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50472774 No.50472774 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone my age is getting married now. Will I regret being single past 30? Will all the good women be taken?

>> No.50472784


>> No.50472798


>> No.50472813

People being married doesn't prevent them from cheating you know

>> No.50472815

Fuck off normie.
I didn't even have these thoughts at age 28 because I didn't have any friends.

>> No.50472823

yes and yes but all the decent women are already taken by 28. maybe not married but in ltr. anyone still single late 20s is either girlboss, slut, divorcee, or mental issues

>> No.50472824

Unless you married your HS sweet heart youre going to have to accept the fact youre going to have a wife thats had at least 5-10 previous boyfriends and countless sexual experiences with most like at least 3 times that amount

>> No.50472828

"good women"
Anon I....

>> No.50472825

no but it will get harder to find people who don't have kids every year that goes by. late 20s to early 30s is considered "goldilocks" time to get married, it has least amount of divorces compared to those who marry early or later these days. Good luck anon, hope you can find a nice girl for yourself.

>> No.50472849

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.50472864

The BETA Blue pill is strong with you.

Get your bag and you make the rules.

>> No.50472865

No, men have until 35 until people start assuming you’re gay or something else is wrong with you.

>> No.50472877


I have only had sex with 2 women and did non PIV sexual stuff with 2 other women. I don’t feel like I’m missing out. I’m ready to be a family man

>> No.50472901

Based, same here, you can do whatever the fuck you want, world travelling and all and still have 0 friends

>> No.50472903


I don’t have friends either these are just people I went to HS/college with who are normies, they are on my FB

>> No.50472950

Then you just start saying your divorced. Bonus points if you get invited somewhere you don’t wanna go just be like sorry can’t do it bitch took all my money.

>> No.50473013

Kill yourself, subhuman.

>> No.50473040

yes don't become a wizard.

>> No.50473044

no one fucking cares, we're here to make money benchod

>> No.50473066 [DELETED] 

you will regret not fucking around till 36

>> No.50473072

Welcome to best dating years of your life. 20 something women love mid 30s dick.

>> No.50473092

Trouble is in my mid 30s I can't stand to be around women anymore.

>> No.50473110
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>>50472774 (OP)
you will regret not fucking around till 36

>a man has to find a women his own age
You can fuck 23yo's at 36

Be lean and not bald and you'll have no problems.

>> No.50473131


You're either a redditor, a tranny, or a shitposter

>> No.50473134

same feels anon. Mid 30s, life together, good prospects, healthy, good features, blue eyes good height. I just cant fucking stand to be around them. When they like me I want to hit them. Its fucked. I had cunts fuck my head too much in my low value days. Now I'm coming into the days where I can wreak I just sit there and want nothing to do with them. Jesus fuck

>> No.50473139

since you're worried about it yeah, you will probably regret it a lot, better hurry up and get married now.

>> No.50473143

good thing you didnt get married. the real winning algorithm is having children when youre 13 so your parents can raise the kid until it can be in grade school most of the day when youre 18 and have a friend son at 40

>> No.50473145

and it fucking sucks
>t. friendless, sexless world traveler tired of making the same touch and go connections in random towns week after week

>> No.50473149
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no need to get married if you plan to retire in pattaya

>> No.50473170
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It's over

>> No.50473192

Op is fag. Op is concerned about others opinions of him. Who the fuck cares what "everyone" is doing. Statistically speaking the majority of those marriages will end in divorce, here is your (You)

>> No.50473205
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I'm 31 and today the reason why I live disappeared.
He fell off from the balcony and disappeared. I searched for him all day and even hired a k9 search

Now I'm here taking one benzo after another

I would give away all my crypto to get him back

>> No.50473215


You sound like a shitty owner of your cat was alone in the balcony

>> No.50473221

I do regret marrying at 27 sometimes, just because occasional sex is much harder to arrange
I still fuck around a lot (and I do not consider it cheating, I fuck a lot of random roasties and cheap asian bitches) cause I travel a lot on different time zones so I can hookup when my wife is asleep
I love my wife, I love my kids, totally worth it, I’m just not monogamous (and I don’t feel like cheating at all, I really love my wife and I really don’t give a shit about tinder std cargo, but the urge to coom in different holes is still there)
If you can, avoid getting married until you reach a body count >50, it gives you peace of mind of not missing out and enough confidence that you will always find free pussy

