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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 317 KB, 439x421, corn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50424495 No.50424495 [Reply] [Original]

I am getting kind of sick of it. Working is a dogshit experience.

>> No.50424509


>> No.50424512

By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.

>> No.50424540

As someone whose been a NEET since dropping out of high-school, now in my mid 30s. I honestly dont even get scared or anything looking at that those kinds of jobs, in-fact I actually see them as kind of interesting in a meme-tier way, maybe im just that bored of being a NEET, but that stuff doesn't scare me like it used to if that makes any sense.

Id have to do later-afternoon/nightshifts though, no way I could get up early.

>> No.50424573

Shit up Jew worshipper lmao

>> No.50424622

I just think of it as a way to obtain liquid and an excuse to not just sit in a chair jacking off and smoking weed all day.
If youre working a low income job you should find one you like. Work at a restaurant you enjoy or a retail store that sells something you are passionate about. Just dont take it so serious. Your not like the retards that dont invest, this isnt your only i come source.

>> No.50424628

I guess employment is one of those things where if you don't have a decent job by 28, why even bother? Still, being a NEET cannot be good since you need to contribute to society somehow.

>> No.50424649

>you need to contribute to society somehow.
[citation needed]

>> No.50424694

If you are a NEET, you are probably getting welfare that is being provided to you by the hard-working taxpayer. Would you not feel greedy after a while? You cannot live your entire life from cradle to coffin doing no paid work.

>> No.50424737

the biggest companies get more welfare every year than anyone could get in 100 lifetimes, no need to feel greedy at all
also your nations money = your money, if you arent maximizng your taking then someone else will

>> No.50424804
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>You cannot live your entire life from cradle to coffin doing no paid work.
Try me

>> No.50424903

i'd literally rather just die than submit to this kind of shameless slavery
i'm not against working again but it has to be a position of mutual respect where i'm valuable
i don't get gibes but i wish i did
do you think raquesha feels guilty about claiming them? or that moshe blidberg feels bad about scamming the system?
it's all set to up try and beat down the middle (white) class
you should squeeze as much as you can out of the system and give as little back as possible - all the other leeches are doing that to you
your rulers hate you: the system hates you
why on earth would you be a willing servant of it?

>> No.50425544

Dude you must know that the dysgenic leeches on this site take pride in being a parasite on society

>> No.50426703

My salaried 9-5 is how I am creating my capital for investing.
I live with my parents and have almost no costs.
I hope to so many investments that I won't need to work my salaried day job anymore within 10-20 years.
I'll be about 50 years old at that time, I suppose.

>> No.50426758

>corn in now $1 each at my stores

When will the country finally crash with no survivors?

>> No.50426926

>he get orders
I just do my job. Then I get another job and I do that. Being micromanaged is hell, luckily I'm not.

>> No.50427221

I work with somewhat wealthy people, simple as.
The difference in communication and recognition is huge compared to my shitty college jobs.

>> No.50427327


>> No.50429190

thou shall eat ze bugs

>> No.50429717

heavy weed smoking

>> No.50429802
File: 153 KB, 1600x1114, Working_Horses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you constantly keep showing up to work and continue to obey orders?

I am hoping my investments will pay off in less than a decade and I can 'retire' forever from having to work for others.

>> No.50430052

It is. The previous recession lasted 3 years before a proper recovery kicked off. The Great Depression lasted a whole decade.

>> No.50430097

>by the hard-working taxpayer
Heh, dude, they just print money out of thin air.

>> No.50430147

As long as my boss isn't a complete asshole I don't mind taking orders.

>> No.50430230

Do bankers feel bad taking billions of tax payers money?

>> No.50430271

Because they are retarded, it took me 2 years to become wealthy by working for myself, all I had to do was read some whitepapers lul

>> No.50430272

based soma user

>> No.50430305

>Working is a dogshit experience.

>> No.50430339

>the biggest companies get more welfare every year than anyone could get in 100 lifetimes
[citation needed】

>> No.50430459

>Adam can’t wait to fucking quit his job once his shitcoins moon (don’t tell him they never will)

>> No.50430512

Jesus was christian not a jew

>> No.50430570
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>Jesus was christian not a jew

When was the last time YOU celebrated Passover meal???
Who celebrates Passover meal?
Jesus celebrated Passover meal.

