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50435486 No.50435486 [Reply] [Original]

So, when the price of oil collapses, that's when it's time to panic?

>> No.50435731


Anon i......we haven't even hit the October energy crisis.

>> No.50435850

Price of oil collapsed during the pandemic and recovered. During that time I told people now's the best time to buy into oil if you're going to buy. Gas prices remaining high is the biggest one, as it will create a domino effect on our economy, reaching as far out as to affect prices of food items on the shelf to the housing market that WILL collapse if that happens. They have a good plan so far to stifle it, but if gas prices don't fall back down, then we could very well be in trouble. It's too early to tell as of right now, but I'm doing my best to really gauge that aspect of the economy. If you're comfy, then it's a good time to start thinking about what moves you wanna make. The only surefire move right now that I can possibly think of is DCAing into the market as we watch it unfold and become clearer. Those gains look juicy, but those potential losses also look just as hearty as of right now. So in reality, keep a close eye on everything and think really long and hard on this one. Now is a really good time for anons to be real with each other and talk about these serious topics. WAGMI if we all do our part.

>> No.50435876

>vague shitty predictions
>dude just Dca
Abhorrent post

>> No.50435969

...vague? If you've kept up on anything related to economics, then I have no reason to spoonfeed you every last detail. To do so, I would be writing an entirely unnecessary essay for research that you should have been doing in the first place. DCAing is the best bet, sure, but remember crypto winter is STILL around the corner if you choose to hold and lock in more solid future gains instead of shorting a dead cat bounce. You are absolutely retarded if you have no idea what's going on or the economic repercussions if the fuel crisis isn't handled accordingly. I have an extremely fuel efficient hybrid so I'm not worried in that aspect, but majority of Americans are poor, and that's just a fact. People like you are the very reason that I don't spoonfeed anymore. What's the point when there's a troll around the corner to say some dumb small penis shit like that? I'm retired. I'm happy. I'm still living life to it's fullest despite these 'trying' times. You have nothing to prove other than that you are an absolute imbecile. A brainlet like you will never understand the economic nuances. Get fucked you absolute nigger.

>> No.50435984


>> No.50436001

By the time Oil is 30 dollars a barrel the recession will already be filling your ass with jewish cum cum.

However we are actually in the worst possible situation, since the brandon admin is anti-oil company and has attacked gas stations and producers for retarded things he himself has done. This is besides all his other issues. But basically think of it this way- oil prices have surged because production is down because producers are afraid of holding the bag in the event of a recession. This means when the recession hits and their profits take a raping, production will fall even more. This will constrain things causing prices to go up, on top of the liberals using it as a hammer to try and push for more EV shit. Will production ever recover to the golden years between 2016-2021? Probably not. That was a singularity, like America 1954-1959. It's just not coming back ever. Current prices will become the new normal in the future. But more importantly because so many producers will probably go under this will slow the ability to even get fuel so when the economy starts picking back up, the recovery will be long and drawn out. What should take only a while to recover like most recessions will turn into something like the 1990s in Japan. People won't be paid enough to afford gas, they won't buy gas, gas producers can set the prices to whatever they need to stay afloat etc. There's a small group of wfh tech aristocrats emerging but these jobs can just be outsourced to india so gen x executives can pad out profits to please boomer shareholders. Millennials and zoomers will just eat the bugs and no one will care until the olds and the middle ageds are all dead and by then you'll be too old to enjoy it. Your entire life is a lost decade, economic good years are anomalies in the middle of doldrums.

>business and finance
>doesn't understand business and finance

>> No.50436013

Trick question. Because the real answer here is no one fucking knows because nothing makes sense anymore

>> No.50436269
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The Saudis are currently pumping 11 million barrels. They can only pump 11m for 8 weeks. After 8 weeks production drops to 5 million and stays that way for months. They hit the 11m starting on July 1. That takes us to September when production is gonna be cut in half!

The United States spr is gonna be out in September and will need to be refilled.

