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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 315 KB, 1190x338, coins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
506002 No.506002 [Reply] [Original]

There has been no general for about 3 days so I`ve taken it upon myself


Mintpal fiasco
BTC falling to pieces
PND`s phoenixesque rise slowed by mintpal fiasco but on the way up again
BBR still has a stupid name
Something is probably happening with DOGE but who gives a fuck

>> No.506003
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PND is the future and the future is now. It's now listed on bittrex.

>> No.506025

obvious shill is obvious
PND doesn't need shills to succeed

>> No.506057
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So glad I sold all my altcoins en invested them al in only 2 coins!
Currently only holding on Bitcoins and Guldencoins.

Guldencoins you can use in the Netherlands at Subways, Coffeeshops and Lunchroom.
Multiple online webshops etc.

It amazed me how there are not a lot of people aware of this coin.

>> No.506060

Probably has something to do with Netherlands only having a population of 17 million.

>> No.506064

USA 9 Golden medals Netherlands 8 Golden medals at Winter Olympics in Sochi. Are the Dutch that good?

>> No.506080

>PND`s phoenixesque rise

Yeah, risen from literally nothing to absolutely nothing.

>> No.506229


OP here

I knew people would accuse me of shilling if I mentioned PND but I was struggling to think of big recent events to put in the OP

>> No.506348
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>> No.506353

that podcast is lame and dude sounds like a real fag liberal who wants centralization so some "bearwhale" cant sell his holdings.

>> No.506369

>Not buying LTCD while it's still sub-5000 satoshi

It's like you're actively avoiding wealth.

>> No.506381
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>not buying DOGE right now

>> No.506475
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THE BEST short termer i've ever seen.

A total scam, but it's being pumped to >99k within 20 days. Could happen anytime. It wasn't easy learning of this. There's significant volume anticipated, but please don't chuck more than a few hundred bucks at it, or you'll fuck up the market manipulators.

I shouldn't be telling you fags this, but there's money to be made, I like /biz/ and I'm drunk. Exploit me. Buy a 15k, sell at ~75k within a fortnight, but don't set sell orders, just eat buywalls discreetly.

Don't believe me? Check the bitcointalk thread. Those familiar with whales pulling scams, will see what I'm talking about.

>hand rubbing intensifies

>> No.506523


Obvious shillfag is obvious.

>> No.506565

there is absolutely no way in which i could communicate it without sounding like i was shilling. those who don't believe me... don't buy. simple.

>> No.506699

Newfag to mining reporting in.

I'm mining for the hash-to-coins.com pool but it says my worker's mh/s is 0 on the website... When I'm at 620mh/s on the client.

Does it take a long time for it to update or did I fuck something up?

>> No.506717
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The only Altcoin that has legitimate claim to the throne.

Wow such transactions
Many send last 24h
Such low average transaction value
Nice wealth distribution
Many community

Such rank: https://www.coingecko.com/en

>> No.506800

>meme coin with ridiculous volume
sure, lets make it an official currency
it was made as a joke
the only reason it's gotten this far is because
"lol I bought some dogecoins to be ironic"
it'll disapear soon
you can quote me on it faggot

>> No.506852
File: 301 KB, 943x739, good goyim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the official cryptocurrency of /pol/ and 4chan in general


>> No.506885

Dumped all my LTC yesterday, I'm loading up on Stealthcoin. OpenBazaar is gonna be huge.

>> No.506914


>not making the max coins 6 million

Son I am disappoint

>> No.506919


>spelling shekel wrong too

>> No.507012


You mean from 25k USD market cap to 1.1 million USD market cap, a 4400% increase?

Yeah totally nothing. My 100 benjamins is now worth over 4 Gs nigga

>> No.507013

Only blackcoin and Aero are going to survive long term

>> No.507020
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>Only blackcoin and Aero are going to survive long term

>> No.507025


Just took a look in the ANN, IMO it seems too good to be true, which means that it most likely is.

>> No.507041

I sold my house and my left kidney to load up I'm Doge coins. I'm practically a billionaire already.

>> No.507068

Seeing all of these NEET losers trying to create another Bitcoin to cash in on is the saddest shit I've seen in a while.

Cryptocurrency is kill

>> No.507177

holy shit XCP

>> No.507198

How do these random things translate to real/physical money?
What gives them value whatsoever?

>> No.507202
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24HR BBR/BTC -25% Last: 0.00054001 High: 0.00069999 Low: 0.00020101
> Low: 0.00020101

>> No.507234

Honestly what is so sad about that? You rather see us slurping your semen don't you? Fuck off, faggot

>> No.507276

>what gives them value
The other people willing to buy them.

>> No.507288

>OpenBazaar is gonna be huge
isnt it still too early to invest in XST?

>> No.507292

Any indication on when the LTCD PoS is coming out, or is "sometime in October" all we're going to get?

>> No.507295

Anonymity. Decentralization. Black markets. Never before seen, stunning features. Ease of use. Advancing science and medicine (XPM, CURE) Minuscule fees compared with banks. Security greater than credit cards. No chance of funds being frozen/controlled. Etc etc etc etc etc. Oh, and because it's a big 'fuck you' to the bankers we all love so much.

What gives fiat any value whatsoever, eh?

And before anyone asks why some coins; when seemingly expensive for no good reason; are worth so much, and tell you "it's just a bubble, don't be a fool", I tell them they're forgetting champagne. The most bubbly of all. Costs fuck all to produce, gets you no more pissed than budweiser, but people will pay 1000 times more for it, because they consider that to be it's value and as such, it is.

>> No.507301

> No more pissed than Budweiser
I don't know about you mate, but champagne does me twice in the bumper

>> No.507305

Champagne is typically three or so times stronger then beer, though in my experience you really cant taste the extra alcohol.

