>> No.50610315

Do you have any shreds of evidence to prove any of the claims I pointed out as false?

>> No.50610365

and the sell-off an overreaction

>> No.50610626
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gold bitches

>> No.50610675

Why is economic collapse a meme now? It's like a story between this bear and bull meme. Wtf. This is the real world. We are so fucking fucked.

>> No.50612003

Pol is always right.

>> No.50612055
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>gold bitches

>> No.50612255

The markets are going up because elites are speculating on the NWO 4th industrial revolution. All these bad things happening are fabricated and bring them one step closer to achieving their goals

>> No.50612270

>> Looming food shortage
Learn to eat human meat and bugs.

>> No.50612389

stay poor then

>> No.50612582

Stop posting from CityU anon.
>inb4 Uniandes

>> No.50613375

Is that 36 trillion real? Holy fuck me.

>> No.50614079

>puts his money into electronic monopoly money
>in the middle of an energy crisis, on the verge of the direst economic happening since the great depression
I bought all my crypto in 2019/19.
>says others have no sense of reality
You’re making strawmen of other users to justify your bullshit attitude.
>go ahead, panic sell the bottom
Post your sell orders… retard

>> No.50614687

they might not raise them so much this time! and thats bullish please!

>> No.50614768

>fairly bullish
>Stacking silver
Okay Anon

>> No.50614877

>There is no recession
What a crock of shit. You best be trolling

>> No.50615148
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>a nothingburger

>> No.50615169
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>Crashing housing prices
yeah dude totally
just two more weeks

>> No.50615345

It's an exit pump before things really go to shit. As usual, we will probably see a major crash in September/October.

>> No.50615634

that webm doesn't get old and today's genetically engineered BBC (big bovine cock) bulls stand a better chance against grizzlies
>Although the only surviving written account of bear-bull combat in Roman arenas lacks detail, most visual depictions of the fights have the bear besting his bovine opponent. This makes sense. Bulls would have a weight advantage over grizzlies, but not the 1,000 lb advantage that today 's heavier bulls would enjoy.

>> No.50615662

Bvlls literally never saw a crash. they're all Zoom zooms or basically Cathie tier.

>> No.50615745


>> No.50615779

Because they mistake rallies for bull runs. Wanna know what sells out first before a hurricane or other natural disaster? Liquor stores. Doesn't mean a bottle of gin is a long term asset you HODL

>> No.50615895
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you forgot to mention the recession is Putin's fault. But there's no recession.