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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50436407 No.50436407 [Reply] [Original]

How did you start?

>> No.50436454

i don't fucking know man
i just followed some dumb instructions here on how to get metamask and buy shiba inu then i bought too much i ran out of eth that i couldn't sell so a year later i figure out how to get more eth and sell for a million dollars

>> No.50436500 [DELETED] 
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>to those who made it

I’m so tired. Lord please, I beg of you release me from your eternal damnation. I beseech you lord, forgive me.

>> No.50436542

you can always make it by keeping up with the alpha leaks on the hbar foundation, since you'll basically make 10x, 50x, and even 100x on your initial investment

>> No.50436584

Nigger you just buy and hold. Buy some Bitcoin and wait then keep buying some whenever you can.

>> No.50437412

why tf do you post this

>> No.50437811

Move to crypto twitter/discord and stop using /biz/ as your primary source of crypto information.

>> No.50437819

Nobody here made it.

>> No.50438604

buy low sell high rinse repeat

>> No.50438607
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I just swing memecoins. Literally everything is 20x before it sells, if you're late, you're late, fuck you, don't blame the memecoin if you got in late. Now if you're early you're more than likely to come out on top, provided you sell before they sell YOU.Rn im going full on QOM as it's literally the best memecoin out there, ryoshi approved and created it, so, yeah

>> No.50438619

I DCA'd into crypto positions and indexes that i've held for the last 8 years and rebalanced after i pay taxes every year. Same portfolio except i added crypto in 2018

>> No.50438767
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Sold all my BTC and ETH bags to buy Stepn sneakers and then I started doing some exercise, I can say it was bullish because I have a lot of money and now I'm bulked

>> No.50439077

I bought ICP.

>T. time traveller from December 2022. Also check em.

>> No.50440486

Dude, just buy and hold BTC and ETH. go for crypto payment projects as well, if you can. UTK, XPRESS, and TOKE they look fantastic.

>> No.50440547
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Stop crying, pajeet. I'm sure that you've invested your funds in shit and trash coins. Dyor on UTK, XPRESS and possibly TOKE. you'll glimpse the future anon

>> No.50440592
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Started with BTC shitting on everything else. Moved to ETH shitting on everything else and now matic is shitting on everything else with zkEVM. Safe to say I started winning and I'm still fucking winning.

>> No.50440622

I think we already missed the bus with BNB and ETH. Even though it's at a cheap right now

>> No.50440635

Hold on to your hats people. We are about to dump hard. This was just a little bear trap and y'all have fallen for it

>> No.50440667

oh yes this amazing wealth of information, on tweets and discord messages, that never go wrong

>> No.50440694

Your rekt is coming soon if you continue that way anon. It's passive income and fundamentals now or hfsp

>> No.50440703
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So many fishes in the river. Going for low caps i can stake like Cake and Geeq. Nothing will go wrong from here.

>> No.50440705

I just had a small seed of 10 million dollars from my mom, that led me to gain 230.4 billion dollars and the richest person in the world; that seed is only 0.00004% of final capital so you can't say I even had a seed.

You do have 10 million dollars from your mom right?

>> No.50440707

wtf checked

also pump TG S0E in ID??

>> No.50440968

Plebs will cry soon if they continue chasing pump without fundamentals. Not that I care.

>> No.50440989

And yet you're here anon. Bet you're secretly slurping geeq and waiting to laugh at naïve jeets.

>> No.50441026


>> No.50441099

While this is sarcastic, in my case its similar just not so over the top.
Got 180k stock portfolio at 21 (dad had invested 30k so I could pay college) and instead of spending it I went to a free college and kept investing in stocks and over time also crypto. I'm in early 7 figs at 28, which is great by normie standards but abysmal by crypto standards considering where I started. Getting that head start made me weak ngl.

>> No.50441122


>> No.50441370

A lot of good projects with solid fundamentals out there. If you chase vapor waves and get rekt, it's on you

>> No.50441410

Anon, you're so fucking wrong. I think the next major crypto will be centered on projects with utilities like payment projects.

>> No.50441430

i just started it, then i just did it until i made it. hope that helps.

>> No.50441470

Not before we dump hard perhaps. I pity y'all who think the bull run has begun

>> No.50441485
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I think some payment projects, especially those that call for the building of a metaverse bank, will be enormous because of their utility.

>> No.50441892
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I've not made it, I'm hoping to make it from all these heavy coins in my bag

>> No.50441919

Yeah, DOT is my largest bet, The interoperability they are offering might make it pump and give me the millions.

>> No.50441938

Since Subsquid has solved their cumbersome data indexing problems, the shit now looks good to devs.

>> No.50441985

Your bag is probably going to get torn and all those coins will drown

>> No.50442707
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hold is the golden bet, you can stake as well if you want your asset to grow fast like I've been doing with Ethereum, rose and Axl in it's fixed staking pool.

>> No.50443501

Can you explain this in further detail for the retards (like me)?

>> No.50445026

dont get baited retard

>> No.50445162
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I started with eth at $750, sold part of it at $2400, use part of the profit on Ada and Axl

I’ll eventually get some Bitcoin and I’m planning on using the next Axl staking reward to do that.

>> No.50445793
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I bought the local bottom of XMR every crash. Made 50% gains from the last one kek. The best part is that no one will know. I can buy anything I need anonymously.

>> No.50445857

>How did you start?
Losing money.
If you don't lose money, if you don't learn how to lose money you'll never learn how to make money.

>> No.50446058

>have a roof over my head
>have food every day
im a 29 y/o neet living with my parents, but i consider myself to have "made it."

>> No.50446258

and when they stop providing for you?