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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 835 KB, 750x1043, 7EFE33FC-2583-411D-BF0C-5A3DE7D6749D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50451495 No.50451495 [Reply] [Original]

No house for you, enjoy renting for the rest of your life!!!

>> No.50451521

that's fine, no one on this board has less than $100k saved that'd be ridiculous lmao

>> No.50451562

I don't even have 500 dollars, I need money so god damn badly.
and yes I have a job.

>> No.50451627

ikr, im unemployed and play video games for 14 hours a day. Cant imagine letting my available liquidity drop below 6 figs. normie life must be hell.

>> No.50451853

A first time buyer would only need about ~$10k

>> No.50451861

Nice place anon! Let's see how close this is to my work, and.... 3h commute one-way? wtf?

All the jobs are in or near cities. And if you want a job near where that home is, you're going to have to settle for a $30k/y job at best unless you start some business there. But even if you do start a business, the low density means your sales volume will be pitiful and you'll barely be making anything.

>> No.50451943
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Uhh I have 200k in cash

>> No.50451964
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>> No.50451988

Bank of America are such Jews. They'll say you have $22 in benefits for fees they didn't charge you.

>> No.50452036

Enjoy your 2500 payment per month

>> No.50452075

god I wish i had even 2k.

>> No.50452085


>> No.50452177

Are u a burger?

>> No.50452216
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>> No.50452232


>> No.50452236

That’s nothing I have a decent job.

>> No.50452267

I only make like 2k a month tho

>> No.50452280

I'm self-employed and wfh but being 3 hours from everything interesting or useful is still retarded
>No hospital
>No airport
>No good restaurants

>> No.50452303

I have $80k liquid I still don't know what to do with. Why are people on /biz/ so poor?

>> No.50452483

I make 25k a year, so 30 would be a big improvement! Sounds like my dream of country livin is gonna come true!

>> No.50452497
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I want to live in the pods. Imagine how easy it'd be to clean.

>> No.50452605

You don't have to put 20% down, but it doesn't matter anyway because they will sell to a cash buyer even if the offer is lower

>> No.50452627

PMI is like $50 a month

>> No.50452642


>> No.50452668

You can't get rid of PMI as easily if you use first time homebuyer programs, especially since you're so far away from owning 20% down. The bank is using you to subsidize subprime lending.

>> No.50452693

I see 170k not 200k

>> No.50452800

I don't even know what first time home buyer programs are, I assume it's for people with shit credit and no money. People like that are not getting offers accepted anyway. I just go a conventional mortgage because it had the best rate. It automatically goes away at 78% LTV or I can pay $400 for an appraisal and make it go away at 80% ltv.

>> No.50452824

>decent job
>cant save 60k

>> No.50452856

>he hasn't picked up a corporate-facing white collar job in manufacturing yet
>his entire field isn't full of $90k starting positions in areas where the median wage is less than a third of that

>> No.50452920

Ia anyone here not rma summer fag that can tell me why putting 20% down is a good idea? I feel like its a really dumb idea. The costs of taxes of a house tying up all that cash. Wouldnt a market return of 8-10% be better for your money. Then you could pay your house down quicker.

>> No.50453014

I also wonder this

>> No.50453020

bigger down payment gets you better rates capped at 20%

>> No.50453051

my other account>>50451964

>> No.50453067

You need PMI insurance so it basically a gives you a higher interest rate. Or you can just not be a fag and use the VA loan.

>> No.50453107


Ive looked into it. I have amazing credit and its a difference of .5 -1% loan increase. 6% loan on 600k with 5-10% down lets call it 40k. Versus 120k at 7%
Thats 80k i could dump inside for market return of 8-10% on avg over 5-10 yrs. And if housing market tanks why would i want all my money to be in a house im underwater on?While also probably being jobless. Makes no sense. I could use that 80k to pay my mortage for 2 years.

>> No.50453122

<= 10% down on a FHA loan means lifetime PMI. the only way out is to refinance.

>> No.50453144
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Fuck off with your midwest redneck house you incel chud loser
Can’t believe i share a board with human scums such as OP, i’d die a thousand cuts before living in that house and that neighbourhood on OP’s pic

>> No.50453147

>Ia anyone here not rma summer fag that can tell me why putting 20% down is a good idea?
Probably because that's roughly the asking rate to get a mortgage loan approved in the first place. You'd need fucking stellar credit AND collateral of some kind to get 10% down to originate a mortgage that large (and the collateral would definitely make up the other 10%, anyway).

>> No.50453151

pls give example

>> No.50453161

Just sell 60k of your crypto. Problem solved.

>> No.50453181
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No barcade either

>> No.50453228

You cant get an FHA loan on anything over 425k so its not even a consideration. But i like your point , thats not something I thought about.
Lets just assume I have stellar credit and could get approved for 10% down. I mean if you could put 0 down and get a 600k house would you. Would you still say no and want to put 20% down? I just cant see why other than getting approved for the loan why you would ever put down more than you have to.

>> No.50453300

I made the calculation. The only way I can ever own a house is to work 2 jobs at once and also have a partner also working 2 jobs at once. And I mean the cheapest house in the 40 mile radius, which is a 1 bd condo. Otherwise housing inflation and general inflation outpace what I can save living in poverty while earning with a uni degree. You just can't keep up. I live like a pauper and can save $1k a month after expenses. A security deposit is $100k. By the time I spend 100 months wageslaving and living like a pauper to put it all towards the 100k deposit, it will be a 400k deposit and I'll be back to square one.