When Jesus returns he 100% is NOT going to go to any Church, he will go to a temple and pray with the OTHER celebrators of Passover meal.

Whisper ... They are called JEWS

>> No.50431821

Honestly, it depends on several variables. I’ve worked at dogshit places that I could stay the entire day and I’m in my current role for almost 4 years now. My boss doesn’t micromanage, I get 5-10% raises every year, my bonus is up to 20% annually if I’m a good goy, and I get to work from home 2 days per week (corporate finance mon-fri). I spread financials for loan decisions so I keep to myself. I don’t have a woke propaganda faggot workplace culture yet and I make a comfortable 70k before taxes/deductions. Keep your head up

>> No.50431882
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Because I work for my uncle who owns a small business and is training me to start my own business. It feels... So good.

>> No.50431951


>> No.50431956
File: 199 KB, 1394x1635, 1624779578568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based retard. ever wonder why they call it JUDEAU/christian values? tell me, where did the bible take place? what about the old testament? guess who also believes in that?

>> No.50432042

>Still, being a NEET cannot be good since you need to contribute to society somehow.
Yeah he'd be far better off as an Instagram model, tiktok influencer, meth dealer, social media marketer, salesman, brand consultant, street prostitute, hired thug or yet another government employee checking obscure rules, mamybe he could work in a nail saloon gluing fake eyelashes to be people or in waterworld throwing fish to suicidal dolphins. Society can suck the shit right from my ass. Nerds owe society nothing except the means to destroy itself

>> No.50432060

Take your anti-Semitism and your anti-Catholicism and your Anti-Christianity and ram it up your ass and fuck off before someone forgets their religion and does it to you for real.

>> No.50432081

I am a skilled professional and I often envy wagies with menial jobs. It looks shit and you get paid next to nothing but you have no real responsibility, do about an hour of actual work in a day and if you fuck up and lose your job who cares? You'll find another that's about the same. It's almost comfy. I sometimes wonder if the stress, workload and responsibility of my job is really worth it, consider how much of what I gross goes to taxes, NI, insurance, professional fees, paying off student loan and so on. Yeah I have way more money than I need but i'm scared to spend it because if I lose my job I may not get another that pays as much.

>> No.50432082

I just keep going and daydream what's my life is going to look like when I make it

>> No.50432112

I'm a 23 year old autistic virgin but I unironically like my work and I think I'm decent at it too. I guess it's good enough wish I could get a gf though

>> No.50432115

>You cannot live your entire life from cradle to coffin doing no paid work.
Hmm, agree to disagree.

>> No.50432161
File: 70 KB, 656x680, 132031787_224792009022979_9013653474692983965_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally this.
Plus I'm in a public facing profession and I've come to hate them. Looking at ways out already. Wish I'd done CS/Computer shit instead

>> No.50432483
File: 165 KB, 556x544, 1619178104523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take your anti-Semitism and your anti-Catholicism and your Anti-Christianity and ram it up your ass and fuck off before someone forgets their religion and does it to you for real.

>> No.50432541

Invest in GameStop and retire in a few weeks

>> No.50432575

Jesus was a jew and christianity makes you a slave

>> No.50433087

"Jews" today are not of the same genetic makeup of Jesus and Jews of that day.

>> No.50433238
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>How do you constantly keep showing up to work and continue to obey orders?

i have a wfh job, and i'm good enough to not be micromanaged. i do like 3 hours of work a day average. friday i did nothing at all.

back when i was retail wagie, it was qt co-workers. some of my biggest loads were dropped to secretly filmed co-worker ass.

>> No.50433448
File: 27 KB, 276x955, 1556113517085_1564023349866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walmart has some QTs

>> No.50433493

I walked off the job site yesterday. Walked 50 miles home. Tried to kill myself with my belt a few times along the way. My bank account is negative.

>> No.50433496

just stay neet. a job can be interesting some month but after that is just a day prison.

>> No.50433508

really? or is this a bait post? what happened man

>> No.50433524

im 30 and never had a job

>> No.50433613

try to get a superorgasm

>> No.50433625

I think I am developing schizophrenia and it is tearing me apart

>> No.50433680

What is it? How do you know if you have it?