>> No.507822

Haven't been in the cryptocurrency game since the launch of our PND.
Any major change I should know about?
What are some good trading sites these days?
Where do I trade PND?
Is PND alive and well? Doesn't seem to be on cryptsy.
I'm updating my client right now, seems there were a bunch of updates in the meantime. Will I still have my coins?
I seem to have over 10m topcoins, are they worth anything and are they tradeable?

>> No.507832

>major change
It transitioned to pure Proof of Stake.
>trading sites / where do I trade / alive and well
Mintpal was the main exchange, but Bittrex seems like the future.
>Will I still have my coins?

>> No.507840
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>> No.507850

>Haven't been in the cryptocurrency game since the launch of our PND
you're in for a treat
Aug 30 nvr forget

>> No.507853

I saw other refs to aug 30th, w-what happened?

>> No.507925
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>Not holding Maxcoin
What the fuck is wrong with you guys?

>> No.507954
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>literally anyone with half a brain could do a better shop
>inb4 second rate shoop

>> No.507965

Seriously why do you guys hate bitcoin so much?

I've noticed price cryptocoins in general follow bitcoin extremely closely.

Bitcoin goes down and the crypto ship sinks too.

>> No.507967

the price (market cap) of* cryptocoins

>> No.507984

Because of missed trains of course!
Also it's not a very convincing currency (though it works well as a commodity).

>> No.507988

>hate bitcoin
Not so much hate, but it's flawed. Bitcoin is like the prototype.
>price in general follows bitcoin
because most are priced in bitcoin

>> No.507992


Can someone please explain to me how to mine these coins? There is no given info about how to solo mine it, and there is only one pool. I'm mining in it and it doesn't give me any acknowledgement of my contribution...

If you want this coin to get any where you should at least put a bit of effort into helping people out...

>> No.507994

>Also it's not a very convincing currency
>Bitcoin is like the prototype.

I thought the idea was that we could modify it?

>> No.508002

Yes, by making new coins. Like litecoin, PND, etc.

>> No.508008


I thought we could change bitcoins block rate/size etc etc? I've not been around the bitcoin community in a long time.

Besides, if all you do is make new coins all the time there is no incentive for new buyers to jump to an old "inferior" one.

All you do is make bagholders of the last best cryptocoin because the newer ones are slightly more shiny..

>> No.508013

whoops not block rate, lol.

But some stuff can be changed in the client/miner software though right?

>> No.508154

Counterparty is now backed by overstock.com. The coindesk article is unclear but read the bct thread. Millions of dollars are being invested in building a proper front end called Medici for the XCP platform.

If you are not investing in XCP now, or haven't been holding it for months now, you are ignoring the most obvious bone you have been thrown in ages.

100 million dollar market cap inevitable.

>> No.508182

I really hope that the regulatory hurdles that counterparty runs in to will crush it. The idea that any corporation can just create their own crypto means that they will have a second way to cash in on dumb investors besides stocks. It also means that the other cryptos like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Doge and even counterparty where it is hosted will be crushed under the weight of Applecoin, Googlecoin and Walmartcoin.

>> No.508184

Yes, it's essentially the anti cryptocoin
>inb4 monopolized everything

>> No.508220


Wow, holy fuck am I glad that I sold out when it was still around 80k.

Is anyone still remotely interested in XMR these days or is the exploit a game breaker for it?

>> No.508357

BBR flash was just a dev throwing a tantrum. I think it might be detached from SuperNET now too though, so that fucking sucks.
XMR's exploit did NOTHING. lol. no coin is perfect. nothing is perfect. XMR is still the best anon there is.

>> No.508423

>might be detached from SuperNET

does anyone have insider info? is it mere FUD?

>> No.508435
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aren't you the same faggot that claimed that it will never be worth anything? How does it feel missing out on one of the biggest trains in cryptocurrency?

>> No.508449

Shit, anon.

Why do I keep choosing coins that are dumped the moment I buy them?

Want a laugh? I invested in GHOST a few hours, before it was scrapped.

I want to choose better coins, but I seem to just choose shit. How can I learn?

>> No.508453

One of the more absurd ideas I've heard. There's a reason penny stocks are garbage.

>> No.508480


I'm not him by my jimmies got a bit rustled when that shit coin actually some shekels

>> No.508483


Yeah I'm just using my comp to produce some crypto shekels while its sitting around.

>> No.508487

>How can I learn?

Best bet is to bite the bullet and cough up the BTC needed to join a coordinated group like FCI. You have a shitload of other traders backing you up and you make the moves together, essentially a giant pack of whales all swimming in the same direction.

Fortresscrypto.com , referral code "MILK" gets you a discount. Youre welcum

>> No.508504

Because you're stupid.
-Is it pre-mined? MINE THIS SHIT and dump everything roughly 10 hours after it's first up on market.
-Is it IPO'd? INVEST IN THIS SHIT and dump the second it reaches +100% value.


-Was it hyped as revolutionary? Research it. If it's just fluff, or nothing not done before, don't bother. It will be too hard to mine and will be dumped too fast to profit.

If it really is doing something new and better, research the dev. If he has no experience and the feature isn't there yet, don't bother. If the feature is there or the dev is known and competent, consider both mining and investment.

If a coin is being advertized big on biz BEFORE its launch (many users), it is worth mining. If it spreads, it is worth investing into.

Finally, joining FCI is worth it if you don't have any business sense. Also, learn to inform yourself and learn to cut your losses when you have to.

Arbitrage doesn't work, don't even bother. By the time you've transferred funds from one exchange to the other, the prices will have stabilized.

If daytrading, make sure to diversify. Once again, research before investing.

>> No.508508



>> No.508542

Anyone else here buying into LTCD? IMO it seems like the only coin with a pretty much guaranteed short term profit. Here's what's known as of now:
> Friday mandatory wallet update
> Block rewards being cut at huge rate- from 400 per block to only 24 all at once
> PoS and TOR both at top of roadmap after reward cut
> Cut confirmed for October 10th
> 20+btc in buys in orderbook, not even 4btc in sells.

