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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50447023 No.50447023 [Reply] [Original]

£85k/year (100k usd)
uk, fully remote (outside of london)
full stack developer, mostly work on boring crud stuff with react and nodejs

>> No.50448412

This is cryptocurrency board

>> No.50448450

full stack developer, first year

>> No.50448537

us, fully remote

teaching myself html/css/js

>> No.50448619

why post an ugly nigger
are you a nigger lover OP?

>> No.50448653

$5,280.00 a year(under the table)
Smartest programmer alive. You full stack, HTML,CSS,js nigs are why I can't find work.

>> No.50448667

EUR 82k
Fintech project designer ecommerce

>> No.50448724

This is juice wrld. Maybe you have been living under a rock but any racist worth his hate pursues hip hop like juice wrld Mario Judah. We are stealing back from the negro Never even looked at music board

>> No.50448753

>Spain, remote
Software engineer

>> No.50448838


just shut up you niggerlover, go play basketball somewhere else

>> No.50449046

How long to learn full stack or should i learn something a little more interesting? what do you think about aws devops? i was thinking about going into that but i am starting fresh and not sure what field to go into exactly but it's going to be coding related because the salaries are higher than stem in bongland.

>> No.50449231

yes, i love to listen to juice wrld, and i'm a white millennial. there is nothing you can do to influence this, go back to /pol/

>> No.50449279

i don't want to give advice, i lucked out and am working for americans who match compensation with whatever theyre paying in the US

>> No.50449426


google The Odin Project

>> No.50449463

aws devops is pretty ez or at least I find it that way. most companies are fucking retarded so you have a lot of low hanging fruit to tackle at any job.

>> No.50449484

You are a nigger for making that much for that

>> No.50449555

>outside london
>fully remote
>software test manager (p.s. stop writing shitty code pajeets :))

>> No.50449589

Yep if you worked for a british company, you'd probably be on 60-65k which is normal salary for domestic aws jobs from what i can see.
I'm aware of this but how long does it take? seems like a shitload of content to consume and learn.
How do i get started though? what can i as a NEET begin on to eventually become aws down the line?

>> No.50449624


I've been doing it for around 8 months now and just slowly but surely getting through out. I'd say one year of dedicated ~2-3 hrs a day would suffice to finish it.

>> No.50449639

make an aws account
launch an instance
look into training for the aws ccp

>> No.50449663

>make an aws account
>launch an instance
i've done this before but it's not really relevant to the job requirements because any retard can click and launch an aws server that is already preconfigured unless you mean something else.

>> No.50449692

12 months 2-3 hours a day 7 days a week. A lot of work as i expected and the brainfrying kind since it's all code and different to aws. What kind of job are you looking to get after you complete it and the salary?

>> No.50449694

well I thought you said you were a retard
ok then, stand up an eks cluster and run some cronjobs that pull from S3 without using keys
also do this only using terraform

>> No.50449700

Colorado, US
System Software Engineer

>> No.50449728

I mean obviously i don't know how to do this because i don't know terraform, nor do i know cronjobs etc. I'm assuming you learn all that in some cert.

>> No.50449738

fuck off. i'm really good at what i do, my work is boring but i don't write shitcode copied from stackoverflow and i deliver on time
especially frontent devs think they can do it after a three week bootcamp, but a dev that knows the intricacies of react, complex ui state management, typescript, nodejs, graphql, and on top of that has some design/ux and devops skills is worth their weight in gold these days. it is because of the popularity of this stack you can get employment literally anywhere with not much effort, and use it to leverage your salary upwards

>> No.50449776

I learned terraform on my own. You should dive into that and ansible. They're the most straight forward iac/config management tools and are agentless. you can learn them on your own time and spinning up and tearing down shit in aws is pennies, if any cost at all. If you don't and go straight for aws courses you're only going to learn about cloudformation which is fine, but not necessarily the end all be all for iac even just in aws. tl;dr, infrastructure as code is integral to devops.

>> No.50449782

FPGA Grad at some start up (£32k a year)
Options Trading on the side (£100k accumulated in the last 6 months)
Will prob quit in a years time and start a market making fund with the uni lads

>> No.50449826

>Options Trading on the side (£100k accumulated in the last 6 months)
where did you learn and how long did it take until you were profitable? i've been trying to learn trading for forex/crypto or anything but every course/video just seems scammy and someone trying to sell you something.

>> No.50449835

Europoors are actually poor lmao

>> No.50449862

Sure i understand that but it seems like jumping ahead when i should start learning the basics and for only the things the cert requires as i'm assuming the other things will be taught on different certs as you progress so there's no point trying to learn something on a higher level before you've learn the basics.

>> No.50449907

they're not necessarily part of the same path. AWS will teach you about the services and policies, but it's unlikely you'll learn how to actually consider code related practices when build infrastructure unless you go and do it. But depending on how fresh you are, starting with the ccp is probably a good base point.

