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50522188 No.50522188 [Reply] [Original]

Is it weird that I get a chub by the thing she was proposing?

>> No.50522207

only if you think it's weird to be sexually attracted to retards

>> No.50522211

She can't make cheese.
She can't make wine.
The only cave she knows about is her vagina.

>> No.50522256

no no anon, the wine and cheese will be provided for free to her air-conditioned, plumbing-equipped, insect-free hobbit home in the forest

>> No.50522269
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How about now

>> No.50522277


>> No.50522279

that's where she will get raped. holes take civilization for granted

>> No.50522283

Kek, OP psychologically analysed and soul laid bare for everyone to see

>> No.50522293

maybe she wants that anon

>> No.50522299

Humans don't do well in forests. Bet she never had to survive alone in the fucking jungle for a week with only 3 days worth of MREs. Fucking walking incubators. Useless fucks. One misstep and you have maggots eating your rotting flesh.

>> No.50522307

now I'm hard

>> No.50522315

That’s dark anon

>> No.50522326

Thats a man

>> No.50522329

She is literally retarded. Let's just erase all of mankind's accomplishments so she can feel emotional.

>> No.50522333

Girls make these kinds of tweets and remarks all the time but bitch and moan all day when you take them even for a light hike and to sleep in a tent. Baby there is no electricity in the forest so you can’t charge ur phone to upload instagram pictures

>> No.50522342

let's not bully too hard. would it be nice to live in the woods and eat cheese and wine as we please? sure. it's certainly not the natural state of things as implied by her verbiage but it's not an undesirable condition. seems like there's a post every other day on here bemoaning the modern world and expressing the desire to go and live off grid after making a lot of money

>> No.50522370

humans do fine in forests, read the Fierce Ones for example, it documents tribes in the Amazon. Even with their tribal warfare and shit they seem happy and fulfilled as fuck compared to the modern man (and that book was meant to discredit the "noble savage" myth)

Your manic fear of death is just another modern thing

>> No.50522392

That’s why women’s equality is such a joke. Completely predicated on the social contract where men agree to gimp themselves

>> No.50522415

> we belong in a forest
> thinks being barefoot in a forest is pleasant
> proposes a number of agricultural products which, you guessed it, can’t be made in a forest due to lack of space
Let me guess, she got 10k likes from other roasties, didn’t she

>> No.50522501

People that live off the grid don’t suddenly revert to a neoprimitive lifestyle, anon
They still have modern items like firearms, vehicles, cellphones (to air in finding people to trade with), and yes, even shoes
What they don’t have is “homemade wine”

>> No.50522518

Then why doesn’t she go do it by herself. And why’s she posting it on twatter?

>> No.50522540

>profile picture of a fattie
>wants to do nothing but eat and drink
human waste

>> No.50522567
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>homemade cheese that requires a bunch of cows grazing constanlty to make
>wine that requires a fucking vineyard to make
>implying the hole could even be asked to do the manual labor involved in all this herself in the first place

>> No.50522620

yeah, it's not articulated well but the general sentiment is not far from what is often expressed here

>> No.50522673

Not at all, it is a common fantasy to leave this chaotic world behind and frolic in paradise, even if it is unrealistic. But it's usually males that express this sentiment, at least here, so to see a female suggest the same is pleasant.


>> No.50522680

Tribes of Amazon cannot compare to modern humans. The modern human has lived hundreds of generations in civilized societies and literally have completely different microbiomes on our skin, in our gut and mouths. We are in every single aspect, less likely to survive in a forest than some tribal fuck who has lived off the land for hundreds of generations. A small cut for them might be nothing whereas a small cut for us, if we are denied our antibiotics, will simply get infected and kill us. Fucking retard. Not only are our bodies thoroughly inept at surviving outside our communities, our knowledge is lacking. Unless you are an expert survivalist, you will die of thirst even before anything else kills you.

>> No.50522749

Men are domesticated and turned to worker bees immediately. Circumcision turns men into faggy limpwristed betas. They don’t want free men they want men to be under control. Stole our bodies and brainwashed us under fluorescent lights learning about slavery and the Hall of cost for our entire childhood and early adult life. The USA has mutilated hundreds of millions of men and kept them alive to serve them, a fate worse than death. They cut you, you serve them your whole life, and die with no justice done for you, as if most men have enough brains left to hate the people who mutilated them and their family and all our brothers. This Judaized shit hole of a nation is so fucked. Prosecute baby mutilators NOW!!!!!!!