And its all going live on the tenth, so barely any wait at all. Everyone's got 5k sat on the mind but even going super low and saying 3k still means doubling your money.

>> No.508545

seriously now.

fucking buy. if the rumor is true, the price rise will not be trivial.

>> No.508564

Do we know that bitcoins don't use the same type of software as normal digital bank currencies? Could Bitcoin just be normal bank currency software, that's open, sold with a new skin on top?

>> No.508573

Does someone knows an easy way to mine on cloud computing with free trial ? Which is the best service ?

>> No.508601
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Have $300 worth of pandacoin how the fuck do I sell it when it gets big

>> No.508622

the same way you sell it now, except later

>> No.508623

>Do we know that bitcoins don't use the same type of software as normal digital bank currencies?

Proof that "there's no such thing as a stupid question" is an objectively false statement.

>> No.508702

ideally you'll be able to buy things with it

Buy support is off the charts in bittrex

>> No.508714

Of course you can change it, as long as the network accepts it (i.e. the majority of users use the new wallet). Several early bugs have been fixed this way.
Or look at Dogecoin, it's been changed quite a lot since the beginning.

>> No.508721

Also what's up with all the PND shilling on /biz/. Why should people support a dead/dying coin?

>> No.508724

pick one

>> No.508727

>sat at 1 satoshi for half its lifetime
>just got taken off one of the few exchanges that featured it for being too dead and irrelevant

>> No.508728

>now at 13 satoshi
>added to bittrex
Cool story bro

>> No.508731

What's the point of all those crypto coins if you can't buy anything with it?

>> No.508734

>now at almost nothing back from nothing
>tiny, tiny volume

Just because you were able to make some lunch money doesn't mean this is the new paradigm.

>> No.508735

> currently 12 satoshi
> steadily being added to exchanges
I can also pick facts

>> No.508738

There isn't any.

>> No.508740

>1200% gain
>consistently gaining ground on market cap
>volume increasing and higher than coins above it
>almost nothing

>> No.508751
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T-this time it's d-definitely for real!

>> No.508758


>> No.508769
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Well you sure convinced me. I just wen ahead and bought a billion.

>> No.508773


>> No.508796

I didn't need all that extra BBR anyway.

>> No.508807

whats so revolutionary about it, it's another fork.

>> No.508808

I mined 300K PND ages ago, when do I finally dump this lard?

>> No.508845

Why do you think the dev posted that? Generally if someone is giving you a "hot tip" its because they want to dump and need buy support. After the dump comes the panic sellers, then the whales pick up coins again on the cheap and start buying up low sell orders again. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Just buy some XMR. It pretty much bottomed out at .0026, now its back up to .003 and coasting higher. Always has a decent market volume everyday. Liquidity is a good thing.

>> No.508855

you CAN buy things with them.

>> No.508859
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It's a pyramid where you trick buyers into pumping the price until people figure out they're intrinsically worthless. At this point it becomes difficult to find any buyers. By this point you've sold all of your bitcoin/doge/pandacoin etc. and the only ones left are bagholders.

>> No.508874

>I mined 300K PND ages ago, when do I finally dump this lard?

>> No.508906

still thinks bitcoin is intrinsically worthless
toplel, keep up the ignorance anon
More cheap coins for me

>> No.508948

It's not a bad move to buy a coin that you're certain is going to get dumped. All you have to do is take a good guess at WHEN the dump will happen. You also don't need to reach the top of the mountain to make a profit. Sell while it's climbing if you're unsure. As with any investment, remember not to put more into it than you're comfortable losing, and you'll be fine.

>> No.508959

trying to time the markets?

I advise setting up your sell orders the day you buy. Set them at different prices, then keep an eye on it, if it starts to dump then know when to cut your losses.

>> No.508962

You don't need luck to time the market, all you need is to not be retarded.
>value suddenly jumps 10x
sell your shit, nigger, don't be stupid and think it's worth holding in the chance it hits 10x higher again. You've already made more than your investment's worth.

Not rocket science.

>> No.508986

You can have them all.

>> No.508989

yeah, it was 13 sat the other day, now 11. It's only 0.03 btc I get, but better than nothing.

>> No.509072

send em my way!

>> No.509115

Decided to check up on my 60k dogecoins.
>"Well time to do the ol login password on Coinex--."
>Coinex been hacked yo

>> No.509203

Do you guys really believe in PND this much?
The number of retailers accepting it is countable on one hand. Nobody knows about it and nobody is investing in it.
Even at the market cap of BTC (which would take divine intervention to achieve) it would be worth fourteen cents.
Why so much PND preaching on this board?

>> No.509247
File: 205 KB, 516x516, bigdgc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy some digitalcoin. surprisingly, not a shitcoin.


>> No.509257

It's like an infectious wave of stupidity. They don't care the volume is less than $10,000, all that matters is the price is going up and lots of people on /biz/ say to buy. Buy now or you might miss out on this endless money train. It's not a scam! The PND multi-millionaires surely aren't cashing out right now!

I'm down to holding just one altcoin, and it sure as hell isn't PND. You deserve to lose every cent you gamble by trying to time pump and dumps.

>> No.509337

anyone still using mintpal its about to get alot worst...

>> No.509339
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oop forgot the pic

>> No.509360

goddamn it
this moolah merger is worse than the holocaust

>> No.509366

Im sick of these shitcoin, only altcoins worth my bitcoin is Monero.

>> No.509425

I'm telling you faggots, PND is what you need to invest in now before the train leaves. And the engines are already starting up.

Spend like $25 if nothing else, it may turn a good profit.

>> No.509446



>> No.509448

Think it's a good time to buy BTC or should I hold out for a bit?

inb4 >buying bitcoin

>> No.509459

Holy shit, so many shitcoins being shilled. PND and DOGE are the only discussions welcome

>> No.509460

Monero has a known exploit, doofus.