>> No.50449917

>£85k/year (100k usd)
Not for long, sorry to say

>> No.50449926

Do you have any idea how useless you are? You are maybe some half added duct tape to patch the nig kids but at least they are doing something.

>> No.50449928
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>remote contractor for globohomo big pharma

>> No.50449998

>Paid myself 150k last year (turned over 2.5 million)
>Own a local construction firm. Contract all my work out. I'm a middle man basically. The only time I go into work is to fire people/shout at people, check on how a job is going, meet with clients or I may get my hands dirty if the weather is nice or I feel bored. I pay my contractors well so they work hard.

>> No.50450050
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>> No.50450096

Tbh wanted to work at Jane St as an FPGA Grad/Quant Researcher. My brain ain't what it used to be. I can't do mental maths anymore so can't be a trader.

I'd say I started reading into High Freq Trading around the end of 2nd yr of undergrad. Ended up getting distracted with a uni project and found myself working in Motorsport for a year. After my bachelor's in EE. During that year of Motorsport read up on ML and Quant maths. Then did a master's in computational statistics and ML. Did more reading. Was supposed to go work for some Quant firm but shit happens and I couldnt leave the UK anymore for Spain.

I'd say I've prob done on and off reading into Quant stuff for three years. How much is actually relevant to what I do? Prob around 50%. I don't deal with bonds but the maths is similar.

Yh those Forex videos are scams. I mainly read quant books. Check out pdfdrive.com for books. A one to start with is an introduction into quantitative finance by Paul Willmott. Covers all the basics and provides resources for advanced reading. When it comes to HFT there isn't much available books wise. However you'll find loads of university papers on it. Especially relating to FPGAs.

When it comes to my strat. I've found simple strats work the best. More 'complex' strats like iron condors cost too much in comission since you buying and selling more options.

UK brokers arent really suited to options trading. Most don't have a proper working risk management system. I remember I sold an iron condor on GLD. Closed my short options. Had a long call and put open. Margin usage hits 600% had to call up my broker and say yo what's going on. This is impossible. My broker is Saxo Markets btw. They charge $3 per option trade. $2 for the next level of client. $1.5 for their best clients. Options isn't too popular in the UK and EU. So lots of potential for profit. I wait 30 mins sometimes for

Part 1 of 2

>> No.50450247

I've seen this concept mentioned quite a lot recently by fellow bongs. I'm assuming you need knowledge of construction and everything about it before you can even think about doing such a thing and getting started in the beginning must be difficult by yourself. Did you advertise online or flyers alike? I recall someone mentioning the same concept but with kitchen fitting and hiring joiners and it seemed unrealistic at the time but maybe can work.

>> No.50450272

For a limit order that's placed at market to fill.

American market is the best. Lots of near expirations. Honestly if your starting I recommend selling cash secured puts and covered calls on the weekly.

I once read a control systems paper that said a well tuned PID controller will get with in 5% of an optimal controller. If you don't know what a PID controller is it's a basic control system.

Feel free to try more complex stuff like iron butterflies and fig leaves but not worth. At this level of capital. When youre trading 100s of mills then it of course matters.

I like options cos I'm not really in the market. I tend to sell weekly puts about 1 std Dev below the current market price. Work out STD Dev from past two weeks of price history.

Ockham's razor I feel is correct. Simple strat works. Look up gamma scalping I do it every once in a while seems to work.

Yh sorry for giving you my life story but thought it would better explain my experience.

Part 2

>> No.50450276
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95000 and my wife around 35000

>> No.50450358

Was profitable from the start. The most important skill is discipline. Stick to the rules. Don't chase something risky cos more money. Slow and steady does win the race.
Yh sure some weeks I'd make more money by simply buying and holding the stock. But I like the consistency.

Btw I've been in stock and crypto investing for about two years now. Made many losses there. Guess I've kinda learnt from my experiences.

>> No.50450361

300k usd (approximately)
financial analyst

>> No.50450372

250k/year salary - construction company owner

Did 550k last year if you count my flip houses.

>> No.50450479

I don't understand most of the concepts and terms you've used because i don't have any experience at all with options and don't even know basic TA. To me it seems like you're basically a quant level trader and were supposed to be a quant and had the skills for it for sure but didn't become one for whatever reason. And you've been studying 3 years so there's that aswell as you obviously being high IQ. Seems extremely difficult for me, don't think i have the intellect to learn this. Thanks anyway buddy!

>> No.50450557

Yea keep laughing until you get cancer or something

>> No.50450581


Like I mentioned, I've been taking it slow. I study maybe ~6 hours monday-friday. Ideally I'd get a junior web development role. If you're not into web dev ofc, this path won't really apply to you. Best of luck tho!