>> No.50473224


I would never let my cat on the balcony

>> No.50473230

that's why I always laugh at people getting married with my gf
we go and enjoy the party and bet on how long will the wedding last
fastest divorce happened 2 months after wedding
I have a divorce in Istanbul soon and only from the invitation card i can say it will last 6 months at best

>> No.50473231

rip catter

>> No.50473255

if he left it's because he was not happy
just forget about that stupid animal he didn't like you anyway

>> No.50473263

I am happy I was born with a low sex drive. Sounds tiring

>> No.50473266

I'm 25, the last time i felt the warm embrace of a cutie who liked me in highschool. i'm still a kissless virgin though

>> No.50473279

I put a net on the balcony so he could go outside in the summer but unfortunately there was a lose place and he fell trough. Probably chasing a fly or something like he does all the time.

>> No.50473289
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I’m 28 and I spent my entire young life banging the pretty girls, partying, having lots of friends etc. I’m finally content being alone after a lifetime of not and it’s pretty comfy, so even if it’s this way for life I won’t feel like I missed anything.

>> No.50473294

>be me as a kid
>live in duplex
>shatter neighbors car windshield with a baseball
>go fess up to neighbor
>he gets pissed and calls my mom
>mom rushes home
>runs over neighbors cat

>> No.50473324

how do I reconcile with the fact that i'm 25, still a virgin, have a few friends, and have never gone to a party

>> No.50473352

Nah you will be ok. Sex drive decrease after 30-33 you will still be lonely but not horny at least. You can get used to be lonely or kill yourself there is no middle ground.

>> No.50473353

One word and it rhymes with kill yourself

>> No.50473361

Having shagged many women in the past does nothing to stop me being horny right now, or satisfy my depraved fetishes.

>> No.50473369

how pathetic, just own it up faggot

>> No.50473382

Don't know if it helps but I've gone to countless parties, and not just parties but clubs, concerts, music festivals and various other social events and I never even kissed, let alone had sex

>> No.50473388

How lol
I'm 27 and talking to multiple girls from 18-24.

>> No.50473429


>> No.50473431

Have you been on a date?

>> No.50473464


>> No.50473512
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These demoralization threads make no sense. I personally know two (2) big titty 20-something PAWGs who ended up marrying men in their 40s. My balding friend fucks zoomers constantly. Who are you trying to fool, Steinberg?

>> No.50473548

Dude just fire up tinder and write in your bio that you just want to “watch Netflix and chill” and that “you are not searching for anything serious”
There are tons of bored girls that just want to feel some human contact, avoid inviting them out, invite them only and exclusively at your place, and bring them straight into your bedroom, break ice for 5min where they check you are not going to kill them or ruin their life, and then kiss and fuck, they literally came just for that
It’s not rocket science
Be flirty, don’t treat them like bitches even if they just want to fuck, tell them they are cute, be direct, don’t apologize, play the game, give them reassurance you are not some serial killer, give them reassurance about how they can reach your place safely and go home safely
coffee outside = no sex
Netflix and chill at your own place = sex

>> No.50473553 [DELETED] 
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I'm 28, fucked only 4 girls and I'm extremely okay with that. I never went to parties, just glad I lost my virginity early on. I can't imagine how nightmarish it must be to NEVER get laid. It's weird too because I'm socially awkward, but I just know what to say when I'm around the opposite sex. I genuinely think it's genetics, it's like my alpha mode turns on and things just go right, like I'm honing in for the kill. My Dad was a super insane chad though, he must've fucked like 40 women before he got married.

I have cousins with beta dads and their kids cannot get laid.

>> No.50473562

Who cares, unless it's for some reason eating at you inside because you're too much of a faggot who cares what other thinks or conform to le societal norms, then just be happy with who you are and what you do. If it happens and you meet someone, it happens, but no reason to be depressed about it.