>> No.509468

oh yeah mean that coin where they already found 2 huge exploits in
>cool story brah
PND has been around for 8 months, finally getting the attention it deserves and so many cool new things planned.
Yes not that many Merchants yet but that obviously takes a while, you have to see it like it is, bitcoin is crypto 1.0 and is gaining acceptance by Merchants so it will be a way easier road for PND

>> No.509470

This and NXT. I'm hodling to fuck on them

>> No.509505


I was considering buying NXT as well. They look neat, and useful. Problem is I lack a means of buying them. I only have PND to trade with, which I'm not willing to trade as the train hasn't even departed yet.

Is there a way to buy them using a credit card?

How have the prices changed in the past few months?

Seeing that each transaction takes like $0.03(or what ever the price of NXT is nowadays), I have a hard time seeing how they could be worth much more than that.

>> No.509581

My nigga. Also, the 'exploit' was BCX fudding/dumping the price down to .0026. The actual exploit was fixed by the dev team within hours. Do your research next time, /biz/

>> No.509644

>buying a literal scamcoin where the devs aren't even hiding it's a scam anymore

>> No.509701

fuck. 10,000,000 sellwall @ 28 on polo's XDN market. there's something fishy going on. i wonder if the dev realised he's fucked up by mentioning SN integration with no clarification, so is bailing. or perhaps JL really does want the coin added, so is forcing the price down before buying up motherfucking shit-tonnes of them.

or which of the other trillion possibilities is in fact the cause 2.8BTC worth of XDN suddenly being on sale at retarded prices.

does anyone else here have faith in XDN? if fucking doge can hit almost 300sato, surely darknote can do at least that well. literally ten times it's current value.

...oh wait, and now 1.3 million for sale at 27 sato. literally just appeared.

i'm putting my money on this being a prep for a pump. i hope i'm right, because once my depo is confirmed i'm buying some of that wall.

>> No.509705

Yeah right, "lost".

I have 6 LTC stuck on Vircurex. I'll never make that mistake again. No more leaving coins on exchanges for prolonged periods of time.

>> No.509732
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hmmm...or maybe you are dumper and want to lure us buying?!?!

>> No.509737
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it's so good i spammed it twice

seriously at least read this guys post, if you're nuts enough to buy into crypto this one has a decent shot. it's got that name brand people'd go crazy for and is at an honest price point currently (yes, i do mean that)


>> No.509739

maybe you want us to buy your DGC?! Mabye you bought in DGC back then when everybody confused that for DOGE

>> No.509764

DNS/BTC +640%

>> No.509773
File: 34 KB, 470x62, b468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm holding mine, as of right now the market price is relatively sane, i've got sells lining from 6k satoshis up to 30k. It's one of the few I feel okay holding long-term.

it's gonna get updated to using three algorithms instead of just scrypt. if they merge-mine the algorithms it'll be viable on a global level, it'll still be an altcoin though.. seems promising to me.

>> No.509776

fwiw other coins i'm holding are PPC, RBY, FOOD and WC. I find it a lot safer to buy in low and wait for a pump instead of trying to play coins already pumped. Some ICO's like CheckCoin and ArchCoin are good, you can usually dump for double a few days after release.

>> No.509781


Monero has no exploit doofus, you are confusing with Darkcoin: dark

>> No.509785


>> No.509792

these threads are purely about pumping and dumping i hope?

i know /biz/ is completely clueless but none of you morons actually have longterm confidence in altcoins?

>> No.509794

in that regard, only BTC. Only reason to hold altcoins is to hope to swap back to BTC at a greater return.

Bitcoin is a free creation, better than any payment system we have in existence. It'll survive.

>> No.509796

i have a very solid long term confidence for PND

>> No.509797

>better than any payment system we have in existence
Except for altcoins that are like Bitcoin, only better.

>> No.509800

I have 10,6 million PND. How much will that be worth in USD if this shit succeeds?

>> No.509811


This. It's will be as dead as the fucking stupid reddit meme it's based on.

>> No.509814

>like bitcoin, only better

oh you mean still 99% bitcoin code with bullshit tweaks? yeah, no. Bitcoin is first in line to be integrated into any major-league crypto-service. And don't give me that anonymity crap, a stupid user can't rely on software to do all the work, it's possible to be anonymous with BTC if you know wtf you're doing. PPC is the only other reasonable alternative to BTC.

PND will never succeed. You should only be thinking of when to dump.

>> No.509815


A successful cryptocurrency would need actual regulation, much to the despair of the lolbertarian fedoralords.

>> No.509843

oh so you're one of those PPC shills, funny though, it had a lot of potential, too bad it will die together with Litecoin.

PND at least is innovative and has a strong community and dev team behind it. I have a couple of mill, sold my DOGE and DRK for it. already 100% profit in less than 2 weeks.

>> No.509848

fucking cryptonote. pisses me right off sometimes. is anyone else enduring this fucking DSH farce? 4 million coins have disappeared into the fkn' ether after i tried to transfer some. now resyncing everything, blockchain, wallet, daemon... to see whether they're still in my wallet, and not successfully sent as walletlog states. same shit happened to me with BCN.

>> No.509856

PPC has the ORIGINAL proof-of-stake dev behind it. Suck my nuts loser.

>> No.509864

honestly any coin worth satoshis is just a pump n dump shill. The coins freakin acronym is PND. How stupid can people get? More importantly, how much money do stupid people have?

>> No.509878
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Meanwhile at r/bitcoin

>> No.509885

>such a newfag he wasn't there when PND was created
>he doesn't know that its token being Pump'N'Dump is on purpose
>he doesn't know it was meant to cockblock wolong and his pandacoin
>he thinks it's ACTUALLY a pump and dump

>> No.509915

Only things I'm holding right now are BTC,BTM and ARCH.
Thinking about putting a bit in XCP.

>> No.509920


It's like you like money or something. Get on my level.

