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File: 239 KB, 1248x1260, 186AA72B-7823-48D0-BEB0-4F75F322AC8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50554539 No.50554539 [Reply] [Original]

There's a lot of proof in the pudding.

I would post the links to everything but biz marks everything as spam now, but please go take a look for yourself.


With coins like these flying to $10-$20m pretty shortly these days, $2.5m is not a bad entry, maybe wait for a retrace, or maybe miss it. Either way, Spiral.

>> No.50554603

Im in Spiral. Dev is outta this world

>> No.50554609

This looks pretty ridiculous I saw it pop up on dextools

>> No.50554624

I still cant get the captcha right lol
still buying in tho

>> No.50554644

this gives me $cult vibes

>> No.50554649
File: 76 KB, 610x715, 34E992EA-E758-4D32-A511-B208565DFF13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds gay, plus the shilling is completely inorganic.
Also the algo that spiral is using will lead to a terra-style death spiral.
Guess thats why you faggots named it spiral.

>> No.50554686

I bought this from seeing it here the other night at $800k. This is pretty much my moonshot

>> No.50554695
File: 17 KB, 474x373, bloomer wojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Literally this is the coin opportunity that you have been so desperately seeking Biz:

-Its got a Dev that has demonstrated evidence of working on Floki and Myobu

-Most innovatative alpha utilities in the space atm

-A community that continously support each other and set up awareness campaigns

-Crypto altmarket has bounced back and this is prime for people to find this coin

Literally just check out the TG and see what I mean /SpiralPortal

GL Anons, if you wanted a sign this is it

>> No.50554704

Of you read that devs thread on Twitter I think even a retarded incel like yourself can see that no one on biz made Spiral lol

>> No.50554740

Did you mean If* ? You sound like an incel if not. But yes spiral v gud coin

>> No.50554817

Based Dev(s), Based tokenomics, based meme value, so much potential it's stupid. Take a look at least. Buy or don't buy. Means nothing to me. It's going where it's going without needing NEETS.

>> No.50554869

Damn k I usually would fud here but that thread was pretty eye opening especially as a liqudity pooling degen myself. Going to watch this one

>> No.50554896

Very organic thread sirs I mean frens. Totally not a copypasted rugpull scam. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.50555002

stay poor

>> No.50555013

You can’t…. You can’t actually think these are all samefags can you? Stop seething and just read the devs work lol it’s not that hard

>> No.50555058
File: 57 KB, 358x333, B912BC33-25AC-4C00-8BF2-242267F0103E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I short death spiral sirs?

>> No.50555089
File: 1.16 MB, 725x711, Screenshot 2022-07-23 at 13-56-38 DALL·E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spot on Anon, this is defo not the smartest play on Biz atm

>> No.50555102

Ahhhh biz…. always missing the real ones haha keepin it classic I like that

>> No.50555453

>marketing pajeets
fuck off and kill yourself

>> No.50555477

kys streetshitters

>> No.50555839


>> No.50555976

You should buy some KYS (ticker: kill yourself)

>> No.50556309

Wow this is actually a genius concept

>> No.50556379

very organic thread sirs

>> No.50556597

Fking shilling. its actually a good project but you shills make it look like a shitcoin. Just sell and leave the project pls

>> No.50556677

Yeah but dude, we’re here for Biz fud. Biz fud has been bullish for like 5 years now

That’s how we stress test that it’s a 100% mooner, reading all you’re dumb fucking comments lol

>> No.50556777

gm sirs

>> No.50557008

it has no website. no white paper. just 100 followers on twitter.
YEAH OP is really telling the truth, some actual BILLIONAIRE has invented this thing and is shilling it and its not some street shitting PAJEET in India.

tldr; OP is a street shitter and needs to kill himself.

>> No.50557410

Anyone else unironically think the people fudding are just trying to suppress the price atm? lol, noone is a street shitter here you plebs

>> No.50557588

It took me 5 seconds to find the website and read a full on essay about its tokenomics. Are you fucking retarded lol

>> No.50557591

Old money wallets buying this up.

>> No.50557621

Like… the link to the tweet about the tokenomics is literally in the OP. You guys fud way too fast for your own good sometimes

I mean, yes that’s the point of this board lol

>> No.50557681

yes its obvious

>> No.50557711

>Like… the link to the twe
jeet or female response
hard pass

>> No.50557729

Yes females probably scare you

>> No.50557995

But where do I buy this tho?

>> No.50558187

fud, better invest in rope

>> No.50558254

Like I said, you don't have to buy it. But definitely look into it. Don't take some nubiz fudder's word at face value. This is honestly a token the biz of old would have got on, and you can get on it before Reddit.

>> No.50558285

Whales are scaling in now bois, 10m eow

>> No.50558433

>You can’t…. You can’t

i fucking hate this reddit speak

>> No.50558679

It's hiroshimoots plan to stop good posts.

>> No.50558983

Are you sure? I cant seem to find it

>> No.50559015

On the TG theres a bobby buy bot going off every 2 mins with a uniswap link at the bottom of it

>> No.50559232

Nope, nothing, can you post the link here?

>> No.50559363
File: 54 KB, 900x506, 61AA1192-72FA-408C-B29D-6CEFCC8BA433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There‘s nothing to hide.
Just shills who let an actual project Look like a shitcoin.
But retards are always First at moonshots lmao.
Shills should kill theirself but this m seems to be bullet proof.
Don’t invest if you don’t understand the whitepaper or image lol

>> No.50559453
File: 279 KB, 1018x2048, Spiral just now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


0xC94f3e2aDE5E92389AF7E543657211EcCcAFf11E is the contract - if you wanted to double check that its the right contract for security reasons then Spiral is currently trending on dext.

Also guys, don't say I didn't warn you buys have start ramping up past four figure single buys now into 5 figures, 5M MC incoming with very whale friendly liquidity

Pic related

>> No.50559543

link to the website?

>> No.50559581

thread reeks of tikka masala

>> No.50559597

On eth? What a joke. Put that shot on bsc or CRO and maybe I buy. Not paying gas fees for a shitcoin

>> No.50559658

gas fees? gas is cheap af these days

>> No.50559934

What is in it for (You)?

>> No.50560109

To see the success for everyone, buy or don't buy, the chart has already made Xs and no money has been spent on marketing or had widespread attention via CG or some shit. Just remember the name Spiral, and lets see if it hits 10M Eow

>> No.50560613
File: 840 KB, 3828x2026, 1656996666744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that symbolism
almonds are activated anon

>> No.50561373

It is done, bought $100 worth of this. Its my first time buying a coin this early, hope I didnt get scammed.

>> No.50561602

very organic thread