EU needs to fill it reserves for winter

Fed pivot in Q4 that'll send commodities to the moon.

TLDR- A 10% reduction in world oil output has a 75% increase in price.

>> No.50436341

Yeah and when the recession comes the price will fall as demand falls like it always does, prices also skyrocketed as supply was constrained in the 2008 recession as well.
>it's different this time
It's not.

What's different is that the price shock after the recession officially ends will keep poorfags working at a mcdonalds they can walk to in order to make ends meet. Commuting will be a high wage thing, wfh will be a benefit. Oil production physically cannot reach where it was under Donald Trump because he was specifically moving government subsidies to keep fracking companies solvent. We are at the end of cheap energy, oil is being forced to 'peak' as government spending is deliberately moved away from keeping it cheap.

>> No.50436448

Priced in which currency tho?

In dollars the barrel of oil could go down. In euros it could go up as they will need to print euros to buy dollars to buy oil. Complicated subject isn't it?

>> No.50436456

Very well articulated. After gas tax comes back September, if the prices are still the same, then we're back to square one. Another option may be to offer mandatory lower APR's or tax rebates for EV's to further stifle this economic conundrum and shut down the possibility of a massive recession. Housing market will still be shit for a while with the rate hike, but that's ok, I'd like it to collapse a little bit to buy a nice house preferably on the shore to actually live in and not just be an asset like everyone likes to do now days, but I digress. There will still be higher prices in stores as Diesel is the main fuel used to transport goods. China and Russia are still both very shady right now as well with everything they're trying to pull in regards to world trade. So we wouldn't see a massive recession, but still harsh economic times. Another scenario is gas prices drop after said tax rebate/ lower APR's, we could see an economic boom!

Saudis talked about cutting USD in favor of Chinese Yuan a couple months ago. So did the Jews. Doing so leaves a very uncanny feeling in the pit of my stomach. Hopefully not, as I'm sure you can imagine how that will play out.

>> No.50436502

>Biden dumping strategic reserve to push down prices
>At current rates reserve is empty before labor day
Would the price not moon then?

>> No.50436570

Moon? No but bump yes. What I'm watching is Egypt. Anytime food prices go up the country goes ape. Imagine what would happen to oil prices if the suez canal was shut down for awhile.

>> No.50436715

Price shock *may* start to really show in October, but again it's hard saying as of right now and what other plans are in store to keep everything moving. Biggest problem that would have a very long lasting effect is trucks/ships that actually deliver trade goods. Farming tractors etc etc that are necessary for agriculture. The rabbit hole goes deep on this pillar. I had a wagie dump two large sodas into my brand new car which cost me $250 to have it detailed, to which he laughed and said "haha no I didn't, you did it" when I called him out on what he did, so at this point I could give a fuck about wagies. They can stay poor for all I fucking care. Want a better job? Go get one. There's plenty of opportunities out there for you to step up and be a better man rather than being a horrible piece of shit, but again, I digress. I'm rich and I try to stay humble as I try and figure out what my next major market moves are. I still feel like shit is just getting started, and honestly, I still wanna hold off until the true bottom comes and not this dead cat bounce bullshit. As tempting as it may be, I'm a realist and remember how long I've been in the game for. I know you have that same gut feeling I do about it. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. Our economy is in such a weird place right now and all I can do is just enjoy life as much as I can until shit gets figured out.

This has be baffled as well and I'm not too particular on it. Honestly, I think it's absolutely retarded and will severely hurt the economy.

>> No.50436784

kek, seethe harder

>> No.50437032

Seethe? lmao you haven't read any of my posts, have you? You absolute fucking retard.

>> No.50437036

>They can only pump 11m for 8 weeks
why though?
I can think of no limiting to 11m barrels but employees or technology to transport it. they did 11m for 8 weeks before, but they're not able to go longer than 8 weeks despite decide high profits?
unless there's more political shit i'm not aware of there, i don't know what physical limitation there would be

>> No.50438640

>small penis shit
This is the point I realized the other guy is correct and you are in fact a faggot