>> No.509922

Still here, still holding XMR.

>> No.509923

You'd have lost about 90% of your investment assuming it's uniform.

>> No.509924


lol we are legun
do not forgib
do not fobet

>> No.509925

i've no clue on which i've lost money and on which i've made money, but i have more BTC than i did when i started 2 years ago. or, well i would, if i didn't keep spending every satoshi of profit the moment i pocket it.

no u

>> No.509938

DRK NXT XPM XCP NMC in my long term hodls

>> No.509948

CFTC hearing about Bitcoin starts in 20 minutes.

>> No.509970

this. excellent coins. i'd add CURE to that list if i were you.
the markets demand an anon coin too, so i'm heavily into SuperNET and it's primary competitor, XMR, for long-term holds. I won't sell these for years no matter what. a new anonymous coin may at some point better them in which case i end up with nothing, but presently i see no competitors, so holding 'til death or glory.

all my other shit i hold because why the hell not take a gamble. FAIL just got revived for example, i had like a BILLION of those fuckers at one point, still have millions, and christ, even PND is approaching what,15sato? i sold most at 80-220 litoshi, then the rest at 5sato. doubt they'll be alive for much longer, but to have survived this long qualifies them as viable long-termers, relative to the lifespan of most coins.

XPM, NMC, BTC, XMR and NXT SuperNET assets are -the- long-term coins imo.

>> No.510020


I am holding PND for the long run. Might get me some NXT too.

>> No.510090



When PND had it's first big rally rally a few months ago, the main dev (amdoge) could have dumped and walked away with $50k (killing the coin in the process).... and didn't. That was enough proof for me the dev team is dedicated.

FUDer's gonna FUD, they're just pissed they didn't hop on sooner.

>> No.510097

new PND price target for long term future is $1 per coin

by the time i'm 45, married with kids and struggling to afford a mortgage payment one month i'll remember PND exists and become a millionaire overnight,future secured.

long live PND

>> No.510200
File: 36 KB, 600x337, litecoin[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about Litecoins?

The LTC/BTC ratio has always been the golden standard of .015. Lately it's been going downhill, and is now at 0.009 conversion.

I think Litecoins are going to go back up in value ratio wise in conjuncture to Bitcoins. I'm not a shill, I've sold my 40mil PNDs for 2 BTCs, I'm just saying I think Litecoins in the short run have a higher profitability chance now to gain a higher value ratio faster than Bitcoin can grow.

Right now BTC = $353
LTC = $3.81

>> No.510205

LTC really are the silver to BTC's gold. It offers literally nothing more. It would be worth the same as BTC if BTC wasn't first. In the end, it will just hover around 0.01-0.02 forever and will never be useful as anything but a less expensive currency per coin.

>> No.510260

How in hell do you buy this virtual currencies that no one ever heard of ?

>> No.510714

>buying crypto
chose one

>> No.510728

Is Counterparty done?

>> No.510826

Pump is over, yes.

Kekking hard at XDN. Sold all I had around 31 because no one uses it and it was only going down. Since then it's tumbled down to 21.

Put all I had into XMR at around .003. Price will start back up again once they move money out of the shitcoins (NHZ? CHA?) and back into XMR.

>> No.510902


I legitimately thought XMR was discovered to have an exploit though?

What do you gents think of VIA at the moment. I'm holding a little bit, and it sort of disappeared off to the third page on Bittrex for a while, now volume has picked up significantly again. Price has been sitting dead for ages, it would seem like it's ripe to move up but the whale is doing some strange shit, putting up buy walls to make minnows buy up.

>> No.510910

>thought XMR was discovered to have an exploit though?

someone attempted to prove the exploit. it supposed affected all CN coins, not just XMR. there was even a countdown site; "time to kill xmr".

nothing happened. except for the price dropping for a while. now it's gradually going back up.

>> No.510927


When the time comes to sell it....you wont have to

>> No.510930


Seriously though, just register on an exchange and mess around- its really easy youll work it out in minutes

If mintpal is back up that has a easy to understand interface - but dont leave load in your online account just in case

>> No.510931


I believe PND will be mega-successful in the fuiture but what makes you believe it will hit $1 a coin?

I know alot of people belive that but I think thats a little high

>> No.510934


Find an exchange which stocks it

If you like PND you can buy it from buypnd but you pay a commission so it works out a little cheaper form exchanges

>> No.511015


I think its going to be successful too. That is the reason its the first crypto that I bought.

Realistically it more likely reach $0.10 each. I'd be happy if it got that high.

But who knows, maybe it will go to or beyond $1 each.

>> No.511025
File: 106 KB, 1024x524, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw money can't make me happy
Only take away some of the pain

>> No.511030


I'd be happy because I could then move out and not have to live with obnoxious chimps anymore.

>> No.511157

>PND at least is innovative


>> No.511160

He was being sarcastic and you idiot didn't even notice.

>> No.511200


Id shit skittles for PND=$.10

Id be a millionaire.

>> No.512157

Are you fucking aspies really saying that?
DOGE failed, PND has no chance.

>> No.512165

Dogecoin has a marketcap of 25 million.

>> No.512202



>> No.512273

>DOGE failed

In what sense? It's the second biggest cryptocurrency out there.

>> No.512433


>> No.512558

but it is

>> No.512605

LTC is bigger. By a factor of more than 5.

>> No.512717

Not in terms of actual adoption, no.

>> No.512822


>> No.512865

and memecoin is?

>> No.512872


Honestly man, how has doge innovated? Is it not just a lite coin clone with a funney may may slapped on it?

>> No.512874

When will DOGE go back to 250 satoshi?

>> No.513039


never :|

>> No.513095


>> No.513106

Gold in Mexico.