>> No.50473568

i didn't mention this but I'm a turbo manlet
and I hate taking pictures. I don't use social media

>> No.50473620

Idk OP but I'm in the same boat. Got the BS and MS in STEM, 6ft tall, 6 figure salary but I'm a bald sperg and I'm worried I'll have to settle with a female loser like what >>50472823 describes.

>> No.50473645
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>There are tons of bored girls that just want to feel some human contact
Yes, and they will pick the attractive man, not the not so attractive almost 30 year old virgin

These days even 2/10 barely human obese female hamplanets have the luxury of choosing thanks to dating apps. No one is interested in average or God forbid below average adult male virgins, not even the ugly females.

>> No.50473646
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Evidence /biz/ has far too many NPC normalfags posting. Disgusting.

>> No.50473716

I make 6 figs, illegal educated, am /fit/, white, etc. but based on hinge’s algorithm I’ve ascertained that I am about equal sexual market value to a black woman.

>> No.50473734

I’m married bro, do you think I use real photo and name?
My only tinder pic is literally 1/4th of a face of some random internet guy with similar traits (just reverse search on yandex), similar enough to have plausible deniability
Get an extra sim, get an extra identity, different birthday date, different job, learn how to lie, it literally doesn’t matter, next day those girls are gone (I always make sure they are ok with that before having sex, I don’t want to have psycho bitches stalking me)

>> No.50473766

Autistic virgin that lost it to a coworker at 28. She's a few years younger and was just getting out of a 7 year relationship. It sucks that I'll never get a virgin and I still occasionally get insecure about not sleeping with anyone else but she works hard, good with money. In the end I got pretty lucky I think or I probably would have ended up alone. It's nice having someone even though beforehand I convinced myself life is better alone.

I hope everyone else in this thread finds what they're looking for.

>> No.50473767

this. I missed out on a high school sweetheart and it's unironically over for me. Eh. Suicide ain't so bad

>> No.50473770

Srs, thought we're here to make sick gainz not cry about the marriage meme

>> No.50473800

Holy shit based.

Only one problem I did a yandex search and these dudes are all ugly as fuck

>> No.50473823

>all this money, time and effort spent just to MAYBE insert a penis into a vagina

>> No.50473847

>These days even 2/10 barely human obese female hamplanets have the luxury of choosing thanks to dating apps. No one is interested in average or God forbid below average adult male virgins, not even the ugly females.
False, you don’t need to be a chad, you just need to have the balls to invite them at your place
And I do have standards, I only fuck 6+ unless my balls are really exploding
I have receding hairline, not particularly in good shape (a bit of belly) and a 7.5” inch dick that I always mention in the bio (great filter, you avoid a lot of romantic bullshits, cause emotional girls just avoid matching you and the one matching know it’s all about sex)
Never write the word sex btw, just a few hints here and there

>> No.50473868

I just had that phase hitting me like a train. Had a multi day mental breakdown and cried. I'm still shaken to the core. Worst is it is that all my married ex class mates are pretty much all trust fund babies who never had to work a day in their lives and just getting free stuff. Free uni education, free wedding, free cars, free housing all paid by their loving parents who seemed to save up money all their lives just to hand it over to the kids to kick start their sugar coated lives

>> No.50473913

kek, this isnt real

>> No.50473936

>time and effort
yes, it does requires time and effort
absolute not
if I really want to spend (very little) money I just book a bunch of 19-22y old skinny vietnamese, the only difference is “no kiss”

>> No.50474044
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Just letting you know I hate cats. Whenever I see a house outside cat that comes onto my property I punt it into the next realm with a big soccer kick kek

I probably killed your cat from internal bleeding haha

>> No.50474095

What about short?
>t. 5'8

>> No.50474102

>28 year old feels
slow down there pal, no need to hog all twenty of them to yourself.

>> No.50474105


I’ve seen my sisters swipe like this too although they aren’t landwhales. Very depressing how picky women are

>> No.50474153

"Parties" today are retarded, and the attendees are worthless.