>> No.50433719

Because I look at it as a team effort. If one person in my office fucks up, there's a potential that we're all semi fucked. Plus everyone is super grateful every time I help them. If my work didn't feel appreciated, I would fuck right off.

>> No.50433746

It took me a very long time to figure out that the negative sounds I constantly hear even when I'm alone that make me certain that everybody hates me might just be in my head and not real at all, amongst many other less obvious symptoms.

>> No.50433828

>electricians have no real responsibility

>> No.50433833

I'm not a wagie anymore, but I made sure to do absolutely as little as possible every single day. I would almost never complete any task they gave me on time. I would constantly get told I had to work faster. One time I spent an entire 8 hours shift sweeping and mopping the floor of a 3500 sqft warehouse and no one even noticed. If no one was around, I would spend time watching youtube on my phone.

I also made sure to take a pen with me every single day when I left and I would throw them in the trash. The office went through boxes of pens. I always took my own fountain pen with me, so I just told them I don't use their pens. I wasn't lying.

I would show up to mandatory meetings and training things to clock in and just leave and then show up at the end to clock out and no one ever noticed for the entire year.

>> No.50433857

Nevermind I'm drunk, retarded, and misread wagies with tradies. I agree with you anon

>> No.50433983

I don't have a decent job and I'm 29, should I give up looking for a job as a male porn actor for gay porn?

>> No.50434120

back in your cagie wagie

>> No.50434406
File: 786 KB, 1379x2000, Ushiharu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back in your cagie wagie

But.. but, I don't want to go back into the cage!
Why have my crypto-coins abandoned me?!
You were suppose to me savior!
I am poorer now then when I first learned of you!

>> No.50434713

Its easy. I get paid well enough to make it worth it and I get left alone because I'm good enough at my job no one really need to tell me what to do.

>> No.50435169

Its dependent on personality. I'm introverted and self conscious so I'm unable to relax unless I'm alone and can't stand being in an office with others. Plenty of normalfags and women feel anxious any time they are not alone and get 'lonely' if they are not receiving attention by being good workers.

>> No.50435223

Well, they keep giving out the money from the tax payers so why wouldn't one want to take it?

>> No.50435303

Just finished 2nd week at new job, I want out.

>> No.50435747

im 36 and made a career shift after 16 years as a mechanic. now working shitty office job and making decent pay but nothing crazy (50k/yr) to sit on computer all day. it's fucking boring. being on computer at work is not the same as sitting at home, i thought it would be for some reason. I fucking hate this semi formal office white collar bullshit. I dont want to turn wrenches again but I definitely realize that i need a stupid simple job that is somewhat active but not exhausting. considering delivering for amazon or working in a warehouse that is unionized.

>> No.50435759

Is that 50k pre or post tax?

>> No.50435776

nigger that term didnt even exist until the 20th century

>> No.50435788

pre. that was the starting salary, ive had a few raises since but forget actual salary but not much higher around 58 or so

>> No.50435821

So it's actually 48k take-home? Not bad, especially for a white collar job but are you in HR or something?

>> No.50435878
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I'm glad you kids are figuring this out early.

>> No.50436064

i do assitant payroll type shit and it's boring. i usually get the work done by noon and have nothing to do rest of day and they dont have anything for me but cant leave because...i dont know why really. if they let me leave when my work was finished it wouldnt be a bad job.

>> No.50436086

I used to fap to the nerd girl so hard

>> No.50436824

You need D3, hydration and magnesium

>> No.50436844

>How do you constantly keep showing up to work

paid a pillmill website to diagnose me with ADHD so I can take pills that numb the pain and make work a breeze

>> No.50437126
File: 1.65 MB, 1011x1426, 1658155784657042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I'm 30 working tier 1 help desk. I have no formal education and working towards a few certifications to try and land a position in Network admin or cyber security. Should I give college one last try, or could I work my way up in IT grabbing some certs while continuing my tier 1 work?

My boss is a massive faggot, and I'm extremely sad I didn't make it in crypto. Nothing would make me happier in this world than telling him to suck a fat cock.

>> No.50437198

I do wfh help desk for a software company. For the most part our clients are nice, but the occasional shit head who waited until the last minute and decides to make it your problem is the worst. I almost want to quit, and just be broke for a while since I'll have my bachelors soon.