>> No.513252
File: 52 KB, 375x500, yjhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> XDN Last: 0.00000020

>> No.513310
File: 20 KB, 634x556, whereisyourFUDnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ANC Shaming

>> No.513312 [DELETED] 

Would you be so kind to test Cryptogator's registration system? As a reward you can get 100 BIZ.
>CGCode for 100 BIZ: a9ec91f3cb55cefc29c5f650a2703caa

>> No.513330
File: 9 KB, 800x294, biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems good.

>> No.513335 [DELETED] 

Thanks :3
Also you can request your daily BIZcoins on the main page, they're supposed to be transferred immediately.

P.S. what other cryptocurrencies should I look forward to?

>> No.513453
File: 2.88 MB, 1280x720, bridge2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> XDN/BTC -37.1% Last: 0.00000018

>> No.513525


A total pisstake failed therefore a serious coin cannot succeed

>> No.513546

where do i buy pnd? how do i get into this??

>> No.513551 [DELETED] 

Start by requesting some free bizcoins on cryptogator.net. You'll get a basic idea about how it works.

>> No.513650

Bizdice.com gives away 100 free bizcoin everyday as well.

>> No.513688

Realistic price predictions for PND over the next few months?
I bought in like an idiot at 9 sat before it took it's plunge into litoshis and then I didn't buy any more because I didn't think it would go back up again and had been away from cryptos at that time
Luckily now I'm not at a loss anymore

>> No.513709

almost listened to the shills at 32 sat... phew dodged that one

>> No.513729

Buypnd.org - with paypal
Bittrex - btc exchange
mintpal (satan) - btc exchange

>> No.513733

anyone bought XST in the dip? If open bazare is legit, this coulda be huge but not sure

>> No.513842

>XMR: 0.002849 (-2.04%)

>> No.513871


all CN gone to the shitter, XMR is the least affected, troll harder bro.

>> No.513876


>> No.513900



>> No.513928
File: 85 KB, 550x413, 1400897994755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mintpal owes me like .8 BTC I don't even know, I'm fucking furious tbh

>> No.513949


moolah thanks your forceful donations.

>> No.513968

I feel betrayed by mintpal

>> No.513982

we all do
they still haven't returned balances

>> No.514011
File: 77 KB, 620x829, cat-in-my-bed-funny-cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was wary of update news so I withdrew all my coins few days before, and for my shock my old acc was non-existent on the new minpal, not saying to anyone panic but something fishy is going on.

>> No.514026

Yeah I should have done the same
I didn't have a lot in there
But it's still mine and fuck if i'm letting it go
Accounts have been returned btw, just no balances

>> No.514323
File: 23 KB, 288x499, 1387504315169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>logged into mintpal for shits and gigs
>they still kept my worthless fractions of KDC and MINT

XMR only CN worth a shit. Too much big money involved for the price to crash much lower at this point.

No one uses XDN, BCN is a dev premine, and there's some fishy shit going on with BBR also.

Fuck DOGE, LTC, NMC, XCP, NXT, PPC, XRP, and all the rest. All garbage. All you need is BTC and XMR.

>> No.514334

is cryptex.biz a legit exchange?????

>> No.514344


>> No.514348



>> No.514351

>Have 3.69+ million Topcoin.
>$2200 by current numbers.
>Find out that Topcoin is now v2.
>Have $2.20 in exchange.


>> No.514369


give it up, anon. mintpal died along with vericoin.

>> No.514375
File: 170 KB, 480x480, nmnv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone tell me what's going on with zerocoin/zerocash? i literally can't be bothered to do anything more than occasionally look at their website. which tells me fuck all. been waiting so long for those assholes.

is ANC now on bittrex in anticipation of ZC implementation? That shit could cause riots. XMR, SuperNET and Zerocoin are going head-to-head at some time. Just a case of when it hits.

Bittrex added ANC. Are there other signs of potential ZC launch? After so long waiting, I'm too weary to research it further.

>> No.514424

14 sato support on XDN is gone. eaten.

>> No.514427
File: 27 KB, 366x471, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else is still holding?

>> No.514431

Meh, already sold my ANC.
Also picked up some more BTM, they're doing some crazy shit.

>> No.514454

How does any of this work?
I don't even know what I'm doing or where I get started.

>> No.514490


>buying a valueless commodity because its creator told you it has value

How do you guys feed and clothe yourselves every day?

>> No.514511

>too dumb to understand the simplest, most well-understood principle of economy
Why do you even browse /biz/?

>> No.514515

>had over 10m topcoins
>the v1 -> v2 transfer ended sept 3
>now have 0

>> No.514520

What's BTM and why should I care? All I can see from their website is a shitload of buzzwords from july.

>> No.514522

>not owning bitcoin

I shiggy diggy you guys diggy this

/biz/ pls

>> No.514523

I'd be surprised if this won't reach a 10 million marketcap.


>> No.514528

Why do you think do we trade altcoins?
Some people.

>> No.514534

Alt coins are mostly hit and a miss, and are much more at risk to pump-n-dumps (due to smaller market cap and user base).

Don't get me wrong, I love alt coins and hold a few myself, but to not have most of your cryptocurrency in bitcoin is simply foolish.

Problem I see with most of them though, even the ones that have had huge gains in the past (like Doge) don't strike me as long term viable solutions to any problems, and the few solutions they do provide are either nuances or can be incorporated into bitcoin anyway.

BTC ftw.

>> No.514536

>Buypnd.org - with paypal

Just bought some. I dont think im verified though. but they took my money. will i get the coins?

whats going on? oh jeez

>> No.514541

>and are much more at risk to pump-n-dumps
Exactly why I trade them.
Hilarious how profitable the last 12 months were. Like a cow that never stops giving milk.

>> No.514544

Buy BITS (Bitstar) so insanely undervalued as we speak, 21 million only and accepted within the SuperNET

>> No.514545

Fair enough, so long as you don't hold with any long term hope of success you will be alright

>> No.514547

Someone probably just pulled their buy order. I wouldn't want a shitton of XDN at 14 sat either.

Sold everything I had at around 31. Kek.

