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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50531159 No.50531159 [Reply] [Original]

Without using the terms "it'll moon in 2025","you just don't get it", and "Google of blockchain", please explain to me how this shit failed.

>> No.50531174

garbage tokenomics.

>> No.50531242


>> No.50531274

You just don't get it, it's the Google of blockchain.
It'll moon in 2025.

>> No.50531293

It will pump violently in late 2024 or the year after. You simply don't understand. It's the dominant search engine of blockchains.

>> No.50531323

The Scam

>> No.50531485

It'll moon in 2025. You just don't get it. Google of Blockchain.

>> No.50531495

Did you watch any of the Graph Day talks?

>> No.50531648

Random twitter retards are literally making their own version instead of paying. It doesn't even seem that difficult.

>> No.50531883

>get retail to buy your token
>release the other 9/10ths of supply onto bagholding retailcucks

>> No.50532551


>> No.50532682

he actually soft-shills grt in post 7

>> No.50532825

lazy fuck who doesn't want to read. how bullish is the curation bonding curve thing for the graph?

>> No.50533457

People can just buy their own and stake it and use those GRT for their queries instead of buying other people's ones which makes other people's GRT worthless

>> No.50533639

>he doesn't know, google of blockchain, 2025 moon date

>> No.50533736

Crypto is designed to fail

>> No.50534235

>People can just buy their own
>instead of buying other people's ones
OK Zoomer, who are they buying it from if not other people?

>> No.50534541

Not if the price is dumping regularly;) then they need to buy more

>> No.50534592

>Height of the 2021 bullrun
>GRT rank #50

>Current bear market
>GRT rank #60

Nothing went wrong with GRT, stop being such a whiny faggot.

>> No.50534623

And yet it inflated and dumped 90%

>> No.50534685

Wtf is it even used for anon?

>> No.50534706

I'm not his complaint department
go @ him

>> No.50534712

https://kinic.io is what went wrong for GRT

>> No.50534907

people didnt transfer to mainnet
thats it really. once it failed once its got too much baggage.
tokenomics are shit too its true

>> No.50535105



It’s literally -97% from ath

>> No.50535150

Excellent tech and utility. Absolutely garbage tokenomics, the fud was real. Curation is a complete shitshow. Token distribution killed any chance of a pump until the last unlock and then some. Graph day was an embarrassment, Geo is the strongest fud I have ever been subjected to, second only to Omegafaggot and rastanon. Hosted service is still in 2022. Yaniv is a jew. Tegan unironically used the "yeah gains are nice buuuut... The real gains are the friends we made along the way" on twitter.

That said, I'll keep buying. You just don't get it, it will moon in 2025 because it's the Google of Blockchain. $40 EOY is fud.

>> No.50535214

>The real gains are the friends we made along the way

this but unironically

>> No.50535332

Nah because the queries are priced in GRT, not their dollar value. Some autist worked it out, I didn't save it but basically nobody is gonna spend heaps on them when they can just farm their own

>> No.50535398

It's something to do with them buying a tiny amount then becoming self sufficient

>> No.50535436

Keep in mind that if everyone did that the supply and the price would skyrocket

>> No.50535485

I know but I think even if everyone who would use it done this there would be hardly any actually bought.

Someone ITT has the screencap but they're too scared to fud their own bags

>> No.50535583

The supply would dry up*

Anon if every project bought millions of GRT to be self sustainable (I don't remember the amount buy it was pretty high) what do you think would happen to the price? Not to mention that it's really only feasible now that we're in the 10c price range, if that becomes the norm it would pump to $1 and beyond in no time, and how many projects would be willing to lock up millions worth of dollars to avoid paying query fees?
Point being, you people are fudding using bullish hypotheticals.

>> No.50535585

Noone will move just for an idea. There needs to be financial incentives (comparably a low cost for reliability is a def a good one).