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File: 299 KB, 494x444, mmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50603716 No.50603716 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone you know has had sex. Your parents had sex. Your teacher had sex. That girl you eye at the register everytime you stop by for a pack of gum? Had sex. That innocent looking girl from grade school that you would never imagine could spout a curse word? She's had it. Even your overweight and balding boss has had it.

>> No.50603746

i refuse to capitulate.

>> No.50603757

demoralization shill

>> No.50603764


>> No.50603765

I'm saving my virginity for marriage.

>> No.50603769
File: 90 KB, 256x256, Hotpot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am pure and you are just jealous

>> No.50603773

how about that 70 year old man that posts pepes?

>> No.50603782
File: 141 KB, 1536x864, own-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had sex a few times currently on about 5 year dry spell though :(

>> No.50603784

Sex is ironically not hard

>> No.50603801

I find sailing to generally be more enjoyable than sex

>> No.50603824
File: 22 KB, 798x420, Joker-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know and I'm 32 and never even kissed a girl.

>> No.50603834

If you aren't hard you arent having sex

>> No.50603937

Its hard to get with attractive women.
Theres very few attractive women in the world.

>> No.50603950


>> No.50603953

>Theres very few attractive women in the world.
This is false every time I see another one im amazed at how many other are

>> No.50603954

virgins are ngmi

>> No.50603955

Based virginity havers. Roasties will NEVER get my seed. The only woman I will have sex with is my wife, God willing.

>> No.50603970

anon just buy a hooker wtf. It’s practically the viking equivalent of raping a plundered village woman

>> No.50603979

Where are they then?
We have a literal 70% obesity/overweight rate.
Bitches dont even try

>> No.50604008

Once I hit 30 or so I quit giving a fuck.

>> No.50604058

Buy a fleshlight. GG.

>> No.50604075

I haven’t had any romantic involvement with anyone for over 2 years and I’m getting to the point where I don’t care anymore.
I used to go to a bar or a dating app every few months to bang a few awful skanks and get it out of my system.
Now I stopped drinking and I don’t even try anymore.
I think it’s because my childhood was so messed up because I’m 35 and this isn’t normal

>> No.50604091

I've had sex, it's ok. Feels really good in the moment but doesn't really change anything long term.

>> No.50604104
File: 106 KB, 800x600, F034E422-6860-4B43-9EFD-BE1F7EE98A58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the implications.
If I too have had sex.
In the missionary position.
For the sole purpose.
Of procreation?

>> No.50604126

>this isn’t normal

Eh. I’m the same way. Any time I’ve had a woman in my life long term it has been more stress than it’s worth.

>> No.50604147

I have 2 kids. This isnt /r9k/ niggerfaggot.

>> No.50604157

Plus I fucked your sister

>> No.50604189

Me too only its coming up on four years. It honestly blows my mind I've ever done it. Its more for the ego or if youre in love otherwise its just masturbation with extra steps

>> No.50604227

>anon just buy a hooker wtf.
I dont need this

>> No.50604245
File: 3 KB, 250x238, 1648257273892s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had sex for the third time in my life and it feels amazing. I literally feel like the quality of my life has improved by at least 700%, min. Since then my investments have tripled in profit, literally made 5k on qom last night from JUST swinging. Minor detail, i used to be the kind of friend that would chastise someone for not using protection, but i just came TWICE on my GF and she already took the pill a week ago (She will take another one now). Am i fucked up?

>> No.50604266
File: 2.54 MB, 1837x2792, theotokos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fornication is a grave sin. Join a traditional church, get right with God, find a pious woman, partake in the sacrament of Holy Matrimony, and have as many children as possible. "Sexual liberation" is a scam that leaves most people lonely, stop letting the degenerate morality of our dark age affect how you see yourself. You are precious to God, and he doesn't want to see you chasing cheap thrills that will leave you even more broken and empty than before.

>> No.50604285

Had sex, fell in love with my middle school sweetheart. One day she says she doesn't like me anymore and dumps me. Fucked me up bad for a year, it really isn't worth it I miss when I was a virgin

>> No.50604306

Honestly 4chan is the only place I talk to other virgins. I don't know where to find them in the outside world. We are like a community of monks.

Sometimes I wonder what came first the chicken or the egg. Are we here because we're virgins, or are we virgins because we come here? I'm increasingly starting to believe the latter. This website warps your brain and will turn you into a very strange person if you let it.

>> No.50604345

Internet psychoanalyst here. People posting about how they've had sex in this thread have what I deem Sandcastle Syndrome. Where they believe they are the 'King of Retards' on the playground of 4channel so to speak. Such is the fragility of man :v)

>> No.50604349

Me and my new persian gf have sex like 3-4 times everyday. I’ve never had this much consistent sex before. It’s honestly a little overwhelming at times. Sometimes she wants to have sex and I’m not even that horny just because I came a lot already throughout the day

>> No.50604351
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Nearly every one of these characters mentioned has shit their pants too. We just don't have a word for people who haven't.
I mean I've had sex, but, I'm also not wrong. I haven't sired a child either, so, if it's the proximity to the reproductive act that imbues this with some gravity... Well, it couldn't be that either. Sex without reproduction is basically the same as dancing.

>> No.50604383

>t. virgin

>> No.50604421

i was a virgin until 24. after you get it once, it becomes so much fucking easier. its like women can smell virginity on you until you lose it, and it just gets worse with age. gotta get it out of the way. I remember one job I had, everyone figured out I was a virgin because they were talking shit about another guy who was a virgin and I didn't talk shit too, so they probed me and found out. you can win until you lose it.