>> No.514548

Also, threadly reminder that SuperNET is just a scam by jlh777. ANC is just using ZC promises to hype itself.

Ethereum raised so much IPO money the devs could just fucking quit at any time and still walk away rich. XMR is the only anon coin worth a shit.

>> No.514549

It's not automated which means that the person who runs it does it manually
It takes some time if that person isn't at their computer at the moment
But you'll get them.

>> No.514550

So it's basically dogecoin or tipcoin all over again, but without inflation. Why would it perform any good when the niche it tries to fill is already filled?

>> No.514555

Legit, but I said yesterday to buy BITS and look what happened. I just made like 0.2 BTC out of it and didnt even sell yet.

>> No.514561

No, you missed the entire point.
I got no interest in spoonfeeding people, so either buy or don't buy.
Also waiting for a XCP correction.

>> No.514566

>Someone probably just pulled their buy order
nah, in one 3btc swoop, the lot was devoured. someone wanted them cheap.

blah blah cheap coins moon get in train launching blah god please whine kill me.

>> No.514577

JL777/SuperNET related success.

>> No.514645

XCP should be a sure thing with Overstock.

>> No.514793
File: 401 KB, 640x523, 1411926554945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


XDN is 80% mined, most holders are killer whales that will play with anyone that enters DarkNote market until they are dead. This should be obvious at this point.

>> No.515012

These guys have to be a scam, right?

What happened to the free /biz/ group? Finally have the liquidity and savings to put some cash into altcoins.

>> No.515018
File: 518 KB, 2924x2193, 9998999image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying HYP

>> No.515041


what did I miss with vericoin?

>> No.515047

Holy shit, fucking opal skyrocketed.

>> No.515059

I'm probably getting laid off soon and hoping to put $500 into crypto.

Whats the safest bet?

>> No.515060


>> No.515073

BTC, everything else is pump and dump

>> No.515079

I can only afford one BTC is that fine?

>> No.515085

I'd wait if I was you.

>> No.515114

If you don't have one full bitcoin, future you will regret it.

>> No.515120

"safest"? most stable, you mean?
what are you looking to achieve exactly and in what timeframe?
find a coin with long-term, decent buy-support and no recent huge price fluctuations. there aren't many coins with a stable price and decent liquidity, but assuming by "safety" you mean stability, there are a few. i'd suggest XC. look for big buywall prices below which the charts show no action for significant time.

>> No.515132

...oh and hopefully it's obvious that i meant you'd want to buy in at prices close to those proven buywalls, not while the coin's price is behaving abnormally. set a few buys at the 1-month average on XC. or NMC or XPM. that should be pretty safe.

>> No.515140

It's better than none.

But you probably won't be retiring on it any time soon. (Well, who knows what a decade will bring. But 10 - 100 BTC would be nicer.)

Any money you do "invest", remember: This is experimental tech, and you may lose it all.

>> No.515250

Why has there not been a physical robbery of an exchange yet?

>> No.515290


Warning: do not invest into this premined scam.

>> No.515790

How do you know which coin will be pumped ?

>> No.515796

What the fuck is happening to Cannabiscoin?

>> No.515848

>physical robbery

What, like someone showing up and carting off the servers at gunpoint?

>> No.515855
File: 101 KB, 825x441, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe steal a la Bane style in dark knight rises.
The CIA won't know what hit'em

>> No.515864

Finally PND is going in the direction of the moon again after a week of stalling.

Any idea what caused that btw?

>> No.515870

It's called a pump. Hope you bought in at 1200.

>> No.515871

Someone buying.

>> No.515924

I bought a bunch of coins off of buypnd.com a few days ago but i didnt verify. (site says there is a limit to $5 if you dont verify)

Will i get what i paid for at the time do you think or will it recalculate how many coins i get?

I cant check my account until I get home from work. fuck.

It still took all my money.

>> No.515928


I don't know, I bought mine before that shit.

I assume they will give you the coins at the price you paid for. Some people said that they give you all your coins at once if you verify your account or something.

>> No.515936
File: 24 KB, 598x608, zxvf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.515947
File: 128 KB, 1024x768, spending-bitcoins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth using a full node Bitcoin client to try to reduce transaction fees? I accumulate a lot of ~0.25 mBTC balances and transaction speed isn't really an issue (as long as it goes through at some point).

>> No.515962

spose. i once accidentally sent .2 for a 0.00000001 fee, lol. confirmed after a few hours.

>> No.515973

Anyone bought some XCP ( Counterparty)
I feel like it should be a safe bet, but idk

>> No.516009

The three coins worth investing into now for short term gains:

>Live transaction of weed scheduled for the 20th of this month. Endgame goal of 1 CANN = 1g Marijuana in Colorado i.e. after market correction should be around $10 USD per 1 CANN. This has the most significant probability of going 25x-100x in the upcoming week

>First 2nd gen coin features to be released in the next 3 days after the block halving from 200 to a mere 12. Should go 5x-10x by weekend after the block halving causes genuine scarcity.

>Dem charts

>> No.516029
File: 292 KB, 494x494, 0INXb9h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>why cant I kill all these shit/scam coins

>> No.516063


The only coin I'll ever invest in apart from BTC and PND is if the PND Dev team makes a spinoff/sibling PND coin like Bamboocoin

>> No.516065


Obviously PND is worth investing in. I was merely talking short-term as in 1-2 months. 3 at the most.

PND is a great investment but should be held much longer.

>> No.516155

I'd just show up with a few huge black dudes and a couple of claw hammers and get them to send all the coins to a set of addresses, where a bunch of skinny white guys in another city would start laundering them.

>> No.516178

stop giving people ideas. this is what makes devs stay anon. the risk is extremely real.

>> No.516397

moolah is bankrupt. rip

>> No.516408
File: 6 KB, 235x214, 1413250354735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>go to college
>get home
>grab a beer
>sit down in computer
>go to mintpal
>Mintpal is kill

where were you when mintpal was kill?