Home ownership is not financially possible for my generation unless you cheat or marry rich.

>> No.50453327

Frankly i could afford that. I make about 3500/m after tax. $200 for food, $200 for bills, rest for savings and misc. I could pay $2500 in mortgage. But the jews wouldn't even let me.

>> No.50453335
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Guess again, cuckold. Too stupid to understand geography, huh faggot?

>> No.50453340

I married "rich" wife makes 110k i make 120k now. Thats a quarter mil a year and our bills could be paid with one of our salaries. We could still afford 500k+ homes at 160k /yr thats 80k/yr income for each of us. I use to make 12k-30k/yr in my 20s.

>> No.50453365

1. you get outbid by someone with 20%, or cash buyers
2. you pay PMI, which is the bad goy fee, about $250 a month for nothing. you don't get this back and it doesn't go to anything. you pay it because they can charge you for it and that's that.
3. lower down payment = higher amount put on the mortgage loan = bigger monthly payment. since you're a poorfaggot who already can't afford the down payment, you can't afford the bigger monthly payment plus the PMI payment anyway.

dumb retard.

>> No.50453377

Im kind of lucky i have rare personality type and above avg IQ. Ive had a very rough life but otherwise lucky. My family did not come from money and I am one of 5 children.

>> No.50453395

I don’t usually spend my time thinking about something i’m highly disgusted about
You chuds pests should leave and fix some plumbing or fix a roof or something, this board is about success not 300k house from the 70s you sick fuck, how can a human being live like that jeez

>> No.50453405

If you didnt have to worry about out bidding someone and could put down as little as possible why wouldnt you. When u can get market or crypto returns that woukd be higher.

>> No.50453425

Why do you want a house so bad anyway? With property tax, it's just another form of renting.

>> No.50453438

Are bulltards the kind of “people” who live in houses like OP’s pic? You do don’t you? You sick son of a bitch and you don’t even own the house, it’s your parent’s and you live in the basement?
Fuck you fuck you fuck you reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee get the fuck off my board noooooooowwwwwwwww!!!

>> No.50453448

it might be a little harder cleaning the daily protein rationed bugs from your teeth

>> No.50453450

I have children and tired of hearing gun shots. U care more about where u live when u arent single and suicidal.

>> No.50453477

my property tax is 1k annually

>> No.50453487


>> No.50453501

Your mother is disgusting but I like to think about how cheap she goes for, especially close to holidays.

Also speaks volumes coming from you, a dirty rentoid. How’s the barcade? Lol

>> No.50453549

Nigger your biggest liability your mortgage aka death contract, your life your whole life is less than unused cash on my brokerage account
You’re such a worthless human you’re like bacteria
Oh i forgot, that’s your dream house and you don’t even have the down payment jesus fucking christ mother of lord
Clean my toilet with your tongue you low life faggot!!

>> No.50453747
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Honestly you're a fucking loser, anon. I'm broke as fuck and still make 1k a week after ((taxes)). Are you a NEET?

>> No.50453968

Buy reading comprehension

>> No.50453984

I cum inside your sisters rotten tranny vagina every three days, what's the difference.

>> No.50455217

Nonsense OP! There are HUD mortgage loans that only require a 580 credit score and 3% down. And the down payment can come from almost any source, including borrowing!

>> No.50455459

Not around here, 50k cash over asking just to win bidding war. Not exaggeration, i bid on 8 houses last year lost them all. Perfect credit score 10k over asking. I didnt even make a top 10 offer. Houses all go way over what bank will finance, because they know its a bubble. No inspection, no selection, just bid on everything, cross fingers, and deal with it for 30 years. Ill wait it out. I rent a nice house that i could never afford to buy.

>> No.50455735

Why is your wife working and not at home raising kids anon? A divorce is much more expensive than any gain made from letting your wife work an office job.

>> No.50455953
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Property tax = rent. Don't pay it and the owner will kick you out. You don't own a house unless you have allodial title.

>> No.50456846

It is, I recently escaped it.

>> No.50456936

Real estate is generally a shit investment except when you want somewhere to live.

>> No.50456975

You will befriend the Antichrist

>> No.50456980

Putting down 20% is so fucking stupid. Put down the lowest % necessary to get a conventional loan and invest the rest. No wonder nobody on biz can make it out of their parents basement.

>> No.50457001

You are the average poster in /biz/. Your working at mcdonalds or some shit dead end job and spread lies online. KYS

>> No.50457017

Only kings have alloidal title: you have to literally defend your claim with arms against all comers.

>> No.50457062

>t. has never even seen an airplane
There's a reason everyone in rural counties is fat and dies from deaths of despair

>> No.50457662

btw rent is still ACCELERATING in price

>> No.50457676

I had over 200k. Not getting a mortgage. Full home or no deal
Also that home is 100k more expensive than it should be. What a fucking ripoff

>> No.50457679

lmao I put 5% down to lock in a sub 3% rate, and my PMI is already gone due to appreciation

>> No.50457831

So do I just call my lender and demand that they take off my pmi off since my house has appreciated?

>> No.50457949
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Lol! Nope. You are stuck with it, FOREVER!

You’re like the dumb fucks on reddit that want to stop paying their mortgage because the house value went down!!!!! AHHAHAHHAHHAHHAHA!!!!!