>> No.50450928

Yeah you need knowledge. I skipped uni and went straight into an apprenticeship as an electrician. Eventually worked my way up into a supervisory role at the company I was at and that's where the redpill hit, I saw just how much money my employers were making and figured I could do that too. Late 20's I decided to go self employed, paying my own tax and shit but I was still basically a wagie working long hours. However the upside of this is, you get to meet contacts. A few years of grinding I built a good reputation as a good sub-contractor and got offered bigger and bigger jobs. Snowball effect. I had so much work coming in I needed to get help and that's when i decided to just outsource the work I was getting to people I trusted. That let me focus on finding more work and more people I could trust to take the jobs for me. This also freed up enough time so I could get qualifications in project management, which opens me up to the wider construction market.

>> No.50450950

180k chf (around the same in USD). CTO in a mid sized Switzerland company. 2 day remote office/week. In charge of 16 IT techs guys in Europe (7 countries) 9 to 11h of work/day. Car+phone. Still too poor to buy a house here

>> No.50451107

Same as OP but I work in embedded. 85k seems like a lot for making CRUD frontends, how much experience have you got? I'm in my 4th year.

>> No.50451118

is it possible to work in switzerland as a goyman? Seriously considering also permanently moving there desu. I have zero chances of upward mobility here and the pay and people seem way better over there.

>> No.50451134

>$1500.00 a week
>Law student intern at a law firm

>> No.50451197

Am I reading correctly that you use a PID controller to decide whether to buy or sell and for how much?

>> No.50451410
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Entrepreneur/ trapper
Boca Raton, FL

>> No.50451435

Is that Spottemgottem?

That nigga has been on my mind. No cap, I been thinking about that time when I barebacked him raw in a Boca Raton Air BnB. That shit had to be the tightest, blackest, wettest boy pussy I've ever laid pipe into. I swear to God, the most heavenly high is gargling that wonderboy's nuts while going fist deep into his shitter. I had Spotemgottem screaming in the sheets with head too ridiculous to ignore. That nigga frotted my cock until he busted on my mouth, I had to return the favor. That nigga Spotemgottem and I been fucking non-stop ever since, but keep that shit on the DL. He does that shit for free. If you're gonna ask me how to "long" Spotemgottem, I'll be deadass. All you gotta do is ask, be straight up, and get physical real quick. Touch his nuts, get on ya knees, talk your shit. He doesn't play around with no pansy-ass niggas either. He likes his men manly, and his dick thick. Dark skin, 6'5 is the minimum and I ain't talking about height boy.

That nigga Spotemgottem stole my heart and drank my seed.

>> No.50451455

damn I miss that little nigga

>> No.50451466

285k (6 YOE)
USA, Texas (WFH)

>> No.50451484

10k Euro yearly
Fully remote Telus CS Agent(Getting a bachelor's in electrical engineering till autumn and quitting this pajeet shitjob)

>> No.50451601

That's what i thought. Kitchen fititing, electrician, construction, etc it's all the same in that you kinda have to be worknig those jobs for someone else until yo ubasically start your own business and become a middleman outsourcing work. Not really feasible unless you are in that particular field withj knowledge/experience gained through those years.

>> No.50451665

No sorry. My point was you don't need the most sophisticated algorithms to make money. Simple strats still work. Easier to understand and faster to calculate.

Was a bit of a control theory nerd at uni. I'm saying for a control system you could design a fancy ass linear quadratic regulator. Do all the maths etc. And only perform 5% better than a well tuned PID controller.

Same thing applies on trading. You could spend months developing some strat that works very well but will prob fail after a month. Or alternatively you can develop a simple strategy that can deal with differing market conditions.

I'll put it this way. There's a HFT firm called XTX markets. Go on their website. You see pictures of the normal equation for linear regression in their office. Then you realise XTX stands for X transpose X. The first half of that normal equation.

Quant maths to an extent is a meme. It's not really useful unless Ur chasing the last 5%. Which was small traders does not amount to much. However ofc if your trading billions like these firms 5% is a lot.

As stupid as it sounds A level maths is pretty much all you need (assuming you did a basic stats module). And some understanding of matrix algebra.

>> No.50451690

Apologies phone posting hence the random out of place words. Keyboard is a mess right now

>> No.50451914

>Youre salary

Has an 85k a year job and can't even speak English properly

>> No.50452136
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85k with about 300 hours of overtime annually
Definitely not remote, west coast.

I want to kms. The money is just barely good enough to not leave.

>> No.50452193

Depending where you come from and job you make. Big cities from the french part are full of niggers and shitskin. German part is a better idea. They look for it specialists, waiters, nurses, highly specialist engineers and doctors. Try to check on website like jobup.ch is a good start

>> No.50452252

I was wondering. I did AI at uni (begs the question why I haven't tried to make a neural HFT program, I guess just assumed everyone would be doing it if it worked) and was set to be very impressed that PID could do that haha.

>> No.50452561

thank you. any other sites or resources you can recommend?

>> No.50452884

>$84k per year