>> No.516547
File: 190 KB, 521x521, ih.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supernet prices shit. XMR prices shit. BTCD approaching sub 600. XDN prices shit. BBR is shit. China is retarded. everything is kil. prices are all shit. none of us are getting lambos. i'm syncing ~30 wallets simultaneously, cashing out everything, using the BTC to buy a moped and driving off a cliff.
goodnight /biz/.

>> No.516569

Anyone still bagholding VIA? Thoughts on XCH?

>> No.516586

>Anyone still bagholding VIA? Thoughts on XCH?

VIA's a baghold now? I still have a heap of it. I'm pretty convinced that it will come up again at some point.

Should I sell off while I've not lost much at all and be done with it?

Also, XMR is being a cunt. Bought at 280k and it's still dropping.

>> No.516619

Wouldn't be a bad idea to sell off the extra VIA, especially if you haven't lost money on it. There's something going on with VIA/XCH, and I doubt XCH will stay at 300-500 sato for very long. Dev might be planning on putting VIA profits into XCH, who knows? Read more about it and go with it if it sounds like a solid pick.

Also big money is just moving out of XMR into something else (CANN) to pump. XMR will come back up again, but when is anyone's guess. Its always been a fair bet so we'll see. I've heard things about the emission rate significantly keeping the price low however.

>> No.516636

Alex Green owes me 2 BTC now, probably more if I added it up


I like his "ya, take all my assets but leave my bitcoins" bankruptcy ploy. Likely jewish

>> No.516867

Any XMR that was sitting on MP is gone, along with everything else. How will this affect the price?

>> No.516920
File: 299 KB, 645x571, buttcoins (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying into pyramid schemes

>> No.516950

>what is shorting

>> No.516990

can't short cryptos

>> No.517026

You're short lmao

>> No.517050

>wake up
>XMR got dumped to .00212 about three hours ago
Mintpal scammers dropped all that stolen XMR right into polo. Thanks for the cheap coins guys!

>> No.517051

ayyyyy lmao

>crypto currency
Ayyy lmao

>> No.517052


Fucking bullshit. Still 260k on Bittrex, hopefully arbitrage doesn't kill the fuck out of it.

>> No.517054
File: 333 KB, 1000x790, 1413375753512[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why haven't you bought SDC yet, /biz/?


Invest in devs who actually develop stuff instead of just copypasting.

>> No.517056

You can short bitcoin.

>> No.517057

Nothing will kill the strongest CN coin. Just buy while they're cheap, they won't be for long.

>> No.517080

Where do you buy PND with paypal? Any site with a good rate?

>> No.517081

dear /biz/, monero or boolberry, and if so why


>> No.517083


Monero. More volume, seems to be much more publicised, and Boolberry has some very fishy shit going on with the devs.

>> No.517100


For best rates, buy bitcoin with paypal, then exchange for PND

>> No.517230

Thanks I'll look into it.

>> No.517546

Neither. Nobody's ever heard of boolberry so it's obviously crap (just like bitcoin am i rite?). Monero is bleeding value like crazy. If you are considering investing in monero seriously, then at least wait a month (by that time it'd be worth 1 sat top at the rate it's going down).

>> No.518115

What is /biz/ currently mining?

>> No.518117

I feel as if there's a large shift away from mining, with the immense popularity of PoS and all that.

>> No.518120

>with the immense popularity of PoS and all that.


I've been out of the scene since Dogecoin.

>> No.518123

I'm just saying, with all these coins going pure proof of stake, its kinda leaving miners out in the cold. Its good for investors and devs, but not for the man who wants to only invest electricity.

>> No.518137

It's natural that PoS is so popular: you get to earn dosh and help the network without killing your hardware, how neat is that? The problem is initial distribution. PND had a longish PoW period to try to take care of that but I don't feel this is enough (still makes PND the best PoS coin yet).

Mining isn't a very good method of initial coin dispersion because those who already have hardware from e.g. videogames or previous mining ventures (in the case of gpu-minable coins) will just get all the coins (botnets in the case of cpu-only coins). Getting in early can cause premine-like effects as well.

IPO/PoS distribution makes a lot more sense, but the problem with IPO is that the coin creator is the sole initial owner of everything and cryptos are not stocks. As such, they get to manipulate the market however they want, which is basically what cryptos are supposed to prevent.

You want to make a bitcoin-killing crypto? Figure out a distribution scheme that is not hardware-intensive, regulated by the network, and cannot that be abused (see: asics, botnets, sole ownership). PoS2.0 is where it's at.

>> No.518138

I think PoS is a step in the right direction, but it makes it a lot easier for a dev to just escape to the Bahamas with his newfound ICO wealth. I like PoW->PoS coins, though there very well could be a better system.

>> No.518411

>I think PoS is a step in the right direction
>I like PoW->PoS coins, though there very well could be a better system.
Yes, I think so too. As I stated, I feel that the one step that's missing is a sane, luck-mitigating distribution phase. IPO/ICO are actually good in that regard, but since it's human-regulated, the coin creator can do whatever they want with the coin and so it has the same problems as printed money - even assuming the creator is entirely honest.

>> No.518422

Should've added before posting, but the reason why I don't think PoW->PoS is perfect is that starting resources at the time a coin is available for mining is effectively luck-based (you played lots of games and you had an AMD card? Congrats, you're going to get billions of coins by the time nvidiafags get a hundred - the investment either party made was the same, though, if you want to compare gain relative to investment. Then you could have access to a botnet for free because of your work. That's not an investment yet you get to reap the rewards all the same. Actual mining farms are a true investments, but they're not coin-specific and can be used on any coin with little additional resource expenditure. Paying for electricity would be the true investment here.)
Finally, securing the network a bit over long periods of times is obviously more helpful than securing the network a lot over a day, yet the latter behavior is rewarded a lot more if you want to compare mining to a job.