>> No.50522787

Anon, slow the fuck down, breath in and breath out slowly. Nobody mentioned penises.

>> No.50522800

Whenever an amerifat idealizes pre-industrial civilization, it's because they only know wagecucking in thier burger-punk dystopia.

>> No.50522816

How retarded are you to get baited by that?

>> No.50522866

The post I responded to said that men are AGREEING for this social imbalance to greatly favor women and minorities, and I am saying that no, men are intentionally being targeted and their sexual organs are being mutilated immediately out of the womb for the precise reason to keep men under control and make them subservient. You are a blind fucking idiot about this still clearly, but that's the redpill. Men are mutilated without any protection from this KIKE government so that we mindlessly slave away for them and allow our nation to collapse into a third world shit hole. All because other men won't stand the fuck up for themselves and say enough is enough - PROSECUTE BABY MUTILATORS.

>> No.50522924

How do you make cheese and wine in forests? Are your cows eating dead leaves and your trees magically producing grapes? Why tf does she think all the forests on fertile soil got cleared? To make arable land vineyards and barns maybe?

>> No.50522953

Its a woman, anon. In most cases they are incapable of intelligent thought. Their bellcurve for IQ is much taller than males afterall. Midwits all of them.

>> No.50522954

This. She probably never has been in a forest longer than couple hours, if she had to live there she would lose her mind

>> No.50522971

3 MREs (7000-9000 calories) is plenty for a week's march if you have 20%+ bodyfat (which, if you're an american, is skinny)

>> No.50522988

Bitch nigga your microbiome changes in a few days, weeks at most. Literally just touch grass

>> No.50523009

Yes try traversing through a jungle with 9000kcals for 7 days. Good fucking luck.
Retard. If you seriously think that endless amounts of soaping and teethbrushing hasn't completely fucked us over then youre truly a retard. Get help. Though I am not sure if any help rendered will increase your intelligence.

>> No.50523033

Not to fucking mention that MRE has no water in it either.
>inb4 food has moisture content!!!11

>> No.50523327

Maybe she can make a galaxy brain move and do nfts with lace so she can be fuckable in the metaverse

>> No.50523368

>burger-punk dystopia.

>> No.50523375

God 3 replys and no check.. sad state of affairs.
Checked and keked

>> No.50523411
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>> No.50523433

Nice full house anon. 10-8 round for you. You got her ass

>> No.50523446
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From Kazakhstan with love

>> No.50523463

I fucking hate zoomers so much.

>> No.50523629

>Completely different microbiome
Zozzle even
Step back people we have an expert in evolution here.

Tell me more about how American fat fucks have adapted to antibiotics (a discovery made 5 generations ago, and a thing most people won't use until they are of old age) and cannot survive a simple cut, genius. People get cuts all the time and touch various unsanitary objects all the time and are hunky-dory.
You quite literally might be retarded.

Also ever been camping lol

>> No.50523652
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Living in the forest poses a danger to our democracy.

>> No.50523678

The Based Department would like to have a word with you ma'am

>> No.50523682

mate euros r even more cucked and theyre not circumcised. Go to the UK and see how le based uncut men are. poltard schizo

>> No.50523772

> forests
> jungles
these two are not the same, retard. also, europeans are literally built for forrest living.

>> No.50523953
File: 95 KB, 667x614, 1646530384678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

umm try again sweaty

>> No.50523980

Rostie is correct, but we all know she’d get bored of trad life in a few days and want modernity back so she can continue riding the chad cock carousel

>> No.50523996

>be amerilard
>survive on your own fat
an obese fatfuck can survive for months without eating

>> No.50524221

this story is bs btw, she never survived 25 days inna wood, she's a mentally ill addict, lying.

>> No.50524568

cope seethe and dilate

>> No.50526040

>the fuck is that, yo?
>the fuck?
>like, the fuck is a credit score?
>the fuck is that?

>> No.50526152

>be europoo
>think about america 24/7
rent free, stay inferior

>> No.50526182

this is such a huge cope. if you are struggling in the modern world you would either die or be a literal slave at any other point in history

>> No.50526223