>> No.50437257

Adam is gonna fuck that corn up

>> No.50437344

I guess she's a qt if you're an average looking mestizo male.

>> No.50437363

He means like Walmart workers who can get fired and find a job at another Walmart down the street

>> No.50437371

You’re right, modern Jews are more diluted.

>> No.50437387

4 for $1 is a hell of a price though, wtf

>> No.50437389

After leaving the military and doing a few deployments I find it hilarious when a manager tries to "order" me.
I usually laugh at them when they say something like that and tell them to find someone else or talk with some respect because I don't need the job and they always say sorry then ask me nicely to do the job.

Of course I'm always the first one to be laid off but it doesn't matter to me. I made enough of the few deployments I did to get passive income to pay my bills

>> No.50437407

Holy fuck this guy knows the cure to schizophrenia???

>> No.50437426
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I put in less and less effort but they don't fire me

>> No.50437433

>it's only 4 for $1
why did they word it like this?

>> No.50437448

Really quick - These are bots right? I think the same things been going on in pol trying to de-rail threads, making them unreadable. I guess I might be de-railing this thread by replying, but I just want to know.

>> No.50437451

they're retarded. also checked

>> No.50437528

I don't, I work from home and the managers aren't nearly smart enough to tell engineers how to do their jobs. so we do them how and when we see fit.

>people need to contribute instead of leeching or bad things happen
>hurrr, source???
you're worse than redditors. fuck you

>> No.50437568

I wish I could find meaningful work.
I don't want to make car parts or dog food.

>> No.50437656


>> No.50439746

Yeah there bots, what do you think jannies actually do thier jobs?

>> No.50439794

Any other wagie life tips Anon. A lot of hospitality Wagies at bars have got a real attitude on em recently . They were always awful but now they don’t even talk. Wagies are literally grunting it’s fucking pathetic.

>> No.50440461
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>NA education

>> No.50440501

>still being a wagie
Git gud scrub

>> No.50440503

I always put myself in a position where I didn't need to be told what to do but that was back when I worked. Working for someone else is for fags.

>> No.50440552
File: 41 KB, 600x533, 4253536586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't be the only one who wants to jump off a building with these pics. How long are we suppose to pretend this is okay? Or am i just fucking mentally ill? Am i the problem?

>> No.50440720

You dont get to work from home? lmao my job as long as I hit my target I just chill out, rarely do though so only occasionally do I get to finish an hour or so early and play vidya

>> No.50440724

how the fuck do i get a well-paying wfm job

>> No.50440880

>be a good goy, like jewsus told you!

>> No.50440909

>Working is a dogshit experience.
Imagine how your parents feel, they worked to feed a worthless cunt like you.

>> No.50440976

working in a retail shop on its own wouldn't be so bad, even if you were "just" an employee. it's everything else that's horrible. the incessant micromanagement by team leaders, department managers, assistant store managers, store managers, district managers, corporate, etc., and the fact that you're an employee of a jewish corporation overseen by a multi-billionaire family. the ridiculous wagie uniform. the undoubtedly poverty tier wages. being forced by management to pose with some corn for the entire internet to see, in some sick and twisted wagie humiliation ritual. the repulsive glow of fluorescent lighting. the implicit knowledge that the job is, barring the 1 in a 1,000,000 change that you win the wagie lottery and become a store manager, thoroughly dead end.

>> No.50441146
File: 67 KB, 732x720, 983479284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved your reply in a fucking text document.

>> No.50441210

working in the fields, fresh air everyday, fresh milk and eggs, get to excersise.

Yummm, did I say milk and eggs?

>> No.50442047

>not waking up at 2am
it's peak comfy bro. waking up early is a meme that is easily conquered when time loses all meaning

>> No.50442243

Taxes pay the national debt. That's it that's all.
They print more money to pay for everything plus interest

Literally makes no difference if you're a wagie or a Neet; Gov sector or private

>> No.50442489
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>> No.50443116

Fuck off wagie, less talking more working. My NEETbux aren't paying for itself. I am not waging a day in my life.

>> No.50444592

Why would you waste your time working when you could be trading or staking something like MAXX on MAXX . Finance for 80% APY. When I was working I actually lost money due to a couple of limited time airdrops I missed out on.