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50602371 No.50602371 [Reply] [Original]

Drawing is literally the key to easy money. Start learning!


>> No.50602412

She has a big armpit

>> No.50602428


>> No.50602454

me in the purple stripped shirt.

>> No.50602497
File: 35 KB, 225x228, 1658973747812015_copy_225x228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50602527

me reflected in the laptop screen

>> No.50602555


>> No.50602615

Drawing is not easy. It takes literally years of practice to become good enough to make money.

>> No.50602647
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>> No.50602648

I tried so hard but it's not easy at all.

>> No.50602664

why does everyone in this picture look mentally challenged, where is this

>> No.50602681


I can't get depth right. Like if I draw a room in 2 or 3 point perspective, I don't know how far the "back" of the room is.

I have a book that explains it, but it seems like a pain in the ass.

Can't draw faces either. And honestly, if I have to etch out every figure out of a series of cubes, it doesn't feel very creative.

All this to draw furry porn (if you want to monetize it)

>> No.50602683
File: 9 KB, 157x148, pickert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck keeps pushing this shit? What agenda is behind this? To get even more people absolutely frustrated and demoralized?

Fact is: The artfag market is unbelievably oversaturated and there are hundreds of thousands of Eastern Europeans who did literally nothing else but drawing the second they were born and also had strict art classes at school. They also ask for half of what you're asking and for them it's a great pay.

Either draw for fun/as a hobby or get prepared for dehumanizing frustration as an artist.

>> No.50602688

Just make a thread on /ic/ asking for help. Its one of the most helpful boards on 4chan:


>> No.50602722

>The artfag market is unbelievably oversaturated
This is an embarrassing cope.

Onlyfans is also over saturated, but even 4/10s can make money off it. There is a never ending list of fetishes that even an average artist can exploit for profit. Furfags in particular are notorious for giving away their money for low quality crap.

>> No.50602744

Wow, Greta grew up well.
I'd like to draw for money, but i have less sense to art than to money.

>> No.50602748

Today I drew a t-shirt design and got 50 bucks for it

>> No.50602751

>has a filtrim

>> No.50602768

he's talking to the brown guy behind him. fag.

>> No.50602776

>Furfags argument again
Like a fucking clockwork. You retarded idiots saw a dozen Furfags who do great at Patreon and think that's the average success everyone can achieve.
But do go on, try it. I guess you're really into pain (while having do deal with literally mentally handicapped people who're into the most disgusting shit who will try to haggle you down to 20 bucks on a piece you worked on for 10 hours).

>> No.50602786

Thanks but my eyes sore when I spend hours drawing. That's the deal too.

>> No.50602791

While yes it is hard to draw well, you don't actually need to be able to do it to work as an artist in today's climate.

I work in the print industry and 9/10 companies are branded with solid blocks of simple colors. All art that isn't simple color blocks or patterns are "Stylized" to the point that a 6 year old could draw it, or photographs/3d renderings. Even the logos aren't really made by drawing, they're digitally crafted.

Do you need some kind of artistic sensibility? Yeah, but you don't actually have to be technically good at anything. Even in the fine arts sphere, you can just bullshit your way past your inability to draw, because all that shit is just sales and who you know.

>> No.50602822

that even being good doesn't make any money. there are highly skilled artists that are scraping by because their abilities aren't needed.

the secret is as obvious as any other field. make appealing shit. that's it. easier said than done, but the goal isn't technical proficiency in the slightest. regardless of skill level(obviously low effort execution goes into trash.) people don't care about how good you are at drawing. they care about what you can offer them with your skill in (drawing/comics/sculpting/storytelling/photography/animation/etc) It's so easy to dissect why anyone is successful and why people aren't successful as creators.

>> No.50602827
File: 146 KB, 650x974, 6569478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saw op picture 10 years ago when i was 16

>> No.50602847

Why don't you just become a farmer? The food just grows out of the ground, then you sell it? Chickens shit eggs and you can sell those, or kill the chickens and sell the meat? You can even sell the cowshit for fertilizer.
It's easy peasy.

>> No.50602849

You are not an artist, you are not qualified to comment on this.

>> No.50602923
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>> No.50602945

I love to draw and there is nothing easier than drawing an anime face /body and paint it digitally but I'm too lazy to do it, i bought a tablet but I'm not efficient enough, i could spend a literal day perfecting the lines, and probably 4 to 5 days digitally painting (and I'm taking essentially a nude hentai girl ) i don't see myself doing 5 commissions a month for 10 usd each and wasting that whole month drawing. I feel it would be a miserable existence, provided I'd have commissions to begin with. I spent the last two years perfecting anatomy studies, proportions, watching YouTube, reading shit, etc. I could do a half assed drawing and paint it in one hour, though but if I'm hyper focused instead of browsing biz playing chess or reading